The Carleton Centre for Community Innovation (3ci) is a university research centre based at the School of Public Policy and Administration at Carleton University, Ottawa. 3ci is working with the…
Money invested in a social enterprise should be used efficiently in delivering its social mission. Also, where public funding is used efficient delivery of outcomes, or savings in public spending…
Policies for social entrepreneurship This policy brief on social impact measurement for social enterprises was produced by the OECD and the European Commission. It presents the issues and ongoing debates…
This research finds that successful social value procurement (SVP) evaluation frameworks share the following characteristics: a clear articulation of the end-goal, a transparent and consistent process for gathering baseline data…
A solidarity economy movement is emerging from lower-income communities of color in Massachusetts. This movement aspires to transform capitalism—as we know it—into a world rooted in values of democracy, justice, and sustainability….
This report provides key evidence supporting the potential growth of Vancouver’s sharing economy, and valuable information for entrepreneurs and grassroots organizers who are looking to develop new platforms for sharing….
The UK is widely recognised as the most advanced social investment market in the world. This domestic strategy outlines how, over the next 5 years, the government will: use social…
The Government of Manitoba’s strategy to enable individuals with barriers to employment access to meaningful work through social enterprise is part of a larger provincial job creation strategy launched in…
A new toolkit has been launched to help foster social innovation across Windsor-Essex. This first-of-its-kind toolkit will provide information for non-profits and entrepreneurs wanting to create innovative new products, services…
This Directory of Resources for Aboriginal Social Entrepreneurs has been designed to simplify your efforts to find and acquire information. There are abundant resources available, but programs continually change over…
Drawing on years of working with social entrepreneurs, conversations from across the globe, and lessons from case studies of its Social EnterPrize recipients, a new report from the Trico Foundation,…
This report examines financing for the social enterprise sector in Winnipeg and Manitoba. The report utilizes a literature review, which covers the last ten years of peer-reviewed articles (2015-2016) as…