One of the loudest and most frequent demands of Indigenous people in the relationship with settlers is for the return of the land. There are mountains of evidence that describe…
With growing awareness about the role of social and solidarity economy in facilitating inclusive and sustainable development, comes an increasing number of governments, both at national and subnational levels, adopting…
Peter A. Victor, author of Managing without Growth. Slower by Design, not Disaster, is a Professor Emeritus at York University. He received his Ph.D. in economics from UBC in 1971…
Winnipeg’s social enterprise community has spawned an exciting new book called The Beautiful Bailout: How Social Innovation Will Solve Government’s Priciest Problems. The book is penned by Shaun Loney, an…
The National Impact Investment Practitioners Table (NIIPT) is a pan-Canadian, mission-driven, multilingual, mutually supportive and practitioner-led community of practice. The NIIPT currently represents 7 provinces and 20 social finance funds…
On August 21, 2018, the Government of Canada released “Opportunity for All – Canada’s First Poverty Reduction Strategy.” In his letter of transmission to the Prime Minister, the Minister of…
In light of the growing urgency for, and national commitment to a de‐carbonised economy combined with the need for local economic drivers and community resiliency, community energy offers a win‐win‐win…
In January of 2019, the Canadian Community Economic Development Network (CCEDNet), and partners commissioned a small project focusing on the emergent Federal Social Finance Fund. This initiative was part of…
Canada’s governments are investing billions of dollars in large infrastructure projects. If done well, this investment can generate significant social, economic and environmental value as well as empower communities to…
The Institute of Fiscal Studies and Democracy (IFSD) is a Canadian think-tank sitting at the nexus of public finance and state institutions. Fiscal ecosystems include governments, legislatures, the public administration…
This research explores how Ontario municipalities can use community benefits to maximize social and economic outcomes through better infrastructure planning and investment, in order to deliver better outcomes for people…
The City of Vancouver prepares annual reports on development contributions – containing important details of what contributions were made and how they were allocated, enabling the public as well as…