Description In Understanding the Social Economy, Jack Quarter, Laurie Mook, and Ann Armstrong integrate a wide array of organizations founded upon a social mission – social enterprises, nonprofits, co-operatives, credit…
At the close of the twentieth century, corporate capitalism extended its reach over the globe. While its defenders argue that globalization is the only way forward for modern, democratic societies,…
STRATEGIC PLANNING & STRATEGIC THINKING Strategic Planning is a systematic approach to developing long term plans to guide the organization over a period of time. The time period can be…
Green Meeting Guide 2009 Organised events that bring many people together can often be a valuable opportunity for awareness-raising, learning and creating a new culture of caring for natural, social…
Canada is home to a vibrant “local food movement” with initiatives in every province. Increasingly, Canadian consumers are buying and eating local food for many reasons – freshness, taste, health,…
Whereas the role of social enterprise in social service provision and work integration is rather well recognised, its role in local economic development, especially in restructuring local economies in disadvantaged…
This exercise will help you identify opportunities to plug the leaks Plugging the leaks is also called Import Substitution. Plugging the leaks focuses on reducing the number of imports brought…
The Alberta Community and Co-operative Association (ACCA) is pleased to present the CED Toolkit which was developed by ACCA for use by Alberta Community Economic Development Network Cooperative (AB CEDNet)…
The Canadian Community Economic Development Network, partnered with Pacific Community Resource Society, has worked with youth to develop local community action plans. The action plans address the human resource needs…
Counting Women In: A Toolkit for Rural Action on Poverty is the culmination of eight years of research and community development by the Rural Women Take Action on Poverty Committee….
The voluntary sector has an important – but currently underutilized – place in Canada’s response to health emergencies in particular. While some voluntary organizations have well established roles in emergency…
For two decades now I have worked with many community based organizations and multi-sectoral collaborations on a wide variety of issues. Recently I have found those organizations focusing more and…