Early in 2011 Bow Valley College’s Office of Applied Research and Innovation was contacted by the Community Futures Network of Alberta, also referred to as Community Futures Alberta, requesting to…
In 2007–2008, Canada spent an estimated $14.3 billion in public expenditures for mental health services and supports.1 According to a 2009 report by the Mood Disorders Society of Canada, costs…
Too many economic development policymakers are overly focused on the goal of economic growth. But growth is only good to the extent that it brings about increased real incomes for…
This project gathered ideas from leading experts in the US to develop job creation proposals that met the following criteria: designed for implementation by cities and/or states and will lead…
This guide is written primarily for community-building practitioners from the point of view of an experienced evaluator, but it should also be useful for funders and others who would like…
About the BookNorthern British Columbia is a place of rich cultures, diverse communities, and a strong sense of identity. The future of this vast, resource-rich region and the people who…
Accountability, value for money, results‐based management, audits and evaluation are prominent themes in state‐social economy interactions in Canada today. Community economic development organizations have been put on the defensive by…
Almost 300 hundred years ago, facing major poverty, exclusion and inequalities, men and women created a new way to meet their needs: co-operatives and mutuals (CM). The model, inspired by…
Mark Cabaj summarizes focal points in the discussion of evaluating community-based economic development initiatives: the need to specify why an evaluation is to take place, by whom, and how quantitative…
This literature review of community development evaluation examines eight specific evaluation methods. It also provides examples of a range for practical tools and evaluation exercises focused on the needs of…
This document brings together a collection of social and community well-being indicators that are intended as a resource for community development organizations in designing and developing evaluation within their programs…
This document is a collection of five case studies – including Tamarack’s Vibrant Communities — of organizations and programs that are doing evaluation. These case studies are not necessarily best…