STARCAP Climate Action Fall Workshop Series

Date: September 25, October 23, & November 20, 2024
Time: 11am-12pm PT / 1-2pm CT / 2-3pm ET
Location: Virtual
Cost: Free

About the Course

The climate is in crisis and with urgent action needed, communities across Canada are meeting the moment. Now how do we maintain the momentum? 

Through this three part workshop series, Climate Leaders who participated in STARCAP, an education and community animation project delivered by The Canadian CED Network in partnership with Synergia Institute and Athabasca University, will help answer this question by exploring and sharing how they advance and sustain local climate work through the themes of Building Bridges, Connecting Communities and Designing Systems.

Each workshop will feature organizations leading on-the-ground climate action initiatives led by diverse demographic and geographic communities, and will share how frameworks introduced to them by “Toward Co-operative Commonwealth: Transition in a Perilous Century” massive open online course (MOOC) can be put into practice through the first-hand perspectives of communities doing the work.  

Register below or click on each workshop to learn more about the individual sessions and facilitators.  

Live ASL interpretation will be available at these workshops.

System Change not Climate Change

More Details

Workshop 1

Title: Building Bridges: Fostering Community Partnerships for Environmental Equity

Date:  September 25, 11am-12pm PT / 1-2pm CT / 2-3pm ET

Description: Led by Diverse Nature Collective (DNC) founder, Patricia Wilson, this workshop is designed to encourage and empower organizations to create meaningful and sustainable partnerships with equity-deserving communities in the environmental sector. The 1 hour session will explore the unique challenges and barriers these communities face, and provide practical strategies for effective engagement and collaboration. 



Workshop 2

Title: Connecting Communities: The Break The Divide Approach to Climate Emotions

Date:  October 23, 11am-12pm PT / 1-2pm CT / 2-3pm ET

Description: This immersive workshop offers a deep dive into understanding climate emotions, building community resilience, and empowering participants to take tangible steps toward climate action. Aruzhan (Aria) Kani and Abhay Singh Sachal with Break the Divide, will guide participants through a journey to grasp the concept of environmental identity. Through personal experiences with the environment and climate change globally and within Canada, attendees will gain insights into their relationship with these issues.



Workshop 3

Title: Designing Systems That Work for Us with the Roots, Stems, Seeds and Flowers Framework

Date:  Wednesday, November 20, 11am-12:30pm PT / 1-2:30pm CT / 2-3:30pm ET

Description:  This 1.5 hour immersive workshop offers a comprehensive systems thinking cycle, allowing participants to delve deeply into the systems they aim to transform. Tyjana Connolly (she/her), a passionate community builder, organizer, and co-founder of Black Eco Bloom, will guide participants through the different phases of systems thinking using The Roots, Stems, Seeds and Flowers (RSSF) framework, encouraging individuals to approach decision-making and actions through the lens of cultivation – based on community, learning, re-learning, envisioning, and evaluation.



Each workshop will be led or co-led by Climate Leaders who participated in STARCAP. To learn more about individual facilitators, please click on the workshop links above. 


STARCAP Climate Action Fall Workshop Series

Date: September 25, October 23, & November 20, 2024
Time: 11am-12pm PT / 1-2pm CT / 2-3pm ET


Live ASL interpretation will be available at this event.

CCEDNet is committed to creating an accessible environment for all participants. Closed captioning will be available. However, accessibility goes beyond space considerations. If you are experiencing anything that is preventing you from attending this program, please contact Amanda San Filippo, to discuss how we may help.