Bring LEAP! (Local Entrepreneurship Accelerator Program) to your communitySFU’s Community Economic Development program has officially launched LEAP! (Local Entrepreneurship Accelerator Program) with a new website. LEAP! is an eight week accelerator program for brand new start-up social entrepreneurs in rural B.C.

Using a lean start-up model, LEAP! prepares small groups of entrepreneurs to launch new local businesses in their communities.

What is an accelerator?

An accelerator teaches people how to evaluate their business idea in the most efficient way possible.

What is a social entrepreneur?

Many entrepreneurs are tackling social problems, and define their businesses as social enterprise or social venture. In our view, any person creating a job for themselves and growing their local economy is a social entrepreneur.

How does it work?

The LEAP! program is offered in partnership with community-based organizations. To date, SFU Community Economic Development Program has worked with Community Futures Sunshine Coast and Kootenay Employment Services.

The local partner recruits five to seven participants, provides a classroom and cares about the success of the participants. SFU provides a recruitment kit, the curriculum, and the instructor.

The LEAP! program uses a flipped classroom model, with the cohort gathering together in a classroom to work with our live, online instructor, Eric Alex.

At the end of the eight weeks, the partner hosts a barn-raiser celebration, basically a really friendly dragon’s den, where participants can practice pitching their ideas.

Why is LEAP! Important?

LEAP! helps build a community’s entrepreneurial ecosystem, directly driving economic growth and strengthening the local economy. Communities with strong local economies are more resilient, have a lower carbon footprint, and are better insulated against global economic ups and downs.

LEAP! Impacts

In seven LEAP! sessions, 100% of LEAP! participants learned the lean start-up process with 77% of participants deciding to launch a business. To date, 28 businesses are now operating in the market.

Find out more on the LEAP! website.

Last year was a busy one for CCEDNet. Here is an overview of some of our accomplishments.
2016 Highlights

• Web traffic continues to grow with 2,000 unique visitors each week on our seven websites. Our online toolbox now has over 1,100 resources and there are nearly 200 posts on our blog.COMMUNICATIONS

• Our Facebook page now has over 1,800 likes and our Twitter account surpassed 2,800 followers.

Videos on our YouTube channel have been viewed 16,000 times.

• In 2016, our websites received more than 150,000 visits for news, events, resources & jobs.

• In June, we held our second fully virtual AGM with online voting & simultaneous translation.

CCEDNet staff and members were active at CommonBound, the New Economy Coalition conference in Buffalo and the Global Social Economy Forum in Montréal.

• Our 14th annual Manitoba Gathering brought together nearly 500 people & featured keynotes from Harsha Walia and Karen Joseph

• CCEDNet-Ontario published an updated provincial social enterprise survey and began trusteeing Social Enterprise Toronto, hosting the 2nd biennial conference.   ECONOUS2016 • CCEDNet co-organized the North American Forum on the Social Solidarity Economy in Detroit.
ECONOUS2016ECONOUS2016, the national CED conference, returned after 6 years with a fabulous gathering in downtown Montréal, hosted by CEDECLEARNING.

• Eight national webinars on topics like Ontario’s Social Enterprise Strategy, New Brunswick’s new CED corporations and Environmental Justice for Affordable Housing attracted 256 participants.

CAPACITY BUILDINGSpark, CCEDNet’s pro bono matching service, leveraged almost $140,000 in short term, specific and high impact assistance for non profits working for social change in Winnipeg  

• CCEDNet-Manitoba began implementing the three-year Manitoba Social Enterprise Strategy, including a new website and the first Winnipeg Social Finance Forum.
Social Enterprise Gift Guide, our virtual showcase of social enterprise in Ontario published a social enterprise holiday gift guide in collaboration with 20 partners that received over 5,000 views.

• CCEDNet hosted a gathering of funders, policy-makers and thought leaders to consider What’s Next for CED in the leadup to ECONOUS2016.

Ryan Gibson, the Honourable Jean-Yves Duclos, and Michael Toye• CCEDNet submitted recommendations for the 2016 and 2017 Federal Budgets and were invited to present them twice to the federal Finance Committee.

POLICIESPolicy proposals for Canada’s Innovation Agenda, labour market transfers, and global leadership on the social solidarity economy were provided to key federal officials.

• CCEDNet-Manitoba promoted CED during the provincial election and with municipal officials and delivered 10 capacity building workshops.

All this is possible thanks to our members and funders. Join us by becoming a member, or support the movement for inclusive and sustainable economies by making a donation

Downtown Eastside MarketOn November 30th, Vancouver city councillors approved phase II of the Community Economic Development Strategy for the Downtown Eastside. Over $350,000 will be allocated to “Quick Start Projects” and “Feasibility Studies and Program Development”.  

“Central to the Phase II vision is the creation of a full range of employment and income generation opportunities that are open regardless of gender, ethnicity, age or ability, with a view of the local economy as a continuum of opportunity from survival-work to formal employment.”

“Previous economic revitalization strategies have tended to focus on (more formal types of jobs), largely because senior levels of government were involved in sort of dictating what the priorities were,” said Wes Regan, a planner for community economic development at the city. This new approach “actually reflects more the reality of what the local economy is like in the Downtown Eastside, as opposed to what government partners wish it would look like,” he said.

In mid-2017 the City Council will look at approving the third phase, with additional funding recommendations, that will look at implementing long-term actions.

The CED Strategy was developed by the Community Economic Development Strategic Action Committee (CEDSAC) which is made up of 35 community groups, businesses and other local stakeholders. The strategy contains nine core Ideas and twenty-two actions, and is built on several years of partnerships supporting social innovation, social enterprise and other local economic initiatives in the Downtown Eastside.

More Resources


Fundamentals of Co-operative OrganizationsThe Ontario Co-operative Association are still accepting applications for the critically acclaimed Fundamentals of Co-operative Organizations (FCO) certificate program, which begins January 12 and ends March 25, 2017.

The program is results-driven, practical and optimized for working professionals. Designed to equip co-operative businesses with highly skilled leaders, graduates will ultimately strengthen their co-operative organizations with their capacity to respond to the unique challenges they face. Some of the key things program participants will gain are:

  • LEARNING specialized knowledge in areas such as governance, membership development, legislation, financing and co-op development;
  • DEVELOPING critical thinking, management and leadership skills;
  • ADVANCING their career in the co-operative sector; and
  • STRENGTHENING network connections of colleagues from across the sector.

The curriculum has been developed by leading co-op executives in partnership with York University’s Schulich School of Business. It combines both an integrated online and in-class component, which are optimized to work around participants’ busy schedules. The program emphasizes teamwork and provides students with insights into leadership and organizational dynamics, while creating opportunities to build relationships with peers and professors. Invaluable opportunities to engage with sector executives also takes place during the “Lunch-n-Learn” sessions.

Students are welcome from anywhere in Ontario, Canada or from abroad, but must be able to attend all three seminars in person in Toronto.

They will commit to 10 weeks of part-time study, which includes:

  • Six evening webinars, scheduled on Tuesdays from 7pm – 8.30pm. (There is generally little pre-work required for these sessions); 
  • Three face-to-face seminars, each running from 9am – 4.30pm on Fridays and Saturdays. (They are scheduled 4-6 weeks apart, and require students to be present onsite in Toronto);
  • A Thursday evening reception and course introduction will precede the first seminar in Toronto;
  • Two assignments which take about ten hours each to research and complete. 

Apply to the Fundamentals of Co-operative Organizations certificate program


There are a few different funding options available to assist our applicants with the cost of the course.

Thanks to a grant from the CHS Foundation, funded by charitable gifts from CHS Inc., a limited number of bursaries are available to representatives of small, as well as new (0 -5 years) and emerging co-operatives wishing to take the FCO program. Successful recipients will receive between $500 – $1,000 pending need and availability of funds. Apply for this funding IN WRITING to Lauren Hillson (lhillson at, FCO Program Administrator with On Co-op, by December 17, 1016. The request letter must include:

  1. The type of financial assistance requested;
  2. The amount of upfront financial contribution that can be made; and
  3. The benefits to the student and/or organization of participating in the FCO Program.

Individuals and organizations can also apply for a job training grant through the Government’s Canada Job Grant Ontario fund…click for more information!

Payment plans are also available to those who require financial assistance, but who are not eligible for a bursary. Contact Lauren (lhillson at for information, or review the Funding Assistance Guidelines.

For more detailed information on fees, eligibility criteria, the faculty and the application process, visit The Fundamentals of Cooperative webpage.

The deadline is December 31, 2016, so get your application in and take advantage of this great professional development opportunity!

“The learning I did in this course BLEW MY MIND!”
 – Crystal McNerney, graduate of the most recent cohort in May 2016


Do a Great Deal - Buy SocialHappy Holidays from CCEDNet!
CED Holiday Buying & Giving Guide 2016

Are you spreading the holiday cheer this year? This guide is designed to help extend the reach of that cheer through encouraging thoughtful buying and giving.

We have compiled some creative gift ideas and shopping guides to provide you with the tools and information you need to have a CED-filled holiday season. See anything missing from this list? We will be adding more tips between now and Christmas so don’t hesitate to send your additions to communications at

This Holiday, Buy SocialSocial Enterprise Gift Guide 2016-2017 from

Social Enterprise Gift Giving Guide from
This holiday season why not make a purchase that won’t just make the receiver happy, but will also benefit Ontario, and your local community. Each gift you buy this holiday season can have significant impact on your community. Thanks to the newly launched Social Enterprise Gift Guide, extending the impact of your gift giving is now easier than ever. The Guide features a wide variety of products created by Canada’s diverse social enterprise sector, representing for-profit and non-profit organizations, cooperatives and B Corps. [more]

Social Enterprise CanadaUse the Social Enterprise Marketplace to Find Gifts from Social Enteprises
Interested in buying from social enterprises this holiday season? Check out this online marketplace from the Social Enterprise Canada to research social enterprises by name, industry, location and/or the social purpose they achieve.SPP Holiday Shopping Tour [more]

Join the Social Purchasing Portal’s Holiday Shopping Bus Tour in Winnipeg
Find unique gifts for the holidays and make a difference with your dollar! Join this shopping tour of Winnipeg on Saturday, December 10th and be part of the movement to support the local economy [more]

Get social justice gifts for the holidaysCo-operative Gift Bundle
Buying gifts for the holidays can be an ethical statement that helps build a new economy. The Toolbox for Education and Social Action put together their most popular items with the best—and most delicious—gifts produced by the co-op movement. [more]

Buy Good. Feel Good.#BuyGoodFeelGood Gift Guide from
Businesses that exhibit at The Fair Trade Show are committed to social justice, the environment and poverty reduction through fair trade practices and innovative business solutions. Browse a wide selection of ethically sourced products that will make the perfect holiday gift. Buy Good. Feel Good.  [more]

My New Neighbour Holiday Shopping Guide
Holiday CheerJoin two young women on an ethical shopping journey. These two want to break free of the mindless materialism we have grown up in and start to meet their ‘new’ global neighbours. In this guide, find gifts “For Her”, “For Him”, “For Kids” and “For Home”.  [more]

This Holiday, Buy LocalSaul Good Gift Co.

Saul Good Gift Co
Saul Good Gift Co. is a Vancouver gift basket business featuring the best tasting local artisan treats in BC. All items are selected because they’re delicious, small-batch, and exclusive. Their work with social enterprise ensures that each and every gift basket gives back to the community. [more]

The #yegSanta Project
The Local Good is Edmonton‘s online hub for local and green living. Keep tabs on the


CCEDNet members and partners interested in hosting the 2018 National CED Conference are invited to submit an expression of interest.


The national conference is a vital part of a dynamic pan-Canadian movement for community economic development. The annual event:

  • creates new and strengthens existing relationships among community leaders who share similar challenges, concerns, goals and values; 
  • promotes new ideas, resources and strategies to strengthen CED efforts
  • contributes to skills development, capacity building, networking and information sharing among CED practitioners and stakeholders;
  • attracts new people to the movement and reinforces the commitment of existing members to the approaches and values promoted by CED
  • provides inclusive opportunities for learning and dialogue on the diversity of approaches and models led by urban, rural, aboriginal, linguistic and cultural minorities, and northern communities to meet their needs;

Hosting the national conference provides a unique opportunity to: 

  • increase the profile of community economic development among key regional partners, decision makers and the public as a powerful force for inclusive innovation and community well-being;  
  • position the host as collaborative leader and convenor;
  • strengthen local and regional relationships and supports for CED that will remain as an ongoing legacy of the event; 
  • contribute to advancing a pan-Canadian policy agenda for support to and investment in CED; and
  • celebrate the unique strengths and character of your region. 

Host partners are responsible for local and regional mobilization, including fundraising and promotion.  In order to help keep registration fees low and the conference accessible, the host should be able to secure approximately $100,000 in local, provincial or regional cash funding or sponsorships for the conference.  A supplementary document with background information on previous conferences and typical responsibilities of CCEDNet and host partners is available upon request by emailing mthompson at

Information required in the expression of interest

The expression of interest is intended to be a simple, preliminary step to identify potential hosts. In 1-page (maximum), indicate: 

  • Reasons for interest
  • Experience and capacity to organize a large event
  • Potential local, provincial or regional partners
  • Potential sponsorship or funding sources and amounts, both cash and in-kind. 

Expressions of interest must be sent by January 20, 2017 to mthompson at

Download the ECONOUS2016 report

The successful host for the 2018 event will be announced at EconoUs2017 in Calgary, September 13-15, 2017.

If you have any questions feel free to contact Matthew at the email above. 


Wanted: Business success stories of entrepreneurs with disabilities or health conditions, Contest Opens December 2, 2016

The Just Watch ME! video contest, 2016-2017 edition, is now open!

The Just Watch ME! video contest was launched in 2011 with a mission of helping to tell the stories of entrepreneurs with disabilities in rural Manitoba and Saskatchewan.

The Just Watch ME! video contest has grown steadily since its inception, helping to promote dozens of entrepreneurs with disabilities and gaining thousands of impressions of media exposure for contestants.

  • Would you like more exposure for your business?
  • Are you a person who has a disability who lives in rural Manitoba?
  • Do you have access to a smartphone or camera to create a short video?
  • Are you a creative person that is ready to be an ambassador for your company?

Enter your business story for a chance to win up to $1,000 cash and over $5,000 worth of prizes.

Enter the Just Watch ME! video contest

Contest Time Line

  • Video entries open: December 2, 2016
  • Video entries close: January 25, 2017 (no more submissions accepted after 10:00 AM)
  • Public voting begins: February 1, 2017 (10:00 AM)
  • Winners Announced: February 17, 2017

For more information please visit

Further inquiries can be directed to Susan Bather (204) 943-2905 ext 4.


Cape Breton University, Shannon School of Business

The Community Economic Development Institute of the Shannon School of Business, Cape Breton University is seeking proposals for presentations, panels, or roundtable discussions for the 2017 Community Innovation & Social Enterprise Conference.

Building on the popularity of their 2011, 2013, and 2015 conferences, the Community Innovation & Social Enterprise Conference regularly attracts over 200 attendees from Canada and around the world to discuss current practices, challenges, and innovations in advancing social entrepreneurship and improving community livelihoods.

Please submit your proposal by March 15, 2017.

The proposal should include:

  • Working title
  • The theme it fits in
  • 100-word abstract of the presentation, and a 
  • 50-word bio of presenter.

General proposals which may not fit the categories of presentations, panels, or roundtable discussions are also accepted. No formal conference proceedings will be published.

Submit your proposal as a Word file to CED_conference at

You will receive an email confirming the receipt of your proposal 

The conference includes the following themes:

  • Community-based development
  • Social Enterprises and Innovation
  • Co-operatives and sustainable business models
  • Place-based business
  • Indigenous Enterprise
  • Entrepreneurship Ecosystems

For more information regarding the 2017 Community Innovation & Social Enterprise Conference


Shaun Loney“[Social enterprises] are economic ventures that are solving problems, and in our case in Canada, we believe the defining issue is connecting people who most need the work with the work that most needs to be done.”

Longtime community economic development (CED) practitioner and social enterprise developer, Shaun Loney, was interviewed by Anna Maria Tremonti on CBC’s The Current this Tuesday regarding his latest book An Army of Problem Solvers. Loney has co-founded and mentored 11 social enterprises including two organizational members of the Canadian CED Network, BUILD and Aki Energy.

An Army of Problem Solvers: Reconciliation and The Solutions EconomyAbout Aki Energy he says, “‘Aki’ is an Ojibwe word for Earth and we’re doing geothermal on First Nations. But we’ve started several other social enterprises through it on many other First Nations in Manitoba. In fact, the two largest geothermal companies in all of Western Canada are social enterprises that we’ve started, they’re employing people where there were no where there was no employment before.”

As a former bureaucrat (Director of Energy Policy for the Government of Manitoba) he has some strong words about government involvement in both First Nations economic development and social enterprise.

Listen to the interview with Shaun Loney on CBC’s The Current

For more from Shaun Loney on An Army of Problem Solvers, check out the recording from the webinar hosted by The Canadian CED Network on December 7th.


On an unseasonably warm November 15, 2016, around 90 people gathered in the Winnipeg Convention Centre for the first ever Winnipeg Social Finance Forum. It was a unique mix of stakeholders and individuals: financial institutions, foundations, CED leaders and practitioners, civil servants, political staff and business leaders. While it was a broad mix of stakeholders, the one-day conference had a single focus: lending and investment in the social economy, including social enterprises, non-profit and cooperatives.

Delegates at the Winnipeg Social Finance Forum

The conference was initiated by the Winnipeg Social Finance Working Group, a collection of sector leaders dedicated to improving the capital and financing environment for the social economy. The Forum was organized by SEED Winnipeg and the Canadian CED Network Manitoba, and showcased national and local leaders in both plenary presentations and deep-dive breakout sessions.

National Speakers:

  • Derek Ballantyne, Community Forward Fund
  • Lars Boggild, Purpose Capital
  • Andy Broderick, New Market Fund & Vancity
  • Adam Jagelewski, MaRS Centre for Impact Investing

Local Speakers:

  • Vera Goussaert, Manitoba Coop Association
  • Sherman Kreiner, University of Winnipeg Community Renewal Corporation & Community Ownership Solutions
  • John Loxley, University of Manitoba
  • Derek Pachal, Jubilee Fund
  • Jeffrey Patteson, Assiniboine Credit Union
  • Heather Sadowy, Peg City Car Coop

Speakers at the Manitoba Social Finance ForumThe motivation for hosting the forum emerged over the past year. Between the growing national interest in social finance and the recently-elected Progressive Conservative government’s pledge to implement social impact bonds, members of the Winnipeg Social Finance Working Group saw an opportunity to bring together stakeholders to learn together and broaden the local conversation, while highlighting some of the successful Made in Manitoba social finance tools already operating.

So what did we take away from the Forum?

Relationships: New people are interested in social finance. Others have been working in the social economy for decades, wrestling with the challenge of financing for a long time. The Forum contributed to sparking new connections between stakeholders, and set the stage for ongoing dialogue and learning. Trust and familiarity, especially in a small place like Manitoba, are essential for fostering a strategic and supportive financing environment and the necessary collaborations that scale the impact of our work.

Niches, locations and strengths: Place-based solutions are needed to address the unique challenges of our local context. There are strengths to build upon, including existing tools and knowledge. There are also lots of niches to be considered, for instance the varying degrees of risk and themes for investment (affordable housing, small business, etc.). This means there may be room, and a need, for various tools and actors.

Capacity — it’s more than just money: Having financing available for community initiatives does not mean the financing is accessible. Without supporting the technical capacity of practitioners to understand financing, efforts put into developing social finance opportunities will not be taken advantage of. This includes the complicated work of stacking multiple tools for one project (tax credits, programs, debt, etc.). There is a strong role for intermediaries to work with enterprises, gather evidence, and facilitate the relationships needed to successfully finance and scale social economy initiatives.

Be cautious and strategic: We must be cautious as the provincial government forges ahead with their plans to implement a social impact bond, as there are clear hazards that must be addressed. Items highlighted include transparency, cost and ultimately efficacy. Considering the limited resources we have, efforts should be strategic and coordinated — we will miss out on other key priorities if all our attention is devoted to SIBs. Continuing to come together as a sector and broader community is essential to maintaining this focus.

Winnipeg Social Finance Forum 2016 title slideMoving forward, the Winnipeg Social Finance Working Group will come together to set the course for the near future. We want to continue taking advantage of the growing interest in financing the social economy. We want to ensure the connections and relationships made at the Forum are built upon. And we want to make sure that the potential impact of great community initiatives is supported, not hindered, by Manitoba’s finance environment.

If you would to keep up to date with the Winnipeg Social Finance Working Group, you can sign up for the Social Enterprise Manitoba newsletter or contact Darcy Penner at d.penner at

See a Winnipeg Free Press article on the WSFF by Martin Cash.

Photo credits: Impak Finance

Darcy PennerDarcy Penner has been working in community economic development since graduating from the University of Winnipeg with a BA (Honours) degree in Politics. Starting at CCEDNet in 2013, his role has seen him work with member-organizations to pursue a broad policy agenda through workshops, presentations, budget submissions, policy papers and community-organizing, while specializing in supportive social enterprise policy and research – including being the Project Manager for the Manitoba Social Enterprise Strategy being co-produced with the Province of Manitoba, and coordinating the Manitoba Social Enterprise Sector Survey. 


The Community Innovation FundThe Quebec Community Groups Network (QCGN) has invited non-profit organizations that serve English-speaking Quebecers to announce their intention to apply for the Community Innovation Fund (CIF) which will finance social initiatives to improve employability or secure basic socioeconomic security for vulnerable youth, seniors/caregivers or newcomers in Quebec’s English-language communities.

“The focus of this Fund is on supporting organizations to find innovative and sustainable ways to serve the needs of our communities,” said QCGN Board Member James Hughes who sits on the Governance Committee of the Community Innovation Fund. “CIF will empower communities to develop new financial models and to diversify partnerships while deepening existing ones.”

“This is a model for the future that is people centered and holistic,” added CIF Governance.

Committee co-chair Ian Kott, President of the NDG Seniors Citizens Council and President of Jormian Capital. “Not only will the Fund empower communities to address significant issues, it will also create corporate sector opportunities to realize long-term goals of social entrepreneurship.”

“Through CIF, community organizations providing direct support to English-speaking Quebecers can benefit from funds to finance innovative projects that address the needs and priorities of vulnerable English-speaking youth, seniors/caregivers and newcomers,” explained Maria Rivas-Rivero, manager of the Community Innovation Fund. Between April 2017 and March 2019, the fund will invest more than $1 million in social initiatives while building partnerships to increase funds that will be injected into the community.

“The Fund will bring new money into our communities by creating innovative collaborations with new partners, including the private sector, that will leverage federal funding and exponentially increase the benefits for the most vulnerable members of our communities,” said CIF co-chair John Buck, Chief Executive Officer of the Community Economic Development and Employability Corporation (CEDEC).

“At this point we are asking eligible organizations that are interested in the Fund to submit preliminary proposals,” said Rivas-Rivero, noting they must send in a letter of intent and supporting documents by December 9, 2016. An independent selection committee will review all letters of intent and shortlist 10 to 12 applicants who will be invited to submit a full project proposal through a supportive process.

Full details on the Community Innovation Fund

The Community Innovation Fund (CIF) is a new resource for Quebec’s English-speaking communities to put social innovation in action. Funded by the Government of Canada through the Social Partnership Initiative in Official Language Minority Communities the fund is managed by the Quebec Community Groups Network. The project was announced in the spring by Liberal MP Marc Miller on behalf of his colleague, the Honourable Jean-Yves Duclos, Minister of Families, Children and Social Development.

The Quebec Community Groups Network ( is a not-for-profit organization bringing together 51 English-language community organizations across Quebec. As a centre of evidence-based expertise and collective action, it identifies, explores and addresses strategic issues affecting the development and vitality of the English-speaking community of Quebec and encourages dialogue and collaboration among its member organizations, individuals, community groups, institutions and leaders.

SOURCE: Quebec Community Groups Network


Brian Pallister, Premier of ManitobaLast Monday, November 21st, the Progressive Conservatives released their second Throne Speech, indicating the government’s upcoming priorities. CCEDNet Manitoba pays close attention to this document, as it outlines the government’s direction, and reveals where there will be opportunities and challenges for furthering our membership’s policy priorities.

In June of 2016, we wrote about how Budget 2016 responded to our membership’s priorities. The following is a similar analysis of the content in the Throne Speech.

Child Care

The Province committed in the Throne Speech to increasing access to early learning and childcare through:

  • Support for licensed family child care spaces
  • Reducing barriers to creating new child care spaces in home-based facilities
  • Expanding programs for Early Childhood Educators
  • Working with the federal government, as well as provincial and territorial jurisdictions, towards a national Early Learning and Child Care Framework

Access to child care is essential for poverty reduction and important for our local economy. It is particularly important for addressing women’s poverty. As such, we welcome the Progressive Conservative’s commitment to increasing access. However, the focus on home-based facilities is inconsistent with CCEDNet Manitoba’s recommendations, which call on the Province to prioritize and set targets for quality and affordable licensed not-for-profit child care spaces. The child care system cannot be expanded quickly enough to meet the needs of the more than 15,000 children on the waitlist if we only rely on home-based family child care. Furthermore, the Manitoba Early Learning and Child Care Commission Final Report only briefly outlines a role for home child care (which may or may not be licensed) within a universal system while noting concerns such as higher turnover rates, higher fees, and varying levels of qualifications.

CCEDNet Manitoba will continue to call upon the government to set a target of at least 12,000 new licensed not-for-profit child care spaces, and will support the government’s commitment to increasing the number of Early Childhood Educators.

Western Manitoba Seniors Non-Profit Housing Co-operativeHousing

The Province has committed to creating a strategy to address homelessness, housing affordability, and needed repairs to the existing housing stock, and to increase home ownership amongst Manitobans in need of adequate housing. In the meantime, efforts to complete Manitoba Housing’s plan to create 500 each of new social and affordable housing units has been put on hold.

CCEDNet Manitoba is working with Right to Housing to ensure that the new strategy will build off the best practice that has emerged out of the strategy it is replacing. This includes setting targets and timelines for funding new social housing built by the public, non-profit and co-op sectors; continuing and enhancing Rent Assist; investing to ensure there is no net loss of social housing due to expiring operating agreements; contracting with social enterprise to do maintenance work and capital refresh projects; and investing in housing with comprehensive tenant-driven supports (For more details see Right to Housing’s submission to the provincial housing strategy consultation).


The Province did not make any reference to creating a comprehensive plan to address poverty, despite having made a commitment in its first budget to deliver such a plan in 2017. While the Throne Speech highlighted some key areas that must be included in a plan, there was little indication that action in these areas will focus on reducing poverty. If a poverty reduction lens is not applied to these policy areas, government action may end up exacerbating poverty.

CCEDNet Manitoba has been working with Make Poverty History Manitoba on a campaign calling on the government to create a comprehensive poverty reduction plan with targets and timelines for reducing poverty, based on the community-designed plan The View from Here. The campaign also calls for the Province’s plan to feature an increase to the EIA basic needs budget for Manitobans in deepest poverty – single individuals without children and persons with disabilities who live with incomes that are 47 and 32 per cent below the poverty line, respectively.

The Throne Speech has prioritized EIA reforms “that will improve the circumstances of our youngest citizens.” While much needs to be done to reduce child poverty, single adults and persons with disabilities who live in the deepest poverty must not be left behind. We must close this gap now.

Social Impact Bonds: An UpdateSocial Impact Bonds

The Throne Speech reaffirmed the Progressive Conservative’s commitment to implement social impact bonds to explore “new and innovative solutions” to social challenges like poverty and crime. Some of our members have concerns over this mechanism but our membership also has the experience and know-how for reducing recidivism through employment and wrap around supports, and as such we are closely following the development of this tool. CCEDNet Manitoba will engage with the government regarding the design of any SIBs and will also urge the government to consult with our members and other stakeholders to explore the full range of social finance options.

Community organizations in Manitoba have a long history of investing now to reduce the need for government services later. They have been reducing social problems like poverty, social exclusion, unemployment and crime. The issue is not a lack of effective and innovative solutions, rather it is that these solutions are deeply underfunded compared to the amounts of money that go toward addressing the associated problems.

The Non-Profit Organization Strategy, which provides multi-year funding agreements to non-profits, has played a vital role in recent years by reducing red tape and freeing up time to focus on delivering valuable and consistent services and outcomes. CCEDNet Manitoba will continue to reinforce the value of multi-year and enhanced funding to community organizations.

Economic Development

The Throne Speech referenced northern economic development. The “Look North” initiative will “create jobs, increase investment and ensure long-term stability for the region’s people and economy.” As the Northern Economic Development Strategy begins consultations, CCEDNet Manitoba will work to ensure our members working in northern Manitoba, in particular social enterprise and cooperatives, are included as promising and sustainable economic opportunities. Another project of particular importance is the Northern Healthy Foods Initiative, which works to promote local food self-sufficiency in northern and remote communities.

The Throne Speech also references continuing to “engage Indigenous communities from the east side of Manitoba and Shoal Lake with the ultimate goal of building roads and ensuring that communities actually benefit from training and capacity building.” CCEDNet Manitoba will encourage the Province to integrate local hiring and training into these and other provincial infrastructure projects. This is consistent with our members’ desire to see government spending leverage economic, social, and environmental opportunities through tools such as Community Benefit Clauses.

Demand Side Management

CCEDNet Manitoba’s membership is supportive of the Progressive Conservative’s commitment to introduce legislation creating a stand-alone energy efficiency agency to reduce energy consumption in Manitoba. Our membership has identified the opportunity to mandate and resource the demand-side management entity to develop and implement strategies to create job opportunities through energy efficiency efforts in low-income neighbourhoods and in First Nations. CCEDNet will advocate for this mandate, as well as targets and timelines for a) the amount of work to be done through social enterprise, b) the amount of energy efficiency work done in low-income neighbourhoods, and c) amount of energy efficiency work done in First Nations.

Carbon Pricing

At CCEDNet Manitoba’s most recent policy summit (where our membership democratically defines our policy resolutions and mandate), our membership passed a resolution in support of a carbon levy complemented with a strong set of regulations for emissions reductions. Furthermore, the resolution calls on the Province to use the revenues to provide a tax credit for low-income Manitobans, and then recycling the remainder of the revenues to deploy low-carbon technology and energy systems.

The Progressive Conservatives committed in the Throne Speech to introduce a “Made in Manitoba carbon pricing and climate change plan,” including investments in “clean growth opportunities.” As details on this plan emerge, CCEDNet Manitoba will bring forward our member’s policy priorities.

What was missed?

At CCEDNet Manitoba’s recent Policy Summit, members committed to urging the government to adopt a gender based analysis framework. Evidence of the use of this lens is missing in the Throne Speech, making it unclear whether or not this government is considering how policies, programs and legislation specifically impact demographics who are often left behind including women, trans, Two Spirit, and gender non-binary individuals.

The Throne Speech also did not indicate any activity or interest around local and sustainable food, food security, co-ops, social enterprise. CCEDNet Manitoba will continue to advocate the importance of our members’ work in these areas as part of our broader efforts to advocate and hold  government accountable to supporting inclusive and sustainable communities and local economies.

Kirsten BernasKirsten Bernas is Research and Policy Manager with CCEDNet in Manitoba. She has also been employed by the Province of Manitoba to work on CED and social policy. Kirsten represents CCEDNet on the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives‘ Alternative Federal Budget Steering Committee, Make Poverty History Manitoba‘s Steering Committee, and the Right to Housing Coalition‘s Provincial Committee. She received a BA (Honours) in Economics from the University of Manitoba as well as an MA from the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs at Carleton University in Ottawa.

Darcy PennerDarcy Penner has been working in community economic development since graduating from the University of Winnipeg with a BA (Honours) degree in Politics. Starting at CCEDNet in 2013, his role has seen him work with member-organizations to pursue a broad policy agenda through workshops, presentations, budget submissions, policy papers and community-organizing, while specializing in supportive social enterprise policy and research – including being the Project Manager for the Manitoba Social Enterprise Strategy being co-produced with the Province of Manitoba, and coordinating the Manitoba Social Enterprise Sector Survey. 
