seso fund

The Social Enterprise Stimulus Ottawa (SESO) supports the development of high-potential, early-stage, high-growth SE. SESO’s services are available, in English and French, for incorporated not-for-profits, for profits, registered businesses as sole proprietorship, partnership or cooperative with a social purpose.

SESO places an emphasis on businesses which can demonstrate innovative approaches to addressing social and environmental issues, scalability, and job creation, particularly for people that are traditionally marginalized by the labor market.

Loans up to $5000    +    Grants up to $2500


Social Enterprises can apply to receive up to $5000 in loan capital. Successful applicants will be eligible to receive up to an additional 50% in grant capital. 


Submit your business plan using our templates to be considered for one of our two deadlines:
September 30, 2016
January 16, 2017


Social enterprises of any legal structure are eligible (email organizing team for more specific details.)


CISED is working in conjunction with the OCLF and its lending partners to deliver this program, which is funded through the support of the provincial Social Enterprise Demonstration Fund. 

Need help? No problem

Please connect with the SESO team to receive free coaching prior to applying. We are able to help with your business planning, financial projections and walk you through the process. 

To learn more, contact team at

The Social Enterprise Stimulus Ottawa (SESO) project is an initiative of the Government of Ontario’s Social Enterprise Demonstration Fund.  As part of the strategy to unlock new sources of capital for the social enterprise sector SESO is part of a collaborative, led by the Ottawa Community Loan Fund along with Invest Ottawa and mécènESS.​

Source: Social Enterprise Stimulus Ottawa


Canada's ParliamentThe Canadian CED Network’s Policy Council submitted a response to the federal government’s invitation for pre-budget submissions for the 2017 Federal Budget. The submission focused our recommendations on how the government can implement the measures it has already committed to undertaking in ways that will maximize their impact and value for communities.

Read the full pre-budget submission

If you also submitted a brief we’d love to include it below…
Please send your pre-budget submission to Matthew Thompson at mthompson at

Our Recommendations for the 2017 Federal Budget:

1. Supporting Canadians​
a.  Implement social value weighting in all federal RFPs and contracts
b.  Include community benefit agreements in federal development projects
c.  Implement a Living Wage requirement for all contractors, including their subcontractors, on government contracts
2. Supporting Enterprise
a.  Expand the capacity and access to existing SME services through the Canadian Business Network and other federal business development programs to enhance business supports and readiness for investment by social enterprises, co-operatives and non-profits. This should be coupled with awareness-raising efforts for government officials to ensure a level playing field for alternative forms of incorporation.
3. Supporting Community Economies and Resiliency​
a.  Include criteria in new infrastructure investment that prioritize funding for clean energy projects in communities vulnerable to climate change
b.  Make affordable financing available to communities and project developers through the Canadian Infrastructure Bank, including federal loan guarantees
4. Partnerships for Implementation
a.  A roundtable bringing together representatives from the CED community and government departments would facilitate the ongoing co-construction and refinement of public policy relevant in support of communities

Read the full pre-budget submission

Pre-Budget Submissions from CCEDNet Members

Affordability and Housing System Futures – Tyler Pearce and Josh Brandon | Federal Working Group, Right to Housing
1.  A long-term commitment to RGI, social and affordable housing
2.  Encourage rental housing construction with taxation policy
3.  Prioritize indigenous housing, On- and Off-Reserve
Make Poverty History Manitoba Budget submission – Make Poverty History Manitoba
1.  Budget 2017 should signal a long-term commitment for social housing with a tenyear National Housing Plan investing $2 billion per year
2.  The Government of Canada should work with all provinces to ensure that all Canadians receive a sufficient income to meet their basic needs and participate fully in community life
3.  Provide funding for a Labour Market Intermediary pilot in Winnipeg and in Northern Manitoba
4.  Invest in addressing the barriers immigrants face when getting their qualifications recognized
5.  Incrementally increase the federal minimum wage to a level sufficient to lift a single parent, working full time, with one child above the LICO-BT level
6.  Implement the recommendations provided by the Manitoba Child Care Association in its pre-budget submission
7.  Invest in community-based Aboriginal head start programs in and around highneeds schools across Canada
8.  Increase funding for existing adult literacy and learning centres and ensure all lowincome neighbourhoods and public housing complexes have access to communitybased and culturally-appropriate adult literacy and learning centres with onsite child care services
9.  Provide community-based organizations with adequate, flexible, and long-term funding (three to five years), and include dedicated funding to Indigenous-led organizations and organizations working with Indigenous people for the delivery of programming that integrates decolonization methods
10.  Develop a Neighbourhood Revitalization Program with multi-year core and projectbased funding to support urban communities across Canada in taking a long-term, comprehensive, community-led approach to neighbourhood revitalization
11.  Set a goal to reduce the need for food bank use by half within ten years and set a date for the elimination of the need for food banks in Manitoba
Social Enterprise Council of Canada submission – Social Enterprise Council of Canada
1.  Implement a Social Procurement Policy
2.  Enhance Business Acumen & Skills Capacity in Social Enterprise Sector
3.  Design and implement a supportive policy environment for social enterprise
Recommendations for the 2017 Federal Budget – Momentum
1.  Collaborate with provinces, territories, municipalities, and key stakeholder groups to develop a National Poverty Reduction Strategy that addresses the root causes of poverty
2.  Strengthen the promotion of RESPs and the Canada Learning Bond to improve take-up rates among Canadian families living on lower incomes
3.  Increase investments in employment and skills training for vulnerable Canadians through Labour Market Agreement transfers to the provinces and territories
Pre-Budget Consultations in Advance of the 2017 Budget – Co-operatives and Mutuals Canada
1.  Invest $50 million in the Canadian Co-operative Investment Fund
2.  Create a tax credit for purchasing shares in Canadian cooperatives
3.  Adopt the Framework on Canadian Cooperatives Act (Bill C-286) and support a Canadian Cooperative Development Strategy
You hold the key: What’s needed to fix co-op housing – The Co-operative Housing Federation of Canada
1.  Protect low-income households living in housing co-operatives
2.  Support policies and programs that will allow housing co-operatives to leverage private investment 
3.  Build new co-operative housing

New EconomyWhile there is no one definition for the “new economy”, most folks working in this field would probably agree on a few basic elements that distinguish this economic approach from the current dominant economic model. I’ve attempted to summarize those below.

Six Elements of Emerging New Economies, Contrasted with the Dominant Economy

1. New economies are more just, work better for people.

The dominant economy has used tax, trade and patent policy to greatly favor huge corporations and the very wealthy over small businesses and working people, leading to extreme levels of wealth concentration at the top, alongside stagnant wages for working and middle class people, and growing poverty. The very wealthy pay lower taxes on much of their income than do teachers and truck drivers; giant corporations pay an effective tax rate that is 6 – 8% less than what small businesses pay.  Trade policy grants corporations the right to sue nations, states and communities over health and environmental protections. You can’t make this stuff up.

In the new economy, small businesses and family farms are central, creating substantially more jobs per dollar of sales. By purchasing from other local businesses, they create ‘economic multipliers’ that add much more value to the local economy than do chains and big boxes. New corporate forms, such as the Benefit Corporation, which commits businesses to positive social and environmental outcomes as well as financial profit, are also emerging in the new economy, with over 1000 nationwide. Some localities have begun to use Community Benefit Agreements to hold big corporations legally accountable for the promises they make to local communities, in exchange for public subsidies. These and many other creative measures ensure that economies work for people, not the other way around.

2. New economies are more diverse, less dependent on outside corporations, foreign markets.

The dominant economy rests on two core assumptions: that prosperity requires endless growth, and that jobs and income for the many ‘trickle down’ from the top, so long as taxes on this group are low. In actuality, the record of the past 60 years demonstrates unequivocally that lower taxes on the wealthiest and on the biggest companies have not made for a bigger economic pie; and economic wealth, rather than trickling down has been sucked up from working people, community banks and small businesses. There are many reasons for this, but one of them is the subsidies we provide to big boxes and big business, averaging over $100 billion per year. The results? Several studies have shown how communities with a diverse array of local businesses are stronger economically and socially, with better incomes, higher employment, and lower rates of poverty, incarceration, health problems and substandard housing, than those dependent upon a few big employers.

In the new economy, small to mid-size businesses take hold that build on the assets of their place, including music, art and culture, farms, forests and fisheries, the outdoors, historic downtowns and more. Local business associations, like the Business Alliance for Local Living Economies (BALLE) help strengthen these local enterprises and increase the connections between consumers and producers. Instead of spending millions of dollars to entice a big box chain, resources are redirected to homegrown businesses and entrepreneurs, making for more resilient economies and communities.

3. New economies build broadly-based prosperity, real wealth from the bottom up.

The five biggest Wall Street financial institutions own more than twice the capital of all the community banks in the nation combined. Yet these mega banks direct very little of their resources towards local prosperity: Small to mid-size community banks, with just half the assets, provide more than twice as much lending to local businesses. Big banks, especially since the overturning of the Glass-Stegall Act, concentrate on generating high returns for the biggest, wealthiest investors, often through the use of derivatives and other means that don’t produce tangible wealth.

In the new economy, capital is refocused towards small to mid-sized businesses, towards infrastructure that enables farmers and entrepreneurs to add value to their products, and towards technologies and businesses that meet real needs, such as affordable, green housing, renovated buildings and revitalized downtown business districts, and regenerative farm and food enterprises.  Cooperatives, Employee Stock Ownership options, community land trusts and community-owned energy systems are among the means used to broaden prosperity, while increasing the productivity of businesses.

4. New economies fit within the ecosystem, recognizing limits rather than depending upon endless growth.

The dominant economy both depends upon endless growth and assumes that it is possible forever into the future. Yet serious limits confront us, from enormous declines in groundwater reserves, to an 80% reduction in productive land per capita, worldwide. And of course, there’s climate change and the consequences of too much carbon in our atmosphere – drought, floods and severe weather, sea level rise and more. In spite of these increasingly serious problems, the dominant economy fights all environmental regulation and assumes that technology and ‘the market’ will fix things.Anthony Flaccavento (Story fertility, soil organic matter)

In the new economy, our places, our ecosystems are understood to have limits, but also to present new and better ways of meeting needs and creating work. From organic and urban farms and restorative fishery systems to super energy efficient building systems and solar and wind power companies, the new economy is spawning products and services that meet people’s needs with far less impact on the environment. Complementing that is a growing emphasis on urban and community design that makes our towns and cities more walkable, more bike-able and more enjoyable.

5. New economies focus more on meeting real needs, fostering innovation in the process.

The dominant economy has been enormously productive and has made countless products much more affordable for ordinary folks, from cars to computers. However over the last thirty years or so, it has also become increasingly dependent upon what is called financialization, that is a focus on money and monetary products as a central part of the economy and the policy guiding it. This has led to what David Korten calls “phantom wealth”, where trillions of dollars of ‘assets’ are traded on Wall Street, making a small group of people spectacularly rich, while real assets – bridges, roads, high speed rail, rural health clinics, waterways and agricultural lands – are neglected and fall into decline.

In the new economy, there is a strong focus on addressing real needs and doing so in a way that helps people and communities to become more self-reliant. Business incubators and accelerators help local firms be more competitive, more innovative. Poor communities, from Detroit and Buffalo to Appalachia and the Southeast launch community gardens, urban farms, and ‘green development zones’. New techniques and systems enable farms to simultaneously increase their productivity while pulling excess carbon from the atmosphere. Businesses put people to work in reclamation of disturbed land, urban brownfields and energy efficient housing. Lower income people gain access to healthier foods through mobile markets and farmers market EBT initiatives. In the new economy, the driving question shifts from “Where are the jobs?” to “What work needs to be done?”

6. New economies cultivate citizens, not just consumers.

The dominant economy is now a consumer economy, fundamentally dependent upon more and more people buying more and more stuff. At the same time, the belief in private, market-based solutions to a whole host of societal problems – from prisons to public schools – has become increasingly commonplace. Alongside both of these developments is the reality of widespread cynicism, even disgust with politics and government. Taken together, these trends have convinced many people to give up on civic, political or even neighborhood engagement, believing that their opportunities as well as their responsibilities play out almost entirely as consumers.

The new economy welcomes the creative force of the marketplace and encourages people to use their dollars to support businesses that reflect their values. But it recognizes that this is not enough; that in order to have an economy that works well for all people, and that is sustainable into the lives of our grandchildren and beyond, we also need a vibrant democracy and honest public debate. Many new economies are therefore emerging alongside community based media, arts and theater that give voice to folks from all walks of life. The revival of public squares, parks and community centers has facilitated both new commerce and broader public participation. The work of Policy Link and other organizations is helping to find ways to revitalize communities economically without falling into the trap of gentrification and even greater racial segregation.


The new economy differs from place to place because it builds upon and fits within the land, culture and communities of its place. It is unfolding and emerging, with much still to figure out. It will unfold successfully to the degree that the full diversity of our communities and society are welcomed in, get engaged and help make it productive, democratic and sustainable. Think about joining the New Economy Coalition (, BALLE (, Bottom up Economy (, the Canadian CED Network ( or other groups working to make this a reality.

Anthony FlaccaventoAnthony Flaccavento is an organic farmer near Abingdon, Virginia, in the heart of Central Appalachia. He has been working on community environmental and economic development in the region for the past 27 years. In 1995, he founded Appalachian Sustainable Development, which became a regional and national leader in sustainable economic development. Anthony left ASD in December, 2009 to found SCALE, Inc, a private consulting business dedicated to catalyzing and supporting ecologically healthy regional economies and food systems. SCALE works with community leaders, farmers, foundations, economic development agencies and others in Appalachia, Iowa, Michigan, New Mexico the Arkansas Delta and other communities. Anthony speaks and writes about sustainable development, economics, food systems and rural development issues extensively, with some of his pieces appearing in the Washington Post, Huffington Post, Solutions Journal and elsewhere.

Anthony is the author of Healthy Food Systems: A Toolkit for Building Value Chains, and has also authored chapters in books on rural development and ecological literacy. Most recently SCALE Inc produced Is Local Food Affordable for Ordinary Folks?, a study of farmers market affordability in six states in Appalachia and the Southeast. Read more about Anthony


Social Enterprise Changes Our StoryThe Social Enterprise Council of Canada (SECC), in partnership with CCEDNet-Manitoba, is pleased to announce the sixth national conference on social enterprise (#CCSE2017) to be held in Winnipeg.

CCSE2017: A National Learning Exchange

May 10-12, 2017 ~ mark your calendars!

The conference is designed to be practitioner-led and will include a full day of “deep dive” discussions on specific social enterprise activities (construction, employment of marginalized, catering, arts and culture, environment, and more). These curated sessions will be held off-site, and will be hosted by local social enterprises in the Winnipeg region. This is an unprecedented way to meet colleagues from across the country working on social missions similar to yours.

There will also be a day of activities hosted at the University of Winnipeg to discuss practical issues faced by social enterprises across the country with respect to policies, social purchasing, taxation, international perspectives, and more.

The Social Enterprise Council of Canada is committed to making this event affordable. Early bird registration rates are set at only $250 (regular tickets will be $350). Furthermore, a range of accommodation options are being sought (from $50/night-$150/night) to encourage the participation of social entrepreneurs from across the country.

So mark your calendars now for May 10-12, 2017 to attend CCSE2017.

Registration and further details will be available by September, 2016. Please contact the Social Enterprise Council of Canada if you have questions. If you plan to attend the conference, you can also get a $25 discount on an annual membership to SECC.

Source: The Social Enterprise Council of Canada


have your sayYour community. It’s the place you call home. It’s where you raise your kids, where you work and where you play. 

At the same time, our local infrastructure can affect the nation as a whole – whether related to congestion in our cities, reducing the impacts of climate change, or building a more inclusive society.

You know your community best and have great ideas on ways to improve your community’s infrastructure.

The Government of Canada is investing $120 billion over the next 10 years into an infrastructure plan that aims to address the gaps in infrastructure across the country. Phase 1 of their plan is investing to repair and modernize public infrastructure. 

How You Can Participate

From now until September 16 you are invited to share your thoughts on four areas: Communities, Green Infrastructure, Public Transit and Social Infrastructure.

Join the Community Infrastructure and Social Procurement Conversation

The Canadian CED Network encourages submissions supporting community-led social innovation, such as social enterprises, co-operatives, social finance and community economic development initiatives. 

Let us know if you make a submission and we’ll promote it here! Email us at communications at

communitiesgreenpublic transitsocial

what we've heard

community led events

Source: Infrastructure Canada


Social Enterprise IncubatorIn partnership with Scale Collaborative, the Community Social Planning Council of Greater Victoria (a member of the Canadian CED Network) has launched a Social Enterprise Incubator. The incubator is designed to assist with the development of new social enterprises and is run by those who have successfully started multiple social enterprises and have coached others to achieve their own social and business goals.

This program is built to support success


  • Mission-focused Business Planning
  • Intensive four-month workshop series
  • Three-month launch support
  • Guest speakers and expert advise
  • One-on-one coaching and mentorship
  • Access to extensive tools and resources 
  • Interactive peer learning environment


  • July: Applications OPEN! See their website or email incubator at for more details
  • August: Applications deadline August 19, 2016
  • August 26: 4-6 Applicants selected
  • September-November: Business Plan Development
  • January-March 2017: Launch Support & Coaching


  • Organizations who have a great social enterprise idea & want support to better define it
  • Those in a feasibility or early planning stage
  • Organizations who want to increase their internal capacity for developing social enterprises

Preference will be given to:

  • Vancouver Island non-profit and charitable organizations 
  • Enterprise concepts that create jobs for those facing barriers to employment 
  • Enterprises that employ youth (ages 16-30)

Note: Applicants who do not meet these criteria will also be considered

Apply now for the Social Enterprise Incubator


Questions? Contact:
Andrew Holeton, CED Program Manager
Community Social Planning Council of Greater Victoria
andrew at  |  250-831-6166 x 109


The Federal Government has launched a nation-wide call to action to help in the creation of an Inclusive Innovation Agenda. The federal department of Innovation, Science and Economic Development wants to hear your ideas around what they’ve identified as six key areas for action, the first of which includes the question “What more can be done to cement Canada’s place as a leader in social entrepreneurship?”.

The six areas for action are:

  1. Entrepreneurial and Creative Society
  2. Global Science Excellence
  3. World-Leading Clusters and Partnerships
  4. Grow Companies and Accelerate Clean Growth
  5. Compete in a Digital World
  6. Ease of Doing Business

The Canadian CED Network encourages submissions supporting community-led social innovation, such as social enterprises, co-operatives, social finance and community economic development initiatives. 

Please log in to the government’s consultation website and ‘like’ the ideas below or add your own.  It only takes a few minutes and will help demonstrate the demand for social innovation as part of Canada’s Innovation Agenda.  If you submit your own proposals, email us at communications at and we’ll promote them here. 

CCEDNet Proposals

  • Use Social Procurement and Community Benefit Agreements for Inclusive Growth
  • Create Tailored Investment Funds
  • Improve Access to Business Development Programs for Co-operatives and Non-profits
  • Modernize Regulations for Charities and Non-Profits Operating Businesses
  • Invest in an Enabling National Ecosystem for Social Innovation and Inclusive Growth
  • Facilitate Social Innovation Knowledge Transfer
  • Play a Greater Role in International Social Innovation Leadership

These recommendations were also presented in a letter CCEDNet sent to Hon. Navdeep Bains, Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development.

CCEDNet Member Proposals

David LePage
  • Create a supportive environment for Social Enterprise
  • Include Social Purchasing Values in all government procurement and infrastructure
  • Leading the social purchasing strategy… cluster and partner with social values in business!
Vancouver Island Community Investment Cooperative; Laloca Fair Trade Social Enterprise
  • Enable Community Impact Investing
  • Invest in Community, NGO, Civil Society led partnerships
New Market Funds; Vancity; Renewal Funds; Tides Canada
Ecotrust Canada; Potluck Cafe; Climate Smart; The AMP; Ecotrust Canada Capital; the Binners Project
  • Support Nonprofit Social Entrepreneurs
Taina Maki Chahal; Rosalind Lockyer; Dr. Batia Stolar
  • Greater Inclusion
MaRS Centre for Impact Investing
Mike Gifford
  • Give a preference to Certified Benefit Corporations in government procurement
  • Accept Open by Default to Include Open Source Software
  • Leverage Micro Procurement like 18F
  • Give a preference in government procurement to open source software
  • Build Human Scale Procurement
  • Invest in Innovators not “Centres of Innovation
Momentum Community Economic Development Society
  • The Government of Canada can better support the development of social finance tools
  • Incorporate social screens in to public procurement decisions
  • Expand access to business services, such as the Canadian Business Network, for various organizational forms
  • Regulations can be updated to better encourage innovation, such as a social responsibility, among for-profit companies

Additional Resources:

  • News Release: Building an inclusive and innovative Canada
  • Biographies of Innovation Leaders
  • Speech: Launch of Innovation Agenda – Minister Bains
  • Speech: Launch of Innovation Agenda – Minister Duncan
  • Speech: Launch of Innovation Agenda – Minister Chagger
Renewable energy can power Alberta communities

Renewable energy projects can be installed at community scale or micro-scale. Photo: David Dodge

Traditional power generation often takes the form of large generators far from the cities and towns that ultimately consume the electricity. Renewable power technology, on the other hand, is more flexible and has a range of possible applications in Alberta. Wind turbines and solar PV panels can be aggregated into large blocks that can be deployed quickly and replace traditional generators on the grid, with cost savings that exceed the best natural gas power plants. But as non-emitting facilities, renewables can also be placed closer to communities or on individual homes and businesses, with smaller-scale operations producing electricity in a distributed way right where its needed. Thanks to economies of scale, a utility-scale project can realize cost savings in the wires required to move electricity. However, community- and micro-scale generation projects can engender greater social benefits, like resilient decentralized supply and larger job benefits with 2.8 times more employment than larger-scale renewable-energy projects.

The size of community- and micro-scale generation projects possible with renewable generation also allow Albertans to participate in power generation in way that is not possible with traditional generation. Citizens and businesses can take ownership or invest directly in projects and realize the returns. That means more money flows back to the community instead of leaving our province. These projects build capacity for further community economic development by retaining capital, training local workers and inspiring entrepreneurship — all ingredients for a sustainable and vibrant Alberta economy.

A combination of utility, community and micro-scale renewable energy projects in Alberta can deliver the maximum benefits to the province as it works towards the goal of 30 per cent renewable generation by 2030.

The Microgeneration Regulation governs how Alberta residents and businesses can generate their own electricity and sell this power to the grid. The regulation expires at the end of the year, and a refreshed set of rules will shape the way we invest in, produce and use energy from renewables. Community energy projects will be supported by carbon-levy revenue through Energy Efficiency Alberta, a newly created agency.

Albertans are being asked to provide input on both the regulation and carbon-levy support. Energy-industry stakeholders have until July 10 to submit feedback, and a roundtable discussion is set for the end of the month. Meanwhile, all Albertans are invited to comment on support for community energy via the Energy Efficiency Advisory Panel website.

Options for microgeneration and community-scale energy

Starland Community Solar

The Starland Country Community Solar Program 
provides electricity to farmers in Alberta.
Photo: David Dodge, Green Energy Futures

Local generation includes microgeneration, where individuals produce renewable energy at the point of consumption, such as on top of a home or business, as well as community-scale energy, where multiple citizens and businesses can support a grid-connected project in their community by investing in it or sharing in the benefits.

Microgeneration and community-scale energy can be done in many ways. Around the world, there are examples of rooftop solar, community co-operatives, limited partnerships and businesses with options for community shares, utility and retailer options, investment funds, and public-private projects led by municipalities. Removing key roadblocks — such as microgeneration size constrained to the meter load — will allow Albertans to choose the best model and technology for their particular situation.

Rooftop solar: Homes and businesses can put solar panels on their own roof. They can purchase the panels outright, or companies like SolarCity provide options that include loans and leases — a model that has unlocked solar in the U.S. residential market, which has seen nearly 10-fold growth since 2011.

Community co-operatives, limited partnerships and businesses: A group of citizens can pool community capital for a project and offer shares or bonds, creating a leverage point for further institutional lending and project developer equity while building energy literacy and capacity. Community members can invest in a limited partnership or business set up by a developer with some or all of the project’s shares set aside for community members, which requires less community co-ordination and volunteer hours.

Utility and retailer options: Local energy utilities or energy retail companies in competitive markets can deliver community-scale energy by using virtual net metering (VNM). Utilities in Colorado, Massachusetts and California — to name a few markets — all successfully use VNM to allow customers to invest in community-scale energy projects. This approach uses existing customer bills to credit a part of production from a community-scale energy project to their bill. Without moving around electricity metres, or adding up customer loads, customers can help invest in a project via their retailer or local energy utility company, opening up opportunities for those who don’t have a suitable rooftop. Multi-unit residential buildings can also use VNM to share production from a single system without complicated rewiring of electricity metres.

Investment funds: Community energy can offer an alternative to the stock market with a local renewable-energy investment opportunity that puts returns into Albertans’ pockets. Nova Scotia’s Community Economic Development Investment Funds (CEDIF) give local citizens an easy way to invest in renewables with Tax-Free Savings Accounts and RRSP-eligible options and a 35 per cent tax credit when you hold on to the investment for several years.

Public-private projects: Municipalities, universities, schools and hospitals (the MUSH sector) are public institutions that can take a leadership role. By investing in community energy, they help establish a local renewable-energy industry and investment options for citizens and business, as well as deliver the benefits of renewables to the citizens they serve.

Different models will work best for different situations and there is no need for a one size fits all solution. By enabling different options for community-scale energy and microgeneration we can deliver maximum opportunities and benefits for all Albertans. 

Originally published July 7, 2016 on the Pembina Institute’s blog

Barend Dronkers

Barend Dronkers is a consultant who works on corporate, government and community-based sustainability projects. He’s based in Calgary.

Sara Hastings-Simon

Sara Hastings-Simon is an expert on the clean economy and works with the Pembina Institute in Calgary



Parliament of CanadaThe Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities has launched a study of poverty reduction strategies.

The study focuses on improving the delivery of federal resources and services for the Canadian Poverty Reduction Strategy and is based on four main areas:

  1. Housing: studying affordable housing, housing strategies, homelessness, and Housing First initiatives, and other new and or innovative approaches;
  2. Education and Training: studying school based poverty reduction strategies, access to higher education, skills training/re-training, English as a Second Language/French as a Second Language (ESL/FSL), apprenticeship, financial literacy, and other new and or innovative approaches;
  3. Government administered savings and entitlement programs: studying Registered Education Savings Plans (RESPs), Registered Disability Savings Plans (RDSPs), Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSPs), Tax-Free Savings Accounts (TFSAs), Canada Pension Plan (CPP), Old Age Security (OAS) and Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS), studying the Seniors Price Index and Consumer Price Index as they relate to these programs, and other new and or innovative approaches;
  4. Neighbourhoods: studying urban planning, infrastructure building as a poverty reduction strategy, accessible and affordable transit, community support networks, and other new and or innovative approaches.

Within these areas the Committee emphasizes studying vulnerable communities and exploring the impact of gender on poverty and poverty reduction strategies in Canada.

Finally, the study pays close attention and focuses on innovation in poverty reduction through collaboration between levels of government (federal, provincial or territorial, and municipal), social innovation, private sector and non-profit initiatives, and social financing.

Organizations and individuals who wish to appear before the Committee can submit a request to appear and indicate which subject area they would like to address.

Submit a request to appear before the Committee

Briefs of no more than 2,000 words, including an executive summary can also be submitted to the Committee.

Submit a brief to the Committee

SOURCE: The Parliament of Canada


National Call For Project Ideas: This Place MattersThe National Trust for Canada invites community groups undertaking main street projects to participate in a national crowdfunding competition this fall. The 2016 This Place Matters competition will give community groups the chance to raise funds, reach new audiences and compete for two $40,000 prizes. The National Trust is seeking local groups with project ideas that will contribute to the vitality of a traditional main street and enhance community pride.

“Canada’s traditional main streets have enormous potential,” said Natalie Bull, Executive Director of the National Trust. “Main street is where people, art and culture converge and where Canada’s small businesses thrive. The 2016 This Place Matters competition will bring community partners and young people together to revitalize their main streets with projects that generate economic, social, cultural or environmental benefits for their communities.”

About the Competition

This Place Matters empowers Canadians to be involved in the renewal of Canada’s great places. During the 2016 competition, participating project groups will attract votes, raise awareness and have a chance to win cash prizes to implement their project.

Eligible project groups will compete in two categories:

  • Populations below 50,000 – Town Spotlight
  • Populations over 50,000 – City Beacon

A winner will be declared in each category based on the number of votes received. Both winning projects will be awarded a cash prize of $40,000. Voting will be free and open to the public.  Project groups will also receive one (1) additional vote for every dollar they raise through crowdfunding.

The competition will run from October 4, 2016 to November 15, 2016.

Read the complete rules and regulations

Eligibility Criteria

Eligible project groups competing on This Place Matters must demonstrate that their project meets one or more of the following key objectives:

  • Protecting Places: Improving the physical environment of the main street (e.g. the renewal of a public building or space).
  • Making Connections: Connecting the community and visitors to the history, heritage and cultural diversity of a place (e.g. an app describing local heritage attractions).
  • Celebrating Community: Bringing people together to rediscover and celebrate local identity (e.g. hosting an event celebrating local cuisine).

In addition, the project must be in a position to start within 12 months of the end of the competition.

Review the complete eligibility criteria

Register Your Project

To participate in the 2016 This Place Matters competition, groups must register their projects. Registered projects will be assessed by a jury to ensure compliance with the eligibility criteria.

Register your project now

Projects must be registered by Tuesday, August 30, 2016. Participating projects will be announced September 23, 2016.

About This Place Matters

The National Trust for Canada’s This Place Matters is Canada’s only crowdfunding platform dedicated to heritage places. Since its launch in 2015,This Place Matters has directed over $375,000 to worthy heritage projects thanks to contributions from Canadians across the country and from the National Trust’s sponsors and partners.

The National Trust for Canada thanks its Founding Partner, the RBC Foundation, for its support.

Questions? Contact thisplacematters at or phone 1-866-964-1066.


Forum of Labour Market Ministries

Labour market transfer agreements support the design and delivery of provincial-territorial programs and services that respond to the employment needs of all Canadian workers, including persons with disabilities, older workers, low-skilled workers, youth, other underrepresented groups, and employers.

To ensure these agreements continue to be relevant, flexible and responsive to current and emerging labour market needs and priorities, federal, provincial and territorial Labour Market Ministers announced on June 28, 2016 (see June 28, 2016 Communique) the launch of broad-based consultations over the summer months to gather stakeholder perspectives and inform future investments in employment and skills training programs and services.

Governments will be consulting broadly with stakeholders, including organizations representing employers, jobseekers, service providers, underrepresented groups, postsecondary and training institutions, think tanks, and individuals. In July and August 2016, federal, provincial and territorial governments will lead a series of roundtables and will invite stakeholders to share their views on how labour market transfer agreements can better support Canada’s labour markets’ needs. Federal, provincial and territorial governments will also undertake their own consultations with additional stakeholders.

To guide the consultations, the FLMM has developed a discussion paper on the changing economic and labour market context in Canada, current labour market transfer agreements, and key discussion themes for the consultations. The paper also includes a series of questions for stakeholders’ considerations.

Stakeholders are also invited to submit their views using the discussion paper by August 19th, 2016 through the FLMM Secretariat (fmmt.flmm at

Fore more information, questions or general inquiries on the pan-Canadian consultations, please contact the FLMM Secretariat (fmmt.flmm at

Source: The Forum of Labour Market Ministers


Service CanadaEmployment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) is currently accepting proposals from organizations interested in receiving financial assistance from the Skills Link program.

Project activities can be provincial or territorial or local in scope. Activities must be confined to one province or territory.

The Skills Link program is a component of the Government of Canada’s Youth Employment Strategy (YES). Through funding for organizations, the Skills Link program helps youth overcome barriers to employment, develop a broad range of skills and knowledge in order to participate in the current and future labour market and to promote education and skills as being key to labour market participation. These barriers include, but are not limited to, challenges faced by recent immigrant youth, youth with disabilities, single parent youth, youth who have not completed high school, Indigenous youth, and youth living in rural or remote areas.

Apply for Skills Link funding now

Deadline: August 12, 2016 at 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time

There are 2 (two) streams for this Call for Proposals.

When possible, submit only one proposal (per stream) and that can include multiple activities in the same province or territory.

Stream One will prioritize and will award additional points to projects that focus on the following program priorities highlighted by this Call for Proposals:

  • Projects that target green jobs
  • Projects that incorporate Essential Skills
  • Projects that target female at–risk youth
  • Projects that target Indigenous youth
  • Projects that fill high demand labour market needs that are currently met through the use of Temporary Foreign Workers
  • Applicants that leverage a minimum of 20% of funding from other sources
  • Projects that facilitate youth mobility to access employment opportunities

Stream Two will focus on projects that demonstrate Social Innovation, more specifically, but not exclusively:

  • Testing innovative approaches
  • Social enterprise

Please note that Stream Two proposals can include some or all components of Stream One, however, Stream Two projects will be set apart by the Social Innovation Component included in the project that is utilized to reach the expected results of the Skills Link program.

Source: Service Canada
