This manual supplies a thorough method for assessing social enterprise – what it might offer your community or organization, your readiness for it, and steps for launching and maintaining a…
This report draws together information from all of the research projects conducted as part of the Manitoba Research Alliance on Community Economic Development in the New Economy. It includes sections…
The book begins with the author’s reflection on several of his experiences in community organizing practice over the past 30 years as an introduction to his basic themes. The second…
A clear, hands-on introductory guide to Community Economic Development (CED) for use by economic developers, community organizations, First Nations and others. Grounded in a philosophy of sustainable communities, the CED…
This report, based on a keynote address for a workshop on ‘CD/CED in Winnipeg: Maintaining the Momentum’, summarizes eight reasons for the success of CED initiatives in Winnipeg, followed by…
This report draws together information from all of the research projects conducted as part of the Manitoba Research Alliance on Community Economic Development in the New Economy. The report contains…
This report addresses the lack of theory surrounding CED. One of the difficulties in theorizing about CED is the eclectic nature of its definition. To some, CED covers any economic…