At the 2012 Social Finance Forum, Minister of Human Resources and Skills Development Diane Finley announced a national call for concepts for social finance.

The Government will partner with organizations, businesses, and not-for-profit organizations around social innovation and social finance tools. Interested organizations are invited to submit their innovative ideas to help shape future social policy in Canada.

All interested individuals and organizations are invited to submit concepts for innovative solutions to issues facing Canadian communities. You do not need to submit a fully developed paper; simply “sketch out” your concept by completing the online questionnaire.

Ideas will be accepted until December 31, 2012.

For more information and to submit your concept >>



(from the Government of Canada press release)

On November 8, 2012, Minister Finley announced that the Government is taking action to address social challenges through social finance initiatives, and launched a Call for Concepts for social finance. The Call for Concepts is designed to invite interested parties to submit innovative ideas; it is not an application process for federal funding.

Social Finance

Social finance is about mobilizing private capital to achieve social goals. Social finance creates opportunities both for investors to finance projects that benefit society and for community organizations to access new sources of funds to take great ideas to a new level. For example, individuals or organizations could invest in affordable housing projects or social enterprise such as a café that employs at-risk youth.

Social finance includes a new approach to investing, often referred to as “impact investing,” which the Canadian Task Force on Social Finance describes as, “actively placing capital in businesses and funds that generate social and/or environmental good and (at least) a nominal principal to the investor.” This means that investors can use their money to fund projects that will support social goals and expect some financial gains out of it.

The Government of Canada has already started to test new ways of developing and funding innovative solutions to complex social challenges through pilot projects. For example:

1. Community Innovation pilots will support projects that address economic and social issues in rural and northern communities. Through leveraged support, the Arctic Children and Youth Foundation delivers a project that helps Arctic children and youth obtain standards of education, opportunities and health equal to those of other Canadians.

2. A Community Partnerships pilot, Calgary’s Community Kitchen Program, mobilizes public and private funding to train volunteers to complete a simple needs assessment for clients and links them to appropriate community supports and address social exclusion.

3. Third Party Leadership pilots test whether grant-making organizations can leverage federal funding at a ratio of 1:3. For example, the Hamilton Foundation will leverage funds for a project to enhance community social and health services support to young, marginalized, low income first-time mothers.

Social Partnerships

Social partnerships are about building stronger, more effective government-community partnerships that present more sustainable, performance-based solutions to addressing social issues.

Economic Action Plan 2011 stated “the Government will take steps to complement community efforts by encouraging the development of government/community partnerships, enabling communities to tackle local challenges and testing new approaches to improve performance”. Economic Action Plan 2012 reiterated the Government’s intention to support momentum around social finance initiatives and further explore social finance tools for use in Canada.

The Minister of HRSDC established a Voluntary Advisory Council on Social Partnerships in 2011, composed of key individuals from the private and not-for-profit sectors, to provide advice on matters related to social partnerships and social finance in Canada.

Social Impact Bond (SIB)

A Social Impact Bond is one example of a social finance tool that is currently being explored or tested to address social challenges in many communities around the world and this tool is now being explored in Canada.

Essentially, a SIB is a contract between a government and an external organization(s), in which the government identifies desired social results and commits to pay the external organizations an agreed-upon amount of money if these results are achieved. External organizations involved in this arrangement may include charitable and/or for‑profit investors and service delivery organizations. Typically, investors provide the money to finance an organization to deliver a service. If the agreed-to results are achieved, investors may receive up to 100 percent of the original investment as well as a financial return. If the results are not achieved, the government does not pay.


This is the text of a presentation given by CCEDNet Executive Director Michael Toye at the Forum pancanadien sur le développement économique en francophonie canadienne, November 1st 2012 in Gatineau, Québec.


I would like to start by thanking the organizers for the opportunity to present here today. 

As we heard this morning from Brigitte Gagné, Ethel Côté, and Nancy Neamtan, the co-op movement, community economic development and the social and solidarity economy are approaches that are well established across the Canadian Francophonie and have much to offer when it comes to creating sustainable and successful partnerships. 

Because CED and the social economy combine social and economic (and often environmental) goals, they naturally cross silos and are relevant to multiple sectors.  I believe these approaches reflect a growing recognition of the interconnectedness of economic, social and environmental concerns, and new tools such as environmental audits, impact investing, and social entrepreneurship reflect a both a desire by entrepreneurs to internalize these concerns as well as a growing market in social and environmental responsibility. 

CED addresses challenges that require collaboration between various levels of government, community agencies and the private sector.  This has been one of the biggest challenges in the development of these approaches, and has required much innovation and experimentation but also has led to valuable successes. 

I want to share with you four examples of that success from four areas, and the lessons they have taught us.



Yvon Poirier, Chair of CCEDNet’s International Committee and co-author of the monthly International Newsletter on Sustainable Local Development, attended the Asia Solidarity Economy Forum in Indonesia earlier this month.  This is his report.

Report on ASEF Indonesia: Manado, October 1-3, 2012

Last year, at the 3rd Asia Solidarity Economy Forum in Kuala Lumpur, the Asia Solidarity Economy Council (ASEC) was set up as the Asian «network» of RIPESS. It was then decided to promote the idea of national networking, eventually with organising or developing national networks.  Some countries were identified such as Malaysia, Philippines, Nepal, and Indonesia.

The ASEF Indonesia meeting brought together different Indonesian organisations, researchers and academics, from different parts of the country. Alongside an international delegation of 15-20, an important knowledge sharing on concepts, practices and experiences at the grass roots filled the 3 day event.

One particular aspect of the meeting needs to be pointed out. About 2/3 of the 300 participants were university students, mainly form IBA (International Business Administration) of Sam Rutilangi University. Madano, North Salawesi province.. It was very inspiring, being a retired college teacher, to be able to speak to all these young people, who hold the future in their hands.

Miguel Hirota from Japan, now doing a Masters in Valencia University in Spain, wrote a detailed account of the forum (below). Thanks to Miguel for writing the report.

My proposal that to speak about the different concepts (social economy, solidarity economy, social enterprise, CED, etc.), was agreed upon and afterwards a formal invitation was sent.

The participation was possible because of support from COMMACT international, Chaired by David Thompson from Australia, also a member of the RIPESS Board.

Besides the plenaries and the workshops, many informal meetings were made, including with great Indonesian NGO’s.  The similarities with approaches to working in communities to improve the lives of the people are astounding.

Yvon Poirier
Report to CCEDNet and to COMMACT
October 15, 2012

Asia Solidarity Economy Forum Indonesia – 2012
Manado, Indonesia

Original posted on October 3, 2012

The Asian Solidarity Economy Forum 2012 took place from Mon, 01st to Wed, 03rd October at International Business Administration (IBA), Sam Ratulangi University, Manado, Northern Sulawesi, Indonesia. Hundreds of people from 17 countries (including Canada and 5 European countries) joined this event to share and learn different experiences that have been happening in different parts of this continent.

The day 1 (Mon, 01st October) began with the opening ceremony with a message from Dr. Sinyo Harry Sarundajang, Governor of North Sulawesi. After four Indonesian researchers commented about their visit to Germany thanks to the invitation from Konrad Adenauer Stiftung to learn how the social market economy is working there, Drs. Bambang Ismawan of Bina Swadaya (Indonesia) presented his perspective on solidarity economy. He mentioned the definition on solidarity economy given by Dr. Benjamin Quiñones Jr. (ASEC’s chairman, to be referred to later) as “economy developed by social enterprise”, showed the 3P (People, Planet and Profit) by Dr. Quiñones and underscored that 99.2% of businesses in Indonesia are small or micro enterprises. He also located the solidarity economy for those “economically active but poor,” excluding who are too old or too young and who are the poorest or feasible as conventional small businesses. After accentuating the importance of microcredit on enabling microenterprises’ existence, he explained that the best form of community institutions is self-reliance with “active membership”, “elected leaders”, “Economic + (social & educational)” activities and “democratically participative.” He said that such institutions are “vehicle for mutual learning and teaching, problem identification, decision-making, resource mobilization and communication with 3rd parties” and pointed out their features as “income generating orientation”, “open mindness” and “democratic”.

Then followed Dr. Benjamin Quiñones, Chairman of Asian Solidarity Economy Council (ASEC) from the Philippines who added further information on his definition of Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE). After defining it as something out of the public and private sector, he underscored “people’s participation in ownership & management of resources” and “profit sharing” as co-owners. He identified “solidarity”, “interdependence” and “people-to-people connectivity” as “edifying values” and showed the framework for evaluating SSE from the viewpoint of governance, ethical values, provided social development services, ecological conservation measures and sustainability. Prof. Dato Mohammad Yusof Kasim from University Utara, Malaysia underscored the importance of coops, Prof. Dr. Denison Jayasooria from University Kebangsaan, Malaysia explained that coops and microcredit are one of the key points on the civil society, along with CSR for sustainable development.

In the afternoon five workshops took place (Economic Security, Socially Responsible Governance, Enhanced Social Wellbeing, Healthy Climate and Environment and Edifying Value). Then another plenary took place and Prof. Dr. Paulus Kindangen from Sam Ratulangi University told that the competition by the capitalism has excluded many people, underscored the importance to empower that impoverished people and defined solidarity economy as “way out from the unfairness economic practice of capitalism” while trying not to abolish capitalism but to coexist with it. He mentioned the Article 33 of the Indonesian Constitution to tell that coops’ role is determined as “very important institution in creating or establishing economic democracy in Indonesia”, presented the word “gotong-royong” or “mapalus” as community mutual help, criticized the political intervention as “among the reasons of the cooperative failure”. Ir. Suhaedi from Bank of Indonesia talked about the financial inclusion as one of the biggest challenges of the Indonesian economy and Ms. Vivi George shared her experience of microcredit for women’s productive activities.

The day 2 (Tue, 02nd Oct) started with the presentation by Reiko Inoue, PARCIC Japan, about the hard task of community rebuilding in those coastline regions severely damaged by the tsunami in March 2011 which killed almost 20,000 people. She underlined social capital, market and management skill as most needed factors to develop solidarity economy. Then followed Prof. Wim Poli, professor at Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia told the need to go beyond the sympathy on building solidarity economy. Then Mr. Jay Lacsamana from the Foundation for a Sustainable Society (the Philippines) explained about this foundation, created as a result from the debt-for-development swap, arranged between the governments of the Philippines and the Switzerland, and told its commitment to the creation of social enterprises and to the local economy development. Then as a case study Mr. Ari Primatoro shared his experience to stimulate the farming in Punur Watershed, Central Java, explaining three achievements (self-help groups promotion, business development services, and market linkage). Mr. Gian Mansa shared his experience of bamboo handicrafts. And Ms. Jeanne Marie O. Bernardo from On Eagle’s Wings Foundation (the Philippines) narrated how she applied the five dimensions of social solidarity economy, namely “social mission-oriented or socially responsible governance”, “edifying value”, “social development services”, “ecological conservation” and “sustainability” onto the Free Range Chicken Supply Chain.

Then another session on finance started. Magnus Young from Impact Investment Exchange Asia (Singapore) explained the social investment opportunities in Asia, followed by this blogger (Miguel Yasuyuki Hirota, expert on social and complementary currencies)’s presentation on social and complementary currencies. Then three case studies were given: Bank Negara Indonesia and PNPM in Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian language), and the rice and onion supply chain APPEND, which improved farmers’ access to loans in better conditions. In the afternoon the ASEF market was held and different businesses, such as bioethanol, houses, handicrafts and tourism services, were shown, and two more cases were shown, namely an organic rice farming in North Sulawesi presented by Ir. Rachmat Mokodongan and an IT centre at Manado called Manadokota by Piet Hein Pusung, in both of which the importance of mapalus was highlighted. Last but not least, Hasan Tjandra from Sigma Global gave a short overview on the hardship in getting credits from the businessman’s viewpoint.

The last day (Wed, 03rd) began with three presentations on the concepts of solidarity economy: Herman Karamoy and Jullie J. Sondakh from the Sam Ratulangi university showed the definition of social enterprises as “one of the nonprofit organizations” and “a branch of non-profit-organization which mainly deliver goods and services mostly through charity funding and voluntarism” (Kam, 2010) and “the organization that apply business methods and practices in providing and improving benefit or value to the society”, locating them between charities and traditional businesses and underlining the importance of social enterprises’ accountability. Yvon Poirier from CCEDNET explained different, although similar, concepts in relation to solidarity economy, such as social economy, social enterprises and third sector, telling that such a diversity in so many parts of the world is a strength while putting such efforts together is a huge challenge. Shomi Kim from British Council in Korea shared the Global Changemaker, a project to involve the youth to the social change. Then professors at IBA shared their teaching experiences and another community training centre ILMU.

And in the final plenary four presentations were given: Benito Lopulalan and Dewi Hutabarat from AKSI-UI Foundation (Indonesia) presented some cases in which Indonesians are already collaborating with Malaysians or Timorese. Olivier Endelin and Florence Valle from Ekovivo (France) showed their project to help social enterprises get access to microcredits by increasing their visibility on the web. Ricarte B. Abejuela and Monique Sengkey pointed out the important fact that the agreement valid for the border islands between Indonesia and the Philippines is rather a hurdle than an incentive to stimulate the solidarity economy in this region as it limits international trades between these two countries. And finally Ibana The from IBA showed their website as a portal site to sell goods made by solidarity economy players in Asia. And on the closing ceremony some IBA students were rewarded for their excellent social enterprise projects.

As this forum was hosted by a business school, it has its own advantages and disadvantages. As advantage I should underline their expertise in business management, marketing and other related skills. And honestly speaking, I was highly impressed by IBA students’ high English proficiency, something quite uncommon in Indonesia.

But at the same time this forum showed some challenges for the future of solidarity economy in Asia, especially in the host country Indonesia: first of all, this forum was rather centred on social enterprises while not enough attention was paid to cooperativism, self-management and these businesses’ relationship with social movements. From my viewpoint, quite influenced by Latin American experiences, the middle class’ role in the solidarity economy, especially in terms of poverty reduction, would be rather to help the poor set up and manage their own coops than set up social enterprises, but it is also important that Asia has complete different historic precedents and, given the fact that many social enterprises have evolved from what used to be charity projects, it’s necessary to respect all the achievements Asians have done so far.

Another point is the limited use of Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian language) in the conference, which should have kept a huge number of ordinary Indonesians away from this precious event. As solidarity economy is for ordinary people, it’s essential that it should be given in a way ordinary people can understand, and it would be helpful if simultaneous interpretation between English and Bahasa were available.


Over 600 community members, CED practitioners, government officials and everyone in between passed through the halls at Churchill High School last week for the 2012 Manitoba CD/CED Gathering. The Gathering has grown steadily each year, and 2012 was no exception – our 10th event shattered previous attendence records!

The Gathering celebrations began on Thursday evening, where Raj Patel and Brendan Reimer engaged in town hall-style dialogue that focussed on the inequaliities and innovative solutions to our global food system. Highlights from the main event on Friday included Premier Greg Selinger’s welcomed news that the province will be supporting Enterprising Non-Profits and a new employment pilot project that will help expand BUILD’s operations (read more). Next, Raj Patel dazzled the crowd with a charismatic and thought-provoking keynote address, which pointed out the flaws in our global economic system and innovative ways communities around the world are boosting equality and creating economic opportunities. 
We would like to thank all attendees, volunteers, and workshop hosts. A special thank you to our dedicated Gathering Planning Committee, and a huge congratulations to Sarah Leeson-Klym, our Gathering Coordinator. See you next year!

It’s Co-op Week in Canada. From October 14-20 co-operators across the country can celebrate the strength and diversity of the co-operative movement while raising awareness about Canada’s 9,000 co-operative organizations!
The theme for Co-op Week 2012 is Co-operative Enterprises Build a Better World, in honour of the International Year of Co-operatives.
Co-op Week is celebrated during the same week as International Credit Union Day, which is the third Thursday in October of each year. It gives the opportunity for Canadian co-operative and credit union members to celebrate the fact that they have collectively helped to build this country and to recognize their continuing contributions at home and abroad.

For a remarkable overview of the size and influence of the global co-operative movement, check out this video from last week’s International Summit of Co-operatives in Québec City


The Social Finance Awards are presented to leaders who are playing a pivotal role in catalyzing the Canadian social finance marketplace. The award was conceptualized to showcase and celebrate the efforts that individuals and organizations are making to mobilize private capital for public good. is pleased to announce that voting is now open for the first Social Finance Awards!

Presenting this year’s finalists for “Most Promising New Financial Player”, in the Canadian social finance landscape:

  • Caisse d’économie solidaire: Desjardins
  • Community Forward Fund
  • CSI Community Bond investors
  • Greenchip Financial Corporation
  • RBC Investing for Impact Fund
  • Rise Asset Development
  • Sarona Asset Management Inc.
  • Tonya Surman, CSI
  • Toronto Atmospheric Fund
  • Youth Social Innovation Capital Fund

Click on any of the links above to vote, by Thursday November 8 at 11:59am Eastern time.  The winner will be announced at the 2012 Social Finance Forum


10th Annual Manitoba CD/CED Gathering
Community Economies: Enough, For All, Forever

Registration closes October 17, so sign up today!

October 19, 2012
Churchill High School (510 Hay Street)


Come out and connect, learn, and celebrate together with our diverse planning team, amazing volunteers and sponsors, and over 500 participants commited to making a better world through community development and community economic development.

And don’t forget about our pre-Gathering event featuring our keynote speaker, Raj Patel:

An Evening With Raj Patel

Help us kick off the 2012 CD/CED Gathering on October 18 at the Ukrainian Labour Temple.
Join us for a discussion with Raj Patel, an award-winning writer (Stuffed and Starved, The Value of Nothing), activist, and academic. This will be a great opportunity to hear Raj speak about his work on global food systems, and how we can build more sustainable and equitable economic systems. Light refreshments will be provided, and Raj’s books will also be available for purchase.



Station 20 West, Saskatoon’s innovative community enterprise centre, is now open. 

Residents of Saskatoon’s core neighbourhoods face limited access to healthy food, lower health outcomes than other areas of the city, and higher levels of poverty — 44% of people living in the core neighborhoods live below Statistics Canada’s Low Income Cut-Off (LICO) compared to 17.7 percent for Saskatoon as a whole.

Station 20 West will provide a “one-stop” approach to medical, health, nutrition, employment and housing services, and will provide benefits:

For Saskatoon

  • Social and economic revitalization
  • Additional business opportunities
  • Polluted land converted into usable space
  • Showcase for community program integration and for green building

For the core neighbourhoods

  • Business development, jobs, training and housing
  • Food security—access to healthy food
  • Improved nutrition for long term health
  • Multi-purpose room for community gatherings
  • Outreach health and educational services

And for the partner organizations

  • Partners collaborating on service delivery
  • Reduced overhead from sharing facilities and equipment


Congratulations to CCEDNet member Quint Development Corporation and all the partner organizations!

Find out more >>



From Third Sector Online

A support service to help communities take ownership of their resources was launched last week by the Department for Communities and Local Government.

The Community Shares Unit, which will have a budget of £590,000 over three years, will be run by Co-operatives UK, a trade body that promotes cooperative enterprises, with support from Locality, the network for community-led organisations.

The unit will support the use of community shares and bonds, which allow large numbers of people to invest small amounts of capital in local projects without the costly regulation involved in a standard share issue.

Community share issues have increasingly been used to take over ownership of local resources, such as shops, pubs and sports clubs, as well as to set up green energy projects.


A good idea for Canada too?  We could build on the expertise of the Centre for Social Innovation with their community bonds

Start a dialogue about housing and homelessness in your community. Host a screening of the Home Safe Documentary
The Home Safe documentary film is a powerful educational resource on the realities of homelessness in Canada. With World Homelessness Day coming up on Oct 10th and the International Day for the Elimination of Poverty on Oct 17th, now is the perfect time to host a screening and spark a community dialogue about homelessness and housing issues. 
Through personal stories, the film demonstrates the impacts of homelessness and poverty on Canadian families. Home Safe also traces the systemic roots of homelessness and examines the consequences of economic restructuring, discrimination and displacement. 

We Can Help:

The Canadian CED Network has partnered with Skyworks Charitable Foundation to promote the films across the country.
If your organiztion is interested in screening the film your community, contact Kirsten Bernas at or 204.943.0547 to learn more about how our staff can support you in hosting a screening.
There is no cost to access the Home Safe educational resources.

>> Learn more about the Home Safe project


The Canadian CED Network’s Manitoba office has issued a response to the City of Winnipeg’s Our Winnipeg Report to the Community 2012.

The City’s report provides an update on OurWinnipeg related activities from 2011, which were designed to guide the physical, social, environment and economic development of Winnipeg over the next 25 years.
CCEDNet’s analysis includes a series of recommendations that the City can implement to support communities across Winnipeg. The response and recommendations are organized by our resolution topics, including:
  • Housing
  • Food Security
  • Poverty
  • Ethical Procurement
  • Community Economic Development Policy Framework and Lens
  • Vibrant Communities Charter.

[Read our full response]


By Stacy Mitchell

Choosing a locally owned store generates almost four times as much economic benefit for the surrounding region as shopping at a chain, a new study has concluded.  The analysis also found that eating at a local restaurant produces more than twice the local economic impact of dining at a chain restaurant.

The research firm Civic Economics analyzed data from fifteen independent retailers and seven independent restaurants, all located in Salt Lake City, and compared their impact on the local economy with four chain retail stores (Barnes & Noble, Home Depot, Office Max, and Target) and three national restaurant chains (Darden, McDonald’s, and P.F. Chang’s).

The study found that the local retailers return an average of 52 percent of their revenue to the local economy, compared with just 14 percent for the chain retailers.  Similarly, the local restaurants re-circulate an average of 79 percent of their revenue locally, compared to 30 percent for the chain eateries.

What accounts for the difference? In a handy graphic, Civic Economics shows the breakdown. Independent businesses spend much more on local labor.  They also procure more goods for resale locally and rely much more heavily on local providers for services like accounting and printing.  This means that much of the money a customer spends at a local store or restaurant is re-spent within the local economy, supporting other businesses and jobs.

Chains have little need for local goods and services, and keep local labor costs to a minimum.  Most of the revenue that these stores and restaurants capture leaves the community.

This study was sponsored by Local First Utah.  “Most of us have a natural sense that local businesses are good for communities,” said Betsy Burton, who co-chairs the organization’s board and owns the King’s English Bookstore. “And studies in other parts of the country have borne this out… Now we have hard evidence right here in our own city that consumers can have a huge impact on the local economy, just by shifting some of their purchases to local businesses.”

The study is part of a nationwide research project being conducted by Civic Economics in partnership with the American Booksellers Association.  Other communities where a similar data analysis is underway include Bainbridge Island, Washington; Chicago, Illinois; Las Vegas, New Mexico; Louisville, Kentucky; Milwaukee, Wisconsin; Pleasanton, California; and Raleigh, North Carolina.

Stacy Mitchell is a senior researcher with the Institute for Local Self-Reliance, where she directs initiatives on independent business and community banking. She is the author of Big-Box Swindle and also produces a popular monthly newsletter, the Hometown Advantage Bulletin. She lives in Portland, Maine, and has lately joined Twitter.
