Shared Space: The Communities Agenda seeks to capture the essence of the profound changes taking place in communities across the country and around the world. Community interventions to promote economic…
THIS BOOK CONTRIBUTES to the growing literature on the social economy from the particular perspectives of Atlantic Canadians who have been part of the Social Economy and Sustainability Research Network….
All charities registered under the Income Tax Act are required by law to devote their resources to exclusively charitable purposes and activities. Although a charity can use some of its…
The Charities Directorate of the Canada Revenue Agency issued new guidance on July 26, 2012 for organizations that have or are seeking charitable registration under the Income Tax Act in…
This Guide is a very concrete tool to help public authorities to buy goods and services in a socially responsible way in line with European Union rules. It also highlights…
This resource guide is designed to assist local governments promote food security and support food systems in BC. It showcases a sample of the wide range of innovative projects being…
This workbook was developed as part of a series of research projects on food security. As well as using research and experiences drawn from the Nova Scotia Food Security Projects,…
A set of workbooks to guide Community Development from the Assest-Based Community Development Network at Northwestern University in Illinois.
This report includes 12 modules on Board Development: Module 1- Community Economic Development and the Role of Planning-The goal of this module is to provide a thorough understanding of Community…
The explosive and dramatic growth of poverty in Winnipeg, and strategies for combating poverty, are the subject of this collection. Some of the chapters discuss the severity and the consequences…
There is no question that co-operatives lead by example. Not only do they provide a way to successfully meet the economic and social needs of Canadians, but they are also…
This guide, developed by the Government of Canada’s Co-operatives Secretariat, includes information describing what co-operatives are, the various kinds of co-operatives, differences between co-ops and other types of businesses, co-operative…