Can a community-based economy be developed that adresses the social needs of low incomes communities though local economic development, and through such projects help those who are marginal to gain…
Community economic development is increasingly a strategy in the fight against poverty that is complementary to more traditional approaches, such as employment training, guaranteed income, and social assistance targeted at…
This book is both important and timely. Written by practitioners who are also academics, the book combines solid research, observation and practical experience that speak forcefully to the need for…
Community Economic Development in Canada, publised in two volumes, provides the most revealing, current, comprehensive and authoritative text on Canadian communities in action – urban and rural – and how…
Canadian communities are wresting with difficult and complex economic realities that threaten their well-being. Confronting these challenges is essential to ensure a healthy and vibrant Canada in the 21st century. …
A Community Resilience Guide Americans’ long-term savings in stocks, bonds, mutual funds, pension funds, and life insurance funds total about $30 trillion. But not even 1 percent of these savings…
Communities in both the US and the UK have tried to come to grips with the problem of local economic development growth; at times the solutions have been surprisingly similar,…
Today, the emphasis in social work is on community renewal trough shared reponsibility. In Community Building, you will discover the latest proven programs for working with community members toward goals…
The social economy is rapidly gaining in visibility at the international, national and local levels in most OECD member countries. Social economy — also know as ‘non-profit’ or ‘third sector’…
There is a global movement of people at the grassroots who are innovating new approaches to wealth creation and distribution. They recognise that the current dominant models are not only…
Drawing inspiration from the Council of Europe Strategy for Social Cohesion, this volume analyses from different angles the new forms of economic solidarity and responsibility which European citizens are setting…
To better respond to a new set of concerns of the population and promote sustainable development, governments today actively seek a broad partnership with civil society and the private sector….