This Guide offers advice on how to incorporate Community Benefits in public procurements using either the Open or Restricted procurement procedures. Although not covered in this guidance it is also…
To make employment, training and other ‘community benefits’ key outcomes of public expenditure programmes, they need to be incorporated into the specification of what is being purchased or funded. The…
This story was developed through a series of interviews and workshops with key players in the community benefits story in spring 2017. Blueprint conducted interviews with 17 representatives from community…
Metrolinx recognizes that its major infrastructure investments should also provide benefits for the communities in which it works, including employment, apprenticeship, and local supplier opportunities where possible. It has therefore…
In February 2015, the East Side Road Authority (ESRA) has signed a second community benefits agreement with Bunibonibee First Nation for pre-construction on the East Side Road, Aboriginal and Northern…
The Crossing Agreement signed in 2012 by the Government of Canada and the State of Michigan required the incorporation of a Community Benefits Plan for the Gordie Howe International Bridge…
In the United States, more and more cities are using community benefit agreements to foster equitable development. Below are some case studies about cities that have implemented agreements or are…
On September 24, 2007, a Community Benefits Agreement (CBA) was signed for the development of a 7‐hectare site in Southeast False Creek. Signed by Millennium Southeast False Creek Properties Ltd….
Since the end of last decade, several institutions of the European Union have called for public policies to boost the social economy at the European, national and regional levels. A…
Canada’s governments are investing billions of dollars in large infrastructure projects. If done well, this investment can generate significant social, economic and environmental value as well as empower communities to…
The Institute of Fiscal Studies and Democracy (IFSD) is a Canadian think-tank sitting at the nexus of public finance and state institutions. Fiscal ecosystems include governments, legislatures, the public administration…
This research explores how Ontario municipalities can use community benefits to maximize social and economic outcomes through better infrastructure planning and investment, in order to deliver better outcomes for people…