A Silent Transformation2017 was a tough year. Growing precariousness, widening economic inequality and a political system that seems to abet these destructive trends may leave one feeling disillusioned and uncertain of the future. But another reality is taking shape all across Canada: in the face of these severe challenges, communities and individuals are co-operating to meet their needs collectively. As the conventional economic model fails vast sections of the population, economic democracy and the co-operative model emerge as critical. A Silent Transformation is a film about the hopeful and radical vision of co-operation.

When the filmmakers – Simon Brothers, Luke Mistruzzi, Anton Smolski and Mark Preston – started on this project three years ago, they were surprised to find no contemporary films about the role that co-ops play in the Canadian economy. As they soon discovered it is a rich and thriving landscape. A Silent Transformation focuses on co-operation in the Province of Ontario where farmers’ markets and coffee roasteries, movie theatres and credit unions are just a few examples of a myriad of innovative community self-help solutions. In places like London, Guelph, Toronto and Campbellford the seeds of economic democracy and global solidarity are sown.

A Silent Transformation is an autonomous and independent project made possible by crowdfunding and the support of institutional stakeholders like the Atkinson Foundation and Co-operatives and Mutuals Canada. AST covers many topics, from the history of co-operation to business conversion to the fight against gentrification. The film is modular in structure so it is easy to isolate sections for short screenings on these topics. Whether you are an educator, co-op practitioner or community organizer, A Silent Transformation can be used to spark a much needed conversation about establishing economic democracy and making 2018 the year of hope and transformation!

Book a community screening through A Silent Transformation website (www.asilenttransformation.ca) or by getting in touch with the filmmakers at .

To see if a screening crops up in your town ‘like’ A Silent Transformation on Facebook!

Featured co-ops and other organizations:

*The opinions expressed in blog posts are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the position of CCEDNet


ccednet-manitobaOn Wednesday, November 22, the City of Winnipeg unveiled its 2018 Budget. It passed a Council vote on Tuesday, December 12. See CCEDNet Manitoba’s pre-budget consultations submission here. Most of CCEDNet Manitoba’s policy priorities for the City of Winnipeg are administrative (such as a social procurement or living wage policy), so they don’t get clearly reflected in budget. However, crucial issues for communities related to our policy priorities are directly affected by this budget.


Safe and affordable housing is essential for participating in local communities and the economy. This is why CCEDNet Manitoba members such as the Right to Housing Coalition have been advocating for policy that supports the development of affordable housing. CCEDNet Manitoba is working with the Right to Housing Coalition to understand what the 2018 Budget will mean for social and affordable housing in Winnipeg.

Poverty Reduction

Poverty reduction remains one of CCEDNet Manitoba’s key policy areas. Our central recommendation in this year’s City of Winnipeg budget submission was a call for a comprehensive Winnipeg poverty reduction strategy.

Budget 2018 includes the following with respect to poverty reduction:

  • The City will propose new and ongoing investments to build complete neighbourhoods, strengthen community amenities, and review the governance structure at City Hall including:
  • $150,000 to continue the Community Homeless Assistance Program (CHAT);
  • Fourth year of a 5 year annual commitment of $150,000 towards the United Way’s Plan to End Homelessness;
  • $12,000 increase in transfer from Housing Reserve for Homelessness Partnering Strategy.

While we appreciate these actions, alone they cannot achieve reduction or elimination of poverty in Winnipeg. CCEDNet Manitoba will continue to advocate the City of Winnipeg co-develop a comprehensive poverty reduction strategy with community stakeholders.

Neighbourhood Renewal Corporations

CCEDNet Manitoba’s membership includes community-led organizations tackling complex community challenges such as unemployment, urban and rural decline, poverty, social exclusion and environmental degradation. Much of these organization’s programming requires granted money. The 2018 Budget commits $772,000 for social grants (given to community organizations to provide a service that the City of Winnipeg would otherwise need to provide in support of safe and healthy neighbourhoods). This represents a slight decrease from the $782,000 that was allocated to social grants in the 2017 Budget.

CCEDNet Manitoba will continue to advocate that the City of Winnipeg leverage the already created 5-year plans and expertise of the Neighbourhood Renewal Corporations (NRCs) within its jurisdiction. These community-based organizations work closely with communities to address their challenges, and inherently contribute to achieving the goals in OurWinnipeg. Funding and closely consulting with NRCs could strongly support the City of Winnipeg’s in accomplishing its OurWinnipeg goals.


Food security and food programming has emerged as an important issue over the last few years for several of CCEDNet Manitoba’s members, such as Food Matters Manitoba. While the City of Winnipeg has created a Winnipeg Food Council and appointed ten members to it on June 21, 2017, there is no specific mention in the 2018 Budget of a financial commitment to the council. CCEDNet Manitoba’s policy resolution focused on food councils asks the City of Winnipeg to commit $175,000 annually to operate the Winnipeg Food Council.


Manitoba GovernmentThe Province of Manitoba is beginning its process to develop a new poverty reduction strategy in order to comply with existing legislation, The Poverty Reduction Strategy Act, which requires a review and update of the plan every five years. While they will fail to meet a legislated mandate to release a plan in 2017, a new plan will be presented next year. The Minister of Families as well as the Minister of Education & Training noted that the new strategy would feature revised indicators to measure progress on poverty reduction.

Consultations with stakeholders will begin in December, with an online survey for the general public that will be released in early 2018.

Poverty reduction remains one of CCEDNet Manitoba’s key policy areas. At our 2017 Policy Summit, which occurred on 22 November 2017, we amended our resolution on Poverty Reduction to urge the Province of Manitoba to create and implement a new strategy immediately (see our provincial policy ask below). We have supported Make Poverty History Manitoba’s campaign and continue to advocate for a poverty reduction plan that is comprehensive, created in collaboration with community members, and includes timelines and targets for reducing poverty.

CCEDNet Manitoba will be sending in a submission to the province as well as participating the consultation process.

The process will focus on the following five areas with respect to poverty reduction: everyday living, employment, education and training, health and wellbeing, and sense of belonging. We suggest you consider participating in the Province’s process as well, by sending in position papers, letters and other written submissions.

You are able to do so in the following ways:

If you’d like more information on what to include, you can visit http://www.gov.mb.ca/allaboard/
or call (204) 945-3469.

2016 – 2 Poverty Reduction Plan and Legislation Amended Policy Ask:

Be It Resolved That: CCEDNet Manitoba urge the Province of Manitoba to respect existing legislation by revising and implementing a new poverty reduction strategy immediately, and make it more comprehensive and effective by implementing the recommendations in the renewed The View from Here and by identifying outcome based targets and timelines for measuring results.


Third Session of the 41st Manitoba LegislatureOn Tuesday, November 21, 2017, the Government of Manitoba presented the Speech from the Throne for the Third Session of the 41st Manitoba Legislature. This speech sets the stage for what Manitobans can expect the government to focus on during its next legislative session. While Throne Speeches do not necessarily mean concrete action, or define what specific activities the government will undertake, they at least indicate what policy priorities are on the government’s radar.

This year, there are multiple CCEDNet Manitoba member priorities mentioned in the speech.

Early Learning & Child Care

early child learningOur members have long acknowledged and advocated the importance of accessible child care for the healthy development of local communities and economies. The throne speech made a commitment to “launching a new Early Learning and Childcare Strategy with initiatives to create new childcare spaces, reduce wait times, and foster better outcomes for families with young children.” Part of this was outlined in the speech, including:

  • New incentives for private investment in childcare;
  • Legislation to reduce red tape for Early Childhood Educators;
  • An Early Years education strategy focused on achieving better education outcomes by supporting enhanced Early Childcare Educator training and securing greater alignment with a ‘cradles to careers approach.

CCEDNet Manitoba continues to call upon the government to develop not-for-profit early learning and child care spaces, and to set target and timelines for addressing the childcare backlog facing our communities.


right to housingSafe and affordable housing is essential for participating in local communities and the economy. This is why CCEDNet Manitoba members such as the Right to Housing Coalition have been advocating for policy that supports the development of affordable housing. The speech included the following:

  • Introduce a new provincial housing strategy for affordable and social housing, working in partnership with non-profit groups, the private sector and government to deliver affordable housing solutions for Manitobans.

Community Development

gatheringCCEDNet Manitoba’s membership includes community-led organizations tackling complex community challenges such as unemployment, urban and rural decline, poverty, social exclusion and environmental degradation. The speech included the following:

  • Integrating existing resources to support the growth of innovative, community-driven prevention and early intervention.
  • Empowering individuals, grassroots organizations, communities, businesses and social entrepreneurs who wish to contribute their time and resources to help tackle persistent social problems through new models for delivering services, including social enterprise, impact investing, and pay-for-performance.

Streamlined and stable multi-year funding greatly increases an organization’s efficiency and effectiveness by improving long-term planning and acting, attracting and retaining quality staff, and overall organizational capacity. It would appear that “integrating existing resources” means there will not be increased investments into the challenges facing our communities, CCEDNet Manitoba will continue to advocate to government the value of stable multi-year funding in community development.

Social Enterprise & Social Procurement

BSC Summit 17 - Social ProcurementNon-profits engaging in market activity to further their organizational goal is a practice that CCEDNet Manitoba has promoted to its members for year. Since 2015, CCEDNet Manitoba has been partnered with the Province of Manitoba to co-develop and co-implement the Manitoba Social Enterprise Strategy. One key piece of this strategy is the promotion of social procurement, which is when governments target their existing and ongoing spending to create job and training opportunities for individuals facing barriers to employment or other community impacts. The throne speech touches says the following:

  • The Healthy Child Strategy, Social Enterprise Strategy, the Non-Profit Strategy, and the Social Impact Procurement Strategy will be streamlined to make better use of research, promote best practices, engage community ownership and planning, fund outcomes and get better results for our children.

We are pleased to see these strategies noted, as they all work towards healthier and more resilient communities. CCEDNet-Manitoba will continue to communicate the valuable results these strategies create and urge subsequent initiatives to continue that progress.

What’s Missing?

There are some noticeable absences from the speech, including a poverty reduction plan with target and timelines. According to the 2011 Poverty Reduction Strategy Act, a new and revised strategy was required to be released in 2017. Consultations for developing the plan have been announced, however it is not clear if there will be a commitment to targets and timelines for addressing poverty in Manitoba.


The Canadian CED Network and the New Brunswick Environmental Network are pleased to announce that EconoUs2018 is coming to Moncton, New Brunswick, September 24-26, 2018!

EconoUs2018 will feature leading speakers, engaging sessions and tailored networking opportunities about People (inclusive communities); Planet (sustainable environments); and Economy (local prosperity) and how these things, together, create an economy that works for all.

One of our goals is to create an interactive experience, which starts at the beginning of the planning process. We would like to have panels based on stories and offer workshops about storytelling. We want to hear your suggestions for speakers, sponsors and workshops in the short survey below.

Thanks for your participation.

Fill out this short survey

Have a look at our EconoUs2017 video.


Catherine Scott, David LePage and Roselyne Mavungu The federal government’s social innovation and social finance strategy is the biggest policy opportunity for community economic developers in a generation. 

Let me tell you why. 

The practices described by the term ‘social innovation’ may not be new – public schools, hospitals, co-operatives, credit unions, labour unions and even community economic development itself are historic social innovations.  But the ‘social innovation’ label itself is relatively new. 

What is also new, is the way the federal government is approaching the topic.  A Co-Creation Steering Group of people from across the country has been appointed to help develop the strategy.  That might not seem like much, but to bring in community partners at the beginning of a policy development process is a major step for the federal government, and one that many departments are watching.  It reflects an approach to policy called ‘co-construction‘ in Québec, and it’s a partnership-based model that is vital to the philosophy of CED.

The co-creation steering group was first convened in June and had a very intense summer before beginning public consultations and engagement this fall.  We had a very valuable consultation session at EconoUs2017, and there have been many others across the country.

social innovation canadaAn online engagement platform has also been created, asking for your stories of social innovation and feedback on the themes addressed by the strategy to date.  Many CCEDNet members have posted excellent contributions, including CCEDNet Board member Laurie Cook from Nova Scotia, who makes the case for community visioning and organizing, and Eden Yesh from Kootenay Employment Services in BC, who describes their innovative work on community investment co-ops.  You can also find stories about social enterprises for people with disabilities, a social innovation centre, and even community economic development

Social innovation’s focus on collaboration across sectors, and its co-construction approach that recognizes the complexity of persistent social challenges, is entirely aligned with community economic development.  A strong social innovation and social finance strategy that is grounded in the powerful work being done by community leaders across the country could chart a course for profound changes to the policy and funding environment. 

So now is the moment to show our support for the strategy, and illustrate how it can scale up the impacts of innovative work you are already doing. 

Please post your own stories, like and comment on the ones there, and participate!  

Also, be sure to mention the social innovation and social finance strategy to your MP, and encourage her/his party to support a strong investment in the federal budget. 

The online platform will close at the end of December, so add your feedback now.  

Go to the online platform >>


Praia ManifestoThe major international networks of Social and Solidarity Economy and Finance (SSEF) have commited to an Inclusive, Resilient, Low Carbon and Sustainable Local Economic Development (LED).

Meeting in Praia, Cabo Verde, on the occasion of the 4th World Forum for Local Economic Development, the SSE International Forum, the Global Fund for Cities Development-FMDV, the Global Social Economy Forum-GSEF, the International Association of Investors in the Social Economy-INAISE, the Intercontinental Network for the Promotion of Social and Solidarity Economy-RIPESS, and their regional and local interlocutors, the African Network of the Social and Solidarity Economy-RAESS, and Citi-Habitat, commit to a transformative agenda for local economic development (LED) in our territories.

The joint motto: for Inclusive, Resilient, Low Carbon and Sustainable Local Economic Development (LED), Let’s implement a Social and Solidarity Economy and Finance (EFSS) now!

For the first time, through a common text, the international networks are committed to proactive collaboration around a joint agenda, which will bring powerful actions until 2019.

“Jointly and separately, they have relays in many different countries and key sectors, and are thus in a position to propose methodologies and tools that are specific to SSEF, as well as engaging in and implementing actions to support national or local strategies of sustainable, responsible Local Economic Development in partnership with their allies and local actors.”

The Praia Manifesto takes stock of the historical cultural, institutional and legal advances that the SSEF has experienced in recent years. Economic and financial crises, climate change, new international “transformative” agreements, laws and public policies deployed by many countries, cities and regions, citizen mobilizations, the advent of new technologies, revalorization of disruptive and resilient SSEF innovations: so many factors today to achieve the metamorphosis of our systems of consumption, production, capitalization, investment, redistribution, cooperation, and thus to ‘build a society’ by and for all.

The signatory networks are taking the measure of the historic turning point that the SSEF initiatives have designed: the transition made necessary to a “macro” SSEF, able to propose a project of society, institutions, mechanisms and implementation modalities, adapted to    meet the challenges posed to humanity, while maintaining the basis of its principles which constitute its absolute value.

“Responsible LED can therefore have the effect of multiplying impacts and contribute to strengthening the systemic, integrated dimension of SSEF in a sustainable, resilient, inclusive model of LED, where the wealth that is locally created remains within the territory, and benefits the whole local community.”

“Sustainable LED and SSEF are therefore vectors of stabilisation and strengthening of the natural, social, and human capital at local level, as well as providing territorial cohesion and resilience to the cycles of the global economy.”

Through the Praia Manifesto, these networks, together, make an appointment with history and invite their local, national and international interlocutors to join them around key dates of both the international agenda and dedicated events constituting the basis of this macro-SSEF:

  • the High Level Political Forum of July 2018, in New York, around the United Nations’ review of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs);
  • the World Forum for the Social and Solidarity Economy of Bilbao, in October 2018, supported by all the networks of the EFSS and the networks of local and regional authorities, the International Conference on the Financing of the Social and Solidarity Economy, planned for the end of 2018 / beginning of 2019, led by the International SSE Pilot Group; The 5th World Forum for Local Economic Development of 2019.

Committed to the decentralization, localization and pragmatism of their actions, and considering the organization of the LED Forum for the first time in Africa, the signatory networks pledge to support the steps being taken to integrate the EFSS on the African continent, through support for the work of the RAESS- African Network for SSE, as well as the Cabo Verde government, the country’s SSEF organizations, and its economic and financial players, in their approaches to institutional and programmatic convergence and operationalization of the SDGs at the national level via the SSEF.

Through the Praia Manifesto, invitation is made to all public and private, local and international actors, to engage in this partnership for change, and around a common agenda that will make the SSEF the reference economy and finance for a shared, accountable, resilient and inclusive prosperity for all.

CCEDNet is an active member of RIPESS, the Intercontinental Network for the Promotion of the Social Solidarity Economy, and Board Secretary Yvon Poirier from Québec City helped plan the Forum and draft the Manifesto.  

You will find the text of the manifesto and its executive summary here.


Global Curriculum of the Social Solidarity EconomyLast August, I had the opportunity to participate in the second gathering for a Global Curriculum of the Social Solidarity Economy hold in Puebla, Mexico. In this short article, I would like to share an overview of the campaign and some of the results from the second gathering.

The campaign for a Global Curriculum of the Social Solidarity Economy (GCSSE) is an initiative started in October 2016 by some Social Solidarity Economy collectives in the global South. Currently, 19 countries are represented, where CCEDNet is the only organization from Canada.

At the GCSSE campaign, we describe the current dominant economic system as an intersection between capitalism, colonialism and, patriarchy. Therefore, the GCSSE proposes a decolonizing, intercultural education that contributes to the creation of an alternative economy.

Some of the objectives of the campaign for a Global Curriculum of the Social Solidarity Economy is to create a dialogue of knowledges between the social solidarity economy movement, the academia, and the diversity of knowledges that may have been hidden by the current economic system. Also, the GCSSE aims to influence the way SSE is thought in different learning settings (i.e., Universities, schools, co-ops, among others). In the medium term, the GCSSE seeks to promote the creation of public policies for Social Solidarity Economy education.

The campaign proposes a set of values that are the basis of the social solidarity economy. These values are solidarity, democratic decision-making, collectivity, equity, diversity, social and environmental justice. We believe that the Social Solidarity Economy initiatives contribute to the eradication of material and spiritual poverty, inequality and, climate change. To overcome the challenges, the GCSEE is building bridges between the social solidarity economy movement and academia. Consequently, both parts can work together and facilitate a dialogue of knowledges, in which humbly, we all learn from each other.

I would like to note that for the GCSSE a curriculum is broader than a set of suggested courses. We believe education is the basis of life and that there are valuable learning experiences in the praxis of the social solidarity economy. Based on popular education principles, learning experiences exist in the praxis of ethical consumption, in collective decision-making processes, in the equal distribution of profits, in gender equity strategies, and the battle against colonialism, among others. In this sense, the GCSSE acknowledges the plurality of wisdoms and knowledges, including but not limited to indigenous nations and farmers, and their epistemologies.   

The GCSSE is carried out thanks to the inputs of different people who in different roles are working on the construction of an alternative economy and a possible world. It includes activists, scholars, environmentalist, indigenous peoples, among others. Also, the GCSSE is coordinated by a multi-coordination team from different countries, who on a volunteering basis, promote the exchange and debate about SSE education.

The activities of the GCSSE campaign have been carried in virtual meetings, and in two physical gatherings. The first one was held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil last March. And the second one, was in Puebla, Mexico last August.  I had the opportunity to attend the latter celebrated in Puebla as CCEDNet representative.

The GCSSE campaign gathering in Puebla was part of the First International Conference on Cooperatives and Social Solidarity Economy. The conference was organized by the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP) and the Red Nacional de Investigadores y Educadores en Cooperativismo y Economía Solidaria (REDCOOP).

So far, the campaign has articulated a draft of a set of principles for the Social Solidarity Economy education. The GCSSE campaign is, same as is the social solidarity economy, a work in progress. Thus, during one of the activities in Puebla, we handed participants a draft of the principles and asked them to provide their comments. By using some popular education tools, we received fascinating feedback from the participants. 

Mainly, participants proposed that research in SSE should be the result of a dialogue knowledges between researchers and the SSE movement. This dialogue needs to be done as equal peers. In this sense, participants mentioned the need to take the academia outside universities. They would like to see researchers working with them, in their land. 

Some SSE movement participants urged researchers to be brave and get involved in their battles for social justice. They noted that in the Global South, SSE movements touches other social movements such as land, water, culture defense, that could have threatening consequences for their lives, and support from the academia would be much appreciated.

They also remarked that researchers are not doing enough by documenting SSE experiences, and they would like researchers to focus on practical results that could strengthen their SSE practices. They are demanding researchers be coherent with SSE values such as solidarity, collectivity, equity, diversity, social and environmental justice. In this sense, they expect researchers to invest time, and not only money, in the construction of the Social Solidarity Movement.

 Also, they noted the use of academic language in the redaction of the principles, as well as, in most of the publications. Academic language creates a disconnection between researchers and SSE movement and hinders the construction of bridges between these two worlds. 

Regarding the principles, they recommended using a decolonialized and more accessible language. For example, they urged to stop talking about development, poverty, but rather use el buen vivir, sustainability of life, caring, among other post-colonial wording.  Moreover, participants suggested to include a definition of the SSE in the campaign, and to be explicit about being an inclusive non-colonial, non-patriarchal and, anti-capitalist economy.  By doing so, it is aimed that other social movements will identify with the campaign.

Currently, the multi-coordination group is reviewing the GCSSE campaign’s principles to include all the feedback collected in Puebla. In the following weeks, the GCSSE campaign’s will share the reviewed version of the principles through its webpage (see more: http://curriculumglobaleconomiasolidaria.com/english/letter-of-principles/).

In Puebla, the GCSSE campaign announced the creation of a global map that comprises SSE educational initiatives carried out in formal and non-formal settings around the world. This initiative is being done through the GCSSE webpage, and all of you are invited to send your SSE learning experiences. In the following weeks, a first version of the global map will be share to the public.

ripessAlso, in the past months, the Intercontinental Network for the Promotion of Social Solidarity Economy (RIPESS) have joined the GCSSE campaign. We believe that RIPESS liaison will strengthen both organizations and the purse of a decolonizing, intercultural SSE education.

In sum, the gathering in Puebla was a great opportunity to meet in person with the people I have been working with in the past year. Also, it gave me the opportunity to actively listen to the recommendations of all the participants from diverse backgrounds and enrich the Campaign for a Global Curriculum of the Social Solidarity Economy.

If  you are interested in becoming a member of the Campaign for a Global Curriculum of the Social Solidarity Economy, please contact us at , www.facebook.com/curriculumglobalecosocial and, http://curriculumglobaleconomiasolidaria.com

Erika Licón

Written by Erika Licón

Ph.D. Candidate, Solidarity Economy – Concordia University

CCEDNet member since 2012

*The opinions expressed in blog posts are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the position of CCEDNet


CCEDNet members and partners interested in hosting EconoUs2019 are invited to submit an expression of interest.

CCEDNet’s national conference is a vital part of a dynamic pan-Canadian movement for inclusive and sustainable community economies. The annual event:

  • creates new and strengthens existing relationships among community leaders who share similar challenges, concerns, goals and values; 
  • promotes new ideas, resources and strategies to strengthen community economies
  • contributes to skills development, capacity building, networking and information sharing among practitioners and stakeholders;
  • attracts new people to the movement and reinforces the commitment of existing members to the approaches and values promoted by CCEDNet
  • provides inclusive opportunities for learning and dialogue on the diversity of approaches and models led by urban, rural, aboriginal, linguistic and cultural minorities, and northern communities to meet their needs;

Hosting the national conference provides a unique opportunity to: 

  • increase the profile of community economic development among key regional partners, decision makers and the public as a powerful force for inclusive innovation and community well-being;  
  • position the host as collaborative leader and convenor;
  • strengthen local and regional relationships and supports for community economic development that will remain as an ongoing legacy of the event; 
  • contribute to advancing a pan-Canadian policy agenda supporting CED; and
  • celebrate the unique strengths and character of your region. 

Host partners are responsible for local and regional mobilization, including fundraising and promotion.  In order to help keep registration fees low and the conference accessible, the host should be able to secure approximately $100,000 in local, provincial or regional cash funding or sponsorships for the conference.  A supplementary document with background information on previous conferences and typical responsibilities of CCEDNet and host partners is available upon request by emailing mtoye at ccednet-rcdec.ca​

Information required in the expression of interest

The expression of interest is intended to be a simple, preliminary step to identify potential hosts. In 1-page (maximum), indicate: 

  • Reasons for interest
  • Experience and capacity to organize a large event
  • Potential local, provincial or regional partners
  • Potential sponsorship or funding sources and amounts, both cash and in-kind. 

Expressions of interest must be sent by January 19, 2018 to mtoye at ccednet-rcdec.ca

For more information about the event, download the EconoUs2017 report

The successful host for EconoUs2019 will be announced at EconoUs2018 in Moncton, September 24-26, 2018.


Do a Great Deal - Buy SocialHappy Holidays from CCEDNet!
CED Holiday Buying & Giving Guide 2017

Are you spreading the holiday cheer this year? This guide is designed to help extend the reach of that cheer through encouraging thoughtful buying and giving.

We have compiled some creative gift ideas and shopping guides to provide you with the tools and information you need to have a CED-filled holiday season. See anything missing from this list? We will be adding more tips between now and Christmas so don’t hesitate to send your additions to communications at ccednet-rcdec.ca.

This Holiday, Buy SocialSEOntario - Gift Guide 2017-2018

Social Enterprise Gift Giving Guide from SEontario.org
This holiday season why not make a purchase that won’t just make the receiver happy, but will also benefit Ontario, and your local community. Each gift you buy this holiday season can have significant impact on your community. Thanks to the newly launched Social Enterprise Gift Guide, extending the impact of your gift giving is now easier than ever. The Guide features a wide variety of products created by Canada’s diverse social enterprise sector, representing for-profit and non-profit organizations, cooperatives and B Corps. [more]

Buy Social from Certified Businesses Across Canada

Buy Social Canada certified suppliers are businesses throughout Canada offering quality products that create positive impact in their communities. With cafes, caterers, builders, home repairs, recyclers and more, there’s a social enterprise for whatever you need. [more]

10 thousand villagesCheck out 10 Thousand Villages to find businesses with a story

From communities throughout the developing world, every inspired design is crafted with love using local materials (usually natural or recycled) and time-honoured skills by makers we have known and worked with for years. Every purchase improves the lives of makers by supporting their craft and providing a fair, stable income. [more]

Social Purchasing Portal in WinnipegSPP
The SPP is an online directory for socially responsible businesses in Winnipeg. It aids in networking and collaboration for small businesses “suppliers” to larger corporate bodies, organizations and individuals in the general public “purchasers,” as well as for job seekers who face various challenges to finding and maintaining jobs. [more]

Get social justice gifts for the holidaysCo-operative Gift Bundle
Buying gifts for the holidays can be an ethical statement that helps build a new economy. The Toolbox for Education and Social Action put together their most popular items with the best—and most delicious—gifts produced by the co-op movement. [more]

Buy Good. Feel Good.#BuyGoodFeelGood Expo 2018 thefairtradeshow.com
Businesses that exhibit at The Fair Trade Show are committed to social justice, the environment and poverty reduction through fair trade practices and innovative business solutions. Browse a wide selection of ethically sourced products. Buy Good. Feel Good.  [more]

My New Neighbour Holiday Shopping Guide
Holiday CheerJoin two young women on an ethical shopping journey. These two want to break free of the mindless materialism we have grown up in and start to meet their ‘new’ global neighbours. [more]

This Holiday, Buy LocalSaul Good Gift Co.

Saul Good Gift Co
Saul Good Gift Co. is a Vancouver gift basket business featuring the best tasting local artisan treats in BC. All items are selected because they’re delicious, small-batch, and exclusive. Their work with social enterprise ensures that each and every gift basket gives back to the community. [more]<


Budget 2018The Government of Canada is inviting Canadians to offer their ideas for Budget 2018. 

Over the coming weeks, Canadians will have a variety of ways to submit their ideas to the Government as part of pre-budget consultations. That includes in-person and digital events with Finance Minister Bill Morneau and Parliamentary Secretary Joël Lightbound, events with other Parliamentarians, and online through the online.

Complete the Budget 2018 Surveys here

Four Quick Surveys

  • Progress for the Middle Class
  • Economy of Tomorrow
  • Lifelong Learning
  • Gender Equality

Be sure to complete these surveys and promote community economic development, social innovation and social finance.  CCEDNet’s recommendations are below. 

CCEDNet Past Posts

Have Your Say in the Social Innovation and Social Finance Strategy Online Consultations

CCEDNet Submits Recommendations for the 2018 Federal Budget


From September 13 to September 15, 2017, 395 people, representing over 230 organizations and government departments attended EconoUs2017 in Calgary.  Since 2001, CCEDNet has partnered with members across the country to showcase the amazing work being done in different regions, to raise awareness of the impact of community economic development (CED), to examine new ideas, resources and strategies that will make CED practitioners more effective in their efforts, and to connect people who share similar values and vision.

Thrive, a community leadership initiative of Momentum, brought together community partners including Calgary Economic Development, REAP Business Association, Institute for Community Prosperity at Mount Royal University and Calgary Regional Partnership to co-host EconoUs2017.

Download the full EconoUs2017 Report


  • Who Attended?
  • Collaboration in Action: Partners and Funders
  • EconoUs2017 Program
  • Energy and Values in Action
  • Evaluation
  • Learning and Recommandations
  • What’s next


Moncton, New Brunswick, will be the location of the next national conference, EconoUs2018, September 24-26, 2018. The New Brunswick Environmental Network will be co-hosting the next conference with the support of Co-operative Enterprise Council of New Brunswick, the Coopérative de développement regional-Acadie, the Centre for Local Prosperity, the Social Enterprise Network of Nova Scotia and the Community Sector Council of Nova Scotia. Watch CCEDNet newsletters for more information.

Save the date for EconoUs2018
