A New Economy is feature documentary about people making a fresh start towards building a new economy. Watch as several organizations move towards a more cooperative future by experimenting with…
When developing a social enterprise, it’s easy to get your value proposition mixed up with your social goals. Your value proposition describes what your product or service offers your customer…
While Malaysia has achieved much in reducing hard core poverty by lifting the quality of life for a majority of Malaysians, we are now faced with the reality of increasing…
Social enterprises fill an important gap in Manitoba’s economy for those struggling to enter the workforce. The provincial government has seen the value of investing in social enterprises through funding…
We have chosen only eight of the many possible examples of effective pursuit of community revitalization through the CED strategy that our Network represents and promotes. These are offered here…
A road map to successful policies and programs that are creating access to solar technology and jobs nationwide. The Low-Income Solar Policy Guide was developed by nonprofits GRID Alternatives, Vote…
Community-owned renewable energy facilities create local jobs and revenue with less environmental impacts than conventional energy options. The majority of Alberta’s electricity comes from large coal plants that harm both…
We can and must support communities to adapt to and be resilient in the face of climate change. We will only succeed when all of us are able to participate. That…
As the changing labour market forces more people into precarious employment and low-income work, the Metcalf Foundation is committed to supporting the individuals, organizations, and ideas that can strengthen our…
The New Deal for Communities (NDC) Programme is one of the most important neighbourhood renewal initiatives in England. The NDC Programme was launched in 1998 with the aim of reducing…
In its role as Scotland’s independent regeneration network, SURF is developing a ‘manifesto for community regeneration’. The final version will be presented to the main political parties for debate in…
In September 2015, the world’s governments approved the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a 15-year plan of action for ‘people, planet and prosperity’ (Preamble,…