On behalf of the Canadian CED Network, Coast Capital Savings and the Vancity Community Foundation it is with great pleasure that we introduce the recipients of the 2008 Bursaries for the SFU Certificate Program for CED Professionals.
All of the applicants have our sincere thanks and respect for the work they do, re-localizing and democratizing BC’s economy, one community at a time.
The 2008 Bursary Award Winners are:
• Brian Campbell, at the Richmond Food Security Task Force, will be developing social enterprises related to food sustainability and enhancing the viability of Richmond Pocket Markets. http://richmondfoodbank.org/
• Jessica Chenery will be developing The First Feast (Food Enterprise and Skills Training) which will create economic opportunities for Aboriginal women in B.C. in small scale food production with the Aboriginal Agricultural Education Society of British Columbia
• Rosalyn Cua will be developing a multi-media social enterprise for Anti-dote: Multiracial Girls and Women’s Network, where she is the incoming president. Anti-dote is committed to increasing the well-being of racialized and Indigenous women and girls. http://www.antidotenetwork.org/
• Brian Hill, currently Executive Director at Victoria’s Child and Family Counseling Association is spearheading three exciting CED projects including an Office Co-operative for Non-profits, Affordable Youth Housing and Adult Community Living Services.
• Maggie Kasekende, will apply her studies to a new project with Mount Pleasant Neighbourhood House called Building Welcoming and Inclusive Neighbourhoods , which focuses on how welcoming neighbourhoods can help newcomers and established immigrants to integrate to their new community.
• Kevin Koopmans, currently working with Community Futures South Fraser will support the newly launched Vibrant Abbotsford which has a mandate to reduce poverty through systematic change to community conditions. http://www.tamarackcommunity.ca/
Jaimie McEvoy is the project coordinator for the hospitality project which brings together local churches of different denominations for joint activities such as a clothing exchange, Family Place for children under six, community kitchen, and advocacy. Jaimie will assist the hospitality project to diversify their revenue stream by exploring social enterprises.
• Brian Postlewait, currently Executive Director at Mission Possible, an organization in the Downtown East Side of Vancouver, will be using this opportunity to help steer his organization to implement their new mandate which is to deliver meaningful work, safe and secure housing, and a supportive community to those experiencing homelessness, poverty and addiction. Brian will be exploring the development of a social enterprise to provide training opportunities. www.mission-possible.ca
• Hans Rosenow, will assist the Phoenix Society develop a community centre that will provide opportunities for people recovering from addictions to build financial, physical, human, social and personal assets. www.phoenixsociety.com
• Amar S. Virk, with Building Opportunities for Business (BOB), will be supporting a development model that is inclusive of Downtown Eastside residents and coordinating a Social Purchasing Portal. BOB is a non-profit organization with the goal to support local business development and increase job opportunities for inner-city residents. www.buildingopportunities.org
We hope you will join us in congratulating the 2008 bursary recipients.

The SFU Certificate Program for CED Professionals has been training problem-solvers and change agents since 1999. Our students are managers of Community Futures Development Corporations, program officers of non-profits and neighbourhood associations, economic development officers of municipal and First Nation’s governments and individuals looking to specialize in CED. The eight two-day courses – all taught by experienced practitioners – put tools, knowledge, resources and networks immediately into the hands of our students. For more information about the program, click here