The 2008 National CED Conference program is now available. Click here to download a full PDF version.



Manager, CED Youth Programs

Start Date: June 2008 – March 2009

Please submit your CV and a letter of application no later than May 25, 2008 by Email to Bianca Mathieu


The Manager of CED Youth Programs will manage implementation and development of programs in community economic development targeted to young people. This includes:
• all aspects of a national intern program for young graduates to gain career-relevant work experience with Community Economic Development (CED) organizations. The program is funded by the Government of Canada, Service Canada, Career Focus Program.
• Supervision of the Youth In Charge program funded by Service Canada in BC to strengthen youth engagement in the labour market and CED involving 8 rural and 3 urban communities.
The funding for both of these programs ends March 2009 under current agreements and so this position’s term will end at that time. However it is expected that the position will work to develop other opportunities and initiatives to continue CCEDNet’s engagement of young people and their organizations in CED, and may be extended if other funding becomes available. It is also expected that the position will manage support to CCEDNet’s youth-led network “Emerging Leaders”, supervise the Youth In Charge Coordinator, and manage sub contracts for a national program to develop community development service learning opportunities. The position is therefore a key opportunity for a professional with program management experience to contribute to a dynamic and growing area of work with youth and community partners to enhance youth leadership in community economic development.

Job Responsibilities:

Manage a National CED Internship Program involving 20 six month internships for young graduates with job coaching and mentoring supports. This includes:

  • promoting and marketing the program
  • interviewing and selecting host organizations, mentors and internship candidates
  • coordinating travel logistics
  • managing evaluation and reporting
  • instigating job search assistance
  • coordinating peer learning opportunities with CCEDNet’s Emerging Leaders Committee
  • budget and financial management for the program in accordance with Government of Canada requirements
  • supporting and monitoring host organizations, interns and mentors in achieving effective outcomes, and developing tools and resources for the program
  • Supervising a Youth In Charge program in British Columbia involving community partners and 22 youth leaders in 11 communities working to enhance labour market and economic outcomes through CED.
  • Developing and managing other CED youth programs and support to the youth-led committee and network of CCEDNet “Emerging Leaders”.


Supervises the work of a temporary full time youth coordinator, interns, and sub-contractors as required.
Reports to the Program Director. .


• Communicates effectively with staff, elected committee members and all levels of the CCEDNet organization
• Works closely with all staff
• Maintains effective working relationships with CCEDNet regional coordinators, particularly the BC Coordinator.


  • A bachelor’s degree and/or relevant experience (three to five years) in public administration, community development, adult education, or a related discipline.
  • Experience in program management and development.
  • Experience managing program budgets in excess of $300 k.
  • Experience in administering contribution agreements and meeting government funding reporting requirements.
  • Excellent command of written English.
  • Excellent interpersonal communications skills.
  • Excellent command of Microsoft Word, Outlook, PowerPoint, and Excel.
  • Ability to work independently, and to work effectively as part of a team.
  • Experience working with community-based organizations.
  • Experience in skills development activities with young people.
  • Knowledge of community economic development and the Canadian CED Network.
  • Demonstrated good judgement.
  • Ability to travel within Canada.
  • Excellent organizational and administrative skills.

Preference will be given to bilingual candidates.


• Position based at CCEDNet’s head office in Victoria, BC.
• Requires extensive computer use and teleconferencing with participants.
• May involve overtime work at peak periods.
• Salary is up to $51 000 per year, depending on experience, plus statutory benefits.
• Twenty days vacation/year.

A copy of program information relevant to the position is available here.


211-620 View Street
Victoria, British Columbia V8Y 1V7 Canada
up to 51 000/per year
Start Date: 
Jun 1 2008
May 25 2008 – 23:59

The Canadian CED Network’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) is being held on May 24th at our National CED Conference in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.


1.Kyoto Protocol

Sponsors: Yvon Poirier and Ethel Côté

WHEREAS the government of Canada has officially adhered to the Kyoto Declaration

AND WHEREAS Global warming is affecting communities in Canada and all over the world

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED CCEDNet demands that the Canadian government abide strictly by the Kyoto protocol to reduce the emission of global warming gases and that programs be put forward to help communities meet the standards advanced by the protocol, namely programs that support communities in their development of locally owned renewable energies.

2. Civil Society and Aid Effectiveness

Sponsors: Yvon Poirier and Ethel Côté

WHEREAS the Paris Declaration adopted in 2005 on aid effectiveness does not recognize civil society as an important actor in the social and economic development of societies, and excluded civil society in the discussions and consultations leading to the formulation of the policies

AND WHEREAS International Development NGO’S and other partners are advocating that civil society be included in future policies and in the discussions leading up to their formulation,

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that CCEDNet supports those leading the discussions, organization efforts and advocacy work of Civil Society Organizations in preparation for the High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness (HLF 3) to take place in Accra in September 2008, and insists that both Canadian civil society and government understand and support civil society as an effective channel of aid delivery.

3. Make Poverty History

Sponsors: Yvon Poirier and Ethel Côté

WHEREAS reducing poverty is one of the main objectives of the Millennium Development Goals (MDG);

AND WHEREAS the Make Poverty History Campaign is a global civil society network that is at the forefront of this struggle; 

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that CCEDNet officially joins the campaign and invites its membership to do the same, and asks the federal and provincial governments to put in place policies and programs to eliminate poverty in Canada and in the world, such as the ones recommended by Make Poverty History.


Dear CCEDNet members,


As approved by members at CCEDNet’s last Annual General Meeting, changes were implemented in the bylaws to appoint an Elections Officer and allow for online voting for board members in the event of a contest for board seats.

A call for nominations was sent to all CCEDNet members on February 22nd for the three (3) seats that are up for election in 2008. The deadline to receive nominations at the national office was April 3rd, 2008.

The nominations committee received nominations for three (3) candidates in good standing. Consequently, in accordance with section 5.3 of CCEDNet’s General Bylaws, the Elections Officer has declared that there will be no election and that the three (3) nominees are elected by acclamation.

The report of the Elections Officer and Nominations Committee will be submitted to the AGM on May 24, 9:30am – 11am, at the University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon.

Congratulations to the candidates whose terms will start on May 24, 2008. To view the biography of each officer, please click on the name below.

Norman Greenberg
Natasha Jackson
Carol A. Madsen


This is to alert you of that the Call for Proposals for the Cooperative Development Initiative (CDI) – Innovation and Research is now open. More information on the CDI RFP process for 2008-09 can be found at the following link – click here.


For more information, please contact Mark Goldblatt at or by telephone at 613-238-6711, ext 205.



Victoria, BRITISH COLUMBIA – The Canadian Community Economic Development Network (CCEDNet) is calling on the government of Saskatchewan to re-instate their $8-million investment in Station 20 West. The $11.5-million dollar multi-use facility, located in the low-income inner-city core of Saskatoon, is being developed to revitalize local communities. Providing essential community-led services like outreach medical treatment, a co-operative grocery store and affordable housing, the facility is being hailed as a national demonstration project for what is effective in reducing poverty. CCEDNet – representing the interests of thousands of community economic development organizations – believes that government investment in projects like Station 20 West are integral in helping to transform inner-city neighbourhoods into attractive places to live and work.

Rupert Downing, Executive Director of CCEDNet, added that “our national work across Canada points to a history of success in revitalizing communities by creating community-owned and driven strategies to tackle poverty, homelessness and neighbourhood decline. Saskatoon’s Station 20 West is a national model which demonstrates all the right approaches to creating social and economic opportunities. It is very disappointing that the Government of Saskatchewan has cancelled its investment without doing due diligence on the cost-benefit of this kind of community partnership.”

Community economic development has a long history of success in revitalizing communities across Canada through locally-led action. The combined values of inclusiveness, sustainability and reciprocity ensure that economic change is long-lasting for struggling communities.

Saskatchewan board member, Victoria Morris, states that “Station 20 West represents a much needed and very positive direction for Saskatoon’s core neighbourhoods. There is a vast amount of community support.” In response to the provincial government’s reallocation of the funding, the community has shown support for Station 20 West by organizing the largest rally in recent Saskatoon history, starting a capital campaign, begun government letter writing campaigns, community art projects and a Facebook group with almost 5,000 members. “As a resident of the core neighbourhoods, I greatly anticipate being able to access the much needed services that Station 20 West will provide.”

The Canadian Community Economic Development Network (CCEDNet) is a national non-governmental charitable organization established to support the work of community organizations that are creating economic opportunities and enhancing social conditions in Canada. CCEDNet, in partnership with Quint Development Corporation, is hosting the 2008 National CED Conference in Saskatoon, May 21-24.

Community Economic Development (CED) is action by people locally to create economic opportunities and better social conditions, particularly for those who are most disadvantaged. CCEDNet’s national office is located in Victoria, BC.

30 –

For more information, please contact Erin Brocklebank, Communications Coordinator, (250) 386-9980 ext.106.

Executive Director
Canadian Community Economic Development Network

The Canadian Community Economic Development Network (CCEDNet) is
Canada’s leading national association and charity uniting community organizations and practitioners in strengthening Canada’s communities. With several hundred members across the country and resources being used by over 10,000 groups in every province and territory, CCEDNet provides support and leadership to efforts by CED organizations to create economic opportunities and enhance the social and environmental conditions of Canada’s communities. As a member-led Network, CCEDNet engages a broad and inclusive range of community interests in common efforts to influence policy, create stronger and fairer local economies, tackle poverty and homelessness, and invest in sustainable communities. The Executive Director will support and lead this effort, alongside a committed national Board of Directors and dedicated staff.

As Executive Director, you will inspire action and champion initiatives to achieve the goals outlined in CCEDNet’s strategic plan. Accountable for all operations and business planning, you ensure that programs, communications and resources are continually enhanced to deliver member value and organizational performance. You lead in a way that creates a culture of possibility, action and outcomes and core to your role is ensuring effective work by all staff while at the same time providing them the space to lead and be innovative and responsive to member priorities. You also play an important external role, building relations with members, stakeholders, partners, the media, governments, funders, and the public. As the key spokesperson and advocate, you further strengthen CCEDNet’s policy impact by leveraging its credibility and the many partnerships it has forged to achieve its mission. You help to connect the Network’s national and regional committees and work with the board in advancing a “communities agenda” that responds to emerging opportunities and challenges. You lead efforts to grow sustainable and innovative sources of revenue for the Network and the CED sector.

As the ideal candidate, you are an inclusive, empowering, and decisive leader who fosters a culture of learning, excellence, and accountability in your team. You bring existing funder relationships, proven revenue generating experience, and experience in management of senior staff. You are an energizing professional with exceptional relationship abilities and business management skills. You are a strong communicator that can build and sustain relations with a range of interests, including staff, Board, members, governments, funders, partners and the media. Your proficiency in both official languages and previous experience working with a nonprofit board will serve you well, as will your knowledge of the CED sector in Canada. You have both vision and practical leadership skills in building a diverse and sustainable business plan for the Network.

Location of the position is negotiable. A competitive salary and benefits package is offered to the right candidate.

Please submit a letter of application, CV and three current references by April 30th, 2008 to Short listed candidates are expected to be available for an interview between May 21st and 24th.


• Proven experience in managing large and complex non governmental organizations, with multiple stakeholders and funding sources.
• Knowledge of community economic development and the social economy.
• A background in business planning, managing fund development and funder relations.
• Experience of public policy development and public relations to advance social, economic and ecological sustainability.
• Experience managing senior staff in a collaborative team environment.
• A track record of supporting non profit boards of directors and member-based organizational structures
• Strong communication skills
• Proficient in both official languages
• Ability to travel



Dear Canadian CED Network members and partners:

Re: Resignation of Rupert Downing, Executive Director of the Canadian CED Network

The Canadian Community Economic Development Network (CCEDNet) Board of Directors regrets to announce the resignation of Rupert Downing, Executive Director. After more than six years in the position, Mr. Downing will be leaving us to move on to other areas of interest in the CED field while setting aside time to work on personal projects.

Under Mr. Downing’s leadership, the Network has grown to involve over 10,000 communities, organizations and institutions across Canada. Today the Network is the major national voice for community economic development. We would like to thank Mr. Downing for his vision, commitment and passion and wish him the very best on his plans for the future.

Upon receiving notice, the Board created a succession planning committee with staff to ensure a smooth transition. Thanks to the one-year notice period provided by Mr. Downing, the committee is now well-positioned to move forward with a search for candidates and will be posting shortly. It is our plan and intention that an appointment be made by July 2008. Please click here for the detailed job description.

Given CCEDNet’s growth and resulting complexity over the past decade, we are taking this opportunity to review the administration of the Network. It is our goal to ensure we are in the best possible position to maintain our commitment to enhancing member engagement and advancing policy priorities.

The committee would like to extend a special thank-you to Walter Hossli of Momentum and Cathy Harrington of Lutherwood, for their input and advice.

If you have any questions on the search process and succession plan please don’t hesitate to contact us at .


Natasha Jackson
President, The Canadian Community Economic Development Network

To view the Executive Director’s Job Description, click here.



Register now for Canada’s premier community economic development (CED) event to take advantage of our early bird discount!

Catch the Waves of Change with 400 other community practitioners, civil society representatives, academics, government partners, and citizens for over 40 learning sessions, action-oriented plenaries, exciting site tours and networking opportunities.

Saskatoon Shines! That’s the buzzword in this vibrant community. This is a university town with a laid-back charm that enhances its cosmopolitan hustle and bustle. Join us in building an inclusive movement dedicated to strengthening communities across Canada while enjoying the many scenic and cultural delights Saskatoon has to offer.

Workshop Sessions
Over 40 workshop and action sessions will explore best practices in poverty reduction; social enterprise; sustainable solutions; youth CED; women & CED; immigrant CED; policy; research; and much more!

Conference Opening Plenary – The Need to Build People-Centred Economies
Thursday May 22nd, 8:30am – 10:00am
The opening plenary will explore our conference theme of Waves of Change: Building People-Centred Economies. Its aim is to inspire participants with a vision of the possibilities of a fairer society and economy through CED. Paul Wilkinson will speak to this from a provincial viewpoint, and will be joined by Priscilla Settee, director of the Indigenous Peoples Program at the U of S from the Cree First Nations. This session will set the tone for the conference and provide an opportunity to make connections between local, regional, national and international issues and approaches.

Policy Plenaries – Influencing Policy in Order to Build People-Centred Economies
Friday May 23rd, 8:30am – 10:00am & 4:15pm – 5:30pm
Friday morning’s plenary session will focus on motivating participants to work together on a common policy agenda. It will set the tone for the day of action planning and policy discussion around building people-centred economies. Friday afternoon’s plenary will wrap up a day of engagement and action planning around key policy issues in CED. It will bring together the main issues and participant reflections on the day and look at moving forward with a policy agenda for building fairer and stronger people-centred economies.

Exciting Social Events
“Saskatchewan-ite Roots Roundup”
Thursday May 22nd, evening ($40 – includes snacks)
Come and celebrate the power and richness of local Aboriginal cultures through theatre, dance, music, storytelling, and poetry. Then kick up your heels and boogie down with the dynamic blues and folk performer, Wilma and her band.

“A Vibrant Prairie Night”
Friday May 23rd, evening (dinner provided – included in full conference fee)
Indulge in a delicious banquet and enjoy a diverse cultural array of dance performances. Taking place at the Western Development Museum, you will have the chance to walk the streets of Boomtown, the Western Development Museum’s representation of a typical Saskatchewan town at the turn of the 20th century.
*Sponsored by Affinity Credit Union

Already Registered?
A reminder to book your accommodation quickly to take advantage of the conference rate being offered by the Parktown Hotel and University of Saskatchewan dorms. We encourage you to stay at the university for the full conference community experience – dorm rooms are available at very reasonable rates (click here for more information). The Parktown Hotel, located on the South Saskatchewan riverbank, is just across the river from the University. Find out more about their services at: or contact them at 1-800-667-3999. Make sure to mention you’re with the “Canadian CED Conference” to get the reduced rate, and book early as there are a limited number of rooms being held!

Not Registered Yet?
Register by April 18th to take advantage of the early bird discount! Registration is easy; simply visit the conference website to register online! If you wish to register by fax, please download the registration form and fax the completed document to (250) 386-9984.

See you in Saskatoon!!


Budget 2008 is entitled Responsible Leadership, but for those Canadians who think federal government leadership means taking action on the big issues of our day – like climate change, poverty and homelessness, child care, or preparing for a downturn in the economy – most can only see reckless pilfering of the surplus.

To download the CCPA’s 2008 Federal Budget Analysis, please click here.


Online registration is now open!

Registration is easy…and don’t forget that the Early Bird deadline is April 18!

1. Register online and get immediate approval of your session choices! (Payment by cheque or credit card is accepted.)

3. If you wish to register by fax, please download the registration form and fax the completed document to (250) 386-9984.

*If you do not have Adobe Reader installed on your computer, please click here to download a free copy.

For more information, please call 1-877-202-2268 or email info(at)ccednet-rcdec(dot)ca.




Discounts for registration are available for CCEDNet members.
You may become a member of CCEDNet now by visiting our website to receive a discount on your conference registration.

Click here to become a member
and receive your conference discount!


See you in Saskatoon!
