This report summarizes research undertaken by the Carsey School of Public Policy to evaluate impacts of the Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFI) Fund on CDFIs and of the CDFI industry…
Abstract This introductory essay provides general background information on the institutional differences between regulated Community Development Finance Institutions (CDFIs) and mainstream financial institutions. It sets the context for understanding the objections and…
This book is a response to the explosive interest in and availability of data, especially for improving America’s communities. It is designed to be useful to practitioners, policymakers, funders, and the data…
A Report on a Commons Strategies Group Workshop Berlin, Germany August 27-28, 2014 For people who participate in commons, peer production, or co-operatives, the emerging economy presents a frustrating paradox…
This article discusses how The California Endowment has used a midcourse strategic review to refine Building Healthy Communities, aiming to provide insight for other place-based initiatives and to add to…
There is a growing concern that the robust notions of community can sometimes be left out of collective impact discussions and implementation efforts; indeed, the very nature of community seems…
The Community Futures Program (CFP) supports rural economic development across Canada through four key activities: working with local partners to advance strategic community planning and socio-economic development; providing business services to small and…
ACOA’s Community-Based Business Development (CBBD) sub-program focuses on activities to improve access to capital and other supports needed to strengthen small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in rural communities across Atlantic…
Executive Summary ACOA’s Community Mobilization (CM) and Community Investment (CI) sub-programs are part of the Agency’s Community Development (CD) program. Through its CD program, ACOA works with communities and entrepreneurs to stimulate…
Established as a national program in 1985, the Community Futures Program (CFP) has been administered in southern Ontario by the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev Ontario) since 2009. The…
Community organizing brings victories to working people who provide for their families and builds movements that unite people around a shared vision of social justice. To these achievements this report adds…
Do investments in poor neighborhoods really make a difference? In a new study by LISC, the answer is yes. The report shows that in neighborhoods where LISC invested heavily, jobs…