Taking on the role of being a Citizen Action Lab Leader is taking a courageous dive into exploring and supporting cutting edge work in human services. Through the lab you’ll…
How will the guidelines help me? If you are responsible for procurement, these guidelines will help you to: understand social impact procurement; identify potential suppliers in your community; and, develop…
The Olympic, Commonwealth & Pan Am Games, and the growing case for Social Procurement Policy in Canada Procurement: Moving from ‘Do no harm’ to ‘Do some good’ With each major…
A scan of the local social enterprise economy Social enterprise is evolving across Alberta: communities are supported, clients engaged, and ideation and creative innovation are being nurtured. Increasingly, Albertans are…
A number of important topics will be covered in this guide. Beginning with an exploration of the meaning and purpose of local economic development, the narrative moves to a discussion…
Community Investment Funds (CIFs) are locally sourced and controlled pools of capital that are capitalized by individual investors within a specific geography or community. The proceeds of CIFs are directed…
Statement of Objectives This delegation of professionals sought to share experiences in the development of sustainable food systems in both Cuba and the U.S. Shared experience and knowledge include: methods…
Social Purpose Enterprises: Case Studies for Social Change presents case studies of twelve organizations that operate in a growing niche within the Canadian social economy: market-based entities supported by a…
20 Questions Directors of Not-for-Profit Organizations Should Ask About Social Enterprise helps you, as a director of an NFP considering or already conducting activities through a social enterprise, address common…
As an older industrial city, Newark continues to rebuild and reimagine its economy. The large anchor organizations headquartered in the city are a tremendous asset. They are the largest employers…
This report summarizes research undertaken by the Carsey School of Public Policy to evaluate impacts of the Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFI) Fund on CDFIs and of the CDFI industry…
The Trentino co-operative model has gained wide acclaim for its positive economic and social impact upon the territory. Developing a strong understanding of why the model has been so effective…