This information sheet is part of the Tailor-Made series, which aims to share evidence about the difference the community sector makes to our lives. Specifically, this information sheet looks at the role…
Across the world, attitudes are changing. Old certainties about tightly defined roles for government, civil society and business are dissolving. Charities and non-profits are becoming more business-like, and business is looking…
Creating more and better quality jobs is key to boosting growth, reducing poverty and increasing social cohesion. At the national level, job creation requires a stable macroeconomic framework coupled with…
This case study focuses on and analyses the formation of four co-operatives in the Evangeline region, a small Acadian community in the southwest part of Prince Edward Island. Defined by…
The theme of the “Financial Analysis of a Social Enterprise” workbook presents an analytical process specific to social enterprises (non-profits and co-ops) and is intended for financiers, analysts, coaches, consultants…
The theme of the “Social Enterprises’ Analytical Model” workshop introduces an analytical process specific to social enterprises (npn-profits and co-ops) and is intended for financiers, analysts, coaches, consultants and fund…
An international survey of co-ops and mutuals at work in the health and social care sector Why this research? What is important about the engagement of cooperatives and mutuals in…
The state of social finance in Canada is rich and complex, but faces considerable challenges. This compilation includes case studies of social finance investment funds (“SFIF”) from across Canada, focusing…
It is common for people without work to experience not one, but multiple barriers to employment. Success Themes in Supportive Employment identifies practices that contribute to the success which certain…
At a time of scarce foundation and government dollars, crowdfunding is a potentially powerful tool that can be of use to many rural value chains. It is a tool appropriate…
This study examines the potential for a stronger and more significant worker co-operative sector in Saskatchewan and probes some of the development barriers that prevent it. These barriers to democratic,…
Excerpt from the Introduction: In Quebec, where the social economy has achieved a great deal of visibility in recent years, there are several reasons why this is interesting for researchers….