BALLE’s new field guide, The Future of Health is Local, gives health care providers actionable tools and examples on how to align the non-clinical assets of their organizations – such as…
Mainstreets can be a powerful catalyst to create resilient and thriving communities Co*lab made this toolkit after piloting a process called Mainstreets. Their approach and methods project is an accumulation…
In 2011-2012, the Los Angeles Food Policy Council developed the Good Food Purchasing Program (GFPP), an innovative local food procurement policy aimed at building markets for good food to create…
On August 3, 2015 President Obama and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced the Clean Power Plan (CPP) to reduce power plant carbon emissions 32% by 2030 (from 2005 levels)….
This report presents findings pertinent to EU Cohesion Policy, especially Structural Funds spending, arising from a systematic review of evaluations of economic area based initiatives (ABIs). The review covered evidence…
As cities wrestle with the growing challenge of wealth inequality, more and more leaders are looking to broad-based ownership models as tools to create jobs and build community wealth. These…
In cities across the nation, a few enjoy rising affluence while many struggle to get by. This situation is created in part by the practices of traditional economic development. Current…
Local governments are faced with a tsunami of Sharing Economy activities. This roadmap helps local governments across North America strategically engage to foster more sustainable cities. It’s also useful to…
In the UK, a number of places have not responded effectively to economic decline or have not taken advantage of the opportunity to grow and develop in a sustainable way. These places have often…
Cities need partners. At a time when local governments are confronting challenges on multiple fronts ranging from rising inequality to fast-moving global economic tides and reduced state and federal support,…
Cities in North America have an important role to play in building prosperity and well-being while promoting lifestyles compatible with the limits of natural systems. The consumption of materials and energy in high-income cities…
How Innovative, Self-Financing “Pollinator” Enterprises Can Grow Jobs and Prosperity Reinventing economic development as if small business mattered In cities and towns across the nation, economic development is at a…