The appointment and composition of the Table des partenaires en économie sociale was announced by the Québec Minister of Economy, Innovation and Exportation who is also responsible for social economy, Mr. Jacques Daoust, on July 2nd. The committee will advise the Minister on the implementation of the Social Economy Act and of the government’s social economy action plan. It will also ensure that the government of Québec’s actions are coherent.“I am very pleased with the creation of this committee. Social economy enterprises contribute to the socioeconomic development and vitality of Québec. They favour our communities’ progress and well being” mentioned Minister Daoust.The seven members of the Table des partenaires en économie sociale are:

  • Minister of Economy, Innovation and Exportations (or a representative);
  • Chantier de l’économie sociale;
  • Conseil québécois de la coopération et de la mutualité [Québec network of cooperatives and mutuals];
  • Association des centres locaux de développement du Québec [Québec network of local development centres];
  • Pôles régionaux d’économie sociale [regional social economy networks];
  • Coopératives de développement régional (CDR) du Québec [Québec regional development cooperatives];
  • Conférences régionales des élus (CRE) du Québec [Québec regional elected officials’ networks].

The committee’s first meeting will be held next fall. Individuals and representatives from various organizations will also be periodically invited to contribute to the committee’s work when their expertise is needed.

The government’s social economy action plan is currently being developed by the concerned ministries and organizations. It will define the actions to be undertaken by the government in order to support the development and the promotion of the social economy in Québec.

Other resources :

Source : ministère de l’Économie, de l’Innovation et des Exportations


On July 3rd, during the 2nd Meeting of the High Level Political Forum of the UN, the Social Solidarity Economy Recommendations were officially delivered to the United Nations State Members, Delegates and Agencies by Daniel Tygel, Operations Manager with the Intercontinental Network for the Promotion of the Social Solidarity Economy (RIPESS).

The recommendations were developed over a year-long consultation process with thousands of global and grassroots organizations. Before the recommendations were submitted to the UN’s post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals the paper received more than 500 endorsements from organizations in over 70 countries. The recommendations were made available in 3 languages (English, French, and Spanish) to all participants in the room at the High Level Political Forum.

Now it’s up to the networks and organizations in different countries to reinforce these recommendations by requesting that national governments present the recommendations again and add them to their negotiations towards the post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals.

The recommendations are organized in 4 themes:

1 – Indicators to measure poverty, inequality, development and material and immaterial well being;

2 – Transitioning to a Fair, Social and Solidarity Economy;

3 – Adopting a human rights-based approach to development;

4 – Participation and transparency in international instances/processes.

You can read the full recommendations and the endorsees here

For more background, see the recording of a webinar we did in March, as well as numerous other resources linked from this page: /en/event/2014/03/28/embedding-ced-and-social-solidarity-economy-united-nations


Community activists in Manitoba who understand the urgent need to address our housing affordability crisis have good reason to celebrate these days. The Canadian CED Network along with other community organizations led by Make Poverty History Manitoba, have pushed hard for an increase in shelter benefits for people on social assistance so that they could have better access to a safe and affordable place to live. On June 19th the Province of Manitoba held an event to announce a new program that would do just that, and the Canadian CED Network was there to voice its support.

Through Rent Assist the Manitoba government will increase shelter benefits for people on social assistance to 75% of median market rent, as called for by the community. We were happy to hear that Rent Assist will actually go beyond what the community called for by allowing low-income Manitobans to continue to access the program even when they move off of social assistance and into training and employment.

Despite strong investments in social and affordable housing in Manitoba, private market rents continue to increase at a rate that forces people with low-income, including many who are employed, to choose between making monthly rent payments or having enough food to eat. Safe and affordable housing is not just a basic right, but also a necessity for people to fully participate in community and economic life. 

The Province of Manitoba often refers to employment as the best path out of poverty. As a community economic development network, we actively support the creation of economic opportunities, particularly for those who are most disadvantaged. But we also know that we cannot expect successful training and employment outcomes, for those who are able to work, without stable housing first. Furthermore, we know that there are many people on social assistance who are unable to work.

By putting more money into the pockets of low income people, the Rent Assist program will help meet the housing needs of those who are unable to work, while improving housing stability for those who are able to work, so that they can succeed in their transition to training and employment.

[From left to right] Jobs and the Economy Minister Theresa Oswald;
Karl Anderson, Shoppers Drug Mart employee; Amir Baksh, owner/
operator of two Shoppers Drug Mart stores; Shawn Mahoney,

Executive Director, Opportunities for Employment; and Kirsten Bernas

Even when adequately housed, many people on social assistance face multiple barriers to employment. Transitions to the labour market must be facilitated by supportive training and employment opportunities that consider the need to develop hard, soft and life skills. The Canadian CED Network promotes social enterprise, as one example that has demonstrated significant results. Social enterprise is a mission-driven business model that creates jobs for people with barriers and helps ensure that they succeed in those jobs by providing access to comprehensive supports that will address their barriers. The Province of Manitoba has played an important, supportive role in growing the social enterprise sector and recently announced that it would be working with community stakeholders to develop a Manitoba Social Enterprise Strategy to further develop these training and employment opportunities.

Last month’s announcement included the introduction of Manitoba Works!, a new program to provide people on social assistance with greater access to supports as they transition into more traditional employment. We know that many individuals on social assistance have deep-seated and complex barriers. The Manitoba Works! model acknowledges this reality and will ensure that when participants move into employment, they don’t immediately lose access to the supports they receive during the prescribed training period. This continuity of supports moves us closer to providing what is needed to secure long-term attachment to the labour market, which will benefit both participants and employers, while helping generate a greater return on our investment in employment development for people with multiple barriers.

Together, Rent Assist and Manitoba Works! will help ensure that low-income Manitobans with barriers to employment, are in a better position to access and succeed in training and employment opportunities. These programs complement other important actions that are being taken to help low-income Manitobans access affordable housing and new employment opportunities. We still have a lot of work to do, but these are two examples of initiatives that fit within a comprehensive and integrated package of actions that need to be taken to reduce poverty and social exclusion and build strong communities in Manitoba.

Kirsten received a BA (Honours) in Economics from the University of Manitoba as well as an MA from the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs at Carleton University in Ottawa. Kirsten represents CCEDNet on the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives‘ Alternative Federal Budget Steering Committee, Make Poverty History Canada’s Steering Committee, Make Poverty History Manitoba‘s Executive Committee, and on the Winnipeg Food Policy Working Group

Marguerite Mendell

Marguerite Mendell, economist and professor at Montréal’s Concordia University and member of the Canadian CED Network, was appointed Officer of the Ordre national du Québec on June 19th.

This honorary award bestowed annually by Québec’s government since 1985 is one of the most prestigious recognitions paying tribute to individuals who have contributed to Québec’s influence and development.

Ambassador of Québec’s social economy model, Margie is recognized the world over for her expertise. She has been able to reconcile her academic research on the social and solidarity economy with her practical involvement within numerous organizations related to social finance and the development of new financial tools for community enterprises.

Furthermore, her vast knowledge of the social economy has allowed her to participate in the establishment of the Association communautaire d’emprunt de Montréal, Canada’s first community loan fund. She was very involved in the development of CAP Finance, Quebec’s socially responsible and solidarity finance network.

CCEDNet wishes to express its sincere congratulations to our dear friend Margie for this well-deserved honor.

For more information:


This week I was fortunate to attend the Tamarack Institute’s Community: Programs and Policies event that took place in Kitchener, Ontario.

Tamarack’s President, Paul Born, who helped co-found CCEDNet 15 years ago, has been described by Frances Wesley as Canada’s leading community organizer. So the stellar lineup of speakers he was able to gather should not have been a surprise. But it was a tremendous opportunity to have people like John McKnight, Peter Block, Sherri Torjman, Al Etmanski, Vickie Cammack and Paul himself together in one space with 150 participants for four days of learning. 

I am a bit embarrassed to confess that despite asset-based community development being such an important foundation of CED, I had never before heard John McKnight speak in person. He is clearly a treasure and reminded me in many ways of CCEDNet’s own eminent American luminary, Stewart Perry. John’s talk on the opening morning emphasized how local action is the foundation of community and democracy – the most concrete way that people can improve their daily lives. He reminded us that a huge set of invisible possibilities exist in every neighbourhood waiting to be creatively discovered. 

One possibility I never imagined was getting to sing Bruce Springsteen with John, under the direction of Choir!Choir!Choir! later that afternoon.

Peter Block challenged participants to decommodify labour and reclaim the commons. Community building is not valued today because its impacts cannot be easily monetized, so the way we vote with our dollars becomes all the more important, creating a ‘conscious economics’ where people understand the impact of their spending. 

Sherri Torjman, another founding member of CCEDNet and one of Canada’s leading social policy analysts, did a marvellous job of clarifying how policies and programs can encourage or inhibit positive shifts in behaviour. There were many municipal government employees at the conference, who shared valuable insight on some of the areas where municipal governments have more or less flexibility, and what strategic roles governments can play to frame issues in ways that foster local engagement.   

A recurring theme throughout the conference was the need to resist the pull towards big systems, big institutions, and centralization. John identifies six unique functions that neighbourhoods provide better than services that can be bought or provided by institutions: 

  • Health: most of the determinants of health are non-medical and driven by socio-economic factors that happen in communities.
  • Security and Safety: research shows that knowing your neighbours and time spent outside the house are much bigger predictors of neighbourhood safety than the size of the police force
  • Economy: most employment is provided by small businesses, and most people get employment through word-of-mouth connections
  • Environment: heating, cooling, transportation and waste generation are processes that happen largely in neighbourhoods and their impact on the environment can be significantly mitigated by neighbourhood systems
  • Food: eating more fresh, local food reduces your intake of chemicals and preservatives used in industrial food production and reduces the impact of transportation of foods on the environment
  • Care: institutions can provide services, but not care. People can care for each other. There is no replacement for a supportive network of caring people. 

John outlines these in greater detail in his book The Abundant Community. The push back from centralization reminded me of the good work being done in the UK by Locality with their Local By Default campaign. 

The last point I’ll make is one that was prominent here and has been consistent through my time at CCEDNet and even back to my days studying social work: it’s all about relationships. Whether it’s the increasingly blurred boundaries between social, economic and environmental priorities, or the personal neighbourhood connections that are the foundation for healthy, strong and inclusive communities, relationships are the new frontier of the living system era that is emerging in our 21st century. Fortunately, events like this help us to re-connect with old friends and make new ones. Thanks to Paul and his team at Tamarack for their great work.

Additional Resources:

Michael Toye is the Executive Director of the Canadian CED Network, having worked in various other capacities with CCEDNet since 2000. Michael has also taught courses on CED and social enterprise at Concordia University and has written a number of articles and other publications on CED and the social economy, including co-editing the book, Community Economic Development: Building for Social Change.

Read Michael’s blogs

Follow Michael on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn


For more than a decade, CCEDNet has been an active supporter in the development of the Intercontinental Network for the Promotion of the Social Solidarity Economy (RIPESS).

In recent years, there has been significant progress for the recognition of the social solidarity economy as a promising alternative.

Currently, the United Nations is in the process of formulating a development agenda that will follow up to the Millenium Development Goals, which run until 2015. This ‘Post-2015 Development Agenda’ has tentatively been titled ‘Sustainable Development Goals’ recognizing the need to more clearly integrate environmental concerns. Once finalized, these goals will have far-reaching impacts on the work of UN Agencies around the world for many years to come. 

In this context, RIPESS has been providing input to the consultation processes in the hopes of embedding social and solidarity economy practices and principles in the new goals. A position paper has been drafted and they are now looking for endorsements until June 29. Recommendations that are submitted will be distributed by the UN Non-Governmental Liaison Service to all country delegations at the UN, including Canada. So it is a valuable opportunity for global profile and international solidarity. 

The recommendations are organized in 4 axes:

1 – Indicators to measure poverty, inequality, development and material and immaterial well being;

2 – Transitioning to a Fair, Social and Solidarity Economy;

3 – Adopting a human rights-based approach to development;

4 – Participation and transparency in international instances/processes.

CCEDNet will be endorsing these recommendations and we encourage you to consider endorsing it as well. The more signatories these recommendations have, the greater their weight.

You can read the position paper and submit your organization’s endorsement here

For more background, see the recording of a webinar we did in March, as well as numerous other resources linked from this page: /en/event/2014/03/28/embedding-ced-and-social-solidarity-economy-united-nations



CFED has launched a call for solutions to discover and highlight strategies that address the key financial challenges facing low- and moderate-income microbusinesses. They’re looking for solutions that have the potential to improve the financial capability of microbusiness owners at scale to help them achieve business success, financial security and economic mobility. Canadian submissions are eligible. Submit your solution by Friday, July 25!

What’s in it for you? CFED will collect and vet the submitted ideas, products and services in partnership with our Advisory Network of funders, investors, developers and advocates seeking to build the financial capability of microbusiness owners. Up to 10 selected submissions will receive: 

Check out In Search of Solid Ground, for more detail on this
population and the types of financial challenges they face
  • Priority consideration for entry into our upcoming initiative to receive funding (up to $25,000 per organization, depending on the number of selected partners, to be delivered by January 2015) and technical assistance to assess, design and test scalable strategies for addressing microbusiness owners’ key financial challenges.
  • A chance to travel to Washington, DC and participate in an exclusive design thinking session at CFED’s Assets Learning Conference. Travel, lodging and conference attendance are valued at approximately $2,000. 
  • A chance to connect with people who can help further their solution by being included in a resource guide for funders, investors, developers and advocates advancing the financial stability of microbusiness owners.
  • Free publicity for their solution. All standout submissions will be publicized on CFED’s website and through CFED’s mailing lists.

Contact CFED’s entrepreneurship team at with any questions.


I spent a few months this year working with the Social Trade Organization (STRO) based in Utrecht, The Netherlands, an innovator in the field of complementary and digital currencies.  STRO was launching a new platform for its digital payment system and starting a large, EU funded project with partners in Bristol, Sardinia and Barcelona.  I wanted to know these projects and to better understand STRO’s methodologies and technology for creating regional C3s – commercial credit circuits.  Also, a big bitcoin conference was to take place in Amsterdam in May and I wanted to go to that to extend my knowledge of digital decentralized currencies.

Bitcoin has captured the imagination of millions around the world and kicked off what could be a revolution in money.  Before bitcoin, however, or even digital currencies, there was, and is, a movement in “complementary currencies”.  Complementary currencies complement national currencies.  Indeed, they are typically local or regional sub-national exchange systems or markets using vouchers as medium of exchange initiated by groups of people.  Bitcoin and other crypocurrencies are typically private, digital assets traded globally accepted by handfuls of businesses for payment.  Are complementary currencies and digital assets viable tools for sustainable economies and the social economy?

The Bitcoin Foundation conference was quite impressive featuring three dozen booths of various businesses busy in the ‘bitcoin ecosystem’ with 1100 attendees and participants from around the world, a bevy of legal experts on the subject and practitioners and ‘ambassadors’ from several continents.  Investors at a panel on investment revealed that between the three of them would invest over $100 million in bitcoin itself and in the businesses around it over the coming two years.  That’s a lot of faith and will at work in the ‘bitcoin space’.  What’s at stake?  Why the enthusiasm?

I could understand the enthusiasm.  I had been equally giddy at the idea that any group of people could create their own money.  My interest, a near obsession, began some years ago and I found kindred spirits in the complementary currency movement.  A movement?  At least an international network of practitioners and researchers involved in their respective communities and countries sharing resources and supporting each other.  Central to the complementary currency crowd was an understanding that the complementary currency is a means by which to empower communities to realize sustainable development in the locality or region.  There is a stream within the complementary currency milieu that sees “social money” as a tool of the social economy.

There have been hundreds if not thousands of groups that have used monetary-type tools in their communities, many that have come and gone.  There are also dozens of private or commercial business-to-business barter systems that tend to be larger and more sustained.  It turns out it’s not that easy to make local currencies operat7 to use as a medium of exchange though accepted by handfuls of businesses as money.  It’s highly liquid and has become a speculator’s sport.  I am still astounded at how a new currency with uniquely digital features can be conjured up out of thin air and attract millions of dollars and followers to it.

At one booth I found out that there are about 350 cryptocurrencies in existence of which bitcoin was the biggest.  This particular business offered mining services in these various cryptocurrencies.  So you pay Canadian dollars or other national currency in order to be able to earn cryptocurrency as a miner.  Other fascinating businesses included exchange interfaces for trading in cryptocurrencies, ATMs for bitcoins, security service for bitcoin wallets and bitcoin transmission services.  If money is not neutral, as I heard at the bitcoin conference and as I have heard at complementary currency conferences, neither are the people who are attracted to them.  I found a couple of community-oriented people but by and large it seemed this was a libertarian crowd.  Some people I chatted with at the conference were excited about getting away from governments and from having to pay taxes.  They were also excited about not paying exorbitant fees for transactions charged by credit card companies and money transmitters – ok, that I got.  Others saw a potential for financial inclusion and for lifting people out of poverty.  I thought that was a lot of hope for what is at the moment an asset that must be bought and sold with national currency (for most ordinary people anyways), whose value is volatile and based only on demand for it.  But who knows if things keep developing.  Meanwhile, I’ll keep my feet relatively on the ground and work within the complementary currency field.

The Social Trade Organization where I worked for several months is a trail blazer in the complementary currency field.  STRO has been working 20 years in the field of monetary type tools for sustainable community-based development and economies.  Many of their projects have been in Latin America – they have offices in Uruguay and Brazil – and are considered part of a solidarity or social economy as well as the wider economy.  Their commitment includes developing a banking quality payment system software, Cyclos that any group can license at low cost or use a community version for free.  STRO won the E-pay Innovation Award supported by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation at the Electronic Transactions Association conference in April for Cyclos.  Cyclos is used by over a hundred groups around the world ranging from small local groups to commercial businesses. 

A mobile phone payment transaction for payment in
Bristol Pound using Cyclos platform

With Europe in the throes of a prolonged recession, a number of communities are using Cyclos to run local barter exchanges.  A local group of residents in Volos, Greece received media attention when they launched their exchange a few years ago running the administration of their system using Cyclos.  The small business members of Sardex in Sardinia do over a million euro a month in trade with each other using Cyclos.  STRO is leading a multi-partner EU funded project with Sardex in Sardinia, partners in Barcelona and in Bristol the municipality and the group who run Bristol Pound to scale up their technology and methodologies in the EU.  This project, Digipay4Growth, will establish new credit instruments and technology for regional development that will support local businesses and economies. 

Whether it’s cryptocurrency you favour or creating a local exchange, there’s no quick fix in sight.  It takes a lot of work to create effective local currencies and exchanges and to use digital non-national currencies for financial inclusion or poverty reduction.  So far, these exchanges and digital currencies offer some good but limited support for sustainable local economies.  The world’s economies are at the beginnings of a digital currency phenomenon.  We are still understanding how to make these tools of the social economy.

Additional Resources

Melina Young is a practitioner in regional exchange systems and a Senior Researcher with the Social Trade Organization. She has extensive experience working with diverse communities. She holds an MSc in European Political Economy from the London School of Economics, certificates in Community Economic Development from Concordia University and Simon Fraser University and a Bachelors in Commerce from the University of Ottawa.


A new policy, and changes to an existing policy, introduced by the Province of Manitoba will bolster small-business stability in support of community economic development. The two measures included in the Budget 2014 implementation bill – a new Employee Share Purchase Tax Credit and changes to the CED Tax Credit – will stimulate investment in new community businesses and facilitate succession for existing ones, sustaining employment for Manitobans.

New to Provincial legislation, the Employee Share Purchase Tax Credit is meant to ensure small-businesses remain open when their owners choose to retire. New business owners (partial or whole), including employees, are eligible for a 45% tax credit.

Since 2004, the CED Tax Credit has been used to leverage approximately $2.25 million in nine community-owned businesses around Manitoba. In response to recommendations in a recent CCEDNet Report (“Mobilizing Community Capital for Co-op Development in Manitoba“) and a CCEDNet – Manitoba member resolution adopted in the fall of 2013, the Province is raising the tax credit from 30 percent to 45 percent, which will provide more incentive for Manitobans to invest in local small businesses. Measures such as these to improve financing options for community economic development and will enhance financing options in support of social and economic opportunities in communities across Manitoba.

CCEDNet – Manitoba members’ policy resolution recommends several measures to strengthen the CED Tax Credit, in addition to the increase announced in the budget. Measures such as these to improve financing options for community economic development will strengthen social and economic development in communities across Manitoba.

For more information:



Minister of State (Finance) Kevin Sorenson and Minister of State (Seniors) Alice Wong joined forces with Canada’s Financial Literacy Leader Jane Rooney to launch consultations on a proposed strategy to help improve the financial literacy of Canadians. Recognizing the unique and often significant challenges faced by near and current seniors, the first phase of consultations will focus on seniors. Additional phases will follow with an emphasis on low-income Canadians, Aboriginal peoples, newcomers to Canada, and children, youth and adults.

The proposed blueprint, Toward a National Strategy for Financial Literacy – Phase 1: Strengthening Seniors’ Financial Literacy, is intended to encourage discussion and invites comments from all Canadians on ways to bolster the financial literacy of seniors and those approaching this phase of their lives. Stakeholders from the public, private and non-profit sector will take part in in-person sessions across the country. All Canadians are encouraged to submit comments on the blueprint by mail or email by July 15, 2014.

For more information visit:


A fifteenth anniversary might be a good time to reflect on the methods and assumptions of a movement like community economic development – especially for urban communities. When we first started CCEDNet fifteen years ago, we believed that by using CED principles and strategies we could intervene within local economies in urban environments such that poverty and disparity were reduced and the earth was more cared for. We saw the economic planning initiatives that were being developed in rural Quebec, and the economic development successes of Mondragon in Spain and Lac La Ronge in northern Saskatchewan, and we thought we could replicate them in places such as the north end of Winnipeg.

Fifteen years later we have not been able to move the various interventions to a scale that substantially alters the economic conditions of urban communities. CED initiatives have certainly created economic opportunity, and for many households poverty has been reduced. But the geographic concentrations of poverty and the economic marginalization of certain stressed communities has stayed much the same.

To some extent our theory has been off. Local economies are inexorably connected to regional and global economies. Strategies to develop locally self-sufficient community (neighbourhood) economic systems, without engaging the larger economic context, are unlikely to produce the scale of results we have been hoping for. It would be interesting for example, to debate the poverty reduction potential of initiatives that focus on creating alternative community economic development arrangements, with initiatives that attempt to simply assist individuals and households to thrive within mainstream economic organizations.

Our implementation also hasn’t been as strong as we would have liked. Much of what has been done under the name of CED has lots of “community” in it, but very little “economic development”. It has been interesting to me that a long standing Winnipeg based community development corporation has recently changed its name to replace the words “Development Corporation” with “Community Organization”. I think the name change reflects the reality of what has been happening with a number of the neighbourhood based CED organizations in Winnipeg and elsewhere. Their economic development agendas have not been their primary agendas.

The tension for me in reaching the original goals of the CED movement is to strike the right balance between inventing new institutions and creating opportunities by engaging mainstream ones. Those two streams are not mutually exclusive, of course, but they do absorb different kinds of energies. Recently I read “The Spirit Level: Why Greater Equality Makes Societies Stronger.” Fascinating stuff. Clearly the task is not just to create economic opportunity for low income people. It is to create a more equal society. How do we do that? Especially how do we improve the wages at the bottom and restrain the wages at the top? Worker owned businesses – especially worker owned cooperatives might be a way. Living wage movements might be a way. Tax policies will be important. I think we know way more about how to raise the wages of people at the bottom than we do about how to restrain the wages of people at the top.

As we move forward, I believe we need to increase our engagement with mainstream economic players because I don’t think that a range of initiatives that are very “alternative”, but don’t link to the mainstream economy and attempt to create more justice within it (or significant parts of it), will move us as far as we need to move.

Garry Loewen has worked as a business person, a parish minister, an economic development director, and a community activist. He served for ten years as the CED Director for Mennonite Central Committee Manitoba until he became founding Executive Director for SEED Winnipeg. Garry was also CCEDNet’s first Executive Director and later became the Executive Director of the North End Community Renewal Corporation. After retiring Garry continues to provide consulting to the CED sector in Winnipeg and currently volunteers on the board of Assiniboine Credit Union. Read Garry’s previous blog reflection, and reach him at garryaloewen [at]

Read other stories gathered to celebrate CCEDNet’s 15th anniversary >>
