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While there is no one definition for the “new economy”, most folks working in this field would probably agree on a few basic elements that distinguish this economic approach from…
The Social Enterprise Council of Canada (SECC), in partnership with CCEDNet-Manitoba, is pleased to announce the sixth national conference on social enterprise (#CCSE2017) to be held in Winnipeg. CCSE2017: A…
Your community. It’s the place you call home. It’s where you raise your kids, where you work and where you play. At the same time, our local infrastructure can affect…
In partnership with Scale Collaborative, the Community Social Planning Council of Greater Victoria (a member of the Canadian CED Network) has launched a Social Enterprise Incubator. The incubator is designed to…
The Federal Government has launched a nation-wide call to action to help in the creation of an Inclusive Innovation Agenda. The federal department of Innovation, Science and Economic Development wants to hear…
Renewable energy projects can be installed at community scale or micro-scale. Photo: David Dodge Traditional power generation often takes the form of large generators far from the cities and towns that…
The Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities has launched a study of poverty reduction strategies. The study focuses on improving…
The National Trust for Canada invites community groups undertaking main street projects to participate in a national crowdfunding competition this fall. The 2016 This Place Matters competition will give community groups the…
Labour market transfer agreements support the design and delivery of provincial-territorial programs and services that respond to the employment needs of all Canadian workers, including persons with disabilities, older workers,…
Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) is currently accepting proposals from organizations interested in receiving financial assistance from the Skills Link program. Project activities can be provincial or territorial or…
Home Sweet Home, a local foods grocery store turned economic development project, is travelling the province this month, teaching rural communities how to build their local food economies. Between now…
If you’re like Canadian CED Network Executive Director, Michael Toye, you have a pile of books on the side of your desk (see image below right) to remind you of…