Our current story is about Sacred Money and Markets. Money, it tells us, is the measure of all worth and the source of all happiness. The market is omniscient. Earth…
While the social economy originated in Europe, by the nineteenth century it emerged in North America as well, particularly in Canada and Quebec with its ties to the United Kingdom and France…
So much of human history is about communities that mainstream society has forgotten or pushed aside. Groups of people bound together by common location, experience, or values find their way…
For every government dollar invested in Momentum’s Self Employment Program over $7 is returned to the community, reveals a new economic evaluation. Momentum’s Self Employment Program has been offering business…
Community organizing brings victories to working people who provide for their families and builds movements that unite people around a shared vision of social justice. To these achievements this report adds…
Combined European Bureau for Social Development was founded in Swansea 1990. The aim was to facilitate joint projects and applications in the European context and to organize more systematic exchanges between national community…
For those who work on combating growing numbers of problem properties, and who are looking to expand the available toolbox of options, the buzz these days is all about land…
This case study focuses on and analyses the formation of four co-operatives in the Evangeline region, a small Acadian community in the southwest part of Prince Edward Island. Defined by…
Excerpt from the Introduction: In Quebec, where the social economy has achieved a great deal of visibility in recent years, there are several reasons why this is interesting for researchers….
This book tells about an effort to educate the people by assisting them to become masters of their own economic destiny. Father Moses Coady, along with Father Jimmy Tompkins, Rev….
Partnerships are often assumed to be a necessary, and indeed an intrinsically useful, component of CED. But partnerships can be difficult to maintain and sometimes can constrain effective CED. This…
This report is the outcome of a comprehensive research process that includes interviews with 97 social enterprise and community economic development (CED) practitioners and five focus groups. The interviewed practitioners…