This report presents findings pertinent to EU Cohesion Policy, especially Structural Funds spending, arising from a systematic review of evaluations of economic area based initiatives (ABIs). The review covered evidence…
How the Thorncliffe Park Women’s Committee revitalized their park and created an engine of grassroots economic activity Toronto’s neighbourhood of Thorncliffe Park, built in the 1960s, was designed for 12,000…
In the context of uneven growth and imbalanced recovery from the downturn across the UK, the report explores a new economic strategy for Wales. It draws on best practice and…
Healthcare’s role in creating healthy communities through increasing access to quality care, research, and grantmaking is being complemented by a higher impact approach; hospitals and integrated health systems are increasingly…
InclusIve contractIng refers to the process of creating the environment for businesses owned by people of color and/or women to participate in a governmental procurement and contracting process. Inclusive business…
A think piece, such as this one on governance in co-operatives, is designed to be thoughtprovoking and invite debates and discussions, agreements and disagreements, new ideas and reassurances. Our intent…
Enterprise believes that opportunity begins when people have a safe, stable and affordable place to call home. It grows with access to jobs and transit, education, and quality health care….
There has been a lot of talk about social enterprise (SE) over the last few years, with many ideas about what it is and what it means for the future…
The 2015 Social Enterprise Survey for Ontario sought to provide a snapshot-in-time profile of this Ontario’s social enterprise sector, in order to increase awareness and inform actions to support its…
The purpose of this survey is to provide a snapshot-in-time profile of Ontario’s social enterprise sector, in order to increase awareness and inform actions to support its development. This survey builds on…
Cities in North America have an important role to play in building prosperity and well-being while promoting lifestyles compatible with the limits of natural systems. The consumption of materials and energy in high-income cities…
Local governments are faced with a tsunami of Sharing Economy activities. This roadmap helps local governments across North America strategically engage to foster more sustainable cities. It’s also useful to…