Author: Matthew Thompson
dalhousie_logo.gif Dalhousie University, through its Local Government Program, has created a new certificate program in Community Economic Development (CED). This program will be targeting those already working in the field…
cash_1855665c.jpg In last month’s budget, the United Kingdom announced a 30% tax relief-rate for social investment. The Social Economy Alliance (SEA), a network of over 150 organizations (including social enterprises,…
Every year CCEDNet members are invited to submit nominations for CCEDNet’s Board of Directors. This year, there were four vacancies to be filled. Four eligible nominations were received by the…
social_enterprise_hub_thumb3.jpg The Government of New Brunswick has made a commitment of $300,000 to help develop a “social enterprise hub” in Saint John’s Waterloo Village neighbourhood. CCEDNet member, the Saint John…
socialenterprise2014.jpg The Government of British Columbia has proclaimed April 2014 as Social Enterprise Month to celebrate the expanding social enterprise sector and recognize its contribution to the strength and resiliency…
Today’s launch of Co-operatives and Mutuals Canada (CMC) represents a new united voice for Canada’s co-operative and mutual businesses. A national, bilingual association, CMC represents 9,000 co-operatives with a total…
ced_nz_cover_art.png Earlier this month, the New Zealand Community Economic Development Trust released Community Economic Development: Understanding the New Zealand Context, exploring the conceptual theory of CED and describing the realities…
The co-operative sector has cause to celebrate as an all-party Parliamentary Caucus on Co-operatives prepares to hold its first meeting. The caucus will look to continue the work that the…
impact-en_0.jpg In September 2013, the Province of Ontario, through their Social Enterprise Strategy for Ontario committed to pilot one or more Social Impact Bonds by working closely with innovative social…
For Albertans with an interest in addressing complex social issues such as poverty and family violence, the news of a new provincial Social Innovation Endowment was a clear highlight in…
The Government of Alberta is set to create the largest Social Innovation Endowment in Canada through Bill 1-the Savings Management Act. The Social Innovation Endowment Fund (SIEF) will receive $1…
The recently launched Community Finance Solutions is now accepting applications for expert advisory support in the development of the following types of new impact investing funds and products: Creation of…