CCEDNet’s 2020 Annual General Meeting (AGM) will take place on…

June 11
10am – 11:30am Pacific, 11am – 12:30pm Mountain, 12pm – 1:30pm Central, 1pm – 2:30pm Eastern, 2pm – 3:30pm Atlantic, 2:30pm – 4pm Newfoundland

This year’s AGM repeats the success of the last five years by being entirely virtual and bilingual. Members are able to make motions, vote and comment in English or French, all from the comfort of their computer. This year, the AGM will be 90 minutes long.

For additional background information, you can consult CCEDNet’s by-laws.

AGM Documents

Meeting documents will be posted here as they become available.

AGM Resolutions

We are no longer accepting resolutions.

This year we received a resolution entitled Implementing the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) from members Yvon Poirier of the Corporation de développement économique communautaire de Québec and Ryan Gibson.

Board Nominations

Nominations are now closed. This year, there were four vacancies to be filled. Four eligible nominations were received, leading our Elections Officer to declare the candidates elected by acclamation. Meet the new board members.


Registation is now closed


Exciting policy progress at the City of Winnipeg 

Last week, the City announced a Request for Proposals for a food service provider at City Hall, including 20% of the evaluation criteria on Community and Environment Benefits – possible considerations include advancing reconciliation, training & jobs for people with barriers to employment, addressing poverty & homelessness, using local & sustainable food sourcing, a zero waste strategy, and more. Read all the possibilities here.

A positive step for Social Procurement

Social Procurement is a policy tool to leverage positive social, environmental, and economic outcomes from government purchasing. This is a sign of progress on this innovative approach at the City of Winnipeg. While not only fulfilling the procurement need of having a food provider at City Hall, the RFP incentivizes bidders to include social and environmental outcomes in their proposals. The language included in this contract is an example of policy that could get greater value and community impact through municipal procurement dollars.

This RFP comes during the same time when a group of CCEDNet Manitoba social enterprise members and allied organizations – calling ourselves the We Want to Work coalition – have been collaborating to encourage the city to adopt social procurement policies throughout its projects. So, this news is encouraging!

Currently, Mother Earth Recycling, an Indigenous-owned social enterprise, has a contract with the city to recycle mattresses from Brady Landfill, while providing training and employment for people with multiple barriers to employment. 

Our goal is to boost the use of social procurement at the city level through direct purchasing from social enterprises and Community Benefits Agreements for large projects – so that economic, social, and environmental outcomes can be achieved simultaneously and local communities benefit. 

Want to get involved or show your support? Contact Michael Barkman (CCEDNet Manitoba Public Policy Coordinator): m.barkman [at] or call 204.943.0547.

Interested in the proposal?

For interested proponents, there will be an Open House at the site on March 5, 2020 between 2pm and 4pm
The RFP closes Tuesday, April 14, 2020 at 12pm

View bid documents

Learn more about Social Procurement Recommendations at the City of Winnipeg

Learn about the power of community benefits


February 18, 2020 – The Canadian Community Economic Development Network (CCEDNet) stands in solidarity with the Hereditary Chiefs, community members, and land defenders of Wet’suwet’en.

We recognize the sovereignty of the Wet’suwet’en Nation over these unceded lands and that all of the Hereditary Chiefs of the five Wet’suwet’en Clans have rejected the proposed TC Energy Coastal GasLink pipeline. We call on the RCMP to immediately stand down from Wet’suwet’en Territories.

The Canadian Government has committed to restoring relationships with Indigenous peoples. Indigenous title is protected by the Canadian Constitution and has been upheld by decisions of the Supreme Court of Canada.  Both the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People (UNDRIP – endorsed by Canada in 2016 and by BC in 2019) and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission affirm the fundamental principle of “Free, Prior and Informed Consent” not just of the elected band councils, but also of the clans and the Hereditary Chiefs. We call on federal and provincial governments to uphold UNDRIP in honouring the Wet’suwet’en Nation’s right to Free, Prior and Informed consent and negotiate with the Wet’suwet’en Nation on a true nation-to-nation basis.

With deep respect for Indigenous traditional knowledge, CCEDNet recognizes the inextricable links between extractive capitalism and colonialism, and advocates for economic levers for change that contribute to community and environmental well-being.

Wet’suwet’en people are standing up to protect the lands and waters and showing the world what it means to defend the future through democratic, participatory, and community-owned approaches. In doing so, they are also affirming sovereignty over the care and keeping of our common home – the original definition of ‘economy.’

Construction costs alone for the Coastal GasLink pipeline are estimated at $6.6 billion. This figure does not account for the expense of RCMP deployment; neither does it include the billions of dollars in subsidies that the Canadian government pays to the oil and gas industry every year.

A number of Wet’suwet’en First Nations have signed Impact Benefit Agreements and would derive economic opportunities important to their communities.  But imagine if an equivalent investment was instead made in a just transition toward an ecological economy built through co-operation and decolonization. We would be able to address the climate crisis with the resources and urgency it demands, while ensuring access to vital community services and decent work.

In this era of climate crisis, it’s more important than ever for the decisions that impact communities to be rooted in local knowledge and led by communities. Wet’suwet’en land defenders are teaching us all how to stand up for an economic reality that honours the earth and all beings – prioritizing community well-being over corporate profits.

We call for investments to build a society where all people and communities, now and into the future, may experience a good quality of life. We call on our members, collaborators, friends, and allies to join in solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en Nation by condemning ongoing colonial violence against Indigenous people and communities, including forced removal, and by uplifting the voices and actions of land defenders and allies.

In solidarity,

The Canadian Community Economic Development Network

Want to understand the situation more deeply?

We encourage people to keep learning and doing their own research, and offer a few resources below:

Want to find a way to offer support?


Explore the supporter toolkit: Unist’ot’en Camp has published the Wet’suwet’en Supporter Toolkit 2020 

Follow Unist’ot’en: on Facebook and Twitter

Sign the pledge: Join thousands of organizations and individuals in signing the pledge in support of Unist’ot’en.

Contact Representatives:

This page has been set up so you can send an email directly to relevant Federal cabinet ministers and BC Provincial cabinet ministers calling on the RCMP and Coastal Gas Link to respect Unist’ot’en/Giltseyu-Dark House on their unceded lands.

Call provincial and federal ministers:

  • BC Premier John Horgan (250) 387-1715
  • Minister of Public Safety Mike Farnworth (250) 356-2178
  • Minister of Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation Scott Fraser (250) 953-4844
  • Attorney General David Eby (250) 387-1866
  • MLA for Stikine (Wet’suwet’en Territory) and Forests Minister Doug Donaldson (250) 387-6240
  • Energy Minister Michelle Mungall (250) 953-0900
  • Prime Minister Trudeau (613) 992-4211
  • Federal Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations Carolyn Bennett (613) 995-9666
  • Find contact information for your provincial MLA and federal MP

With thanks to Unis’tot’en and the Sierra Club of BC, from which the additional resources above have been adapted.


CCEDNet Manitoba is pleased to help shape Manitoba’s 2020-21 provincial budget through our submission. Our briefing was sent last week to Minister of Finance Scott Fielding.

The submission involves eight recommendations under three themes:

  • Stronger Economy: Manitoba’s Economic Growth Action Plan
  • Economic Inclusion
  • Stronger, Healthier, Safer Communities: Community-Led Development

These are exciting recommendations as they contribute to key inter-related priorities:

  • Manitoba’s economic growth, jobs, and employment
  • Innovation in addressing challenging social issues
  • Achieving stronger outcomes on the interconnected issues of poverty, access to employment, recidivism, and number of children under the care of Child & Family Services

We believe these recommendations should be included in Budget 2020 because they are, in many instances, already working in communities.

Our members believe that when these solutions and the entire CCEDNet Manitoba Public Policy Road Map are scaled up, implemented, or enacted, they will serve to build fairer and stronger local economies & communities, reduce poverty & homelessness, and tackle climate change – ensuring a more sustainable & inclusive social, economic, and environmental future in Manitoba for all.

As members know, our public policy mandate is the result of a democratic decision-making process. Every year, members of CCEDNet Manitoba work together to create a pragmatic, wide-ranging and solutions-focused set of public policy resolutions. At our annual policy summit, members gather to discuss and ratify these ideas after completing consultations and drafting resolutions. This collective process allows for well-rounded discussions, and not only produces smart and helpful policy suggestions, but also increases the knowledge and skills of our Network. 

Read the 2020/21 CCEDNet Manitoba Budget Submission here!

How You Can Get Involved

There are multiple ways to contribute to Manitoba Budget 2020/21, though time is running out! Visit to share your views, including through:

To learn more, or to find out how you can use this document to draft your own pre-budget submissions, contact Michael Barkman at  or 204.943.0547.

CCEDNet Manitoba 2020/21 Recommendations

The three themes of our budget submission contribute to the stated priorities of the Manitoba government for Budget 2020. 

  • Stronger Economy: Manitoba’s Economic Growth Action Plan focused on supporting CED enterprises and economic growth. It suggests recommendations for boosting Manitoba’s economic potential, creating jobs, reducing poverty through key economic activities, addressing climate change through a CED approach, and strengthening local, fair economies.
  • Economic Inclusion focuses on individual Manitobans, recommending key priorities to support inclusive employment opportunities for all Manitobans and boost support for fulfilling wraparound needs to address poverty.
  • Stronger, Healthier, Safer Communities: Community-Led Development includes recommendations related to government’s support for community-based organizations and non-profits that are leading the development of stronger and safer communities. 

All three themes contribute in different ways to positive social outcomes such as reduced recidivism, child apprehension, access to employment and more. These outcomes in turn contribute to a reduction on spending in some departments such as Families, Health, and Justice.

Read more about each of the recommendations in the 2020-21 CCEDNet Manitoba Budget Submission here!


EconoUs2018 Final Report Cover Page

From September 16-18, 2019, EconoUs2019 connected over 400 community leaders across Canada in London, Ontario. The conference was an initiative between two planning partners and co-hosts, Community Futures Ontario and the Canadian CED Network.

Since 2001, CCEDNet has partnered with members across the country to showcase the amazing work being done in different regions, to raise awareness of the impact of community economic development (CED), to examine new ideas, resources and strategies that will make CED practitioners more effective in their efforts, and to connect people who share similar values and vision. 

The focus of EconoUs2019 was Communities Leading Innovation and was intended to show how the most transformational ideas will be those created by and carried by communities.

Download the EconoUs2019 Report


  • Highlights
  • Supporters and Partners
  • Communication
  • Participants
  • Evaluation
  • Participant Feedback
  • Communities Leading Innovation Tapestry

Social Enterprise World Forum

In 2020, EconoUs will be on temporary hiatus as we support The Social Enterprise World Forum 2020 on September 23 – 25 in Halifax, Nova Scotia.  We warmly invite our members, partners and wider network to join us at this special event hosted in Canada this year.  See you there! 


The province of Manitoba is now accepting applications for the Indigenous and Northern Initiatives Fund. The Fund challenges Indigenous and non-Indigenous Manitobans to engage in new and innovative approaches to reconciliation. Generally, proposals up to a maximum of $25,000 will be eligible, but consideration will be given to larger proposals that demonstrate significant partnerships and the potential for exceptional regional or provincial impact. The deadline to apply is February 7.

For more information: 

Indigenous and Northern Initiatives Fund

Indigenous and Northern Initiatives Fund Grant Guide


Buy Social Canada has released the Downtown Eastside Social Enteprise Impact Report, detailing the significant economic contribution and the diverse range of social value that the social enterprise sector achieves. 

This survey of 40 social enterprises in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside documented $26.5m in sales with $18.4m in wages. The enterprises created over 2,800 jobs, with 55% of full-time and 90% of part-time workers overcoming barriers to employment.

Read the full report

See more


Many charities and non-profits recognize that “business as usual” will not be sufficient in addressing complex social and environmental challenges. The systems we work in are changing quickly and it is important to have space and time to learn, reflect and test new kinds of practice that might lead to better social and environmental outcomes. To adapt to change and advance new approaches, we need to experiment in order to learn: testing new ideas on the ground, gathering or generating new evidence of what works and what does not, and sharing these results transparently and creatively so that promising approaches can be further developed and scaled.

In 2020, we will be offering grants designed to support Research and Development (R & D) activities in charities and non-profits, and to cultivate a culture of innovation by rewarding bold and rigorous experimentation. Along the way, individuals and organizations will develop new skills, create partnerships with unlikely allies, and strengthen capacity.

Innoweave is administering this granting opportunity as part of McConnell’s work on the Social R&D Ecosystem Mobilization Initiative, part of Employment and Social Development Canada’s Investment Readiness Program (IRP).

Available supports include grants (directly to successful applicants) and coaching.

Grants are being offered on two scales:

  • Up to $25,000 in grant support
  • Up to $100,000 in grant support (with a required $25,000 match)

To learn more, join our info session on December 12th, 1 pm ET. 

Expressions of Interest for grants are due by January 5th.

Social R&D Coaches Needed!

Are you a consultant, leader or coach working in the Social R&D or innovation field? We are looking for coaches to accompany innovative organizations and offer design or process expertise, space for reflection, ‘critical friendship’ or feedback, or a discrete piece of research into their process. Learn more here.

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Black People and Social Finance: Money Pools Counteract Racial Capitalism of Minorities in the West builds on the seminal edited work by Ardener and Burman Money Go Rounds (1996) in which ROSCAs build the social and economic power of excluded people. Rotating and Savings Credit Associations (ROSCAs) are voluntary co-operatives that are purposely informal and carried out by people around the world for different reasons. Racialized people who are routinely denied access to goods and services turn to diverse finance economies as a way to provide self-help to each other, embrace cultural traditions and to counter exclusionary business. While the concept of ROSCAs has been explored greatly in the Global South, very little has been done where there is extreme business exclusion of Black minorities resulting in vibrant ROSCA culture. Black People and Social Finance will draw on Hossein’s (2019; 2018; 2013) concept of the Black Social Economy, and the politicized acts of resistance within collective finance, and Cedric Robinson’s racial capitalism theory and what this means in building group economies for Black minorities.

In spite of everything the African diaspora must endure in society, they have defied societal abuse and pressures to ‘modernize’ as they hold group economics through the use of ROSCAs. The book will document examples of ROSCAs in a case study format and show how Black people in the Global North organize ROSCAs, and give details of the mechanics of these groups in a specific cultural context. All authors are encouraged to draw on feminist and racialized scholars who write on political economies for minorities in the West.

Abstracts are to be 300 words. Due 20 January 2020—with earlier submission preferred. Full chapters are 7000 words (exclusive of references) for peer review no later than 4 May 2020. All submissions subject to double-blind peer review and editorial review by an international expert panel. The chapters must have title, revised abstract, complete contact details and bibliography following MLA reference style and the text is in 12 p.t. font Times Roman double-spaced with Arial 12 p.t. font titles and subtitles. This volume will achieve excellence like The Black Social Economy: Exploring Community-based Diverse Markets (Palgrave Macmillan, 2018).

Editor: Caroline Shenaz Hossein is Associate Professor of Business & Society in the Department of Social Science at York University in Toronto, Canada and Founder of Diverse Solidarity Economies (DiSE) Collective, a group of non-white scholars and activists fighting for a place to engage through scholarship and activism on the Black Social Economy. Author of Politicized Microfinance: Money, power and violence in the Black Americas (University of Toronto Press, 2016) winner of the W.E.B Du Bois book award and Agarwal Book award from IAFEE. She is also the editor of The Black Social Economy: Exploring community-based diverse markets (Palgrave Macmillan, 2018).

Abstracts submissions go to or Twitter @carolinehossein-by 20th January 2020

Download the pdf

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Happy Holidays from CCEDNet!

Are you spreading the holiday cheer this year? This guide is designed to help extend the reach of that cheer by encouraging thoughtful buying and giving that supports sustainability and positively impacts local economies.

We have compiled some creative gift ideas and shopping guides to provide you with the tools and information you need to have a holiday season that promotes community economic development. See anything missing from this list? We will be adding more tips between now and the new year so don’t hesitate to send your additions to .

This Holiday, Buy Social

Social Enterprise Gift Directory
Gifts are a great opportunity to support your local social enterprises by buying social.  Check out this directory to find a social enterprise near you.  [more]

Check out 10 Thousand Villages to find businesses with a story
From communities throughout the developing world, every inspired design is crafted with love using local materials (usually natural or recycled) and time-honoured skills by makers we have known and worked with for years. Every purchase improves the lives of makers by supporting their craft and providing a fair, stable income. [more]
10 thousand villages
Co-operative Gift Bundle
Buying gifts for the holidays can be an ethical statement that helps build a new economy. The Toolbox for Education and Social Action put together their most popular items with the best—and most delicious—gifts produced by the co-op movement. [more]
Get social justice gifts for the holidays
My New Neighbour Holiday Shopping Guide 
Join two young women on an ethical shopping journey. These two want to break free of the mindless materialism we have grown up in and start to meet their ‘new’ global neighbours. [more]
Holiday Cheer
Social Enterprise Alliance Holiday Gift Guide
This holiday, we are toasting good! Find social impact products from americain social enterprises in this catalog. Every purchase will have an impact. [more] 
Social Enterprise Alliance Holiday Gift Guide
The Social Enterprise Gift Guide by REDF
When you give gifts from REDF’s Social Enterprise Gift Guide, you tell a story. A story of hope, transformation, and a better life for thousands of striving men and women who have so much to contribute. [more] 

This Holiday, Buy Local

Check out Momentum’s December Newsletter! If you’re in Calgary looking for the perfect gift for that someone special, look no further – they have your holiday buying guide right here! [more]
momentum logo
Saul Good Gift Co
Saul Good Gift Co. is a gift basket business featuring the best tasting local artisan treats in Vancouver, BC and Toronto, ON. All items are selected because they’re delicious, small-batch, and exclusive. Their work with social enterprise ensures that each and every gift basket gives back to the community. [more]
Saul Good Gift Co.
Be Local for the Holidays
Your money does more good when it’s spent at REAP businesses in Calgary. REAP businesses are at the forefront of the new economy, demonstrating that business can make a fair profit while contributing to healthy and prosperous communities. Find REAP businesses for your gift giving needs in the 2018 shopping guide. [more] 
Be Local
Get the Facts on Shopping Local for the Holidays
To illustrate the ways that local businesses are growing in popularity, delivering stronger economic returns, and expanding in numbers, the Advocates for Independent Business, a coalition of 14 groups coordinated by the Institute for Local Self-Reliance, put together this infographic. [more]
Shopping Local for the Holidays
Infographic: 12 Reasons to Give the Gift of Local This Holiday Season
Of course, shopping at local, independent businesses is an important way to strengthen local economies. The folks at Local First Toronto have prepared a poster with 12 Reasons to Give the Gift of Local This Holiday Season [more]
Reasons to give the gift of local this holiday season
Tools to Help Make Your Holiday Campaign Merry…and Drive More Business to Locals
The American Independent Business Alliance (AMIBA) offers a wide range of articles, graphics, activity examples, and other tools to help your businesses or organization effectively spread the pro local /  independent business message throughout the season. [more]
Light up your community!

This Holiday, Give Local

LITE up the Holidays
Give the gift that gives twice! Each year, LITE Winnipeg sources a unique Holiday LITE Box from local and social enterprise gifts. LITE Box help support the local economy, while bringing holiday cheer to families in need. [more]
LITE's Alternative Christmas Hamper
SoKind Online Registry
SoKind is a registry service that encourages the giving of homemade gifts, charitable donations, secondhand goods, experiences, time, and day-of-event help. [more]
sokind registry: more fun, less stuff
New Dream: Simplify the Holidays
The Center for a New American Dream helps Americans to reduce and shift their consumption to improve quality of life, protect the environment, and promote social justice. [more]
Simplify the Holidays

Giving to CCEDNet

This holiday season, help strengthen the movement to build fairer and more sustainable local economies through community-based solutions.

Make a direct donation to CCEDNet online or by cheque. We will provide a charitable tax receipt for all donations of $20 or more.

More about CCEDNet’s mission and vision

Happy Holidays from CCEDNet!

The Board and staff of CCEDNet wish you a joyful holiday season and all the best for the new year!


Prize winnersLast November 21, A Night of Social Enterprise celebrated the winners of the national Social EnterPrize and the What’s Next YYC awards. 

Skwachàys Lodge, was selected as the 2019 recipient of the $100,000 Social EnterPrize. Accepting on behalf of Skwachàys Lodge was David Eddy, chief executive officer of the Vancouver Native Housing Society, who shared how his organization was transformed by implementing a social enterprise model. The revenues from the boutique hotel and fair trade Indigenous art gallery support the artist in residence program, providing live/work studios, personal and professional development, support, services and peer mentoring for 24 Indigenous artists on three-year tenancies.

What’s Next YYC is a new initiative from the Trico Charitable Foundation and the newly formed Trico Foundation Social Entrepreneurship Centre at the Haskayne School of Business to recognize some of the many social entrepreneurs in Calgary.  The inaugural winners of the What’s Next YYC awards were:

  • Beaverlodge – An app that turns energy efficiency for your home into an easy game that saves you real money.
  • CMNGD – Employing people facing poverty through a sustainable commercial laundry service.
  • Universal Access – Accessibility consultants providing certified barrier-free environments.
  • Deepwater Farms – Calgary’s first aquaponics farm.

Read more


We’re seeking a Manitoba Network Manager, to work in our Winnipeg, Social Enterprise Centre office. This is a new leadership position that will join the Manitoba team in a dynamic time as we implement the results of a recent Strategic Check-Up and respond to a quickly changing environment. 

Sarah Leeson-Klym, our current Regional Director is transitioning to a new role called Regional Networks Director, effective November 25. This new role for the organization is focused on engaging with members in various regions to develop sustainable networks across the country, and help regions respond to the emerging federal Social Innovation / Social Finance Strategy. More detail on the strategic intention and practical activities of her work will be posted soon. In the meantime, she’ll continue to provide strategic support to Manitoba, but the day-to-day management and operational support will move to this new position.

Reporting to the Regional Networks Director, the Manitoba Network Manager is primarily responsible for CCEDNet Manitoba membership recruitment & engagement; building and maintaining constructive relationships with governments, funders, and the public; and team and operations management focused on local member and public engagement activities, member convening, and oversight for learning events, public policy development, and the annual Gathering of Community Builders. They will work closely with local capacity building Program Managers and the Regional Networks Director to provide overall strategic direction and alignment across activities for the Manitoba network.

The successful candidate will have a track record of leadership, experience in a related field, and working knowledge of a variety of collaborative or networking practices such as collective impact, group facilitation, shared leadership models, community organizing, etc. They will be comfortable joining an established team and working within an established strategy that has been developed through deep engagement with Network members. Workplace culture is important to CCEDNet. Located in Winnipeg’s Social Enterprise Centre, CCEDNet-Manitoba’s office and the environment of the building is collaborative and open.  This provides many opportunities to connect with members, potential members, and other stakeholders. The Network Manager will enable a dynamic, efficient and flexible working environment with the staff team.

Read the full posting and find details on how to apply here.
