This document brings together a collection of social and community well-being indicators that are intended as a resource for community development organizations in designing and developing evaluation within their programs…
This document is a collection of five case studies – including Tamarack’s Vibrant Communities — of organizations and programs that are doing evaluation. These case studies are not necessarily best…
The first installment of the Insiders’ Guides To Community Renewal, The Root of the Matter supplies a brief historical context to the separation of economic decision-making from social relations and environmental…
Why is it that some communities are going bust, while others are booming? This is a look the economic “treatments” commonly prescribed to distressed communities: corporate recruitment, government intervention, self-employment,…
The purpose of this Guide is to help Aboriginal communities to decide if they can gain lasting benefits from mining. It also explains how to negotiate with mining companies in…
The Centre for Popular Economics supports and stands with the Occupy movement. They have produced this resource for activists who are fighting for an economy for the 99% – one…
This document presents a “how to” approach to evaluating place-based initiatives. It discusses ten questions that an evaluation of place-based initiatives needs to address, although they could also be useful…
All charities registered under the Income Tax Act are required by law to devote their resources to exclusively charitable purposes and activities. Although a charity can use some of its…
For a detailed list of return on investment (ROI), social return on investment (SROI), cost-benefit calculations and evaluation resources for CED efforts, social enterprises and related initiatives, see the SROI…
This guide builds on the concepts outlined in A Developmental Evaluation Primer by articulating some of the key practices associated with this work. These practices were identified and developed through…
The intent of this document is to introduce the concept of developmental evaluation to potential users and to provide some tools to support its use. The work to explore developmental…
This course explores the benefits and challenges of consensus-based decision making. Based on the concepts explored in Leading Meetings, this course will provide specific contexts and ways to use the…