Happy Holidays from CCEDNet!
CED Holiday Buying & Giving Guide 2014

The holiday season is often a time when we feel we can reaffirm our values. Like Ebenezer Scrooge at the end of Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol, we pull away from our inward looking preoccupations and reawaken to the importance of our familly and friends and the community around us. At the same time, for many, Christmas has become synonymous with the trappings of a consumerist society that is contributing to the mounting social and environmental challenges of our times.

In recognition of this, the Center for a New American Dream has put together a great list of ways in which you can Simplify the Holidays. But if you are going to spend over the holidays, why not direct your purchasing and giving in ways that have positive social and environmental impacts?

We at the Canadian CED Network have compiled some creative gift ideas and shopping guides to provide you with the tools and information you need to have a CED-filled holiday season. See anything missing from this list? We will be adding more tips throughout the rest of the month so send us your additions.

This Holiday, Buy Social

Use the Social Enterprise Marketplace to Find Gifts from Social Enteprises
Interested in buying from social enterprises this holiday season? Check out this online marketplace from the Social Enterprise Canada to research social enterprises by name, industry, location and/or the social purpose they achieve. [more]

Social Enterprise Holiday Gift Ideas from SEontario.org
This holiday season why not make a purchase that won’t just make the receiver happy, but will also benefit Ontario, and your local community? Throughout the month of December SEontario will be showcasing different Social Enterprises [SE], and SE Marketplaces that you can purchase your holiday gifts from. [more]

Co-operative Gift Bundle
Buying gifts for the holidays can be an ethical statement that helps build a new economy. The Toolbox for Education and Social Action put together their most popular items with the best—and most delicious—gifts produced by the co-op movement. [more]

This Holiday, Buy Local

Get the Facts on Shopping Local for the Holidays
To illustrate the ways that local businesses are growing in popularity, delivering stronger economic returns, and expanding in numbers, the Advocates for Independent Business, a coalition of 14 groups coordinated by the Institute for Local Self-Reliance, put together this infographic. [more]

12 Reasons to Give the Gift of Local This Holiday Season
Of course, shopping at local, independent businesses is an important way to strengthen local economies. The folks at Local First Toronto have prepared a poster with 12 Reasons to Give the Gift of Local This Holiday Season [more]

BC Buy Local Week 2014 – December 1-7, 2014


July 8-10, 2015
Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada

You are invited to submit a proposal for a presentation, panel, or roundtable discussion. Conference organizers will also accept general proposals which may not fit the categories listed below. There will be no formal conference proceedings published.

Please submit your proposal by March 15. The proposal should include:

  • Working title
  • The theme it fits in
  • 100-word abstract of the presentation, and a
  • 50-word bio.

Submit your propose to confer2015@cbu.ca and attach your proposal as a Word file.

About the Conference:

The Community Economic Development Institute of the Shannon School of Business is dedicated to advancing community capacity in economic development. Building on the popularity of our 2011 and 2013 conferences, where we had over 200 attendees, we are organizing another multidisciplinary conference focused on “Community Innovation & Social Enterprise“.

Community-based ventures are a strong part of the Canadian economy for more than a century and recent innovative practices have made the social enterprise sector a hot topic. The conference brings together practitioners, researchers, and community organizations, from home and afar, to discuss current practices, challenges, and innovations in advancing social entrepreneurship and improving community livelihoods.

The conference includes the following themes:

  • Community-based development
  • Social Enterprises and Innovation
  • Co-operatives and sustainable business models
  • Place-based business
  • Sustainable Aboriginal economies
  • Entrepreneurial Financing

Learn more about the conference


Enterprising Non-Profits is now seeking established social enterprises to present their impact business challenge in the 2015 Heroes event, being planned for May 2015. If your social enterprise is interested in participating, please visit www.SocialEnterpriseHeroes.ca and submit a Letter of Interest by January 23, 2015.  Event tickets will go on sale in December.

Apply now

For more information

About Social Enterprise Heroes:

Social Enterprise Heroes is an annual gathering that celebrates the amazing individuals and organizations that work to create and sustain our healthy communities and local economies through social enterprise. At Heroes, we focus our attention for one evening on the incredible work of several social enterprises, seeking to understand and address some of the challenges they face to effectively creating impact. These are typically challenges that we can learn from together—and that can often be overcome with the right combination of financial support and expert advice. 

The social enterprises leave Heroes with a deeper understanding of their businesses, ready to face challenges and build on their opportunities, and with the right combination of  tools & resources to succeed.  2014 was the sixth year of social enterprise heroes and was presented as part of BC Social Enterprise Month, as proclaimed by the Province of BC.

It’s a celebration! Enterprising Non-profits will host over 200 people from the social impact community including social entrepreneurs, investors, business experts, government, intermediaries and more.

It’s a competition! We focus our attention for one evening on the incredible work of several social enterprises. Through their 10 minutes pitches, we seek to understand their goals and address some of their major challenges & opportunities to effectively creating impact. Our panel of business advisers will assess each pitch and award up-to $50,000 (combined) in consulting and grants.

It’s a learning event! We can learn together – and our social enterprises leave Heroes having a deeper understanding of their business, seeing challenges and opportunities for what they are, and with the right combination of tools & resources needed to create change more effectively.

It’s Social Enterprise Heroes! It’s fun and informative and you don’t want to miss it.


The international development community recognizes the need to rethink development. Business-as-usual has not prevented the recent financial and food crises, climate change, persistent poverty and rising inequality. As a post-2015 development agenda is crafted, the role of the Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) as a pathway to sustainable development deserves serious consideration.

The UN Inter-Agency Task Force on Social and Solidarity Economy (TFSSE) was established to raise the visibility of the SSE in international knowledge and policy circles. It believes that SSE holds considerable promise for addressing the economic, social and environmental integrated approaches of sustainable development.

The TFSSE brings together UN agencies and other inter-governmental organizations, as well as umbrella associations of SSE networks as members and observers. Task Force activities include organizing events at UN and other international conferences, dialoguing with policy makers, preparing and disseminating publications, and engaging in collaborative projects involving TFSSE members and observers.

On the new website for the TFSSE, users can access publications, get the latest news and learn about its activities, including events they organize at the UN and other international conferences, dialogues with policy makers, and collaborative projects involving TFSSE members and observers.

Visit the website


Are you ready to commit to your big, bold idea for positive social change?

Join over 600 social entrepreneurs in the Echoing Green Fellowships, driving change in over sixty countries around the world. Apply for the 2015 Echoing Green Global, Climate, or Black Male Achievement Fellowship by January 5, 2015, at 2:00pm Eastern Time.

Apply Now


Successful applicants not only present an innovative way of addressing social issues, but also explain why they as individuals have what it takes to succeed. Echoing Green is not a grant-making organization but a fellowship program that believes in the importance of the individual social entrepreneur as well as his/her project.  As such, both the applicant and the applicant’s idea will be looked at.

Phase 1: Online Application

Opens: December 2, 2014, 12:00pm (Noon) Eastern Time
Closes: January 5, 2015, 2:00pm (14:00) Eastern Time
Typical number of applicants at this stage: 2000-4000

  • Basic demographic info
  • Short essays about yourself, your idea/organization, and your partner (if applicable)
  • Resume

Key Dates

Selection Criteria and Eligibility


New Brunswick co-operatives generate $1.4 billion in revenues, employ thousands 

A new study on co-operatives and social enterprises prepared for the Co-operative Enterprise Council of New Brunswick (CECNB), with support from the Department of Post-Secondary Education and Labour, revealed that co-operatives make a significant economic impact in the province.  The findings of this study, conducted by the Shannon School of Business at Cape Breton University, were released at a recent news conference.

The study reported that New Brunswick co-operatives:

  • Generated $1.35 billion in annual revenues
  • Created the equivalent of 7,500 full time jobs
  • Contributed over $500 million to the province’s GDP
  • Paid nearly $330 million in employment income and more than $150 million in taxes

“Co-operatives and social enterprises boost employment, keep investment in rural communities, and address a myriad of social, environmental, and cultural issues,” said Wendy Keats, CECNB’s Executive Director. “Not only do they make economic sense, they help create healthy, vibrant communities.”

In addition to the economic impact study, a 2014 survey of 138 social enterprises was carried out by CECNB in partnership with researchers at Mount Royal and Simon Fraser Universities.  This survey revealed that 30% of social enterprises provide employment development services and 20% provide training for workforce integration, helping to increase the employability of the people they serve (e.g. people living with disabilities, low income persons, immigrants, Aboriginals, seniors, etc).  These enterprises are described as “key actors in mobilizing volunteers” with the 138 survey respondents having a total of 6,500 volunteers.

Co-operative and Social Enterprise Examples

Co-operatives and social enterprises strive to create a blended return on investment, both financial and social, rather than just maximizing profits for shareholders.  For examples in New Brunswick, see the Social Enterprise video series on CECNB’s website.

For more information



According to a recent United Nations report countries that invest in their youth will have stronger economies and healthier populations.  Unfortunately the efforts to address youth unemployment in most U.N. member countries is inadequate. Too many of the world’s 1.8 billion youth are becoming a cost to society rather than contributors to a prosperous future. During the past 10 years I have been the Chief Executive Officer of two international organizations working with youth and have witnessed the deterioration of opportunities for youth in both rich and poor countries. Urgent action is needed and with my partners Natasha Cassinath and Brent MacKinnon youthprofit.ca has been launched as one small but hopefully useful response to a very important problem.

Fifteen years ago as a member of the group that launched CCEDNet and the Chair during the organization’s formative years, my colleagues and I shared a belief that neither governments nor the private sector had the capacity to eliminate Canada’s high level of unemployment or stop the economic decline of many Canadian communities. A few years earlier while conducting research for the book Community Profit, my partner Susan Wismer and I learned a valuable lesson from the community leaders we met during our travels across Canada. Very often government’s and the private sector do not address problems or pursue opportunities because they either don’t know what to do or they don’t believe an investment of resources is worth the risks.

Since its inception CCEDNet has attempted with notable success to be a resource that could help organizations address the limitations of government and the private sector by encouraging mutually beneficial collaboration and demonstrating successful models of community development practice. youthprofit.ca aspires to be a complementary on-line resource encouraging organizations from all sectors to work together in the development of practical solutions to youth unemployment and underemployment.

My colleagues and I have created youthprofit.ca as a place where people looking for solutions can receive and share information with fellow Canadians and our friends from around the world. We believe the global economies are in an historic transition where economic growth will be characterized by robotics, artificial intelligence, global network relationships, continuous innovation and entrepreneurship. As a result, the need for human labour is expected to shrink. Researchers from MIT, University of Pennsylvania and the University of Saskatchewan to name a few are convinced the transition is well underway and it is possible that in developed countries 50% of the occupations we know today will not exist in 20 years.

At youthprofit.ca we believe through collaboration, political will and experimentation, solutions to our current youth unemployment problems and the detrimental impacts of the changes to our economy can be found. We believe immediate action is required to address our current high levels of youth unemployment in Canada and provide examples of what is possible with stories from Canada, the United States, Denmark and Switzerland. We also want to contribute to a national discussion regarding the impact of the ‘new economy’ on employment. There is a growing list of ideas regarding what can be done to successfully adapt to the new economic environment. youthprofit.ca will examine these proposals and encourage a dialogue with interested parties from across the country. At this point we have adopted 3 Guiding Principles that are the framework for the actions we believe Canada needs to adopt. Briefly:

  1. design education and training programs based on employer needs, current and anticipated entrepreneurial opportunities;
  2. learning about work and employment opportunities should be an integral part of a youth’s education starting at the age of 10 years;
  3. education and training programs should be based on a model of collaboration that is system wide and involves leadership from governments, the private sector and non-government organizations.

youthprofit.ca is in its infancy. Much work needs to be done to improve the site and to build a community of engaged citizens. Our success will be defined by the quality of information we can collect and share and the discussions we can foster with leaders from our youth serving sector, government and private business. Members of CCEDNet can help by promoting the site and most important participating in the sharing of information and discussions.

David Pell is a private consultant, team member of youthprofit.ca, and a founding member of the Canadian CED Network. During the past 30 years has been instrumental in the formation of businesses and training organizations that provide employment opportunities for youth. In his role as a Chief Executive Officer, consultant or university instructor he has focused on ideas that have tangible outcomes and the potential to be self-sustaining. His research efforts have contributed to several publications examining effective ways to reduce youth unemployment.

His work has involved working with many inspiring people in communities across Canada, Europe and several developing countries. In Canada, his experience including leading the development of the Community Business Centre, as a consultant with First Nation organizations and the establishment of the Canadian Youth Business Foundation (now Futurpreneur) has resulted in a strong belief in the value of partnerships between civil society, governments and the private sector as a means of addressing youth unemployment.


We were pleased to announce at the 2014 Social Finance Forum that Community Finance Solutions will support 16 new initiatives with strategic advice, research, connections, and promotional opportunities.

These 16 initiatives include the following fund and product developers, from West to East across Canada:

  1. Recap Health Ventures (Vancouver) – creating an early-stage fund to invest in scalable health and social care enterprises across Canada
  2. The Prasino Group (Calgary) –leading the development of the Calgary Poverty Reduction Fund
  3. Seed Winnipeg (Winnipeg) – developing a place-based social finance strategy for Winnipeg
  4. London VERGE (London) – developing a place-based social finance strategy for London
  5. Grand Basin Capital & Farmstart (Guelph/Toronto) – creating a fund to promote farmland preservation, farm renewal, viable farm business development and vibrant farm economies
  6. Planet Bean Coffee (Guelph) – developing an innovative investment structure for a cooperative
  7. Impakt Social Finance (Toronto) – creating an intermediary focused on developmental lending to Aboriginal entrepreneurs
  8. SolarShare (Toronto) – developing a new solar bond offering
  9. Trillium Housing (Toronto) – marketing a new housing bond
  10. Causeway Work Centre (Ottawa) – developing the Causeway Community Finance Fund
  11. CoPower (Montreal) – building a platform for investing in clean energy projects
  12. RECODE Initiative (Montreal) – building impact investing by focusing on campus-based social enterprise and innovation
  13. Mutuelle de Microfinance (Quebec City) – developing micro-savings and micro-insurance products and raising capital
  14. Ulnooweg Development Group (Truro, Nova Scotia) – investing in renewable energy, sustainable forestry and fisheries, and community infrastructure in Atlantic First Nations
  15. BFN Tech PEI (which runs The Spot in Charlottetown) – developing an investment product in PEI
  16. Community Sector Council of Newfoundland and Labrador – creating a place-based social finance strategy

We launched Community Finance Solutions in March 2014 to provide consulting and referral services to initiatives creating new impact investing funds and financial products across Canada.  Our selection process involved our National Advisors across Canada and our Corporate Partners.

Stay tuned for more details about the amazing work being carried out by each of these organizations!

– See more at: http://socialfinance.ca/2014/11/28/announcing-second-cohort-community-fi…

SocialFinance.ca announced at the 2014 Social Finance Forum that Community Finance Solutions will support 16 new initiatives with strategic advice, research, connections, and promotional opportunities.

These 16 initiatives include the following fund and product developers, from West to East across Canada:

  • Recap Health Ventures (Vancouver) – creating an early-stage fund to invest in scalable health and social care enterprises across Canada
  • The Prasino Group (Calgary) – leading the development of the Calgary Poverty Reduction Fund
  • Seed Winnipeg (Winnipeg) – developing a place-based social finance strategy for Winnipeg
  • London VERGE (London) – developing a place-based social finance strategy for London
  • Grand Basin Capital & Farmstart (Guelph/Toronto) – creating a fund to promote farmland preservation, farm renewal, viable farm business development and vibrant farm economies
  • Planet Bean Coffee (Guelph) – developing an innovative investment structure for a cooperative
  • Impakt Social Finance (Toronto) – creating an intermediary focused on developmental lending to Aboriginal entrepreneurs
  • SolarShare (Toronto) – developing a new solar bond offering
  • Trillium Housing (Toronto) – marketing a new housing bond
  • Causeway Work Centre (Ottawa) – developing the Causeway Community Finance Fund
  • CoPower (Montreal) – building a platform for investing in clean energy projects
  • RECODE Initiative (Montreal) – building impact investing by focusing on campus-based social enterprise and innovation
  • Mutuelle de Microfinance (Quebec City) – developing micro-savings and micro-insurance products and raising capital
  • Ulnooweg Development Group (Truro, Nova Scotia) – investing in renewable energy, sustainable forestry and fisheries, and community infrastructure in Atlantic First Nations
  • BFN Tech PEI (which runs The Spot in Charlottetown) – developing an investment product in PEI
  • Community Sector Council of Newfoundland and Labrador – creating a place-based social finance strategy

SocialFinance.ca launched Community Finance Solutions in March 2014 to provide consulting and referral services to initiatives creating new impact investing funds and financial products across Canada. The selection process involved the National Advisors and Corporate Partners of SocialFinance.ca.

Stay tuned for more details about the amazing work being carried out by each of these organizations!

For more information


In a perfect world, you’d hit every green light on the way to work, the sun would shine 365 days a year, and you’d get to help decide which of your favourite organizations get a part of our profits. We may not be able to help with traffic or the weather, but letting you decide where our money goes? That we can do!​

Enter the Business for Good Social Venture Challenge – a friendly crowdfunding competition where three non-profit or charitable organizations pitch their social enterprise business ideas to the community for a chance at $50,000 from Affinity’s District Council 23. A social enterprise is a business that is created to address a specific social or environmental issue facing our community or world. And you get to decide which organization will be the lucky winner while also supporting this social enterprise to get off the ground or go to the next level.​

Your community, your dollars, your choice

Earlier this fall, Affinity asked social enterprises in Saskatoon, Warman and Muenster to apply and explain how they could use the $50,000 of District Council funding to launch a social enterprise that will help build a better world. Three finalists were chosen and now it’s all up to you to decide who wins this amazing funding opportunity. 

The Business for Good “vote with your dollar” crowdfunding campaign is your way to help choose one winner out of the three finalists. By donating, you’ll give your favourite organization a vote. Donate a little or a lot, the choice is yours because each donation, no matter what the amount, is important. The winner of the $50,000 will be decided by both the amount of funds raised and the number of unique contributors. That means no matter how much you give, your vote counts!

Read more

The contest closes on December 8, so submit your vote today!


7 nominees. 6 judges. 1000 votes.

SocialFinance.ca recently announced the 2014 Social Finance Innovator Award winners at the Social Finance Forum. The Awards were created to showcase and celebrate the efforts that individuals and organizations are making to mobilize private capital for public good.

This year’s Social Finance Innovator Award theme, “Moving Money that Matters”, was selected to recognize the investors and impact ventures that are putting money where their mouth is and are making deals happen. And not only did the nominees demonstrate that they are moving money, but they are also creating real impact ranging from supporting food security in Sierra Leone to making capital accessible to Aboriginal entrepreneurs in Alberta.

And the winners are…

Winner – MEDA & Mountain Lion Agriculture
Founded in 1953 by a group of Mennonite business professionals, MEDA partners with the poor to start and grow small and medium-sized businesses in developing regions around the world. This year MEDA invested in Mountain Lion Agriculture (MLA), a Canadian-Sierra Leonean rice processing company based in Sierra Leone. MEDA’s $500,000 investment into Mountain Lion Agriculture in July of this year was placed as debt that can be converted to equity by MEDA. MLA is the sole domestic supplier of branded rice products in Sierra Leone, currently operating a processing mill and an 100 hectare seed multiplication farm. With MEDA’s support, MLA is now implementing a smallholder out-grower scheme. This program will expand MLA’s unique business model to include 5,000 new Sierra Leonean famers, giving them the opportunity to rise out of poverty while enhancing the country’s own food security.

Runner-Up – SolarShare Cooperative
Since 2011, SolarShare has been enabling citizens to invest in solar energy generation throughout Ontario. As one of Canada’s leading renewable energy co-ops, SolarShare has been at the forefront of the social finance marketplace. Through its production of commercial scale solar energy installations, SolarShare offers Ontarians the opportunity to invest with impact. SolarShare’s Solar Bonds are an investment opportunity offering a 5-year term with 5% annual interest. This impact investing opportunity is unique given that most investments are generally only available to accredited investors.

Read more


In anticipation of the 2015 federal election, CCEDNet’s Policy Council has updated our policy priorities and we are seeking your input.

Join Diana Jedig, David LePage and members of CCEDNet’s Policy Council for a January 9th webinar where you’ll have the opportunity to provide feedback on the proposed new priorities, and consider strategies for getting CED into party platforms for the federal election in 2015.

Read more and register


Since the 2008 global economic crisis, local consumption around the world has been on the rise. Canada is no exception! A year ago, the Business Development Bank of Canada identified buying local as one of five game-changing consumer trends1. Indeed, nearly two-thirds of Canadians have recently made an effort to buy locally produced, or made-in-Canada for varying reasons: 97.0% to support their local economy; 93.0% to create local jobs.

In Quebec, the statistics from the Responsible Consumption Index (Baromètre de la consommation responsable)2 show that buying local is the trend of the times. It’s the responsible consumption behaviour that has increased the most since 2010, with an increase of 4.1 points.  In 2013, buying local ranked as the second highest responsible consumption behaviour, after recycling. This tendency is reflected in the shopping habits, which include more and more local products – of 20 eco-friendly products most purchased in 2013(3), six are local products, and all of them are food.

The latest study released by the Responsible Consumption Observatory (OCR) of UQAM’s School of Management (Oct. 15, 2014) confirms this inclination. For 79.6% of Quebecers, the term “local” on a food product is a plus. It should also be noted that 55.6% of consumers want to see information on the origin of the product on the product label.

Quebecers are interested in buying local mainly for ethical and social reasons:

  • 84.7% do so to support the local economy;
  • 82.4% do so to support the local community;
  • 81.7% do so to support local jobs.

So, why not carry this enthusiasm into our investment practices? In the February 2014 study on responsible investment(4) conducted by the OCR, only 29.4% of Quebecers saw responsible investment as including investing in local SMEs.

As an individual investor, everyone can express their ‘local’ convictions. One of the most influential ways of doing so is by investing in some of the impact investment products available to individuals. See Ethiquette’s Strategies section for more information, and the Take Action section to help you do just that!

  1. Mapping your future growth: Five game-changing consumer trends, BDC, October 2013 
  2. Baromètre 2013 de la consommation responsable au Québec –BCR 2013-, OCR, 
  3. cf. Top 20 des produits éco-responsables les plus achetés, BCR 2013
  4. Les Québécois et l’ISR : portrait 2014, OCR

Brenda Plant is Cofounder of Ethiquette and a Partner at Ellio sustainability consultants, specializing in sustainability and responsible investment. She is also involved in the development of an affordable rental housing investment fund (for accredited investors). Previously, Brenda worked for six years in the community sector on issues of income security and human rights. She is a long-time investor in the Montréal Community Loan Association and a big supporter of CED.


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