It seems we are traversing a historical narrows.

We have moved from a known pool of experience into a strait of great discomfort and reckoning.

No matter where you are on this remarkable planet, you have likely been feeling through the depths, constraints, and entanglements of what it means to be human in this time.

In our work toward sustainable and inclusive communities directing their own futures, CCEDNet stands in solidarity with Black people and communities everywhere. We decry anti-Black racism in every pernicious form it takes; in our relationships, our communities, our organizations, and in Canada’s systems and institutions. We call out to every person living in Canada to join in the life work of dismantling white supremacy in all its forms.

We celebrate the brilliance, dignity, and leadership of Black people, communities, and organizations. We call for an intersectional, collaborative, community-led approach to justice, giving thanks to and uplifting the leadership of one of CCEDNet’s members, the Social Economy Through Social Inclusion Coalition (SETSI), for their powerful open letter.

SETSI logo (red bullseye with SETSI written across it)


Understanding that the wealth and health of communities are inextricably linked, we call for community leadership and control of resources, assets, decision-making, and policy development, echoing the June 4 demand for community control from the Movement For Black Lives.

We believe that budgets tell important stories, and commit to advocating for divestment from systems of harm toward reinvestment in life-affirming, generative, and generous networks of care. We believe that representation deeply matters, and commit to centering and uplifting stories by people whose voices are unjustly pushed to the peripheries. We believe communities know what they need to thrive and commit to listening deeply to and following community leadership.

With wholehearted determination, we will build frameworks to centre health and well being. We will trust in the power of relationships. We will commit to the question of how to be human together now.

Some straits have the potential to generate significant tidal power. Let’s make this tidal shift one of generational proportions.

toward equity, solidarity, and dignity,
CCEDNet Board & Staff

Share Your Resources:

Learning Materials Centring Black Lives in Canada:

Additional Learning:


2019 Highlights

2019 was another dynamic year for the Canadian Community Economic Development Network.  This year in review presents our main activities organized by the strategic priorities set by the Board of Directors, representing the membership as a whole.  

Increase Engagement


We refreshed our logo, with the geese still reminding us that we are stronger together.

EconoUs2019, co-hosted with Community Futures Ontario, in London, ON, showcased how communities are leading innovation with over 400 participants.  

On our journey to strengthen the use of narrative for engaging communications, CCEDNet staff refreshed their skills and continued training in the art of storytelling.

Our online toolbox now has over 1,360 resources and we’ve published 275 blogs.  

In 2019, our websites received over 160,000 visits for news, events, resources and jobs.  

Our regional and national e-newsletters go to more than 2,750 subscribers.

Our twitter account has surpassed 3,700 followers, our Facebook page has 2,340 likes, our LinkedIn account has 527 followers and videos on our YouTube channel have been viewed 32,709 times.  

At EconoUs2019, celebrating the Network’s 20th anniversary, CCEDNet presented the inaugural Stronger Together awards to Stewart Perry, Eunice Grayson and Rankin MacSween.  

Strenghthen Regional Networks



Our 17th annual Manitoba Gathering hosted 400 participants to weave a colaborative future, featuring a keynote panel with Melissa Chung, Sadie-Phoenix Lavoie, and Annetta Armstrong.

Manitoba members participated in a Strategic Check-Up and Emergent Action Plan, orienting activities around building strength, knowledge, connection and power.

Spark, CCEDNet’s pro bono intermediary service in Winnipeg, strenghthened local organizations working on poverty and social justice issues by connecting them with skilled volunteers for short term, high impact matches.  In 2019, 100% of the organizations surveyed said they would recommend the volunteer with whom they were matched.  

CCEDNet partnered with members to undertake engagement activities in Ontario, Alberta and the Maritimes to better understand regional priorities in the context of the emerging federal Investment Readiness Program.

In 2019, as part of the new federal Investment Readiness Program, we began work to support regional social innovation and social finance ecosystem development across the country.

CCEDNet supported the BC Community Impact Investment Forum, convening community finance leaders for peer learning and sector development.

Support Community Organizing

CCEDNet started a Local Organizing for Fair Economies Community of Practice, with members and participants from across the country connecting and exploring how local organizing principles and approaches can contribute to the creation of more sustainable, fair and inclusive economies.

CCEDNet became the Canadian Hub of the Social Enterprise Academy in 2019, launching the Community Leadership Program, and joining a global network of 13 other national hubs. In its first year, CCEDNet trained 4 facilitators and 77 learners in 3 organizations.

CCEDNet hosted four national webinars to celebrate our 20th anniversary, learning organizing lessons from our history with Stewart Perry and Nancy Neamtan, and looking to the future with Power Lab.  

Special Projects



The Social Enterprise Ecosystem project (S4ES) reached over 15,000 social enterprise leaders throughout Canada with online and in-person training and coaching, social procurement and impact measurement resources and by hosting the Social Enterprise Council of Canada’s conference in Gatineau, Québec.   

CCEDNet continued as a partner in the Common Approach to Impact Measurement, a community-owned, flexible impact measurement standard for social purpose organizations.

CCEDNet continued work with Social Enterprise Toronto on a five-year longitudinal study of the impacts of Work Integration Social Enterprises.  

CCEDNet became host for the Community Data Program, facilitating local access to evidence for effective and responsive policy and program design across the country.

Work on Ontario’s Procurement and Investment Readiness Fund ended early following changes in government priorities.  

Advance Policy Priorities

CCEDNet’s Policy Council updated our National Policy Priorities in advance of the federal election, and promoted them to all parties and members.  

CCEDNet Manitoba unveiled its Public Policy Roadmap and promoted member policy resolutions as part of the provincial election campaign.  The annual Policy Summit was hosted in November 2019 to build knowledge, connections, and power surrounding key public policy priorities among members. 

CCEDNet Manitoba also contributed to various social policy coalitions such as Make Poverty History Manitoba.  We Want to Work, a coalition supported by CCEDNet staff, combined with Manitoba Building Trades and other community stakeholders, worked to encourage social procurement at the City of Winnipeg.

CCEDNet’s Board began work on a Theory of Change to better align and direct our efforts.  

Download a printable PDF version of the 2019 Highlights


Wendy KeatsNote: this piece was originally published on the Co-operate Enterprise Council website by CECNB’s executive director Wendy Keats. This piece is a follow-up to an earlier post Wendy wrote on the CECNB blog entitled Becoming the Society We Want.

At the time of writing the first post, Wendy didn’t expect the most promising opportunity for real change to happen so quickly. But it has. In this edition, Wendy lays out five tried-and-proven strategies for building a new economy that works for the good of all people and our planet. And she goes one step further to show how it can all be done without costing taxpayers any new money.

I ended my last blog with the statement: “I’ve come to believe that my childhood dream of a caring, inclusive, equitable society is not only possible, it’s waiting just around the corner”.  However not for a moment did I expect the most promising opportunity for real change would come within a few days, nor that it would be in the form of a virus that would shut down the world and drive us towards a global recession. 

Yet here we are today. In shock. Wondering what comes next.

Economist Milton Friedman once said, “Only a crisis — actual or perceived — produces real change. When that crisis occurs, the actions that are taken depend on the ideas that are lying around”. And while I disagree with just about everything else Friedman said, he is unquestionably right about this. 

Greedy capitalists and corrupt governments around the world have been using this “crisis strategy” for decades to garner power, control, and trillions of taxpayer and consumer dollars. 

It works like this: when the public is disoriented and reeling from a crisis, corporations and governments push through radical, pro-corporate solutions that would otherwise never see the light of day. There are dozens of examples from Pinochet’s takeover of Chile to the war on Iraq and the financial crisis of 2008. 

“Corona capitalism could shower aid on the wealthiest interests in society, including those most responsible for our current vulnerabilities, while offering next to nothing to the most workers, wiping out small family savings and shuttering small businesses.”

Corona capitalism is already in full swing as we see the Trump administration announce $500 billion for large corporations with practically no oversight while others are busily exploiting the crisis to push for no-strings corporate bailouts, regulatory rollbacks, lowering of employee rights, and environmental standards. 

And it’s not just our neighbors to the south. Alberta recently announced a suspension to environmental reporting requirements for industry that applies to the Water Act, the Public Lands Act, and the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act, leaving the oil industry free to move forward with plans with no regulatory oversight. And like some kind of crazy conspiracy movie, there’s growing evidence that China is positioning itself to use COVID-19 to take over the global economy. 

MacLean’s and the Washington Post recently reported “China is planning to overproduce various goods to flood the market and increase its market share while Western companies are on their backs. China is also setting itself up to be a haven for foreign capital if its markets bounce back before ours.”

It all boils down to this: to the greedy and corrupt, crisis is nothing more than an opportunity to make a lot more money. Sound evil? It is.  

Yet one has to grudgingly admit that this “crisis strategy” works very well to make very big changes in a very short period of time.  So here’s my proposition: why don’t we use it for good rather than evil?  We have the solutions…and we know that they work! 

It’s time for an economic model that makes sense to the 99%. 

Who among us really understands how the economy works? Oil prices that fluctuate daily, the stock exchange, debt-to-GDP ratio, free trade agreements…come on, we’re just ordinary folks trying to pay our mortgages and give our kids an education and decent quality of life. Yet, it’s us worker bees and consumers who keep the economy going with our hard-earned dollars and the taxes we pay.

So shouldn’t we have an economic model that makes sense to us? One that rewards those people and businesses that create actual value for society, rather than lines the pockets of greedy capitalists and foreign corporations? 

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”

Call me crazy (it’s been done before 🙂 ) but I’m pretty certain there are lots of us out here who would love to see some common sense being used to rebuild our economy post COVID-19. 

What really excites me is that we have the solutions and they are neither hard to do nor based on some wild hypotheses!  Best of all, they don’t need to cost government anymore money than what they spend now.

Five Tried and Proven Strategies

There are literally thousands of ideas about economic change from some of the greatest thinkers of our time and, while many have great potential, there are five that have been proven to work time and time again.

These are not pie-in-the-sky ideas by a bunch of radical socialists but rather tried-and-proven, scalable models from around the globe, and here in Canada, with solid evidence that they are more productive, more inclusive, more sustainable, and make real differences in the lives of people and for our environment. 

Each of these five strategies on their own would make a huge difference. Together they are the formula for an economy that works for the good of all people and our planet. 

(Note: Below are links to pages that give detailed information about each strategy and the evidence that they work. However if you don’t have time to read them individually, there is a summary at the end.)

The first, shortest, and perhaps not-so-sexy strategy. Yet, it may well be the most important step of all…

“The three wealthiest people in the United States now own more wealth than the entire bottom half of the American population combined, a total of 160 million people or 63 million households.” Here’s how we can change that…

For years, Atlantic Canada has been in a trade deficit position – importing $11 billion more than we export – and leaking up to $4.50 of every $10 out of our economy, often to a foreign corporation. A small shift of 10% in government procurement spending would…

There is one reason only that Canada owes billions upon billions of dollars to large foreign banks and it might shock you to know that we could be debt-free right now if only our government hadn’t…

In 1955, people and corporations contributed equal amounts of income tax to the Canadian government. Today, for every $1 corporations pay in income tax, Canadians pay $3.50. At the same time, the filthy rich are hiding billions in offshore tax havens and Canada seems to be one of the only countries not pursuing them…

Summary of Solutions

Strategy 1: Economic measures that include people and the planet

If we want a new way forward, we need to begin with a vision and figure out how we will know if we’re moving in the right direction. Canada currently measures our country’s progress based on the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) which actually includes activities that are detrimental to society and the planet, such as deforestation, strip mining, over-fishing. Even wars and national disasters, like the one we’re facing now, can be a boom to GDP as a result of increased government spending. 

The GDP has long been criticized for failing to take into consideration key factors such as poverty, inequality, education, health and wellness, job security, carbon emissions, and basically anything else related to our quality of life or the sustainability of our natural resources. 

So to create a new economic model, we need to start with a different definition of progress and a set of indicators that measure quality of life and the well-being of people and the planet.  

Fortunately, we don’t have to look far. Countries around the world have been testing and refining new methods of measuring progress including instruments like the World Economic Forum’s Inclusive Development Index (IDI) and the Genuine Progress Index (GPI) that are already being used to give a more accurate picture of a country’s true economic performance.  

Solution for Canada: adopt the IDI or GPI to measure progress. It won’t cost us anything and is simply a matter of government will.

Strategy 2: Collective and Public Ownership

“The three wealthiest people in the United States — Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, and Warren Buffett — now own more wealth than the entire bottom half of the American population combined, a total of 160 million people or 63 million households.”

In the mid-1970s, countries around the world, including Canada, began shifting their economic model to a capitalist approach that transferred control of our economy from the public to the private sector. This approach has been almost single-handedly responsible for the financial meltdown of 2008, the offshoring of wealth and power, increasing poverty, the slow demise of public health and education, and even the rise of Donald Trump.  It is THE reason that 3 people can own more wealth than 160 million, and nothing short of total insanity.

To create an economy that works for everyone, we need a different kind of business ownership model – one that creates wealth for as many people as possible and we don’t have to look far to find tried-and-proven models. 

The Mondragon Co-operative is one of the best known examples of how an entire region can shift their economy to collective ownership.  Devastated by wars and the Franco dictatorship, by the 1950s—the economy of the Basque region (a population of 2.2 million) was destroyed. Poverty, hunger, unemployment and depression were rampant. A young priest convinced a few technical school graduates to set up a small worker-owned co-operative to make parafin wax stoves. 

Since then, the Mondragon Co-op has grown to include 266 co-ops operating in 97 countries, with annual sales exceeding $18 billion – equivalent to those of Kellogg’s or Visa. It employs more than 80,000 people (half of whom are women) and all worker-owners share in its profits. It has its own employee benefit package with health care, pensions, unemployment insurance, education and training, as well as a co-operative university and technical schools that provide ongoing innovation, vocational training, skills development. Locally-owned credit unions finance the growth and development of new worker-owned businesses and build community wealth.  

This shift to a democratic ownership model not only built the Basque economy, it has demonstrated to the world for more than 70 years that democratically-owned and operated businesses can be more productive, sustainable, and even more profitable than many large corporations.

Canada already has thousands of examples of collectively-owned and democratically-governed businesses operating in every sector of our economy from agriculture and forestry to manufacturing, technology, housing, financial services, and much more. They even own public utilities, like community energy and broadband, as well as public institutions including schools, universities, health care, transportation, and other services that are usually given to large foreign corporations to run. 

Canada’s co-operatives create $55 billion in economic value, are twice as likely to succeed, and are particularly resilient during challenging times, like now. 

Following the 2008 financial crisis, co-ops actually grew at three times the rate of the economy in general and created six times as many jobs. 

Yet for some bizarre reason, the federal government provides no supports whatsoever to co-operatives and even excludes them from some programs. 

In 2012, during the International Year of the Co-operative, when almost every other country in the world increased their support for co-operatives in recognition of the tremendous contributions they make, our federal government cut ALL funding for co-op development and dismantled the Rural Secretariat responsible for them. Since then, there have been no federal supports to advance the growth of co-operatives.

Solution for Canada:  Shift away from the dominant capitalist business model to collectively and publicly owned enterprises with double or triple bottom lines. There are LOTS of ways this could be done such as is those covered in the next section.

Strategy 3: Local and Social Procurement

“$4.50 out of every $10 spent in New Brunswick leaves the economy, followed by PEI at 44%, NL at 38%, and NS at 35%.

Shifting the Atlantic Canada leakage rate by just 10% would create 43,000 new jobs, $2.6 billion in new wages, and GDP growth of $4.7 billion.”

Atlantic Canada has been in a trade deficit position for many years, importing $11 billion annually more than we export, and “leaking” money  out of the community, often to a foreign corporation. 

Studies show that every dollar spent at local businesses creates 2-4 times more jobs than an outside business.

Every year, our federal and provincial governments procure $200 billion in goods and services – most of which goes to large or foreign corporations. Just a small shift in this spending would create tens of thousands of jobs.

There are many tried-and-proven examples of how local procurement can do this. Take Preston, UK and Cleveland, Ohio. Both cities had been devastated by the 2008 financial crisis, global competition, and the outsourcing of manufacturing to foreign countries. Community leaders inspired by the Mondragon Co-op model convinced just a few of their “anchor institutions” to shift a small portion of their procurement spending to local small businesses, co-ops and social enterprises. 

Anchor institutions are things like hospitals, universities, schools, prisons, government offices, and other public or private organizations that are likely to be in the community long term and have a stable, ongoing demand for products and services, as well as annual budgets in the millions of dollars.

“Preston has experienced a large reduction in its unemployment rate, down to 3.1% last year compared with 6.5% in 2014, while it has also seen improvements above the national average for health, transport, the work-life balance of its residents, and for the skills among both the youth and adult populations.”

In Preston, this one small change to procurement spending sparked a cycle of job creation, increased municipal tax incomes, civic regeneration, and investment. In less than six years, they turned their entire economy around and in 2018, was named the most improved city in the United Kingdom. 

Cleveland had exactly the same experience. By shifting a small portion of a few anchor institutions’ procurement spending to three worker co-operatives – Evergreen Energy Solutions, Green City Growers and Evergreen Cooperative Laundry, in just a few short years they created of hundreds of living-wage jobs for some of the poorest people in the city. Each co-op is owned by the workers themselves who share in the profits, have comprehensive health care benefits, and even a home ownership plan.  

Another way public procurement has been used to reduce poverty and address many other issues that cost taxpayers money and affect our communities is called Social Procurement

There are a number of ways social procurement is done, such as Community Benefit Agreements and Community-Driven Outcomes Purchasing, however they all go something like this:  

Rather than using the standard criteria for awarding tenders (i.e. lowest price) there are additional “points” for social cost-savings/improvements and a set of expected social or community outcomes built right into the criteria and that must be met by the contractor. 

“For every $1 invested, $2.23 of social and economic value is created for construction-related purchases from social enterprises in Manitoba. Workers have also been found to have a significantly lower recidivism rate.”

There are several examples of social procurement happening in Canada that have been proven to reduce poverty, inequality, and costs to taxpayers. 

However they pale in comparison to what COULD be done and what IS being done around the world. 

Take Scotland. In 2014, its commitment to social procurement was enshrined in legislation and their economic development strategy. Any company receiving a public contract must meet sustainable procurement duties aimed at improving the social, environmental and economic well-being of the community in which the work is being carried out, with a particular focus on reducing inequality.  

In just two years, Scotland’s Social Procurement strategy resulted in:

  • 10 times the number of contracts issued with community benefit requirements
  • 3 of 4 suppliers awarded contracts were locally-owned small businesses, worker co-ops and social enterprises 
  • 87% of suppliers paid the real Living Wage 

Today, Scotland is one of the strongest economies in the world with the highest productivity and lowest unemployment rates in the UK. Median income has grown 21% and exports are at a record high, up 44.7%. 

Solution for Canada: Our federal and provincial governments, could easily follow Scotland’s lead and use local and social procurement to build stronger local economies and reduce poverty and inequalities. While there are some free trade and other conditions that must be adhered to in public procurement, there is far more flexibility than most people realize under their Exemptions, Exceptions and Exclusions. So once again, it’s really just a matter of government will. 

Strategy 4: Different Banking and Financing Models

“Last year, Canada’s six largest banks dished out $15 billion in bonuses, not including stock options for CEOs with special tax privileges. And according to the industry, that wasn’t enough.”

Public Banks

Between 2010-2015, profits in the banking sector soared by 60% while their tax rate dropped by almost the same amount, resulting in Canada’s six big banks paying the lowest corporate tax rate in the G7 – one-third of what other Canadian businesses pay. 

In 2016, these banks were ranked the nation’s most profitable corporations, booking $44.1 billion in profit. That same year, they avoided paying $5.5 billion in taxes.  

How did they get so rich and powerful? It all started in 1974 as the neo-liberal capitalist model took hold.

In the fifty years before then, Canada’s publicly-owned Bank of Canada financed everything interest-free. It was responsible for funding our economic recovery from the Great Depression and World War II, financed the creation of the world’s third largest navy, provided education and farmland for veterans, established Canada as a leader in aircraft manufacturing, built the Trans-Canada highway, St. Lawrence Seaway, airports, subway systems, and financed old age pensions, family allowances, universal Medicare, nation-wide hospitals, universities, research facilities and more. 

This was all done by borrowing interest-free money from our own public bank.  

Then in 1974, our government stopped this practice and started borrowing money for our public and infrastructure projects from large, foreign banks and paying huge interest rates. (Why would they do such a crazy thing? Greed, power and politics

By 1981, Canada’s interest rate had risen to 22%, effectively doubling our debt in less than four years. 

We have now paid over a trillion dollars in interest — nearly twice the debt itself. Today, Canadians pay nearly $1000 per second in interest – and this doesn’t include the interest on our provincial debts. 

“If Canada had been borrowing from the Bank of Canada all along, we could be not only debt-free but sporting a hefty budget surplus today.”

Solution for Canada: Once again, there is a simple solution to our rising national debt. 

Simply restore the Bank of Canada as a public lending institution. It doesn’t even require changes to legislation, as was recently ruled by our federal court

But we shouldn’t stop there. Provincial and municipal governments can adopt public banking models. There are over 700 public banks around the world with combined assets near $38 trillion — about 48% of global GDP — that we can learn from and plenty of evidence that they reduce taxpayer costs, increase economic activity, and build local economies. 

Credit Unions and Caisses Populaires

Credit unions and caisses populaires offer all the same services as a bank. However rather than maximizing profits for faraway shareholders, they are locally-owned non-profits whose goals are aimed at providing a higher quality of service to member-owners, at fairer prices, and reinvesting their profits back into the communities they serve. 

Canada already has the highest per-capita credit union membership in the world, with nearly six million people being a member-owner.  At the end of 2019, our nation’s credit unions collectively had $246.5 billion in assets, a gain of 6% over the previous year. They are stable and growing, even without the big corporate tax breaks and evasion methods of big banks….and in spite of the huge regulatory barriers they face. 

Following the 2007-2008 financial crisis, the federal government introduced changes to capital and liquidity rules that put credit unions at a huge disadvantage compared to the big banks. 

Then in 2013, the Harper government eliminated the federal tax benefit for credit unions, putting them at an even greater disadvantage and less able to compete.  

The Canadian Credit Union Association’s “Credit Union Tax Policy Modernization” report recently submitted to government offers four recommendations to close the tax gap as federal finance officials work to finalize a proposed budget due out in the next  few weeks. 

Solution for Canada: Make changes to legislation that create a fairer playing field for credit unions and caisses populaires that keep our money circulating in our communities rather than giving it to big or foreign banks. This is simply a matter of government will.

Strategy 5: A Fair Tax System

“In 1955, people and corporations contributed equal amounts of income tax to the Canadian government. By 2015, for every $1 corporations pay in income tax, Canadians pay $3.50. The proportion of the public budget funded by personal income taxes has never been greater.”

In 2017, the Toronto Star and Corporate Knights Magazine spent months poring over Canadian tax data to determine how much income tax corporations are really paying. They found that corporate taxes rates had been repeatedly cut over the previous several years and that complex tax loopholes had allowed large corporations to avoid paying the lion’s share of taxes. 

Canada’s 102 biggest corporations avoided paying $62.9 billion in income taxes over the past six years”, paying instead an average of 17.7% tax when small and medium-sized businesses were paying 26.6%.  

Banks in particular reduced their taxes by a whopping 75%, while businesses in the rest of the economy (including  credit unions) paid triple the rate of big banks. 

This loss of revenue translates into tens of billions of dollars that could have been used to pay for hospitals, schools, roads, and to address climate change.

Here in New Brunswick, we don’t need to look far to find examples of corporate tax shelters and tax evasion. We have one of the country’s biggest culprits right in our own backyard. 

The Irving Group is the umbrella corporation for more than 200 companies in oil and gas, forestry, shipping and transportation, retail, media and more, with an estimated net worth of $10 billion.  K.C. Irving is known for being one of the earliest pioneers in the exploitation of offshore tax havens, making his sons relinquish their Canadian residency and live in Bermuda in order avoid paying taxes when inheriting his $16 billion empire.  

There are literally dozens of examples of how the Irving Group has avoided paying their fair share of taxes or been given corporate subsidies, forgivable loans, and other concessions that have cost taxpayers a fortune over the past several decades. Some would say that the reason our province is in such a desperate financial situation is due to the billions in lost revenues to one of the richest corporations in the country.  Again, this is all public money that could have gone to health care, education, infrastructure, and paying down our debt.

It’s not just corporations not paying their fair share

“Overall, including domestic and foreign tax dodging, Canada’s tax gap is now estimated to be at least as much as $14.6 billion a year based on 2014 data — the equivalent of 5.3% of all federal revenues. That’s enough money to plug the entire projected federal government deficit for next year.”

The controversial 2016 Panama Papers revealed a global tax evasion system that has been allowing the wealthy to hide trillions of  dollars worth of assets in offshore tax havens. Nearly 900 Canadians were on the list and Canada promised to put $1 billion into the investigation and hire 1,300 auditors. Three years later, they had only hired 192 and hadn’t recovered a single dollar! 

At the same time, other countries around the world had <a href="


For the past few months, CCEDNet has been engaged in an initiative to identify Canadian evaluators, consultants, and trainers who can promote and support the Common Approach to Impact Measurement, currently housed at Carleton University. The Common Approach is a community-owned, flexible impact measurement standard that can be used by social purpose organizations to more effectively tell their impact story. It was built on cutting-edge, globally-recognized impact measurement research and the collaborative efforts of non-profits, social purpose organizations, grant makers, investors, and academics. 

As a body that brings together and advocates for the social purpose sector, CCEDNet knows how important it is for organizations to be able to tell their impact story effectively. CCEDNet has been collaborating on the project to ensure that information about the Common Approach reaches not only social purpose organizations but also the evaluators, consultants and trainers who support them in measuring their impact.

Aligned impact evaluators, consultants, and trainers are able to use the Common Approach logo and the Common Foundations icons on their website and promotional materials, which would signal to others in the field that they are leading the growing Common Approach community of practice across the country. 

Want to meet some of the evaluators, consultants, and trainers beginning to work with the Common Foundations? Check out our Common Foundations Champions page.


Emergency Community Support Fund Header ImageThe Government of Canada’s $350 million Emergency Community Support Fund is now open. The Emergency Community Support Fund supports community organizations helping vulnerable people during the COVID-19 crisis. Community organizations may seek funds to undertake a wide range of activities and to serve a wide range of vulnerable groups.

Community organizations may apply for funds through either the Canadian Red Cross, Community Foundations of Canada or the United Way Centraide network. The right place to apply depends on the community organization’s type:

Community organizations of both types can apply to the Canadian Red Cross for training and equipment to help their staff and volunteers prevent disease transmission.

You can find more information on the Emergency Community Support Fund’s website. If you would like to learn still more, you can register here to join one of three webinars. We will hold the webinars at:

In addition to the Emergency Community Support Fund, be sure to verify the federal business support programs for which you may be eligible, including the Temporary 10% Wage Subsidy and the Canada Emergency Business Account.


Logos of recommendation signatoriesThe federal government has taken — and continues to take — swift and bold actions in response to COVID-19. However, important budgetary and policy decisions will need to be made in the near future about how to emerge from this crisis in a way that strengthens our resilience and prosperity.

Leaders from the co-operative, social economy, social enterprise, non-profit and community economic development sectors have submitted a joint letter to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. The letter provides concrete recommendations for moving toward a post-COVID economy in which the most vulnerable are protected and everyone can thrive.

Read the joint letter and recommendations

Many of the co-signatories to the shared recommendations in this letter also have more detailed proposals for their sector.  Read more:


Every year, CCEDNet members are invited to submit nominations for CCEDNet’s Board of Directors. This year, there were four vacancies to be filled.

Four eligible nominations were received by the deadline, leading our Elections Officer to declare the following candidates elected by acclamation:

The results will be ratified at CCEDNet’s Annual General Meeting of the members on June 11.

Congratulations to these amazing CED leaders from across Canada, who will be part of CCEDNet’s dedicated Board of Directors.

Victor Beausoleil

At the age of 25 Victor Beausoleil Co-Founded Redemption Reintegration Services one of the largest youth-led, youth justice agencies in Canada. As the founding Executive Director, Victor managed a $3.5 million dollar budget and through research and advocacy built RRS into a leader in youth justice. In 2013 Victor Beausoleil received his first public service appointment by the Premiere of Ontario Kathleen Wynne as a member of the PCYO (Premiere’s Council on Youth Opportunities). Victor has worked diligently in the broader equity seeking communities across Canada for the past fifteen years. As a lecturer Victor Beausoleil has travelled extensively throughout Canada, the United States and Africa for speaking engagements for community organizations, institutions and philanthropic foundations. Victor Beausoleil has been a board member of the Atkinson Charitable Foundation, The Harriet Tubman Community Organization, as well as a member of the grant review committee’s of the Laidlaw Foundation, the Toronto Community Housing Social Investment Fund and Victor is currently on the board of the Toronto Community Benefits Network. The Toronto Star, Toronto Sun, National Post, Share Newspaper and The Caribbean Camera, have all highlighted Victor Beausoleil’s work in communities across Canada. Victor Beausoleil is currently the President + CEO of Intuit Consulting and the founder of SETSI – The Social Economy Through Social Inclusion Coalition. Victor has written eleven books and currently resides in Toronto with his wife and four children.

Michelle Colussi

Michelle has over 30 years of experience working with local and First Nation governments and NGO’s in Canada to strengthen their strategic impact and capacity, working for many years with the Canadian Centre for Community Renewal. Her experience across all roles in community work givers her a solid understanding of the diversity of perspectives and resources communities need to get stuff done. Michelle was the community research lead in the design of the Community Resilience Manual and worked with the Government of Botswana to train facilitators there.  She facilitated a diverse multi-sector Advisory group for Western Forest Products resulting in successful forest certification, was Canada’s first Transition Town Trainer and is co-founder of Building Resilient Neighbourhoods. Currently Michelle works with SHIFT Collaborative to strengthen systems change practice and adaptive learning in action with a focus on multi-stakeholder initiatives and regional food systems. Her current work includes coaching three Collective Impact initiatives, supporting deepening inclusive practices within IPCC Working Group I, coaching NGOs to strengthen financial acumen through Thriving Non-Profits and delivery of CMHC Housing Solutions Labs.

Kaye Grant

Kaye has worked for over 25 years within the non-profit/social enterprise sector in a number of roles. Kaye’s experience in working with the non-profit sector and local community groups enables her to maintain working relationships within the community. Kaye’s work with Manitoba League for Person’s with Disabilities has enabled her to become more engaged in the community of people with disabilities both locally and nationally. Kaye currently sits on the board of the Manitoba Co-op Association as the Canadian Worker Co-operative Federation (CWCF) representative and she served on the board of Bike Winnipeg a co-chair for six years. Kaye has been an active member of CCEDNet in Manitoba for 12 years and has been on the board for the past three years. Kaye has been active in the Manitoba region; participating in many local CCEDNet events and activities. Kaye has a passion towards poverty alleviation and equality and has focused her work with organizations that contribute to these mandates. 

Gail HendersonGail Henderson

Dr Gail Henderson is an associate professor with Queen’s University Faculty of Law. In addition to community economic development, her research interests include corporate law, corporate governance, financial consumer protection and securities regulation.

Professor Henderson graduated from Osgoode Hall Law School as Gold Medalist in 2005, and served as law clerk to The Honourable Louise Charron of the Supreme Court of Canada. Prior to pursuing graduate studies at the University of Toronto, she practiced commercial litigation and environmental and municipal law at Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP in Toronto. Dr. Henderson is a member of the Asset Builders Learning Exchange (ABLE) Policy and Research Action Group.


The CCEDNet team thanks our members for your commitment to the community over the last few weeks as we collectively face this unprecedented health crisis. Whether it’s continuing to provide essential food, health, and social services, finding creative ways to continue enterprising operations, naming and challenging deeply rooted structural inequities that are being laid bare, or just taking care of one another – community is our strength and we are all playing an important part.

To help you find information about various government responses and how communities are advocating and responding at a policy level, we created this COVID-19 Government Response document. 

Over the last few weeks, policy advocacy and change has been happening at an incredibly rapid pace. The CCEDNet team has been advocating alongside you and on your behalf to governments to respond to COVID-19 and consider what comes after.

Federal Advocacy

CCEDNet has:

Provincial Advocacy

CCEDNet has:

We will continue to work with our members, other networks and coalitions to advocate for the needs of our members and our communities during this challenging time.


This is a test.  And like any good test, it lays bare both our strengths and our weaknesses.  Here’s how we’re measuring up so far…

This crisis had revealed some real, critical problems with our society.  Collapse of the global economic system seems possible, if not likely.  Those living with poverty and homelessness are more vulnerable to both the virus itself and the social and economic upheaval that will follow.  Employers’ inadequate sick leave and family leave policies mean that some people have choose between going to work sick, potentially infecting others, and putting food on their tables.  Furthermore, the recent shift towards precarious work and household debt levels threaten families’ economic stability in a COVID-19 world.  School closures have brought to light food insecurity faced by many children and families, which is also threatened by tighter borders and shortages, whether real or perceived.  To make matters worse, those in domestic violence or abusive situations could be at greater risk because of close confinement with their abusers.    

BUT, before you go bury yourself in a despair-filled hole, there’s some good news.  We are doing well, in a lot of ways.  We care about our neighbours.  We are showing that the strength and resiliency of our communities comes from the people in them.  Care-mongering is now a thing, thanks to some ordinary Torontonians.  Social media feeds are full of memes and pleas urging everyone to stay home to protect the elderly, the vulnerable, the doctors and nurses, and the health care system.  And people are doing it.  Our public health officials, doctors, and nurses are going above and beyond to help keep us all safe and healthy.  Not just them but workers of all kinds – grocery store clerks, truckers, postal worker, cleaners, delivery drivers.  These are the people going out into the suddenly scary world every day to make sure that we have provisions to meet our daily needs.  Our dedicated public servants have adapted to a new reality, and are ready to be redeployed to areas of greatest need.  Manufacturers, too, are pivoting their operations quickly to meet the demand for supplies such as hand sanitizers and ventilators.  Small local businesses are doing their best to protect their employees, keep their businesses afloat, and meet community needs.  Technology is helping many of us work and study from home and connect with loved ones near and far.  Our leaders (in Canada anyway) are showing that they have our backs, by putting partisanship aside and working together for the common good.  And through it all, sheer human ingenuity is carrying the day – from parents entertaining small children in enclosed spaces to doctors rigging up ventilators for use by more than one patient at a time.

So, there is reason to hope.  We will get through this.  When all is said and done, and we start down the road to economic and social recovery, let’s build on our strengths: neighbours & communities, workers, committed public servants, local businesses, and human ingenuity.  And let’s use those strengths as a springboard to shore up our weaknesses – poverty, homelessness, food insecurity, and domestic violence.  These problems can all be solved, if we work together.  

When all is said and done, let’s rebuild our economy in a way that puts people and communities first.  And let’s do it together.  
When all is said and done, just imagine how resilient we’ll be.

*The opinions expressed in blog posts are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the position of CCEDNet


Thank you.

In the face of crises, communities are always first responders. We see you working tirelessly from the grassroots — both organizing to provide for urgent needs at the local level while also naming and challenging deeply rooted structural inequities that are being laid bare.

Community is our strength in navigating the uncertainties of these emergent times. We know that every one of us has something to offer. And everyone has needs that require fulfillment. 

These days call for our courage and creativity in equal measure. We can help each other get through what was previously unimaginable. We have radically re-imagined our communities before and we will do so again, this time, with dignity for all and future economies that serve communities and the planet.

The community economic development (CED) world has been doing this work for a long time, and as today’s pressing needs and urgencies subside, the sector’s brilliant models will be ripe examples for societal rebuilding. 

We’d love to hear your stories right now. How are you pulling together? What does mutual aid and community economic development look like for you right now? Where are you experiencing systems gaps and failings, which can guide CCEDNet’s policy work?

Share your stories with us! Send us an email or post to social media using the hashtag #CEDStrongerTogether. We will collect and share back what we hear.

CCEDNet’s staff continues to work from our respective homes during this stretch, and welcomes you to reach us by email and to stay connected

When we advocate for those most vulnerable and marginalized, collectively we can challenge the systems that perpetuate greed and create inequities. When we come together at the most human level, tiny gestures of great love can transform lives.

Thank you for the important part you play and the gifts you bring to our shared work of creating vibrant, resilient and sustainable local economies. We are always stronger together.

In solidarity and love,
CCEDNet Team

P.S. We have collected a CCEDNet Care Package here for you, full of resources for strengthening connections.


“Our budget capitalizes on advantages such as publicly-owned Manitoba Hydro and Efficiency Manitoba, our strong social economy sector, local business acumen, and dynamic economic development strategies emerging in First Nations like Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation, to show how a Green New Deal could roll out in Manitoba. We have all the elements we need; all that’s required is government leadership to put them together. …. 

“The strength of our budget is the way the recommendations in one area complement those in others. Training and investment for the North are rooted in community economic development and environmental principles that support our Green New Deal strategy and agriculture section. Our food security recommendations support the universal meal program in our K-12 education section.”

Lynne Fernandez, editor – Change Starts Here: Manitoba Alternative Provincial Budget 2020

“CED is a community-led approach rooted in the Neechi Principles that creates economic opportunities while enhancing social and environmental conditions. … 

“Economic development in Manitoba would be stronger, more resilient, and more inclusive with an alternative CED approach that builds local economies, strengthens local community ownership, distributes profits equitably, and is focused on an inclusive approach to growth and employment, particularly for marginalized communities that face disproportionate poverty and unemployment rates.”  

Michael Barkman – from the Community Economic Development chapter in Change Starts Here: Manitoba Alternative Provincial Budget 2020

Budgeting for alternatives rooted in CED

Last week, the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives – Manitoba office released Change Starts Here: Manitoba Alternative Provincial Budget 2020 – an exciting presentation of ideas & proposals authored by numerous volunteer contributors that address some of the big issues facing our province, like poverty, the climate crisis, and improving the well-being of all Manitobans. 

Read a quick summary here!

Many of the big ideas and solutions that members of the Canadian CED Network Manitoba (CCEDNet Manitoba) are already practicing in our communities are at the heart of the Alternative Provincial Budget 2020 (APB). In Change Starts Here, Community Economic Development is articulated as an approach to strengthen Manitoba’s economy in urban, rural, and northern communities, to reduce inequality & poverty, and to support a Green New Deal strategy. The role of social economy enterprises such as cooperatives, credit unions, and social enterprises as well as community-based organizations and nonprofits in this approach is essential. 

In Change Starts Here, many CCEDNet Manitoba policy resolutions are articulated within a broader presentation of how Manitoba could budget for people, planet, and prosperity. CCEDNet Manitoba’s public policy mandate is the result of a democratic process. Every year, members work together to create a pragmatic, wide-ranging and solutions-focused set of public policy resolutions. 

Current Context

On March 11, 2020, the Manitoba government will announce Budget 2020. To aid this process, CCEDNet Manitoba contributed ideas to the public consultation process for Budget 2020. Read our entire budget submission here. The ideas submitted to the province align with the chapters submitted by CCEDNet Manitoba to Change Starts Here.

The links below include a quick summary of the ideas and policy solutions articulated by the Network in both Change Starts Here and in our 2020 provincial budget submission. It is our community vision for Manitoba’s Budget 2020. 

Last week, the province publicized the mandate letters to Manitoba cabinet ministers penned by the Premier. These letters indicate the direction and priorities of the government, and many intersect with what’s going on in the Manitoba Community Economic Development sector. Stay tuned for a deeper analysis of these letters, how Manitoba’s Budget 2020 will interact with these categories, and any important next steps.

Watch for a CCEDNet budget analysis later this week. 

Community Economic Development & A Stronger Economy

Given the possibilities of CED to strengthen local economies, government should play a crucial role in setting the conditions for CED. Considering its strong outcomes and results, the infrastructure to support CED is under-resourced. Strengthening the sector would lead to positive results for the entire economy.

CCEDNet Manitoba’s chapter in Change Starts Here as well as our submission to the provincial budget consultation focuses on supporting CED enterprises and economic growth. Our recommendations boost Manitoba’s economic potential, create jobs, reduce poverty through key economic activities, address climate change through a CED approach, and strengthen local, fair economies.


  • Adopt a provincial CED Policy Framework & Lens, including its use as a framework for a Green New Deal
  • Develop a Manitoba Social Enterprise Strategy
  • Strengthen the co-op community and co-op development
  • Bolster business & enterprise support services for low-income and rural Manitobans
  • Explore innovative social finance options in partnership with the CED sector, including enhancing the CED Tax Credit

Economic Inclusion

Change Starts Here has a strong emphasis on addressing poverty through key investments and programs to strengthen social inclusion and equity. It increases the supply of social and affordable housing, reverses changes to Rent Assist, invests in childcare and food security, and converts Employment & Income Assistance to a Livable Basic Needs Benefit, in line with CCEDNet policy resolutions, as well as the work of Make Poverty History Manitoba and the Right to Hous


Following the appointment of the federal Cabinet in December, CCEDNet has sent letters to key Ministers with recommendations based on our Policy Priorities

Read the letters sent to:

Supporting effective public policies that strengthen community economies is one of CCEDNet’s core roles.  Find out more about CCEDNet’s National Policy Council or our policy work in Manitoba
