Check out the Manitoba region newsletter for March 2024.

Get the newsletter in your inbox! Subscribe and click Manitoba CED Bulletins.

Rushana shared how CCEDNet has been there for Brandon Neighbourhood Renewal Corporation, using the power of convening to build relationships that have helped the organization grow.

Recommendations for the Provincial Budget 2024 shared with the Government of Manitoba on behalf of the Network’s members.

Katie and Laura shared how CCEDNet has been there for Fireweed Food Co-op, building connections and relationships that have helped the organization grow and flourish.

Check out the Manitoba region newsletter for January 2024.

Get the newsletter in your inbox! Subscribe and click Manitoba CED Bulletins.

Check out the Manitoba region newsletter for November 2023.

Get the newsletter in your inbox! Subscribe and click Manitoba CED Bulletins.

The Gathering was a significant day to anchor our local community and social economy to a larger movement for change.

Over 350 participants, presenters, and volunteers came together in Winnipeg to learn, laugh, and experience Community Economic Development in action.

PrairiesCan announced support for 4 projects in Manitoba’s social economy and social entrepreneurship community, including CCEDNet Manitoba.

An election has been called for October 3, 2023 in Manitoba and advance polls are open!

There is still a lot going on in the Network around the election – check outmore CED updates!

An election has been called for October 3, 2023 in Manitoba.

There is LOTS going on in the Network around the election – check out these CED updates!

CCEDNet Manitoba is looking for proposals for programming for the Gathering on October 20, 2023!

CCEDNet Manitoba recently relaunched the Financial Sustainability Series.

Facilitator Brendan Reimer shares 7 key factors in mobilizing resources for mission success.