Last Wednesday was the inaugural meeting of the Social Innovation Advisory Council (SIAC).

The creation of the Council was one of the 12 recommendations in the Social Innovation and Social Finance (SISF) strategy, Inclusive Innovation. 

After nearly 15 years as Executive Director of CCEDNet, I’ve led more than my fair share of meetings, but not many where a federal minister is a participant!  So chairing this first meeting of the Council had me a bit more nervous than usual – the establishment of the Council is a very important and long-awaited step in this ambitious agenda for change. 

The strategy was released at the end of August 2018, after nearly a year of engagement and deliberations by a co-creation Steering Group.  The government moved quickly to provide funding for the Social Finance Fund and the Investment Readiness Program just a few months later in the 2018 Fall Economic Statement.  But since then, we’ve had two elections, two new ministers, and a pandemic, slowing progress considerably. 

CCEDNet has been advocating for action on all 12 recommendations since the report was released.  The creation of the Council is a key step, because as the OECD Recommendation on the Social and Solidarity Economy and Social Innovation recognizes, an institutional architecture that facilitates stakeholder engagement, including under-represented groups, in the design and implementation of public policies is central to ensuring their relevance and success. 

The OECD Recommendation also says that the institutional framework is ideally co-created with the stakeholders such as umbrella organizations of stakeholder groups that are part of the wider ecosystem.  The SIAC is not a co-creation body, it is an advisory council to the government, but it is an important mechanism for feedback. 

PCEG logo cloud

As part of the Council’s role to provide stakeholder feedback to the government, we will rely on social purpose organizations, social innovators, and sector leaders to continue to tell us what’s needed. 

CCEDNet has convened the People-Centred Economy Group for over a decade for just that reason:  because for Social Innovation and Social Finance to be successful, it requires sector coherency as the foundation for effective government partnerships. 

The focus of the Social Innovation and Social Finance strategy is on social purpose organizations (SPOs), the diverse range of organizations including charities, non-profit organizations, co-operatives, and private businesses advancing a social or environmental mission.

There are a lot of them in Canada, and the legal structures we’re talking about when we refer to SPOs are mostly not new (although there are some newer ones, like Community Contribution Companies, Community Interest Companies, or multi-stakeholder co-operatives).  But they are under-recognized as business models, and too often face structural or awareness-related barriers to accessing capital, business development programs or other opportunities that can help them grow. 

When they are successful as businesses, they do a miraculous thing:  they shift the purpose, incentives, and accountability in the economy towards what we need in the 21st century:  more equitable prosperity and more sustainable well-being. 

That’s what social innovation and social finance are about — breaking out of the silos we find ourselves in, to correct the systems that create exclusion and environmental destruction, and to empower Canadians to take action in their communities for our shared benefit. 

At the Sustainable Finance Forum on Parliament Hill last November, Prime Minister Trudeau said that the strategy will empower individual Canadians and community-level organizations to have an even bigger impact in defining the future of Canada, so we can all build an economy that works for all Canadians. 

That’s my aspiration for this Strategy and the Council. 

Minister Gould has said that she believes this is the economy Canadians want, but we need to do a better job making people aware of it.  I think she’s right, and it’s a call to action for the sector to engage the public and build support.  That’s how we’ll catalyze the real force for change — which isn’t government, it’s people.

Let’s continue to build momentum for a successful social innovation and social finance strategy in Canada. 


Michael Toye

Executive Director
Canadian CED Network

Mike Toye (he/him) lives in the traditional territory of the Abenaki and Wabanaki Confederacy in south-central Québec.  His involvement with the Canadian Community Economic Development Network started in 2000, and he has been Executive Director since 2008.  He has been a consultant on community economic development and the social economy in two worker co-operatives he co-founded, author of numerous articles and reports, co-editor of the book Community Economic Development: Building for Social Change, lecturer, researcher and Policy Analyst for the Library of Parliament.

The Government of Canada has launched the Social Innovation Advisory Council (SIAC), a body tasked with advancing the goals of the Social Innovation and Social Finance (SI/SF) Strategy.

CCEDNet’s Executive Director, Mike Toye, has been named SIAC’s first Chairperson. Together, Mike and the six other Council members will provide advice to the government on the ongoing implementation of the SI/SF Strategy.

Employment and Social Development Canada published a press release about the launch of SIAC. Read it in full below.

News release

February 1, 2023              Gatineau, Quebec              Employment and Social Development Canada

The Government of Canada is taking steps to encourage innovative approaches to address persistent social inequalities and environmental challenges faced by Canadians. The Social Innovation and Social Finance Strategy aims to provide better support for community organizations working to achieve positive solutions to persistent social problems, including those faced by marginalized populations.

Today, the Minister of Families, Children and Social Development, Karina Gould, announced the appointment of seven members to the Social Innovation Advisory Council, which is a foundational element of the Social Innovation and Social Finance Strategy. The members of the Advisory Council are leaders, practitioners and subject matter experts in the social innovation and social finance sector from across Canada. They offer a diverse range of skill sets, knowledge and experiences.

The Social Innovation Advisory Council will provide strategic advice and subject matter expertise to support Canada’s social innovation and social finance approaches and the growth of social purpose organizations. It will provide an important perspective from within the stakeholder community, and it will provide feedback to the Government of Canada on the current initiatives and future direction of the Social Innovation and Social Finance Strategy, as well as on emerging issues facing the sector. 


“The launch of the Social Innovation Advisory Council is a significant step forward in implementing the Government of Canada’s Social Innovation and Social Finance Strategy. Each member of this council will provide a unique perspective and add valuable insight about the challenges being faced by communities, social purpose organizations, and the social innovation and social finance sector. By investing in Canada’s social innovation and social finance potential, the Government of Canada is helping to create the kind of economy that Canadians want.” 

– Minister of Families, Children and Social Development, Karina Gould

“Social innovation and social finance represent a game-changing agenda for equitable prosperity, to create an economy that works for everyone. The formation of the Social Innovation Advisory Council, one of the 12 recommendations made by the Social Innovation and Social Finance Strategy Co-Creation Steering Group in their report Inclusive Innovation, will be an important mechanism to continue advancing this bold agenda. In my role as chair, I look forward to working with social innovation and social finance stakeholders from across Canada and with social purpose organizations who are building a future where everyone sees opportunities for themselves and for future generations.” 

 – Michael Toye, Chair of the Social Innovation Advisory Council

“The recommendations made by the Social Innovation and Social Finance Strategy Co-Creation Steering Group in their report Inclusive Innovation feel even more relevant at this point in time. The pandemic has held an ongoing spotlight on many societal issues around the world, and the need to act is critical. By continuing to support the development of the social purpose landscape across Canada, we have the opportunity to demonstrate ways of creating a more just and inclusive economy: one that serves both people and the planet. Collaboration and strong relationships will be instrumental in moving this work forward into the future.”

 – Lauren Sears, Vice-Chair of the Social Innovation Advisory Council

Quick facts

  • The Government of Canada appointed members to the Social Innovation Advisory Council through a public call for applications in 2019. Members were selected to ensure that the Advisory Council represents varied skill sets and knowledge of Canada’s social innovation and social finance sector. 
  • The Social Innovation Advisory Council members have been appointed for three-year terms, with the possibility for renewal.  
  • Government officials will provide secretariat support to the Social Innovation Advisory Council and will serve as observers and resource people at Advisory Council meetings to provide policy, program, legislative and regulatory expertise.  

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Interviews with Nancy Neamtan and Michael Lewis

Interviews conducted by Yvon Poirier, the Canadian CED Network’s representative to RIPESS. The Chantier de l’économie sociale and the Canadian CED Network (CCEDNet) are founding members of RIPESS

Both of you attended a meeting in Dakar (Senegal) on December 18 and 19, 2002. At the occasion of this meeting held to prepare the third Globalization of Solidarity meeting of 2005, after a first in 1997 in Lima (Peru) and Quebec City (Canada) in 2001, the decision was made to create a network called the Intercontinental Network for the Promotion of Social Solidarity (RIPESS). The Chantier and CCEDNet were two of the three organizations that are still active in RIPESS (the other is GRESP in Peru).

At the occasion of the 20th Anniversary of this important milestone in history in building the Social Solidarity Economy (SSE) movement, here is an interview with Nancy and Michael.

Q1: Why did you attend this meeting, representing your organizations?

Nancy Neamtan

Nancy Neamtan
The social economy movement in Quebec, in continuity with the community economic development network, has always considered global networking as a key component of its work. Learning from others across the globe and joining our voices to gain recognition and support has motivated us to reach out and to convene international partners on an ongoing basis. It was thus natural for the Chantier to be an active participant in this initiative to build ties with SSE actors across the world.

Mike Lewis
Mike Lewis

Mike Lewis
I already had a long history of working in human rights in Central America through church-based coalitions and with Indigenous leadership. Thus, as an organizer helping found the Canadian Community Economic Development Network (CCEDNet) and the first chair of the National Policy Council, it made sense for me to attend. It was through Nancy Neamtan, a friend and colleague in CED (community economic development) since the 80s, that I first became aware of the extraordinary meetings in Lima and later in Quebec City. For CCEDNet, the decision to go to Senegal was based more on a convergence of values and priorities than an understanding of the social or solidarity economy and, importantly, an opportunity to strengthen the relationship with the rapidly developing social economy movement in Quebec.

Q2: At this meeting, with the participation of delegates from Africa, Latin America, Europe, and North America (Asia was not yet in the movement), two important aspects stand out in the name. The first is the use of intercontinental instead of international. Most organizations use international. Why was this decided and what meaning does it have for you?

Nancy Neamtan
The choice of the term ‘intercontinental’ was made to emphasize the desire to assure a transversal, non-hierarchical relationships between actors from the South and the North. Our partners from the south underlined how the concept of ‘international’ networks often resulted in top-down structures dominated by actors from the north. The concept of ‘intercontinental’ was meant to emphasize egalitarian relationships between all continents, respecting the diversity and autonomy of each.

Mike Lewis
Frankly, I just tried to listen and learn from the discussion in 2002. I did not really grasp the significance of the term intercontinental. But then I became one of four members on the first board and, after 3 years of board deliberations, I began to understand. However, it was being charged with the task of coordinating the recruitment of workshop proposals for the 2005 gathering in Dakar that deepened my appreciation. With around 350 workshop proposals flowing in from diverse countries across the continents I came to understand that the term ‘intercontinental’ provides a useful frame for respecting the diversity and autonomy between countries within and between continents.

Q3: The other significant difference is the use of the expression social solidarity economy. Most organizations rather use social AND solidarity economy. Why was this decided and what does it mean for you?

Nancy Neamtan
RIPESS was created at a time when tensions were high between the traditional institutionalized ‘social’ economy and the emerging solidarity economy, rooted in social movements and a transformational vision of SSE. However, in Quebec and in some other countries, the social economy was the accepted terminology. In adopting the social solidarity economy to define our new network, we wished to be as inclusive as possible and to express a continuum in the emerging movement for a more democratic and inclusive economy.

Mike Lewis
For most anglophone Canadians involved in organizing Canada’s national CED network in the 1990s, the social economy was a vague and distant term. The solidarity economy, well, that was a term none of us had heard. While the evolving CED network in Canada included co-ops, non-profit enterprises, and social justice groups, our main focus was on place-based development. Inspired by the CED movement in the United States, birthed out of the Civil Rights movement and nourished by the national ‘War On Poverty’ (1964), many of us became impressed with the place-based community development corporation model and wanted to advance it in Canada. Using economic tools to advance ‘social’ goals and community well-being became part of the anglophone CED lexicon but, in my view, never showed up with the vibrancy evident in Quebec, where social movements and movement-building seem more deeply rooted in the culture and political consciousness.

Q4: Twenty years later, could you share your thoughts about the current situation and how SSE and related approaches are important?

Nancy Neamtan
At a time when global warming threatens humanity, the need to transform the very processes of development is more urgent than ever. If the SSE movement emerged primarily as a strategy to reduce poverty and revitalize communities, its contribution to socio-ecological transition has become evident and the need to support its development a focus for more and more social movements. The upcoming recognition by the UN is encouraging but the true challenge is assuring that all levels of governments, social movements, civil society networks, and researchers in all corners of the globe have access to the knowledge and tools that allow them to accelerate the contribution of the SSE to a sustainable and just development model.

Mike Lewis
When my first grandchild was two years old, we lived as four generations on a farm, 7 km from a very rich salmon river. Two months before the meetings in Dakar, she and I went on a tramp to the Stamp River, there to feel the wonder of tens of thousands of salmon struggling to reach their spawning grounds. Her excitement was contagious, pure joy. However, for me, it was also joy but tinged with sorrow. Two days earlier, I came across a scientific paper saying salmon would be extinct in 40 years due to the warming climate. Soon after, I was taken over by deep grief. If this were true, I thought, my granddaughter, should she have children, would never know the joy of her grandchildren experiencing such wonder. In 2022 a new scientific study projected extinction by 2042.

Our existential reality is this: change due to climate and other planetary limits being exceeded are already in play. Impacts are evident everywhere. Solidarity with all that is alive today, tomorrow, and intergenerationally means limiting the damage going forward by radically adapting to a much simpler, conserving way of being on the earth. The solidarity economy has much embedded in its DNA that could contribute to navigating what is being referred to by some as the Great Simplification: resistance to fossil fuel expansion (every 1/10th of a degree matters today and future generations); strengthening community and bio-regional resilience and self-reliance; challenging the goal of economic growth and all the deceptive and deadly narratives justifying living as if limits do not exist; advocating for just reparations to the South for climate impacts generated in the North, investing adequate resources for adaptation; planning for the inevitable increase in migration, and, seeking to collaborate with those working on systematic ways to ration energy and other resources critical to basic needs being met.

Interviews conducted by Yvon Poirier
CCEDNet board member and representative in RIPESS
December 2022


Group of people gathering in the street with a sign saying 'System Change Not Climate Change'. Photo credit: Kris Krug // Groupe de personnes se rassemblant dans la rue avec une pancarte disant "System Change Not Climate Change". Crédit photo : Kris Krug

The need for socially just and environmentally sustainable communities are now at the forefront of social movements the world over due to the ongoing climate crisis. 

To support critical systemic change, Toward Co-operative Commonwealth: Transition in a Perilous Century, a Massive Online Open Course (MOOC) is being delivered by Synergia Institute and Athabasca University

MOOC Registration Now Open!

Toward Co-operative Commonwealth: Transition in a Perilous Century” is open to registrants from across the world. The course starts January 29, 2023 and registration is open now.

To register, visit

STARCAP’s Community Partners

CCEDNet is collaborating with Community Partners across the country to register for the MOOC and advance learning outcomes through the Synergia Transition and Resilience Climate Action Program (STARCAP). The program’s objective is to mobilize local climate action in ways that advance community resilience, capacity and climate justice.  

The 2023 Community Partners are:

Black Eco Bloom

Centre for Local Prosperity & The Deanery



St. James Town Community Co-op

Transition Kamloops


These organizations recognize the urgency of community-led climate action and are already active in that area or are committed to undertaking it. We are honoured to be able to support them in their work.

The program provides impactful community building and mobilization tools including: 

  • a shared language for community stakeholders to speak about climate change  
  • frameworks to guide climate action and community resilience initiatives  
  • tools to network across various stakeholders (local governments, community/regionally anchored businesses, affiliate organizations and networks, youth initiatives, etc.) to advance movement building   
  • examples of community-led, climate activism from Canada and around the world to inspire and catalyze efforts  
  • participatory workshops 
  • 1:1 guidance on climate action and community resilience planning with environmental and community development educators  
  • networking and network building across the program’s community partner network  

Recommendations for more inclusive, sustainable, and prosperous communities in Manitoba were shared with the Government of Manitoba recently through CCEDNet Manitoba on behalf of the Network’s over 80 member organizations in Manitoba.

In late November, CCEDNet Manitoba submitted its 2023 budget submission to the Province of Manitoba, including the Minister of Finance, six other cabinet ministers key to Community Economic Development, and numerous civil servants.

Members discuss policy priorities at the 2022 CCEDNet Manitoba Member Meeting

Our Network stands behind these recommendations as contributing to key priorities for our province: an inclusive & sustainable economy, meaningful employment, affordable housing, and investing in safer, healthier communities. We advocate for the inclusion of the following principles to be at the heart of Manitoba’s budget: Community Economic Development supporting locally led solutions, Reconciliation, Equity & Inclusion, and Sustainability and Climate Action.

Our members believe that when these solutions shared are scaled up, implemented, or enacted, they will serve to build fairer and stronger local economies, reduce poverty and homelessness, tackle climate change, and ensure sustainable and inclusive communities.

How the Network’s mandate is set

Our public policy mandate is the result of a democratic decision-making process. Every year, members of CCEDNet Manitoba work together to create a pragmatic, wide-ranging, and solutions-focused set of public policy resolutions. At our annual policy summit, members gather to discuss and ratify these ideas after completing consultations and drafting resolutions.

Summary of Recommendations

An Inclusive & Sustainable Economy through Community Economic Development

  1. Ensure that social enterprises, cooperatives, and community-based organizations (CBOs) are part of an inclusive economic recovery from COVID-19 through strategic development support
  2. Enhance government procurement by intentionally generating economic, social, and environmental outcomes, including creating meaningful employment opportunities, by:
    • Requiring social, environmental and/or economic community benefit outcomes when purchasing goods and services by including them in the bid evaluation process, with a particular emphasis on employment and training outcomes
    • Creating set-asides in purchasing for access by social enterprises, cooperatives, and/or non-profits
  3. Support ecosystem development and resources that support innovation and collaboration within the community, such as funding of networks and member associations

Addressing the Labour Shortage with Meaningful Employment

Cover image of the 2022 CCEDNet Manitoba budget submission
  1. Stabilize and increase workforce training funding for organizations and/or social enterprises who work alongside low-income communities/individuals with barriers, including organizations providing long-term supports for Indigenous job seekers
  2. Expand the core funding for the Youth Employment Hub and First Jobs 4 Youth programs to Neighbourhood Renewal Corporations and other community-based organizations across Manitoba through the Department of Families, learning from the successful model at Spence Neighbourhood Association.
  3. Establish a streamlined and non-stigmatizing fee waiver system that enables low-income Manitobans to obtain or replace a birth certificate free of charge. Ensure that incarcerated individuals are provided with necessary identification, either entering or exiting incarceration, as well as youth exiting Child and Family Services prior to transitioning out of care.

Housing Affordability & Energy Efficiency

  1. Support the capacity of community-based organizations, social enterprises, and cooperatives to build and own more affordable and energy efficient housing through better government and sector alignment, support for organizations to leverage funding, and direct government support.
    • Prioritize retrofitting existing social and affordable housing stock while creating employment opportunities in the green economy

Investing in Our Communities

  1. Renew and restructure the Building Sustainable Communities program for community-led development with multi-year, streamlined funding.
  2. Resource and enable the Manitoba Social Finance Working Group to establish provincial financing opportunities for enterprising non-profits, social enterprises, and cooperatives that are sensitive to the unique needs of these organizations and that contribute to further social innovation.
  3. Strengthen and utilize the Community Enterprise Development Tax Credit as a financing tool for Manitoba community groups, cooperatives, and social enterprises.
Three people preparing food as part of LITE's catering social enterprise
Three people preparing food as part of LITE’s catering social enterprise.

How do you define the value you get through the purchasing choices you make? We usually think of price, quality, convenience, and perhaps a brand we want to identify with. But what if there is more at stake with each purchase?

If you knew that each choice could change someone’s life, or strengthen your community, how would that influence your decisions? I’ll show you what I mean, by telling you a story, and introducing you to an opportunity to maximize value through purchasing.

As a young kid, I remember standing in the middle of my small-town general store holding a dollar bill in my hand. Yes, I know that dates me to another era, but what struck me at the time was the realization that this small piece of paper provided me an opportunity, and a choice.

No, my mind didn’t turn to social finance and supporting the local co-operative movement with a sustainable fair trade choice. As a kid in a rural town, there was really only one local business. My options were basically limited to whether it would be a package containing a chalky, brittle piece of pink gum that happened to include hockey cards, or some other fun treats I’d seen my classmates with. Being new to Canada, both seemed to be part of the ‘cool kid’ culture, so this decision wasn’t an easy one.

As a tween, being able to earn a few more dollars mowing lawns for a handful of senior neighbours expanded my options, both in variety and volume. Now, my maturing thought process started to include a number of considerations: buying something for my brother as well, which I’m sure I didn’t do as often as I should have, or saving up for something even more important like a record (again, dating myself) from a nearby town that had more shops.

I was beginning to understand the power of purchasing. However, at this point I thought the power was purely about how it impacted me, and perhaps my family who would inevitably be subjected to the music I chose. At the same time, I was beginning to appreciate my parents’ commitment to various humanitarian causes. They dedicated their time and resources to building community, as you may recall from my first blog on Finding My Purpose. From their role modeling, I was coming to understand that money was for living, but also for giving to those with less.

But it wasn’t until I learned the story of LITE that my own experiences, my parents’ example, and my quickly forming personal values came together. Everyone is familiar with the concept of giving food to people who don’t have enough to eat. Simple to understand, and easy to do. It is kindness in action. But while this gift of food is essential in the moment, does it change the reason someone needed food in the first place? Or could the gift of food be provided in a way that supports solutions to poverty rather than simply easing its pain?

Continue reading about how LITE changed the way I understood CED and the power of purchasing.


Brendan Reimer

Brendan Reimer is a CCEDNet member (and former staffer!) who now serves as Strategic Partner, Values-Based Banking at Assiniboine Credit Union.

brendan raimer

On November 2 & 3, Ryan Turnbull, Member of Parliament for Whitby, hosted the Sustainable Finance Forum on Parliament Hill, highlighting the opportunities and challenges to scale up social innovation and sustainable finance to create jobs, transition to net-zero, and build an inclusive economy.

The remarks below were made by Tiffany Callender, CEO of the Federation of African Canadian Economics, or FACE.

Honorable Senators, Distinguished guests,

Ministre et membre parlementaire,

It is an honor for me to speak to you today as the Chief Executive Officer of the Federation of African Canadian Economics, which is also known as FACE.

It is a privilege to speak to you about our organization, our goals and our vision. I want to express my thanks to MP Arielle Kayabaga and MP Ryan Turnbull for the invitation.

The COVID-19 pandemic has not only disrupted our personal lives, but it has had major consequences on thousands of men and women who have chosen to start a business, to create wealth and jobs and to contribute to Canada’s economic recovery.

The federal government and the provinces responded quickly by enacting policies to support businesses and business owners. These policies have allowed many of them to wither the storm and to eventually reopen their businesses.

In the black business community, however, we quickly noticed how difficult it was for many black entrepreneurs to access funds and, in some cases, to reopen their businesses. Black entrepreneurs faced two major obstacles, namely accessibility and adaptability.

This is why, in January 2021, 5 black-led business organizations got together and decided to act to ensure that black entrepreneurs had the same chances as every other Canadian entrepreneur to recover and succeed.

The Federation of African Canadian Economics was founded by Groupe 3737, the Côtes-des-Neiges Black community association, the Black Business Initiative, the Black Business and Professionals association and the Africa Centre.

FACE une organisation nationale bilingue à but non lucratif géré par des noirs pour contribuer au développement et à l’essor de la communauté noire du Canada.

We believe that we can only recover from this pandemic and the economic challenges we currently face by mobilizing all economic forces. We believe that this is how we can strengthen our economy. We further believe that it is by ensuring that all can equally contribute to improving our economy that we can create wealth.

It was vital for us to go beyond words and to take action to support black entrepreneurs. We are extremely grateful in that regard for the government of Canada’s support. We are especially grateful to the Minister of International Trade, Export, Promotion, Small Business and Economic Development, Mary Ng, whose role was critical in the creation of the Black Entrepreneurship Loan Fund, which was publicly announced by the prime minister on May 31, 2021.

Some may have doubts about the importance of having a black-led fund dedicated to the black community. This is a legitimate preoccupation. So is, in our view, the answer to such a preoccupation.

According to an Abacus Data survey commissioned by the African Canadian Senate Group, which captured numerous obstacles faced by black entrepreneurs.

This survey confirmed what many in the black business community had observed at the beginning of the pandemic, namely that black entrepreneurs faced obstacles that other Canadian entrepreneurs didn’t:

  • Systemic racism impacts most Black Entrepreneurs: 76% of Black entrepreneurs surveyed said their race makes it harder to succeed as an entrepreneurs
  • Access to capital is the greatest barrier for black entrepreneurs.  75% say that if they needed to find 10,000 $ to support their business, it would be difficult for them to do so
  • Networks and supports are critical to empowering black entrepreneurs
  • Low trust in banks is widespread: only 19% of respondents say that they trust banks to do what is right for them and their community

We should not take these findings lightly. A just and prosperous country like Canada should not ignore these realities.

As a country founded by immigrants and cultural communities, we simply cannot ignore such a problem and we must find solutions.

This is especially true today as we are still recovering from the most severe crisis Canada has known in the last 100 years.

Canada will have to rely on everyone, in particular on small and medium businesses, to ensure its economic recovery and create wealth for all Canadians.

We believe FACE can be part of the solution to our current economic challenges.

Since the creation of FACE, we have worked relentlessly to better support black entrepreneurs.

To those who had doubts about a black-led fund dedicated to black entrepreneurs, I can proudly say that there is a clear need for support and financial help in the black entrepreneurial community.

Nothing better illustrates this than the almost instantaneous interest that the Black Entrepreneurship Loan Fund created among the black community and in particular, the black business community.

As of October 31st 2022, FACE has approved 312 companies for financing representing $27.7 million and of that has disbursed $18.5 million in loans ranging between $10,000 – $250,000 to black entrepreneurs from all over the country.

Its beneficiaries have told us on multiple occasions how much these loans have had a positive impact on their businesses, especially in terms of growth, expansion, hiring, modernizing, etc. Our loans have encouraged thousands of black entrepreneurs to take risks, to persevere, to innovate and to create wealth for their community.

As the Chief Executive Officer of FACE, as a member of the black community, and above all, as a Canadian, I am very proud of what we’ve done in such a short period. I am proud of our accomplishments and I am proud to belong to such a movement which is a demonstration of what social finance can be in this country.

A movement in which no one is left behind.

A movement where everyone is included and has an equal chance to pursue their goals and dreams.

Senators, ministers and members of parliament, having the best intentions or objectives is not sufficient. We can only achieve our goals if we have the right partners. Collective success is often greater than individual success.

I would like to highlight the BDC’s contribution to our project. To have the bank that supports entrepreneurs from across the country support us has been an advantage.

I would like to highlight once again the federal government’s contribution to our project. Without the government’s active support, we would have never been able to help so many black entrepreneurs access funding and create wealth.

I also want to highlight Alterna Savings as well as Vancity who have supported us from the very beginning, especially regarding our microloan pilot project. Their contribution and their dedication towards FACE and black entrepreneurs’ command respect and admiration.

As you can see, FACE has built strong relationships with multiple financial institutions. In addition to our financial partners, we can also count on the support of corporate partners like MNP who provide our clients with all sorts of resources and advice so they can succeed financially.

These partnerships are very important to us and illustrate our willingness to build a strong business community.

Whether it’s the way we interact with entrepreneurs, communicate with entrepreneurs, or manage internal operations, we’ve made innovation one of our guiding principles.

We launched a custom digital interface, BOBi (Black Owned Business interFACE), where entrepreneurs can apply for loans and follow their application process from beginning to end in an easy and simple way. With Bobi, FACE now possesses the most exhaustive mapping of black businesses in Canada.

This digital platform is not only a tool for entrepreneurs, but it is also an innovative platform that allows us to interact with our clients, to identify the systemic barriers they face and their specific needs.

As of today, FACE has over 27,000 accounts registered on our platform.

Also important to note, at the close of our 1st fiscal year end, among the companies financed under the Black Entrepreneurship program, 32% were women, 9% are members of the LGBTQ2+, 11% are between the ages of 18 to 29 and 81% were born outside of Canada.

Without this fund and this digital platform, it wouldn’t have been possible for me to provide you with such data. One thing, however, is clear: our business community is very diverse.

Its intersectional component requires a flexible and adaptable approach. And this is precisely our mission, which is to understand the different segments of our community to better promote its members’ financial well-being.

Our determination is strong. We want to promote a vision where black businesses can become an important component of Canada’s economy.

The description that I’ve given you of our organization, especially of our mission and accomplishments, makes me very proud to be a part of FACE.

However, our journey is only just beginning. It’s still too early to claim victory or mission accomplished.

The road ahead is still full of obstacles. If we want our actions and accomplishments to have a lasting effect, we need strong political support, especially from you.

As I said earlier, since its creation, the Black Entrepreneurship Loan Fund has generated almost instantaneous interest and enthusiasm. And still does to this day. This has prompted us to review and improve our internal operations, notably our technological and human resources.

We now have a robust internal structure where people’s skills and knowledge benefit our administrators, employees and our clients.

This was made possible because of our visionary governance model. Our board of directors operates under the following axes: mutually reinforcing expertise, adequate representation of every region of the country, diversity of experience and bilingualism. This is how we can collectively take strategic decisions and consider the diverse interests of Canada’s black community.

In a short period, we’ve built a solid organization that is based on values such as transparency and solidarity. These values allow us to have a lasting effect and to fulfill our mission in accordance with the highest business standards.

We must have the resources to fulfill our mandate in the best conditions possible and in the interest of our clients. It is vital to have financial support that corresponds to our mission.

We want to be the federal government’s main interlocutor when it comes to black entrepreneurship, as well as parliamentary forums and committees. We want to continue optimizing our operational capacities by adding new resources and improving our partnerships with financial institutions.

Simply put, we will need your support to have a durable fund. Whether it is our operating budget or the development of new partnerships, we believe the government can play a key role in helping us achieve our goals: that is, to support black entrepreneurs’ contribution to the economic prosperity of Canada.

I thank you for this opportunity to speak to you about FACE and look forward to your continued support to continue the momentum in supporting Black business Canada.


Tiffany Callender

Chief Executive Officer
Federation of African Canadian Economics

Tiffany Callender was named the inaugural CEO of The Federation of African Canadian Economics (FACE) in 2021. The national and bilingual Black-led non-profit organisation is focused on providing resources and information to the Black community across Canada, with the aim of accelerating wealth creation for Canadians of African descent. A community developer and social entrepreneur, Tiffany has spent her career developing and implementing programs to support Montreal’s Black community. In addition to being the youngest female Executive Director of one of the oldest Black organizations in Quebec, she was recognized as one of the 100 most influential person of African-descent under 40 in 2020.

Tiffany Callendar

On November 2 & 3, Ryan Turnbull, Member of Parliament for Whitby, hosted the Sustainable Finance Forum on Parliament Hill, highlighting the opportunities and challenges to scale up social innovation and sustainable finance to create jobs, transition to net-zero, and build an inclusive economy.

The remarks below were made by Shannin Metatawabin, CEO of the National Aboriginal Capital Corporations Association as part of a panel discussion during the Forum on Indigenous Entrepreneurship and Reconciliation, moderated by Jaime Battiste, MP for Sydney—Victoria.

My name is Shannin Metatawabin from Fort Albany in Northern Ontario.  I want to thank the people of this territory for allowing us to have this meeting on their territory.  

I want to tell you a little bit about the National Aboriginal Capital Corporations, but I want to build on what Jamie first started with is an Indigenous term that speaks to what we’re talking about today.  

In the Cree worldview, Quatchee is the word that we use and it basically speaks to how the health of your neighbour determines the success of your future.  And I think it speaks highly to what we’re trying to talk about here with social impact investing, ensuring that we don’t forget people, ensuring that we’re inclusive of our society in general because the capitalist way of thinking is individualistic whereas our Indigenous world view is community, and we won’t be successful unless our community is successful.  

Yesterday, I was able to participate in the first day of the Sustainable Finance Forum, and I spoke to some of the MPs and participants who didn’t know about our network, so I want to make sure that I’m comprehensive with letting you know that more than 35 years ago, the government had a great idea to be inclusive of Indigenous people:  to provide $240 million that has now been recycled 15 times in the last 35 years.  

It’s helped establish 59 financial institutions from coast to coast to coast, covering Inuit, Metis and First Nations.  Financial institutions that provide business developmental lending – the way I describe it is we’re the Indigenous version of the Business Development Bank of Canada, who is a partner of ours as well.  

We have recently launched an Indigenous Growth Fund, and this is our tool to allow us to raise private sector capital to provide more capital into our network.  

There’s about $350M in loan capital in our network that’s been recycled, and it’s been growing to $3.3 billion dollars in lending.  More than 50,000 loans have been provided throughout this network.  So it’s an infrastructure that’s sitting out in the ecosystem covering all parts of Canada that is deploying capital.  

Now with the Indigenous Growth Fund, we’ve issued some loans to our members who are in turn providing that to the ecosystem, providing more business. For every loan provided, 72% increase in life satisfaction is experienced by that entrepreneur.  A 52% increase in mental health indicators, and 20 percent increase in health indicators.  Why I mention that is because these are real social impacts.  Those are cost savings to Canada, and social spend;  it’s increasing own source revenues for communities – it’s impacting every community at every level.

Shannin Metatawabin, ICD.D

Chief Executive Officer
National Aboriginal Capital Corporations Association

Shannin is Cree/Inninow from Fort Albany First Nation of the Mushkegowuk Nation. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in political science from Carleton University and an Aboriginal Economic Development certificate from the University of Waterloo. He previously served as the Executive Director of the Ontario First Nations Technical Services Corporation and the Manager of Aboriginal Affairs and Sustainability with De Beers Canada.

Shannin Metatawabin

The Canadian Women’s Foundation (CWF) is a national leader in the movement for gender justice in Canada. Through funding, research, advocacy, and knowledge sharing, CWF works to achieve systemic change. We interviewed Sagal Dualeh, Senior Director, Investment Readiness Program at CWF to find out more about gender justice and community economic development (CED).

What is gender justice and how does community economic development (CED) advance the cause of gender justice?

The Global Fund for Women defines gender justice as the redistribution of power, opportunities, and access for people of all genders. Achieving gender justice means that all women, girls, and Two Spirit, trans, and non-binary people get the full rights, support, and respect they deserve. This includes paid fair and livable wages, safety from violence and harassment, representation in all levels of decision-making, and every opportunity to thrive. Pursuing gender justice means pursuing a wide range of systemic changes for social justice, including an end to racism, poverty, and other forms of discrimination and barriers. As Third Wave Fund notes, “gender justice can only truly be achieved when all forms of oppression cease to exist”. 

Economic development advances gender justice by addressing the fact that women and gender-diverse people are at high risk of poverty, which makes them and their families vulnerable to problems like housing and food insecurity, exploitation, and gender-based violence. When economic development programs are grounded in their communities, they can be tailored to the unique needs, cultures, and strengths of those communities. They can offer wrap-around supports – such as childcare services or subsidies, transportation support, emergency loans for program materials – tailored to maximize program participants’ chances of success. They can also build the community’s capacity for mentorship, leadership, and sustainability in economic development. 

What does a feminist approach to community economic development look like?

A feminist approach to community economic development:

  • Seeks to undo patriarchal social structures, as well as recognize that colonialism is a root cause of “power over” relationships.
  • Takes a strengths-based approach, which means not only “funding deficits” but building resilience and capacity.
  • Supports and builds collective action and movements, taking direction from organizations led by people they represent and acting on the concept of “nothing about us, without us.”
  • Applies an intersectional approach, recognizing and responding to the diversities of people and communities
  • Creates pathways for women and gender-diverse people to actively participate and lead, as they are most affected by gender inequalities
  • Responds to peoples’ immediate individual needs while also working to change policy, law, and institutions for the better.

We love CWF’s origin story and the respect you pay to the Founding Mothers of the Foundation. What progress have you seen since the founding, and what challenges remain?

The Foundation was launched more than 30 years ago by a visionary group of women who believed that, by working together, we can overcome immense challenges. On the economic front, it’s been encouraging to see progress in terms of women’s workforce participation and earning potential, particularly in traditionally male-dominated arenas like STEM. It’s also been encouraging to see an increased ratio of women in professional and political leadership roles, where they are in a position to advocate for structural and systemic change. More recently, it’s been promising to see the federal government’s increased investments in supporting gender equality, and its commitment to establishing a national childcare system.

But many challenges remain, particularly when we take an intersectional lens to diverse women’s progress. It’s clear that barriers remain higher for women who are racialized, Indigenous, newcomers, or living with disabilities, for example. Women and gender-diverse people from these groups face a higher wage gap as well as more discrimination when it comes to accessing employment, advancement, and leadership opportunities. These groups were also disproportionately impacted by the pandemic in terms of loss of employment and income, making action and systemic change event more urgent. 

Through the Resetting Normal report series, the Foundation has outlined key priorities for policy- and decision-makers when it comes to centring gender equity in the pandemic recovery. Taking action on these priorities now will also help to shock-proof the country against possible future crises, including the coming climate emergency. 

Canadian Women’s Foundation is an Investment Readiness Program (IRP) partner. How has the IRP helped advance the cause of gender justice? What impacts have you seen the IRP have in your communities?  

The Investment Readiness Program has helped boost the participation of women and gender diverse people in Canada’s growing social finance, social enterprise and innovation sector. The IRP has been especially important for organizations that serve women and gender diverse people who face multiple barriers and who have historically been excluded from accessing capital, financing and support. 

Through prioritized funding and capacity building supports to social enterprises, non-profits and enterprising charities led by and serving women and/or gender diverse people, we’ve seen the economic growth and readiness of these social purpose organizations as they not only join but influence Canada’s emerging growing social finance marketplace. We’ve seen social purpose organizations grow their revenue and scale impact in their communities as they address issues such as affordable housing, gender-based violence, poverty, food insecurity and so much more.

In practice, we see the strengths and unique features of ventures led by and serving women and gender diverse people since they have a deep commitment to gender justice and social change, are best-placed in their communities, know the strengths of the communities they serve, and how to design social innovations that centre women and women and gender diverse people. 

To learn more about our Investment Readiness Program and funding opportunities, and access resources for entrepreneurs, social enterprises, and social purpose organizations, click here. To stay-up-to date on all Canadian Women’s Foundation funding opportunities, sign up for our Community Initiatives newsletter here.

How can CCEDNet members support the work that the Canadian Women’s Foundation is doing?

You can get involved in gender justice in a number of ways. The last two years have been challenging for us all. The COVID-19 pandemic has shaken 30 years of gender equality gains, and it continues to have an unprecedented impact on vulnerable women, girls and gender-diverse people throughout the country. There is a lot to be done and now, more than ever, we are looking for help from people like you, who have an interest in helping to advance gender justice through generously sharing your time, skills and ideas. 

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One way to get involved is to become aware of Signal for Help – a simple one-handed gesture/sign without a digital trace to help people facing abuse, save lives and drive cultural change. Since the Signal for Help was launched in April 2020 by the Canadian Women’s Foundation, and it has gone viral around the world. It has been adopted regionally by 200+ organizations across 40+ countries and shared millions of times on social media. 

Read about Principles for Feminist Funding here.

Listen to our Alright, Now What? Podcast here. Every other Wednesday, our experts and partners put an intersectional feminist lens on one topic or story we’ve all been hearing about … the issues and stories that just seem to keep resurfacing and make you wonder, “What’s this about?”, “Why is this still happening?”, and “How is it possible we haven’t fixed this yet?” We’re going to explore the systemic roots of these things and the strategies for change that will move us closer to the goal of gender justice. Listen wherever you get your podcast content.

Get involved in the Tireless Campaign and donate here or explore other ways to give and support gender justice by joining our volunteer mailing list here.


On September 29th, the We Want to Work coalition sent two questions to all candidates for mayor and council in the City of Winnipeg ahead of October 26th’s municipal election:

  • If elected, will you champion the implementation of Winnipeg’s Sustainable Procurement Action Plan as passed by Council in July 2022, including a dedicated staff person and third party expert engagement? (If yes, how? If somewhat or no, why?)
  • If elected, what other actions will you take to increase social purchasing practices in the City of Winnipeg with positive social, economic, and environmental benefits for our local community? 

Check out the responses from candidates below!


We Want to Work

On Thursday, July 21st, 2022, the Sustainable Procurement Action Plan (SPAP) was unanimously approved by Winnipeg’s City Council. This means the City of Winnipeg will now integrate four pillars of Sustainable Procurement: social, Indigenous, environmental, and ethical, producing value for the community while achieving its purchasing needs.

This policy progress came after many months of deliberation, conversation, and discussion, as well as advocacy from the We Want to Work coalition.

We Want to Work is a coalition of CCEDNet members – community organizations and social enterprises in Manitoba committed to healthy communities in Winnipeg, addressing poverty, supporting good jobs, and taking climate action. CCEDNet Manitoba helps convene this coalition.

We Want to Work believes that one of the best ways to achieve these goals is for governments to consider community benefits in their purchasing. The City of Winnipeg spends a significant amount per year on goods and services that can have an impact on the local community beyond the purchase itself. 

With this important policy change taken in July, it is exciting to watch as the City of Winnipeg becomes a stronger partner in a vision where sustainable, equitable, and inclusive communities are directing their own futures! 

Winnipeg’s SPAP is available here and includes more background information.

We Want to Work has noted that they appreciate the phased-in and iterative nature of the SPAP, which they believe will allow for innovation, partnership development, and refinement of policy over the next three years. In particular, We Want to Work supports the inclusion of a dedicated staff person to serve as a Sustainable Procurement liaison, the support of third party expertise with experience from other jurisdictions, and the integrated thinking across all four pillars of Sustainable Procurement.

Responses from Candidates

Candidates for Mayor

1. If elected, will you champion the implementation of Winnipeg’s Sustainable Procurement Action Plan as passed by Council in July 2022, including a dedicated staff person and third party expert engagement? (Possible Answers – yes, no, somewhat. Follow up: If yes, how? If somewhat or no, why?)

  • Scott Gillingham: Yes.
    • “By ensuring the goals and principles of the SPAP are kept in place. I was instrumental in steering it through council and I was a strong advocate for its adoption. I was part of council that passed the plan and as mayor I would ensure that it be implemented.”
  • Shaun Loney: Yes.
    • “Value the impact that interventions have on each system.”
  • Chris Clacio: Yes/Somewhat.
    • “When elected, I do vow to be a champion of the implementation of Winnipeg’s Sustainable Procurement Action Plan as passed by council in July 2022, only when I do my own due diligence and meet with public adminstration and other councillors will I when elected fully vow to include a dedicated staff person and third party expert engagement. As a Civic Practitioner and a Policy Entrepreneur I am a big believer that research, Science/Tech/Engineering/Arts/Math Jobs, qualitative (expert/storytelling) and quantitative (statistical/numerical) data should guide the decision making process within our civic government going forwards. Part of that process is building trust within the Heavy Construction and Development industry in Winnipeg. I do not work in the industry but as a citizen of Winnipeg I need to know that the sector leaders are willing to allow citizens to be at the table when conversations such as procurement processes are discussed. Trust and Respect are gained mutually and must be reciprocal before I can fully be a champion of this or any other implementation plan to improve city services. Which is why my early platform announcement was about the expansion and rebranding the “Office of Public Engagement” into the “Office of Civic Engagement.” Civics defined is knowing your rights, responsibility, duties, and values towards a city. Knowledge experts and accountability to the citizens will be the guiding value I believe will also be crucial going forwards.”
  • Robert-Falcon Ouellette, Rana Bokhari, Jenny Motkaluk, Don Woodstock, Glen Murray, Kevin Klein, Idris Adelakun, Rick Shone:
    • No response.

2. If elected, what other actions will you take to increase social purchasing practices in the City of Winnipeg with positive social, economic, and environmental benefits for our local community?

  • Scott Gillingham:
    • “Longer term tendering practices so that planning is easier and economical and there’s economies of scale. Ride sharing and electric vehicles for city fleet management. A recognition of the need for diverse voices in employment practices and hiring. Our annual report in diversity has not been meeting its our goals and we need to work towards a workforce that reflects our city. As mayor I would support the initiatives put in place already by the city in its adoption of a four-pillar model which promotes a comprehensive approach to sustainable procurement that addresses supply chain opportunities across four pillars: environmental, ethical, social, and Indigenous. This is important because it addresses environmental and ethical risks and opportunities as well as opportunities in the social and Indigenous areas.”
  • Shaun Loney:
    • “Mayor as Champion, rallying around reducing emergency service workloads and promoting employment for newcomers, indigenous folks, people with disabilities and others with little connection to the labour market.”
  • Chris Clacio:
    • “During the summer of Aug 2nd, 2022 I had released my entire platform document. In it I have made the vow that I would reform the current “Request for Proposal” procurement process into a “Qualification-Based Selection” procurement and purchasing process. This was a suggestion made back in 2018 when I was registered as a mayoral candidate by QBS Canada in an email. Disappointed to hear during the Executive Policy Committee chair questioning and challenging the work of the working group that I believe citizens should have push for the QBS process instead of maintaining the current RFx process back in 2014. One of my platform vows is the creation of an open-contracting data standards (or smart contracts) within the city procurement process. Citizens can learn more at I truly believe that to removing a lot of red tape and city bureaucracy and replacing it with new technologies like machine learning, app and website development, and smart cities tech will be a cost-effective way to find 2% efficiency within our city budget that will allow the city to pay off our structural infrastructure deficit slowly but surely. I also push for the restructuring of the entire public administration and governance structure to allow for the culture within city hall to allow for innovative experts and perspectives to change many city processes. Which I believe has been undermining the work of the working group from the very beginning as I followed along with what the city has been doing for social purchasing or procurement. I truly believe that implementing the QBS process is to fundamentally change to how both major road and building construction projects get to be awarded in the process.”
  • Robert-Falcon Ouellette, Rana Bokhari, Jenny Motkaluk, Don Woodstock, Glen Murray, Kevin Klein, Idris Adelakun, Rick Shone:
    • No response.

Candidates for Council

1. If elected, will you champion the implementation of Winnipeg’s Sustainable Procurement Action Plan as passed by Council in July 2022, including a dedicated staff person and third party expert engagement? (Possible Answers – yes, no, somewhat. Follow up: If yes, how? If somewhat or no, why?)

  • Charleswood-Tuxedo-Westwood
    • No response from any candidates.
  • Daniel McIntyre
    • Cindy Gilroy: Yes. “I support hiring staff and third party input.”
    • Sal Infantino: Yes. “I will work with the Sustainable Procurement Action Plan Committee to ensure a viable strategies across multiple departments.”
    • Omar Kinnarath: Yes. “I would make sure all procurement in terms of material and talent come from the citizens first, gather a list of businesses we should be dealing with, and which ones are fully staffed by Winnipegers, rather than them just having an office here.”
  • Elmwood – East Kildonan
    • Jason Schreyer: no response.
    • Ryan Kochie: Yes. “The city procures a lot of items over the year for various departments, and having that overseed and properly audited is important. Part of that is making sure that there is someone who is making sure we are making the best decisions possible for the environment, for the people, for the community. Supporting small local businesses when possible helps our economy and ensures money stays local to be cycled around, as well has positive environmental impacts by having less shipping, by ensuring we are buying products that were made with care and are suited to our city’s needs.”
  • Fort Rouge – East Fort Garry
    • Michael Thompson: no response.
    • Sherri Rollins: Yes. “I already supported in 2022, and don’t intend on changing my vote. I remain consistently in favour of social procurement health and community efforts on social procurement design at the city of Winnipeg.”
  • Mynarski
    • Ed Radchenka: Yes. “I AM ONLY ONE VOICE.i appreciate the opportunity to help work with SPAP.”
    • Ross Eadie: Yes. “While always working for a better future for the Mynarski Ward and Winnipeg, I voted to establish that new “social procurement policy”.  I will continue to support, but you must know that I strongly believe the city’s Public Service should be expanded into places that were taken away over the years.  The City of Winnipeg is a social enterprise.”
    • Steve Snyder: no response.
    • Natalie Smith: Yes. “I will champion the implementation of Winnipeg’s Sustainable Procurement Action Plan by ensuring that any and all budget dollars be allocated to the hiring and support of this dedicated staff person and for third party expert engagement. Mynarski is the home to many of the amazing social enterprises and the workers that stand to gain the most from this programs implementation and will be a major investment for the ward.”
    • Aaron McDowell: Yes. “Yes. Prior to the SPAP Winnipeg was very focused on lowest up front cost instead of the bigger picture. I believe working with local experts and community leaders to develop a procurement plan that is not only cost effective in the long run but also considers the ethical, environmental, and economic effects of its spending. Sustainability and equity should be paramount.”
  • North Kildonan
    • No response from any candidates.
  • Old Kildonan
    • No response from any candidates.
  • Point Douglas
    • No response from any candidates.
  • River Heights – Fort Garry
    • John Orlikow: Yes. “As mentioned, I voted in favor of this plan, and will continue to support future motions and iterations on on the action plan to continue to make procurement practices fair, open and transparent.”
    • Brant Field: no response.
    • Gary Lenko: no response.
  • St. Boniface
    • Matt Allard: no response.
    • Marcel Boille: Somewhat. “Unable to answer yes or no, because I now very little about this, and would need to have the time to look at it, something that I don’t have time to do right now.”
    • Nicholas Douklias: no response.
  • St. James
    • Daevid Ramey: Yes. “The new role should entrenched in the Materials Management Team to ensure sustainable procurement is a part of every conversation with a reporting dotted line going to the Office of Sustainability. Clear goals and metrics will be necessary for success. Soft language like “recommend” and “wherever possible’ will enable too many projects to opt out. We should be looking to other municipalities that have strong integrated strategies for guidance and then adjust for scale and current capabilities.”
    • Kelly Ryback: no response.
    • Eddie Ayoub: Yes. ‘The dedicated staff person will have to be a City of Winnipeg employee. Any third party expert will have to be employed by a not-for profit, arms length organization or body. It will be essential to make proper connections and build relationships with all of the various city departments so staff have a good understanding of why we are moving to sustainable procurement. Respect, communication, education, listening to concerns and answering questions will be an integral part of implementing this action plan.”
    • Tim Diack: no response.
    • Shawn Dobson: no response.
  • St. Norbert – Seine River
    • Markus Chambers: Yes. “I worked with stakeholders to develop a motion that was eventually approved to move this work forward. I advocated for the hiring of Buy Social to provide best practices for Winnipeg to consider. I will continue to be a voice at city hall for proper social procurement practices that provide a community benefit. A win win for all.”
  • St. Vital
    • Brian Mayes: Yes. “I voted for it and will work to implement it.”
    • Baljeet Sharma: no response.
    • Derrick Dujlovic: no response.
  • Transcona
    • No responses from any candidate.
  • Waverley West
    • Pascal Scott: no response.
    • Janice Lukes: Yes. “There will be many new councillors / and many councillors from former term could use more in depth understanding of the sustainable procurement action plan will work. I will champion info sessions – which I HIGHLY recommend you also do.”

2. If elected, what other actions will you take to increase social purchasing practices in the City of Winnipeg with positive social, economic, and environmental benefits for our local community?

  • Charleswood-Tuxedo-Westwood
    • No response from any candidates.
  • Daniel McIntyre
    • Cindy Gilroy: “Hiring, purchasing and community input.”
    • Sal Infantino: “I will ensure to have Targeted Purchased with Social organization what have the ability fill the need.”
    • Omar Kinnarath: “I would prioritize procurement from Indigenous led enterprises and amplify any newcomer enterprises that have goods and services that the city might be able to use.”
  • Elmwood – East Kildonan
    • Jason Schreyer: no response.
    • Ryan Kochie: “I think having an emphasis for city employees who are in charge of purchasing to ensure they are making the best choices and when the city tenders bids to ensure part of the review process before a bid goes out is that it includes information on what the city is looking for in terms of social and sustainable procurement. That we make it clear we want businesses to be socially minded, to put the environment first, with consulting indigenous stakeholders on issues, that we work these tenets into all our procurement processes so that it becomes standard procedure and hopefully reflects on how businesses work in this city as we need to lead by example.”
  • Fort Rouge – East Fort Garry
    • Michael Thompson: no response.
    • Sherri Rollins: “Please see my climate justice, climate resilience platform documents at
  • Mynarski
    • Ed Radchenka: “Again I am only one voice With negotiation with other council members. we can solve lots. I will follow all Protocol, and BE VOICE OF THE FUTURE”
    • Ross Eadie: “My campaign commitment in short on better jobs follows: Better Employment with the City. This year the city had a very hard time hiring workers to fulfill the goals of city services because we no longer pay living wages. Continuing my work towards providing good paying city jobs, the new reality for the city will give incentive to a new City Council for those better jobs.  Working for the city in the past provided good jobs at a decent wage for our North End & West Kildonan families.  For a couple of decades City Council has ignored its former role in providing these decent jobs that ensured we could raise our families to experience a better future.
    • Steve Snyder: no response.
    • Natalie Smith: “If elected, I would call upon the local organizations, social enterprises and experts in these fields to make informed decisions that will benefit our local community the most. The City has so many well researched and field tested ideas and solutions that need to be allocated the proper funding to ensure their success. This is something I will work hard to ensure takes place to better our community.”
    • Aaron McDowell: “While it is important to be fiscally responsible Winnipeg must also be conscientious of the social effects. A more open line of communication between the City and community leaders will help increase accountability and generate opportunities for organizations that may have been otherwise overlooked as avenues for development. Making a more transparent vetting process of city spending will instill trust and honesty in both the constituents and city hall. We can do better.”
  • North Kildonan
    • No response from any candidates.
  • Old Kildonan
    • No response from any candidates.
  • Point Douglas
    • No response from any candidates.
  • River Heights – Fort Garry
    • John Orlikow: “If elected, I will continue to evaluate the City’s purchasing behaviour through the four pillars (environmental, ethical, social, and Indigenous.) when creating and voting on Council motions, as I always have in the past.”
    • Brant Field: no response.
    • Gary Lenko: no response.
  • St. Boniface
    • Matt Allard: no response.
    • Marcel Boille: “Again same answer as previous question. I have always supported the idea of buying locally providing that local does not want to take advantage of you for doing so.”
    • Nicholas Douklias: no response.
  • St. James
    • Daevid Ramey: “A successful launch and acceptance of the policy means bringing our partners along the way. I would work with local businesses to ensure they understand or are given value for the our new direction and how their own businesses may already be or could be contributing to a better and more sustainable city.”
    • Kelly Ryback: no response.
    • Eddie Ayoub: “This action plan is excellent. Let’s start with implementation and see where we can improve and take things further once we’ve seen how the plan is being received and outcomes have been measured. Thank you for doing this work.”
    • Tim Diack: no response.
    • Shawn Dobson: no response.
  • St. Norbert – Seine River
    • Markus Chambers: “Work in collaboration with stakeholder groups and council colleagues to move this work forward. Continue to research opportunities to increase the City’s capacity to create more social purpose enterprises as well as community benefits that improve our environment.”
  • St. Vital
    • Brian Mayes: “My focus will be on the north and sewage treatment plant upgrades ensuring these are done with a social benefits lens.”
    • Baljeet Sharma: no response.
    • Derrick Dujlovic: no response.
  • Transcona
    • No responses from any candidate.
  • Waverley West
    • Pascal Scott: no response.
    • Janice Lukes: “Councillors are restricted from being involved in any way in the procurement process. Sharing EDUCATION on social purchasing practices with staff and the public is in my opinion the best way to make change of any kind and highlighting proven examples. Our city / and residents are in a time like no other – the need and value of social, sustainable procurement is more relevant now than ever.”

CCEDNet’s 2023 Pre-Budget Brief outlines our priorities and proposals for the next federal budget, namely the full implementation of the Social Innovation and Social Finance Strategy.

In June 2022, the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance (FINA) invited Canadians to participate in its annual pre-budget consultations in advance of the 2023 federal budget. Following translation, written briefs will be distributed to FINA and posted on the Committee’s website. Selected individuals and organizations will be invited to appear before the Committee. A report on these consultations will be tabled in the House of Commons and will inform the preparation of the Minister of Finance’s next budget.


Elizabeth Milan

Elizabeth leads CCEDNet’s policy efforts. Until recently Elizabeth worked in the federal government as a senior policy advisor on various issues including First Nations health, anti-gender-based violence, and anti-racism. Previously she spent over 15 years in non-government organizations as a fundraiser for social change and as a community developer/social worker with children and youth, women, immigrants and refugees.