Holzmarkt On 20th and 21st October the EUKN welcomed Holzmarkt to Amsterdam for our 2014 Annual Conference – ‘The Civic Economy: time to get ready’. Holzmarkt are a perfect example of the civic economy and area development in action. This unique and inspiring collaboration of neighbours and entrepreneurs demonstrates the potential when citizens decide to take matters into their own hands.

The collaborative neighbourhood

We are currently witnessing the rise of a new form of economy and social organisation throughout Europe and elsewhere which is broadly called the ‘civic economy’. A vast array of civic entrepreneurial initiatives have emerged due to developments, such as governmental retreat in civic duty, adversity to big business, distrust in the financial sector, the empowerment of citizens, technological innovation, and a rise of environmental and social consciousness. Holzmarkt – a creative village in the middle of Berlin – exemplifies these shifts in society and the economy.

How it began

Following the fall of the Berlin wall, a vacant space along the Spree River attracted developers wanting to build commercial and residential properties. In an attempt to preserve the green landscape as a free space for leisure and culture, local communities set up a cooperative and proposed an alternative plan. Thanks to a 2 million euro loan from a Swiss pension fund, the cooperative bought the land in the beginning of 2013 following a public competition announced by the local government.

The renaissance of a wooden market

The vision of the cooperative is to revive the old market Holzmarkt (literary wooden market) in harmony with nature. The only building along the river will be a restaurant offering local products. A village square will form the centre of the development. An important part of the village will be a Kidzclub for children to play. Various local entrepreneurs, such as designers, wine producers or craftsmen can use the place for their workshops. There will be function rooms on three floors which will serve as venues for festivals or different cultural events.

The civic economy at work

Since the opening in 2013, the new Holzmarkt project counts on local volunteers. Several festivals and cultural events as well as an urban garden and a market have already been held. Holzmarkt is a good example of the civic economy in operation. By means of exceptional organisational tactics, a sharing and collaborative approach to investment and technology, diverse change-makers tackled a pressing local and social challenge. The result was the development of a vacant place in a sustainable and beneficial way for the local community.

Originally published by the European Urban Knowledge Network on September 29, 2014

Carlo CapraBased in Milano, I currently work in real estate investments. Economist and Urban Manager by training, I worked the Urban Strategies and Planning department, of IHS developing connections with a wide range of initiatives in the city of Rotterdam and supporting IHS research and education activities. I also worked for the European Urban Knowledge Network (EUKN), in research and communication activities. Previously, I was researcher for UN-ECLAC in Chile.

My areas of interest and expertise are urban economic development, innovative finance and social innovation.

*The opinions expressed in blog posts are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the position of CCEDNet


Did you like this blog post? Check out the upcoming 
Rebalancing Society event in Montréal on September 8
Rebalancing Society

We function at three levels in society, not two: the collective level broadly and the individual level narrowly, as well as the community level in between.

At the collective level, we experience citizenship, and are reminded of it every time we vote and pay taxes, not to mention when we receive services and summons from our government.

These days, however, we are far more aware of the individual level—me, myself, and I. Thus, while the collective level gets only one “…ship”—citizenship—the individual level is so dominant that it gets two: ownership and leadership. We generally use the word ownership for what we own individually, as in MY house and MY car. And while leadership can be found in government and communities, the word always singles out the individual. If there is a leader, then other people must be followers.

Between citizenship at the collective level and ownership and leadership at the individual level is another kind of experience that deserves far more attention. Just think of how much of our lives are lived in our groups and communities, quite apart from conventional citizenship, ownership, and leadership. Yet this level doesn’t even get a single …ship. So some years ago I gave it one: communityship1. Communityship designates how we pull together to function in our personal relationships.

Of course ownership too exists at the collective and community levels. It’s just that these take on quite different forms. Public ownership—what is owned by our government—is technically owned by you and me. But do we feel the same sense of proprietorship that we feel for our house or our car? (“I’m flying from MY airport”? These are MY VERY OWN tax collectors”?)

Ownership at the community level is called common property, or “the commons”2, and where it does exist, we can feel quite attached to it, as do farmers that share water for irrigation.

The bad news is that common property is less common than it used to be. Take a walk on the “Boston Common.” This is where the landless people of that town used to graze their cows. (Some Bostonian should try that today! The sign at the entrance doesn’t even explain the name.) The good news is that the commons is making a comeback. Even, maybe especially, on the Internet. Take a walk on Wikipedia—it’s ours in common, technically owned by no one and therefore socially owned by everyone. It is ours to use, and to change. Walk too around our community gardens, and look at the research findings of our universities. Thankfully, these are all in the commons.

To drive home the idea of these three levels and four …ships, here are a few quotes to go with each, together with corresponding photos.


Citizenship - Lisa Mintzberg Photography“The greatest patriotism is to tell your country when it is behaving dishonorably, foolishly, viciously.” (Flaubert, from Flaubert’s Parrot by Julian Barnes)

Elector, n. “One who enjoys the sacred privilege of voting for the man of another man’s choice.” (The Devil’s Dictionary by Ambrose Bierce, 1906)

We are the unwilling,
Led by the unqualified,

Doing the unnecessary

For the ungrateful

(U.S. troops in Vietnam).


Communityship - Lisa Mintzberg Photography“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” (Margaret Mead)

“The mainstream is a current too strong to think in.” (Paul Shepheard, in What is Architecture)

“Scout bees…fly out from the bivouac in all directions in the search for a new permanent nest site. When a suitable site is found…the scouts return and signal the direction and distance of the find…Different scouts may announce different sites simultaneously and a contest ensues. Finally the site being advertised most vigorously by the largest number of workers wins, and the entire swarm flies off to it…”(Edward O. Wilson)


Leadership - Lisa Mintzberg PhotographyQueen bees “never participate in the ordinary duties of the hive such as cleaning cells, tending the young, or gathering food. After performing their nuptial flights, queen honeybees function as little more than egg-laying machines…” (Thomas D. Seeley, Honeybee Ecology)

“Management is the delusion that you can change people. Leadership is deluding other people instead of deluding yourself.” (Scott Adams, in Dilbert and the Way of the Weasel)

“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world: the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.” (George Bernard Shaw)

“Unhappy is the land that has no heroes,”’ sighed Andrea in Bertolt Brecht’s Life of Galileo. “No,” contradicted the astronomer, “Unhappy is the land that needs; heroes.”


Ownership - Lisa Mintzberg Photography“I had reached the end of my journey. Everything that surrounded me seemed to be my own property. I was the King of Mont Blanc—the statue of this tremendous pedestal.” (Jacques Balmat, on being the first person to reach the summit of Mont Blanc, 1786)

Corporation, n. “An ingenious device for obtaining individual profit without individual responsibility.” (The Devil’s Dictionary by Ambrose Bierce, 1906)

“We sold the patent for insulin to the university for one dollar. And come to think of it—I don’t believe I ever saw that one dollar.” (Charles H. Best, medical researcher, quoted by George Gamester in the Toronto Star, 22 July 1975)

To close, I believe that we shall have to reclaim democracy from private individualism at the expense of collective citizenship and cultural communityship. (See MY book Rebalancing Society, which is yours to have too, in the commons on mintzberg.org.)

This blog was originally posted on May 19, 2016 at Mintzberg.org, and appears here with permission.

Henry Mintzberg

Henry Mintzberg has been an academic most of his working life. After receiving his undergraduate degree in Mechanical Engineering from McGill University in Montreal (1961), he worked in Operational Research at the Canadian National Railways, and then received a masters and doctorate fr


RIPESSThe Canadian CED Network (CCEDNet) has been a member of the Intercontinental Network for the Promotion of Social Solidarity (RIPESS) since 2002. Although not involved in the first two International Meetings on the Globalization of Solidarity (Lima, Peru in 1997 and Quebec City in 2001) CCEDNet played a leadership role in planning the 2005 International Meeting in Dakar, Senegal. It was at the first planning meeting for the event, in 2002, that it was decided the time was ripe to formally create RIPESS. Michael Lewis, who was then a member of CCEDNet’s Board, was in attendance at this planning meeting and took on the responsibility of chairing the Program Committee for the 3rd International Meeting on the Globalization of Solidarity.

Since 2002, CCEDNet members have been constantly involved in RIPESS. CCEDNet has had representation through membership on the Board of RIPESS: Michael Lewis (2004 and 2005), Ethel Côté (2005 to 2009) and Yvon Poirier (2013 to today). CCEDNet has also supported International Meetings, which take place every four years: 2005 (Dakar Senegal), 2009 (Schifflange, Luxemburg) and 2013 (Manila, Philippines).

CCEDNet played an important role in encouraging English-speaking organizations to become involved. In the first years of RIPESS, members were exclusively from French-speaking organizations in France, Québec and Africa, and from Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking organizations in South America. In 2007, the cultural and geographic representation of RIPESS was expanded further with the creation of a continental network for Asia, now called the Asia Solidarity Economy Council.

The continental network for North America (RIPESS-NA) is led by CCEDNet, the Chantier de l’économie sociale (Québec), and the US Solidarity Economy Network (US SEN). Canada and the United States both have designated positions on the Board of RIPESS, with CCEDNet and the Chantier alternating who represents Canada.

The Social Solidarity Economy (SSE) has gained recognition at the international level since the creation of the UN Inter-Agency Task Force on SSE in September 2013. The Task Force brings together 19 agencies of the United Nations in recognition of the importance of SSE for sustainable development, lifting people out of poverty, creating decent jobs and empowering women. RIPESS is one of the Task Force’s six Observer organizations and since RIPESS is a grassroots network with members in all continents its contribution to the Task Force has been of strategic importance.

The 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), adopted by the UN in September 2015, will be at the core of the work of the UN Inter-Agency Task Force and RIPESS in the next years. Since the SDGs are universal, Canada is also engaged in implementing the 17 SDGs in Canada and internationally. CCEDNet is also advocating Canada to include SSE in its international development programs.

Community economic development has many similarities to Social Solidarity Economy. In renewing its membership, CCEDNet reaffirms its support for RIPESS’ global vision of development, putting people and planet first.

Read the latest RIPESS newsletter


Every year, CCEDNet members are invited to submit nominations for CCEDNet’s Board of Directors. This year, there were four vacancies to be filled.

Six eligible nominations were received by the deadline, and online elections were held from May 5 to May 19, using OpenSTV for a ranked choice vote according to the Scottish single transferable vote model.

After reviewing the results, our Elections Officer declared the following candidates elected:

The results were ratified at CCEDNet’s Annual General Meeting of the members on June 7. 

Congratulations to these amazing CED leaders from across Canada, who will be part of CCEDNet’s dedicated Board of Directors.

Wendy Keats

Wendy KeatsWendy Keats is a co-founder and the Executive Director of the Co-operative Enterprise Council of New Brunswick, a leading CED agency in the province. Prior to this, she spent 18 years as a private CED consultant and trainer working with nearly 200 community groups in organizational development, strategic planning, governance, project management, and many other development areas. Wendy is a certified mediator and served as a senior faculty member of UPEI’s Centre for Conflict Studies for more than a decade.  She provides training and mediation services to all levels of government, business and the community. Wendy sits on numerous boards and committees related to CED and has a special passion for youth engagement and renewable energy.  She lives completely off-the-grid in the woods of Salisbury, tending her gardens and relaxing on the river whenever the hectic world of CED allows it.

Diana Jedig

Diana JedigDiana Jedig has been the Executive Director for the Ontario Association of Community Futures Development Corporations (OACFDC) since 1994. Her previous experience as General Manager of the Brant CFDC has been a key strength in ensuring the OACFDC responds to the needs of its members. Diana also volunteers on the board of the Community Futures Network of Canada and is a founding member of The Ontario Rural Council (now the Rural Ontario Institute). Diana has an Honours Bachelor of Commerce Degree and a Masters in Business Administration. She is also a Certified Association Executive through the Canadian Society of Association Executives.

Carol Madsen

Carol MadsenCarol Madsen has been on the Canadian CED Network board since 2005. She has been teaching in Simon Fraser University’s Centre for Sustainable Community Development for nine years and has taught at Concordia’s School of Community Public Affairs and UBC’s School of Social Work.  Previously she was the Manager of Pathways Information Centre, a CED project of Tradeworks Training Society located in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside, the regional representative for the Canadian CED Technical Assistance Program for British Columbia and the Director of Bridging the Divides, a participatory action research CED project that took place in two rural communities in BC.  She has been involved in CED, social justice and international development work for more than 25 years and it passionate about creating a more equitable Canadian society for all.

Kaye Grant

Kaye GrantBased in Winnipeg, Kaye is the key Consultant with Reconnaissance Management Consulting Group Inc. Kaye is also the Communications Manager for the Canadian Worker Co-operative Federation (CWCF), a national, bilingual grassroots membership organization that supports the growth and development of worker co-operatives. Kaye has worked for over 20 years within the non-profit/social enterprise sector in a number of roles. Kaye’s experience in working with the non-profit sector and local community groups enables her to maintain working relationships within the community. Kaye sits on the Bike Winnipeg Board as Co-chair and the Manitoba Co-op Association Board as the CWCF representative. Kaye has been an active member of CCEDNet in Manitoba for nine years and has regularly presented at The Gathering event in Manitoba. Kaye has a passion towards poverty alleviation and has focused her work with organizations that contribute to this mandate.


Social Innovation and Social FinanceThe Government of Canada is moving forward in the development of a Social Innovation and Social Finance Strategy to support communities in addressing their most difficult problems and help more people, especially those most vulnerable contribute to and share in the prosperity of their community and society.

In support of this commitment, the Honourable Jean-Yves Duclos, Minister of Families, Children and Social Development, and the Honourable Patty Hajdu, Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Labour, announced the members of the Social Innovation and Social Finance Strategy Co-Creation Steering Group.

Selected from 189 eligible applications from across the country, the Social Innovation and Social Finance Steering Group brings together 15 passionate and diverse leaders, practitioners and experts from multiple fields, including the community, philanthropic, financial and research sectors. Among the 15 steering group members are CCEDNet members David LePage, David Upton, as well as Lauren Dobell from CCEDNet member Vancity and Nancy Neamtan, who is founder and Strategic advisor with the Chantier de l’économie sociale, with whom CCEDNet has a long standing partnership.

Over the next 12 months the Group will co-create the Strategy with the Government of Canada. By drawing on its members’ broad range of expertise, know-how and ideas, and through consultation and engagement activities, the Group will begin developing policy measures to advance social innovation and social finance, and support the social enterprise sector and the social economy in Canada.

Steering Group members will be asked to share their perspectives on three key challenges. These issues have been raised during discussions led by stakeholders on social innovation and social finance in recent years:

  • the skills and capacity of community organizations and governments to pursue social innovation and social finance, including their capacity to measure social outcomes and impact;
  • federal laws, regulations and policies that have an impact on the ability of community organizations to participate in social innovation and social finance initiatives; and
  • access to the capital needed to fund, replicate and expand the reach of social innovation and social finance projects.

SOURCE: Employment and Social Development Canada


CCEDNet's 2017 Annual General MeetingCCEDNet members gathered online last week to participate in the 2017 annual general meeting (AGM).

This was the third year CCEDNet has held an entirely virtual AGM.  Our online platform allowed for moving, seconding and voting on resolutions, a chat room for written comments and questions, integration with an English teleconference line and a French teleconference line and simultaneous translation between the two lines.

It was surely a technological feat and not without some mishaps. Apologies to those few that were unable to get the platform to work on their computers. Better navigating technical issues will a focus for improvement next year. But all told the event was a success – and we managed to pull it off in a tight 1 hour timeframe!

Watch the AGM Recording

Diana Jedig helped the meeting run smoothly as meeting chair, the second time she’s chaired one of our virtual AGMs. Feedback following the AGM has been very positive again this year. Here are a few things our members had to say about the AGM:

  • This is the second year I have participated. I think more organizations should adopt this format. Thank you for the opportunity to participate.
  • Very impressive technology. (This was my first AGM and first time seeing such a thing.) Also, as someone with deep non-profit treasury experience, I thought the financials were very well presented.
  • I very much like being able to do quick AGMs where I get the info I need to make informed decisions and can participate without having to leave the office!
  • Seeing the cross-Canada connections was great.
  • I think having web and phone in is very good combination. Bilingual is essential – works well.

s4esCCEDNet’s Executive Director, Mike Toye, presented highlights from 2016 and presented the audited financial statements, noting that with the social enterprise ecosystem project (S4ES) grant approval and the success of the long awaited return of the national CED conference in 2016 with preperations for making it an annual National conference, 2016 was another year of investment for CCEDNet.

S4ES will connect training, marketing, and impact measurement resources for social enterprises anywhere in Canada. Funding for the project is provided by The J.W. McConnell Family Foundation, Mental Health Commission of Canada and Employment and Social Development Canada.

CCEDNet members also approved a resolution tabled by Yvon Poirier to call on the federal government to speed up the implementation of the UN’s Social Development Goals and align public procurement to support them.

Members welcomed Kaye Grant to the Board and congratulated Diana Jedig, Wendy Keats and Carol Madsen on renewed Board mandates. Members alse expressed gratitude to outgoing Board members Bill Ninacs and Derek Pachal.   

Many thanks to the members who participated, the staff who organized the logistics, and to CCEDNet’s Board members who guide the Network throughout the year.

NORDIK Institute
PARO Centre for Women's Enterprise
Conseil de la coopération de l'Ontario
Groupe Convex
Toronto Enterprise Fund
Centre for Social Enterprise Development

Six members of the Canadian CED Network (CCEDNet) are directly involved in two programs being launched by the Government of Ontario that will help social enterprise access the capital, training and expertise they need to grow and scale up their businesses. 

The ONE Social Enterprise Partnerships is a new initiative designed to help social enterprises access business supports through the Ontario Network of Entrepreneurs (ONE), including regionally focused training, mentorship and business fundamentals to start and grow their businesses.

Congratulations to CCEDNet members, NORDIK Institute (social enterprise lead) and PARO Centre for Women’s Enterprise, who were chosen as social enterprise support systems in Northern Ontario as part of the regional partnerships through ONE. 

The province is also launching the second round of the Social Enterprise Demonstration Fund, which will provide funding to not-for-profit organizations with expertise in supporting social enterprises. These organizations will, in turn, use the funding to support financially sustainable and scalable social enterprises. The fund will address key challenges faced by social enterprises, such as access to capital and the resources they need to get their ventures off the ground.   

Congratulations to CCEDNet members, le Conseil de la Coopération de L’Ontario, Groupe Convex, The Toronto Enterprise Fund, and the Centre for Social Enterprise Development, who have been chosen as part of the new round of the Social Enterprise Demonstration Fund (SEDF).

Source: Ontario Newsroom


Lead Bob StilgerSmall communities can be amazing and High River, Alberta, Canada is at the top of my list right now. I’ve been with people in community there for three days. About 90 folks who care came out for one or more of four sessions of the Our High River Summit. That’s out of 13,000 people.

In the summer of 2013 torrential rains came and the river that runs through town peaked in a devastating flood. But the summit wasn’t looking back at the flood — it was looking towards new horizons. What’s the community we want? How do we build it together?

The Mayor walked in towards the end of our first evening together. We were talking about how communities change. He arrived just as I was saying, “Local governments don’t make change. Where did we ever get that idea? They keep the streets plowed and the garbage picked up and the water running, but usually when they try to change anything people just get pissed off. People — people like all of you in this room — are the one’s who make change.” A different Mayor might have taken exception to that comment. I’m told he was breaking into a big grin as he stood outside our circle, looking in. Later he said to me, “Do you know how amazing this room is? Can you feel the energy? I know the people in this room; I grew up with a lot of them. They are the ones who can lead our community.”

I shared stories that night from my work around the world. Start anywhere, follow the energy everywhere. Greet each other with curiosity, respect and generosity. Listen to each other as if you future depends on it — because it does. See your differences as strengths for the community. For the most part, I was just giving people some words for what they already knew.

Through the three days we used practices from Art of Hosting Conversations and FutureCenter work. We were in circles and in pairs and trios and world cafes and in silence. I’ll share the designs we started with later in this blog. I’m not going to try to summarize the meeting. If you want a glimpse, check the twitter feed: #OHR2016Summit, or in a few weeks checkout www.ourhighriver.com. But I do want to share a few things that that stood out for me.

One of the things we did on the second night was bring people into storytelling trios to share the story of a time they had stepped forward to offer their leadership. Afterwards, in our harvest circle, Shelly — one of the organizers — had this look of joy on her face. Her statement was simple: “This is amazing. I knew, but I didn’t really know. This community is filled with people with know how to step forward when the time is right.”

It’s a connected community. Earlier on the second day, Scott, a long time teacher in community, was saying to me, “So many here were my students. Jodi and Fawna were in my classroom. I had a sense of who they might become — and they have.” It was said with absolute pride. The next day I was listening in on a conversation when Bob said to another fellow, “I remember back when, you were a pretty good hockey player.” Throughout our time when I was asking people to form groups with those they didn’t know well, I’d hear some people commenting about how they knew almost everyone in the room. But it didn’t stop there because there were also many who were “new” to High River. They were welcomed with open arms. Some places that are community almost erect a barrier and subtly tell newcomers that they’re going to have to take several years to prove themselves before they’re really welcome. High River welcomes now. Maybe more so since the flood, but I am pretty sure this welcoming spirit has been around for a long time.

On the second day we did a world café around the question of what’s possible now in High River. Then after a break, I asked people to be in new trios and said, “How much of this is just blue sky crap? What do you really care about? Where do you want to place your attention and your work and your energy? What would you get behind?” We did a “sticky” harvest with post-it notes, asking people to write as many as they wanted — but with only one idea per sticky. And then we asked for a few volunteers to step forward over lunch to find the patterns in the notes. They found six:

Nourishment, Connection, Wellness, Vitality, Expression and Joy

  • Nourishment: food, farming, ecology
  • Connection: community building, especially with youth and seniors
  • Wellness: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual
  • Vitality: economic development and tourism
  • Expression: arts and culture
  • Joy: events, parades, celebrations.

I loved the way they were thinking about their community. They didn’t create a list of projects; what they were really calling out were the characteristics of High River as a vibrant, thriving community. I was especially appreciative of how they talked about economic development — it was clearly and explicitly not an end in itself, it was a critical part of community vitality. Again and again I heard people affirming that they did not want to become a big box store town like Okotoks, a little to the north, and they certainly did not want to become a bedroom community for Calgary. They were determined to keep being a vibrant, healthy community.

Sure, there were projects in the room as well. There was Bob’s quiet and clear invitation that High River needs an attractive identity and he shared all of his brainstorming around bicycles to pedal that identity. Or Ted who lights up when he talks about even more possibilities with Christmas. Or Paula and Leslie who see what can and should be done to increase food sovereignty.

As we drew towards the end of our time on our third afternoon, I invited people into a NOW CAST, a new approach I created a couple of months ago in Japan. Looking back, I wish I had first invited people into an Open Space, springing forward from the patterns in our sticky harvest. This delving into specific projects and work will happen next through Our High River.

This is not complicated work. It is powerful work:

  • Convene People
  • Build Relationships
  • Find The Next Step
  • Illuminate What’s Happening

That is the work of Our High River. It, itself, is a growing self-organizing system. During the summit Our High River put out a call for “coaches” to support people in taking their ideas to action. Several stepped forward and said, “That’s my work.” Our High River put out the invitation for some to step forward to make meaning and make sense out of all the notes from these three days. People with that skill are stepping up. Meetings for next steps are already called by some people who are ready to go.

Is High River unique? Not so much. Is it special? Absolutely. Every community where people reach out across their differences and say, “We will do this together” is special. And there is something that inspires me.  It’s the older woman who proudly announced on our third morning that she’s made her first Tweet (and the guy who said, he’d at least downloaded it to his phone.) It’s the moment of silence someone called in the circle for Dwight, a High River father of two, who had just taken his own life.  It’s the man who said that he may not be alive much longer, and that he wanted to make at least one more difference.

This is a continuing story and it is the story of communities everywhere where people remember that anything is possible when they step out of isolation, let go of fears and judgments, greet each other with curiosity, respect and generosity, and roll up their sleeves to do what’s possible now.

For many years one of the principles I’ve worked with is: “Whatever the problem, community is the answer.” That shifted for me in High River: “Whatever the opportunity, community is the answer.” We’re living in an unusual time. Much is changing and the future is becoming more and more invisible. We just can’t see very far ahead anymore. When that happens, we have to bring our attention to NOW. To the people around us, to the resources we have at hand, and to the next steps we can take when we stand up and stand together.

For those interested in design: PDF of basic designs and flows we started with and which, of course, changed along the way

This blog was originally posted at NewStories.org, and appears here with permission.

Bob StilgerBob Stilger founded New Stories in 2000 because he needed new stories about true community transformation. Bob’s ideas and connections rippled into the co-creation of the Art of Hosting as well as the Berkana Exchange. He also pioneered the concept of Enspirited Leadership. In 2010 Bob was invited to introduce Art of Hosting to Japan — a spiritual home since his student days there in the early seventies. For the last five years Japan has been his main place of work. 

*The opinions expressed in blog posts are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the position of CCEDNet


sean casey eventA quartet of Atlantic Canada Liberal MPs are calling on their own government to sharply ramp up financial support for economic growth in the region even though the four Atlantic provinces already get more federal funding for economic development than Quebec, Ontario, or Western Canada.

The MPs, one from each Atlantic Canada province serving on what they’ve called the Atlantic Growth Strategy Subcommittee on Innovation, tabled the report Monday here. The MPs on the the subcommittee are Matt DeCourcey of Fredericton, Sean Casey of Charlottetown, Andy Fillmore of Halifax and Nick Whalen of St. John’s.

“Social enterprises, and not just businesses with potential for high growth, should be part of the federal government’s innovation plans”, says the federal Atlantic growth strategy innovation subcommittee.

The subcommittee makes a number of recommendations, including a stronger focus on supporting social enterprises.

The report says providing social enterprises with access to funding commensurate with that offered to for-profit companies will allow them “to demonstrate their value in reducing more expensive government intervention.”

The report notes social enterprises are not eligible for 95 per cent of federal programs and services, but are significant job creators. The report proposes a partnership including federal and provincial governments and private enterprise to create a new pre-seed capital fund. The fund would make investments in early-stage companies to support their growth.

A high-risk tolerance would be required for such a fund, the subcommittee notes, because there is a high failure rate in early-stage companies, but this can be offset by the possibility of greater successes.

Download the A Faster, More Agile And Certain Atlantic Canada report



CDF & CCAThe Co-operative Development Foundation of Canada (CDF) and their partner, the Canadian Co-operative Association’s (CCA) work is rooted in the values of co-operation and owes it success to the Canadians who live out these values by making international co-operative and credit union development a priority. Canadians co-operators across the country are committed to ending global poverty by channeling their knowledge, volunteer time, and donations and fundraising for our projects around the world.


The Global Co-operator Award recognizes members of Canada’s co-operative community who actively participate in and support CCA and CDF’s international development work through volunteering, advocating and/or fundraising. This award is presented provincially, in conjunction with provincial award ceremonies.


Nominations must be submitted by an individual or organization and include a complete outline of the nominee’s contributions.

Nominations will be accepted along-side the call for nominations for provincial awards. Sponsors can resubmit nominations in subsequent years if their nominees are not selected and meet the eligibility criteria.

Deadline for applications: Please submit nominations by June 2, 2017

Note: The sponsor(s) can be a co-operative organization or individual, and may be member of CCA or CDF’s staff or board.


In making its decision, the Awards Committee will consider the following criteria:

  1. Participation: an individual who has actively participated in CDF and/or CCA’s international development work through volunteering in Canada or internationally, fundraising, and/or advocacy activities.
  2. Public Engagement: an individual who engages with their community, colleagues and/or peers and promotes involvement in and support of international co-operative development.
  3. Co-operative Values: an individual who emulates the co-operative values and principles in their day-to-day lives.

Download the nomination document

Current CDF and CCA staff members, those currently serving on CCA /CDF Board of Directors are not eligible to receive the award.


Ontario Social Economy Roundtable Unveils Official CharterOn May 15th at OCE Discovery held at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre, the Ontario Social Economy Roundtable (OSER) launched its charter.

Finalized over a long process of consultation and collaboration, the OSER charter solidifies the values of the social economy in Ontario. It offers a look at this ecosystem, puts definitions in place and shines a spotlight on the role of stakeholders in the social and economic development in the province.

OSER convenes dozens of organizations linked to the social economy in Ontario. Growing out of loose collaboration, several networks and organizations have organized more cohesively under the banner of the Ontario Social Economy Roundtable (OSER) to work on provincial landscape- spanning issues in a more coordinated fashion.

As per the charter, “OSER aims to be a focal point for social economy stakeholders, who intend to put resources together in order to improve the general quality of life and the well-being of our society as a whole. Based upon the principles of democratic governance, equity, equality, solidarity, inclusion, sustainability and cross-collaboration, OSER is a space for dialogue, exchanges and collaboration to promote the growth of social economy.”

OSER members were excited to be gathered at the annual OCE Discovery alongside Canada’s key players including industry leaders, academia, government, investors, entrepreneurs and social innovators. Working across sectors, this is an ideal moment to build awareness for an increasing demand for an economy that values people and planet.

“The Charter is a constitutive document for the social economy of our province,” said Julien Geremie, co-chair of OSER. “It put terms to confusing definitions, it gathers and it addresses important issues. We are proud to submit such an inspiring charter.”

“We have to recognize the crucial role that many member organizations of OSER played to reach these present results,” said Paul Chamberlain, co-chair of OSER. “The collaboration exercised to create this charter illustrates the excellent work we can do when we work together.”

The charter is available to be viewed online. Any and all individuals or organizations who subscribe to its values are invited to sign and share it.

SOURCE: SEontario.org


Credit Union Central of Canada (CUCC) announced the recipients of the 2017 National Credit Union Awards Program on May 10. The National Credit Union Awards highlight fresh and effective programs that emphasize local economic initiatives, innovative solutions that improve the effectiveness of the credit union, and the ambitions of tomorrow’s young leaders.

Among the winners were two members of the Canadian CED Network: Assiniboine Credit Union in Manitoba and Vancity Credit Union in British Columbia.

Assiniboine Credit UnionAssiniboine Credit Union

Assiniboine Credit Union won the Social Responsibility Award for their Eco-Excellence Program which achieved positive environmental results, as well as growth for the credit union. The Social Responsibility Award award recognizes the leadership, innovation and advancement that credit unions are demonstrating in their social and environmental performance. Celebrating the ways credit unions are leading in defining strategic approaches to social responsibility that will encourage and inspire the system as a whole.

Sara Rusak, Manager, Business Integration at Assiniboine Credit Union, also received the Young Leaders Award. The Award helps identify the best and brightest young employees, motivate them, and publicize their accomplishments to inspire others. In creating this Award, CCUA’s Board of Directors helps national leaders demonstrate strong support for young leadership. 

Vancity Credit UnionVancity

Vancity won the Community Economic Development Award for their Refugee Settlement Assistance Program developed in close partnership with Immigrant Services Society of BC and other settlement service groups. Together, they created a scalable and sharable program comprising outreach activities, product developments, process enhancements, educational reports, and tools. The Community Economic Development Award recognizes and honours the outstanding contribution credit unions make to the economic development of the communities they serve. Since its inception, this prestigious award has focused national attention on the leadership role credit unions play in inspiring others to shape promising futures within their communities.

Vancity also won the first-ever Learning Leader Award for the strategic development, instructional design, delivery, and evaluation of training for over 2,000 employees for the recent renewal of their core banking system. The Learning Leader Award acknowledges the role that skilled employees play in the success of their credit union, and the leader who ensures that employees are as prepared as possible to serve the needs of their members. Ongoing development of credit union employees is critical at a time when multiple factors are reshaping or industry and our workforce.

Source: National Credit Union Awards
