The primary objective of the 2012 Social Enterprise Survey for Ontario is to develop a profile of the size, scope, and socioeconomic impact of nonprofit social enterprise in the province…
20 Questions Directors of Not-for-Profit Organizations Should Ask About Social Enterprise helps you, as a director of an NFP considering or already conducting activities through a social enterprise, address common…
The Working Centre in the downtown core of Kitchener, Ontario, is a widely recognized and successful model for community development. Begun from scratch in 1982, it is now a vast…
Workshop Summary The ‘New pathways to health and well-being through social enterprise’ workshop held in February 2015 was co-hosted by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research – Institute of Population…
This report reviews the economic inclusion achievements and challenges of the East Baltimore Revitalization Initiative, a major community development project. It examines the use of local residents in construction jobs…
REDF commissioned a first-of-its-kind jobs study to evaluate the impact of social enterprise for people facing barriers to work and its benefits for society. Social enterprises (SEs) are mission-driven businesses…
Focusing on the development of a sustainable future for rural and northern regions, this eBook touches on the themes of governance, community, economic, and social development, as well as development…
Collective enterprises in the social and solidarity economy are economic actors, engaged in market activity while committed to and meeting larger societal objectives. They are now part of an ensemble…
The trouble with economic recovery is that someone else always has to do it – the bankers, investors, industrialists or mandarins. What about the rest of us – and what…
The Global Vision for a Social Solidarity Economy: Convergences and Differences in Concepts, Definitions and Frameworks paper released by RIPESS is part of a process of debate and consultation that…
What distinguishes the Quebec experience is that an institution like the Fiducie du Chantier de l’économie sociale doesn’t just supply capital to enterprises that pursue a triple bottom line. The…
The Trentino co-operative model has gained wide acclaim for its positive economic and social impact upon the territory. Developing a strong understanding of why the model has been so effective…