How do you create inclusive communities through innovation? That question brought together more than 400 leaders from across Canada’s social innovation landscape for EconoUs2019 in September.  Guided by Indigenous advisors, organizers asked eight members of a Witness Panel to share their personal thoughts (not through the lens of the organizations they work for) on what they had taken away by participating in the event.

Kosisochukwu Nnebe, a Nigerian-Canadian policy analyst and visual artist, had this to say:

My name is Kosisochukwu, which means “as it pleases God” in Igbo. I start with this because every name comes with its own story, and it is my way of grounding what I say next in my positionality as a young Black woman born in Nigeria and raised in Gatineau, Que. It’s taken me many years to love my name and cherish what it says about me and my heritage. It is one element of my bundle—an Indigenous term, as I’ve learned, that refers to sacred items such as feathers and plants, as well as to the collective and personal knowledge that we hold, and the gifts that we come into this world with.

As witnesses [at Econous 2019], we were invited to think about leveraging our own unique bundles to assess and filter what we would be learning throughout the conference. As witnesses, our role was to use our own personal lived experiences as a lens through which to understand and then communicate our learning.

Thinking through the last couple days, two ideas have remained with me constantly: the importance and power of language, and the idea of practice as something that is not linear, but encapsulates past, present, and future. Both concepts are intricately linked and, when harnessed, can help us move towards a more inclusive vision of a social economy that collapses both time and space, in terms of bringing together generations of knowledge that is both rooted in local places but also connected to people and regions across oceans.

I’m quite new to the field of social innovation and social finance, and have often found the terminology heavy on my tongue, filling my mouth with words that seem foreign and abstract, until explained in more accessible terms and applied to more relevant contexts.

How many of you are familiar with the legend of the Tower of Babel? In it, humankind attempts to come together to build a tower to reach the heavens, but is unable to do so because what used to be one universal language becomes mutually incomprehensible dialects. In our context, it is not only language that has the potential to divide us, but also these silos that represent different sectors, different organizational types, and different forms of knowledge production (be it institutional knowledge production within universities or knowledge that is derived from being in community or on the land).

Fundamentally, however, we’re all working towards the same thing, all trying to erect the same tower that will help us generate wealth for all our communities in ways that are socially, economically, and environmentally sustainable. This gathering and the conversations that have taken place are a safeguard against a similar fate (of Babel), and a way of ensuring that we can all collectively contribute to building that tower. It is by coming together to share our journeys and the best practices and lessons learned that we can begin to see and understand the interconnected nature of the greater ecosystem that we are all working within. We all come to this work with our unique bundles—be it skill sets, perspectives, resources, responsibilities and capabilities—and we all contribute towards a common vision, even though we may describe it and name it in different ways.

As I heard yesterday, friendship centres and Indigenous folks have been doing the work of social innovation for years, decades, centuries, even before that since time immemorial—all under a different name. As I discussed with a friend during one of the breaks, within African Canadian communities, the practice of social finance can be traced back to the sou-sou savings clubs of West Africa. Women would pool their savings and come together on a regular basis to then distribute that money to a member of the collective to, for example, start a business. These practices are not new. They have been with us for generations, just under different names. When we speak of diversity and inclusion in our fields, we must remember why this is important. It is not only for the sake of representation—which, though important, often leads to tokenization—but because these communities have access to a wealth of knowledge and practices that have contributed to their resiliency throughout years of oppression, both material and psychological. They have something to offer, something that we can all learn from—if only we can put aside differences in language and really listen to each other. Coming into this space, I became so overwhelmed by language around social finance that I forgot that my own mother had benefitted from a sou-sou when facing difficult times. We need to create a space where these lived experiences are valued and brought to the table as models that can inspire.

As I’ve heard many times throughout the conference, innovation isn’t necessarily about doing something new, but rather about doing something differently. It does not always have to be future-oriented but must build upon the past to orient the present in order to guide the future. Time is not a linear thing, nor is practice. My source of inspiration now is my own mother and her mother and her mother’s mother. How can we value their voices in our work as well?

Beyond time, how can we borrow from fields that seem so separate from ours? Much of my mindset and worldview is influenced by concepts rooted in Black feminism, from intersectionality to standpoint theory (personal experience shapes one’s perspective and is multifaceted rather than essentializing). During the session on feminist economies, we were all reminded of the words of Audre Lorde—a brilliant Black feminist thinker—that the master’s tool will never dismantle the master’s house. In imagining the future that we want to move toward, are we rethinking our tools? Are we rethinking language and organizational structures that we don’t often question yet contribute to perpetuating the status quo? Are we looking outside of our own systems to systems of the past or systems from other regions or countries? In a feminist economies class, we did a simple exercise—completing a feminist business model canvas—and quickly discovered how a simple change of language in the way the canvas was designed could prompt questions and lead to analyses and solutions that are more inclusive, and rooted in care and the flourishing of all.

What we need to build that tower to the heavens in the legend of Babel is an ability to find common language. Language that allows us to see the similarities and potential synergies in the work that we are doing. Language that allows us to understand it as a practice that’s not constantly looking forward into the future, but harnessing the knowledge and the traditions of those who came before us, in order to create sustainable futures for those who come after us. What is required is language that is inclusive—of different traditions, of different geographies, of different methodologies, of those who are not in rooms like today where decisions around common language are made. We must ensure that the language we use does not become a tool to erase and alienate movements and people who are vital to the success of what we are trying to achieve, but rather increases the richness of the work we are doing. We must question the tools at hand and have the courage to reach out for new ones as well.

Originally Published on November 29, 2019 via

*The opinions expressed in blog posts are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the position of CCEDNet


As a researcher and advocate of social finance, I welcomed the news that the Canadian federal government invested $800 million last year towards social innovation and social finance (known as #sisf on social media). This good news followed the Ontario government’s allocation of almost $4 million to a social enterprise development fund in 2015. Many of these grants and subsidies are devoted to bringing social change and innovation in hard to reach places.

These funds devoted to alternative economies is great for Canada. Innovation should mean investing in new technologies and ideas, especially those that are outside of the normal business practice to help excluded groups.

Social innovation is defined by University of Waterloo’s Frances Westley as any initiative that challenges deeply rooted forms of exclusion to contribute to changing routines, resources and authority flows or beliefs to make society liveable and cohesive for all people.

Last November, the MARS Discovery District CEO Yung Wu and Stephen Huddart President of the McConnell Foundation told The Globe and Mail that Ottawa’s social innovation fund is a “new kind of capitalism.”  But is it really?

Those grabbing hold of the money seem to be the same old guard. Many of them are profiled at the annual event Econous. It seems from their agenda that they are trying to improve racial diversity in the predominantly white non-profit sector. But the changes are slow.

We know racial bias and exclusion is taking place in business and society and the social economy sector is no different.Young woman on phone

Research reveals that Black women leaders do more with less resources in the social and economic innovation spaces. Ehimetalor Unuabona /Unsplash, CC BY

The Ontario Nonprofit Network, together with the now defunct think tank, The Mowat Centre, wrote a 2013 report “Shaping the Future: Leadership in Ontario’s Labour Force.” They found that Canada’s non-profit sector is dominated by white people. This reality is most troubling in Toronto, a hugely diverse city.

I hope to understand how racialized Canadians are included in the social innovation ecosystem in Ontario in my current research for which I am interviewing hundreds of innovators. So far, most of the 150+ non-white entrepreneurs and social economy leaders interviewed are not even aware of the millions of dollars invested in innovation by the government.

Innovative entrepreneurs who are racialized are being left out of the social and economic innovation circles. Wendy Cukier, a professor of entrepreneurship and strategy at Ryerson University, and Suzanne Gagnon, assistant professor in organizational behaviour at McGill University, wrote that racialized people are not being included in leadership roles in this innovation space, nor do they get the funds to do the work in the community they know best.

Invest in leaders with lived community experience

Toronto and Montreal both have large numbers of Black and racialized people and both have lots of funding for the social economy. On a recent visit to Montreal in May 2018, I noted that the office of Quebec’s Chantier de l’économie sociale has invested millions into collective economics to uplift social development results. But is it known to Black and racialized innovators in Montreal? My interviews tell me it is not.

Toronto’s MaRS Discovery District does not seem to fare any better. Do the people MaRS work with have any entrepreneurial or business experience in the inner suburbs where need and innovative ideas are high? It doesn’t seem that from the senior managers I interviewed.

The onus is on white leaders holding the lucrative jobs in the social economy to find ways to nurture and pave the way for the next generation of diverse leaders.

Boy with a cap writting on a notebook

Leaders are making innovation happen in communities outside of the trendy downtown areas.

As I have been teaching the social economy to students, they have demanded to read academic work about Black women leaders in the non-profit sector in Canada. This prompted me to publish “A Black perspective on Canada’s third sector: Case studies on women leaders in the Social Economy,” in The Journal of Canadian Studies. In the article, I looked at Black women leaders in the social services sector, an arena many racialized people seek out when they are in trouble.

My analysis revealed an erasure of the work of Black women. My work has also shown that these women leaders are effective even with limited resources to meet the needs of their communities. They explain that they know how to do this creative budgeting because they know the communities they lead in the GTA through their own personal experience.

Montreal’s social justice advocates like Michael Farkas of Youth in Motion in Little Burgundy, a historically Black community, or Nisrin Al-Yayah of La Maisonnée working with immigrants also make do with limited funds. Their work is generally ignored by policymakers.

Understanding the Black social economy in the GTA

My current project — Social Innovations in Ontario — funded by the Ontario government has collected case studies of at least 100 socially-driven entrepreneurs and community leaders across the GTA and in London, Ontario. These leaders are making innovation happen in communities outside of the trendy downtown areas.

Three case studies include:

The Toronto Community Benefits Network (TCBN), led by Executive Director Rosemary Powell, has a mandate to ensure that social procurement policies are equitable and that communities agreeing to development projects get hired.

The Warden Woods Community Centre, led by director Ginelle Skerritt, manages numerous social enterprises and social programs to low and middle income Canadians, many who are newcomers and adjusting to life.

The Elspeth Heyworth Centre for Women, directed by Sundar Singh, has been a pioneer in social enterprises long before the concept was a buzz word. She created Rivint, a successful multilingual translation service.

Yet donors concerned about innovation seem oblivious to investing in these kinds of social economy organizations which use less resources but do so much for their community.

The need to culturally diversify social innovation field

Community leaders we interviewed have always known that inclusion in the social economy needs to consider marginalized groups but they remain ignored.

Good starts are the recent first-ever event led by the Social Economy through Social Inclusion (known as SETSI) held to discuss race and racism in the social economy.Girl leading on a wall

A new report by the Canadian government acknowledges the need to devote resources to Indigenous Peoples and youth.

The government’s August 2018 report “Inclusive Innovation” is another good start. The report acknowledges the need to devote resources to Indigenous Peoples and youth. But anti-Black racism and the lives of non-white racialized Canadians is absent in the report.

Excluding leaders with the lived experience of race, racism and exclusion will further deepen and replicate inequalities within the society. The social innovation sector will continue to replicate bias, inequality and the politics of elitism without the inclusion of Black, Indigenous and racialized experts who have the knowledge and the practice to be in charge of framing the design for programming of these funds.

My preliminary research findings suggest that social economy leaders need to move beyond knowing racism is an issue. They need to step up and actively include diverse forms of participation on their executive teams, boards and headliners at events and in the literature they read and promote.

If $800 million is only being used to assist the privileged insiders further their own institutions then we will be far from having culturally diverse innovation we claim to want in our society.

Originally Published on October 21, 2019 via

Caroline Shenaz Hossein Picture

Caroline Shenaz Hossein is Associate Professor of Business and Society in the Department of Social Science at York University. Author of Politicized Microfinance: Money, Power and Violence in the Black Americas and editor of The Black Social Economy: Exploring Diverse Community-Based Markets. She has more than 10 years full-time professional work in finance and economic development in global nonprofits.

Invisible logo that allows the Author to see that we republished his article

*The opinions expressed in blog posts are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the position of CCEDNet

Top 10 countries to be a social entrepreneurIncreasing numbers of social entrepreneurs all over the world are using business to help tackle social problems, but there is little data to point to which countries are encouraging this growing sector. To fill this void, the Thomson Reuters Foundation teamed up with Deutsche Bank’s CSR Made for Good global enterprise programme for social good to conduct the first global experts’ poll on the best countries for social entrepreneurs in 2016, generating widespread discussion across the sector. This year they repeated the survey, with some surprising results.

Their findings highlight areas of strength and weakness in the world’s 45 biggest economies – and how this has changed in the past three years. Their findings give social entrepreneurs, policy makers and investors the research needed to further discuss, explore and pursue innovative ways of doing business for good. They also highlight countries where women and young social entrepreneurs are playing more of role and the cities deemed to be hotspots for new style businesses seeking to have social impact.

Read more


CCEDNet's National Policy PrioritiesAcross Canada, people are taking action to create more equitable, inclusive and sustainable community economies.  Governments can help.  The federal election is a prime opportunity to tell candidates how they can make a difference. 

Visit our Policy Priorities for Community Economies page to find out more. 


Join CCEDNet’s Local Organizing for Fair Economies Community of Practice!

  • Looking to continue learning, sharing, and building on your capacity for Local Organizing for Fair Economies? 
  • Already involved in local organizing work in your own community, and want to connect with other organizers across Canada?
  • Totally new to this work, and looking to learn more?

Everyone is welcome and has a place in the Local Organizing for Fair Economies Community of Practice. 

Join an emerging national community of local practitioners and community organizers, connecting and exploring how local organizing principles and approaches can contribute to the creation of more sustainable, fair and inclusive economies.

The Local Organizing for Fair Economies Community of Practice helps:

  • Curate resources (such as our Community Benefits page)
  • Facilitate conversations about challenges and solutions
  • Track policy updates (municipal, provincial, federal, Indigenous, etc.)
  • Identify resources available

The Community of Practice meets via Zoom video call. 

A Google Group is used to continue these conversations and serve as an organizing space. Join the Google Group here!

Join the conversations! Click on the link to register, receive the link to join the calls, and find out more about each topic area.

Local Organizing for Responsible Development
January 31, 2020, 1pmEST

Organizing for Grassroots Power & Leadership
February 28, 2020, 1pmEST

Organizing for Municipal Social Procurement and Community Benefits
March 27, 2020, 1pmEST

Local Organizing for Small Scale Innovation
April 24, 2020, 1pmEST

Organizing Across Sectors & Silos: Weaving Networks
May 29, 2020, 1pmEST

Organizing for Powerful Gatherings
June 26, 2020, 1pmEST

Interested in getting involved or have questions? Contact Michael Barkman at .

Stay up to date on the Local Organizing for Fair Economies Community of Practice work here.


Stewart Perry, Pioneer of CED in the US and CanadaMany people have contributed to the emergence and growth of community economic development in Canada, but few have been as influential as Dr. Stewart Perry.

Stewart had a long and storied career in community economic development in the U.S. and Canada as both a policy adviser and a designer and manager of CED institutions.  He was part of the team, initially in the Executive Office of the White House and later in the Office for Economic Opportunity, when the first federal CED program was implemented in the U.S.  As head of the (U.S.) Center for Community Economic Development, he helped create the first finance institution for CED, the Massachusetts Community Development Finance Authority.  

In the 1970s, he helped start Canada’s first community development corporation, New Dawn Enterprises, and in the years 1988-1993 headed the Community Economic Development Center in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia.  An Associate of the Centre for Stewart on the phoneCommunity Enterprise (later the Canadian Centre for Community Renewal), and close friend of CCEDNet co-founder Mike Lewis, Stewart was active in the creation of CCEDNet and his consulting, research, and writings on CED, community and development finance were prolific and prominent in the years before and after. 

He was endeared to many through the gatherings he hosted in at CCEDNet national conferences, as well as his insightful and caring way of being. 

At a webinar earlier this year marking CCEDNet’s 20th anniversary, Stewart reflected on the evolution of CED and his experiences over the years.  He challenged listeners to always ask themselves how what they are doing is making a difference. 

He also emphasized the importance of having fun in our collaborative, often challenging work.  “We’ve been together, and we’ve accomplished things together, and we’ll continue to accomplish things together.” 

After a life very well lived, Stewart passed away on Aug 7.Stronger together award

For those of us who knew Stewart, our affection for him and gratitude for our time and accomplishments together will serve as inspiration and motivation to continue. 

At EconoUs2019, to celebrate CCEDNet’s 20th anniversary, Stewart was among the first recipients of the Stronger Together Award, for exceptional contributions to community economic development and to CCEDNet. 

As part of his legacy, Stewart made a bequest to CCEDNet, which will be used to create the Stewart Perry Youth Fund.  More information will be shared on that in the near future. 

A celebration of Stewart’s life was held on October 5.  The livestream of the service, presided by Mike Lewis and with an eulogy by CCEDNet founding member Rankin MacSween, can be viewed here

CCEDNet extends our sincere condolences to Stewart’s wife Vicki, his family and loved ones. 

Hear more from Stewart: 


Unveiling our Public Policy Road Map for Manitoba’s Social, Economic, and Environmental Future

We are proud and excited to unveil the Canadian CED Network Manitoba’s newly revitalized Public Policy Road Map. Over the past two years, members have shared that our movement requires an organized articulation of our collective vision for Manitoba’s future. 

These are the priorities of our Network – reimagined as a Public Policy Road Map for Manitoba’s Social, Economic, and Environmental Future. While just in time for Tuesday’s provincial election, this Road Map will guide our advocacy, organizing, and collective voice every day of the year, no matter the results on Tuesday night. 

Read the Road Map here!

It is our collective belief that if Manitoba follows this Road Map rooted in a Community Economic Development vision, our social, economic, and environmental future will be stronger and our communities will be more inclusive, democratic, and sustainable. 

When taken all together, the recommendations proposed in this document, while not exhaustive, represent solutions to some of Manitoba’s most challenging, interconnected issues.

As members know, our public policy mandate is the result of a democratic decision-making process. Every year, members work together to create a pragmatic, wide-ranging and solutions-focused set of public policy resolutions. This is the result.

When you go to vote on Tuesday, consider this Road Map when you make your decision. Ask your candidates when they knock on your door if they’ll support a Community Economic Development vision for Manitoba’s future. Copies of this Road Map will be sent to every elected MLA after the election.

In the coming days, we’ll be posting a party platform analysis, up against our revamped Public Policy Road Map on our Manitoba Votes Resource Page.

Our Collective Vision is: Sustainable and inclusive communities directing their own social, economic and environmental futures.

Together, we’re focused on:

  • Ending Poverty
  • Local & Fair Economies
  • Tackling Climate Change
  • Sustainable Community-Led Development
  • Inclusion, Diversity, Equity & Access
  • Democracy & Directing our Own Future

Find out more information about our Public Policy Road Map here.

Interested in getting involved in the 2020 Public Policy Summit, and contributing to this Road Map? Contact Michael Barkman at to learn more.


Two weeks ago, I was fortunate to be among 100 decent work advocates gathered in Montréal for My Labour Our Future, an event highlighting the 100th anniversary of the International Labour Organization (ILO) and discussing the future of work and fair economies.  

Many moons earlier, when I was a student at McGill University (and not busy co-organizing an occupation of the Principal’s office to protest rising tuition fees), I remember taking some pride at the plaque attesting that the ILO had been housed there from 1940 to 1948.   But I’m only now realizing the significance of what the ILO represents, and its connections to community economic development.  

Created in 1919 as part of the League of Nations, the ILO is the world’s oldest international organization. It grew out of nineteenth-century labour and social movements which were a voice for social justice and higher living standards for the world’s working people.  In 1946, the ILO became the first specialized agency associated with the United Nations. While in Montréal, it produced the Declaration of Philadelphia, which includes proclamations that would warm the heart of CCEDNet members:  

  • Labour is not a commodity;
  • Poverty anywhere constitutes a danger to prosperity everywhere;
  • All human beings, irrespective of race, creed or sex, have the right to pursue both their material well-being and their spiritual development in conditions of freedom and dignity, of economic security and equal opportunity.

The inspirational vision of that declaration, and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights that followed a few years later, seem hard to imagine today.  That was one of the points that came up repeatedly in discussions at My Labour Our Future – that 40 years of neo-liberalism have stunted our political imagination.  As Neil McInroy of the Centre for Local Economic Strategies passionately reminded us:  we can build the economy any way we want.  In fact, workers are among the biggest shareholders in the world through pension funds.  Neil laid out a 3-point agenda for a new economy: localize, socialize, and democratize.  

Another surprising lesson for me was that the ILO structure is unique among world organizations, bringing together representatives of workers and employers with governments in its executive bodies.  This is another similarity to CED, which sits at the crossroads of public, private and community sector action to strengthen local, democratic control over the economy.   The 19th century labour and social movements mentioned above catalyzed a wide range of social innovations seeking to improve people’s lives, most notably unions and co-operatives.  So it is fitting that the ILO Centenary Declaration for the Future of Work recognizes the role of co-operatives and the social solidarity economy in generating decent work, productive employment and improved living standards for all.  

The exciting part about our current situation is that not only are financiers recognizing that social economy initiatives are more secure, stable and beneficial investments, but a recent l’Actualité article found that those organizations are in fact also the places where employee happiness is greatest.  

What the labour, co-operative, social solidarity economy movements and CED all have in common is their roots in organizing.  They are about people coming together to oppose unfairness and propose better solutions. The labour movement is responsible for pretty much all of the social benefits we have today, from the weekend to minimum wage to family leave.  The co-op and credit union movement create jobs and deliver essential services in countless places that were bypassed by mainstream economic development. It was always the power of people organizing to make and win demands and create alternatives that led to progress.

With inequality at record levels, ecological and climate crises worsening every day, and a growing awareness of historical injustices to be righted, there is no better time to reignite our political imaginations.  A starting point is remembering the roots of the economy, described in the 7-minute video How We Live: A Journey Towards a Just Transition.  

How We Live: A Journey Towards a Just Transition from Kontent Films on Vimeo.

The inspirational participants at My Labour Our Future reminded me of the people who will be gathering in just two weeks in London, Ontario for EconoUs2019.  CCEDNet’s annual national conference, this year co-hosted by Community Futures Ontario, brings together people who are pragmatic visionaries – leading action in their communities to create long term change and improve well being.  The energy, connections and learning at EconoUs are always a powerfully re-invigorating time for the essential day-to-day work throughout the year.  

To close My Labour Our Future, Colette Murphy of the Atkinson Foundation called on participants to reclaim Labour Day, recalling it as a day for acknowledging and expressing gratitude for everyone’s work.  So this Labour Day weekend, I will say thanks for the work of the many people on whom my well-being depends.  And I’ll also take a moment to think of all organizers who have fought and won countless battles for social justice over the last century and before.  And I’ll hope to see you at EconoUs2019, where we’ll continue to reignite our political imagination, learn from each other about how to build an inclusive and sustainable economy, and — the cornerstone of all organizing — have some fun!  


pact-for-impactOn the 10th and 11th of July 2019, more than 400 organizations committed to achieving Sustainable Development Objectives having as an inspiration the values of the Social and Solidarity Economy will be present. This is a concrete Alliance, with every stakeholder working towards a common goal: collectively designing a roadmap for a new global economy.

This summit hosted government delegations, international organisations, local authorities, and actors committed to fostering Social and Inclusive Economy. World experts, speakers with inspiring success stories, local actors from all over the world, and public and private partners committed to meeting the challenges of our century has also attended.

Pact for Impact aims to create a Global Alliance to promote and strengthen the Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE), the Inclusive Economy, its companies, and all stakeholders of social innovation.

Download “Pact For Impact” Manifesto A Global Alliance For A Social And Inclusive Economy



Manitoba Votes 2019On September 10, 2019, Manitobans will go to the polls to elect our provincial government. The province is responsible for so many important aspects of our community’s futures – local economic and enterprise development, community development, housing, social services and addressing poverty, and taking care of our environment and earth. We know that our shared movement for Community Economic Development – with local & fair local economies, no poverty, and more sustainable communities – has the solutions to tackle some of our province’s toughest social, economic, and environmental challenges. 

This resource page is both to help make CED a priority this election, and to keep the community informed about developments throughout the campaign. 

Platform Updates

Election Information – How to Vote

Public Policy Road Map for Manitoba’s Sustainable & Inclusive Social, Economic, and Environmental Future

Election Events

Platform Updates

Our Collective Vision is sustainable and inclusive communities directing their own social, economic and environmental futures. There are numerous promises from Manitoba’s four major political parties related to our vision for Manitoba’s social, economic, and enviromental future.

Below are some of the key highlights from each party’s platform related to the priority areas of our Public Policy Road Map. In cases where our partners have done analysis or questionnaires, we have links to that information. 

Otherwise, the vast majority of the text is taken directly from the publicly available platforms of the political parties. Links to these documents can be found at the bottom of this page. At times, information was added from party’s specific announcements, press releases, and comments at public election forums and debates. We accept any corrections or additions to the information presented, though believe it is an accurate representation of key commitments written in party’s public platforms. 

Social Future – Ending Poverty

For information related to party’s commitments related to ending poverty, social assistance/Livable Basic Needs Benefits, minimum wage, housing, childcare, and mental health, refer to the Make Poverty History Manitoba coalition’s platform update

You can also watch highlights from the Hunger & Poverty Provincial Forum here.

Winnipeg Harvest also released a Manitoba Election Scorecard, available with great summary of party promises.

Economic Future

Progressive Conservative Party of Manitoba

  • Refocus the responsibilities of the Social Impact Office to centralize and modernize various strategies including SIBs, social finance, social enterprise, and social impact procurement
  • Renew Manitoba’s Sector Council program to increase employer investment in training, and ensure post-secondary training is aligned with the labour market to give our students the best chance for rewarding careers
  • Fast track the development of Manitoba’s Skills, Talent and Knowledge Strategy. The Plan will focus on strengthening connections between industry, employers and apprenticeship and training providers
  • Implement a comprehensive MB job works and economic growth plan to add 40,000 jobs to the private sector
  • Support an employment-first approach where employment is the primary goal for working age adults with an intellectual disability
  • Create a new Advisory group of employers and advocates to develop the employment potential of persons with disabilities
  • Create a Team to Grow Manitoba including the Premier’s Enterprise Team, our Economic Growth Committee of Cabinet, the new Manitoba Economic Development Office (EDO) and our strategic partners (Travel Manitoba, North Forge, World Trade Centre) and regional partners (Communities Economic Development Fund (CEDF), Economic Development Winnipeg (EDW), Rural and Winnipeg Metropolitan Region)
  • Establish a new rural economic development hub, based in Brandon, to service the unique needs and growth potential of rural Manitoba
  • Work with industry to identify opportunities to grow investment and job creation within target sectors including agriculture, food processing, mining, forestry, transportation/logistics, manufacturing (including green innovation) and financial services
  • Support at least five more social impact bonds (SIB) in second term
  • Grow Manitoba’s community foundation network by creating a $5 million fund to permanently support the growth of community foundations through training and development, technology support, and investment management services and extend provincial participation in Endow Manitoba’s 24 Hour Giving Challenge until 2026

New Democratic Party of Manitoba

  • Invest in infrastructure like schools, roads, and hospitals creating 50,000 jobs
  • Increase small business tax threshold
  • Focus on smart job growth by convening an annual Tech Summit, which includes innovation and creative economy, with education leaders, entrepreneurs, and labour, to listen to the experts, and make sure we are training workers for the jobs of tomorrow
  • Create good jobs, bring unemployed Manitobans back into the workforce, and at the same time, meet social needs by better aligning social enterprises and government procurement
  • Work with industry to create a Centre of Excellence for Infrastructure Innovation
  • Create job opportunities for Indigenous peoples by putting Resource Revenue Sharing into a Jobs Fund for Indigenous communities
  • Use social enterprise as part of Manitoba Housing’s renovation and construction program to build new social and affordable housing units throughout Winnipeg, rural Manitoba, and Northern Manitoba

Manitoba Liberal Party

  • Create a Manitoba Business Development Bank (MBDB) that would provide investments in growth-focused Manitoba businesses, including start-ups, scale-ups, co-ops, social enterprise, and farming. It would be province-wide and available to entrepreneurs whether they are in Winnipeg, rural or northern Manitoba, or on a First Nation Economic Development
  • MBDB would include microfinance ($2,000-$5,000) up to larger investments in the $10-million range and provide equity investments as “patient money” over a 10-15 year time horizon, to encourage true innovation
  • Launching a campaign that encourages Manitobans to “shop local” at locally-owned Manitoba businesses – including stores, services, arts, culture, sports and tourism.
  • Enhancing Manitoba government procurement to make it easier for Manitoba businesses to sell their products and services to the Manitoba government, and for the Manitoba government to consider “community return on investment” as a factor in spending and procurement decisions, not just “value for money.” 
  • A voluntary “Manitoba Works for Good” jobs program that would pay individuals who find themselves out of work with to do jobs in the public interest, as an alternative to EIA or basic income

Green Party of Manitoba

  • Offer support to businesses interested in making the transition to renewable energy
  • Undertake measures intended to ensure that all economic activity and its impact are both ecologically sustainable and socially just
  • Undertake actions to replace jobs lost during the transition away from fossil fuels with a larger amount of better, long-term employment opportunities with more social and environmental benefits
  • Make local industry a priority by encouraging trade that is sensible, sustainable, and ultimately beneficial to Manitobans
  • Support and invest in small Manitoban companies producing goods for local markets by directing government assistance toward smaller businesses, especially new and young independent entrepreneurs
  • Support and invest in community economic development initiatives
  • Support green energy construction projects that will create jobs and help transition rural and northern communities to energy independence

Tackling Climate Change

For information related to party’s commitments on tackling climate change, reducing emissions, and more, refer to the great resources below:

Wilderness Committee Manitoba Votes 2019: Candidate Survey Results

Coverage from the Forum for Our Future from Sustainable Building Manitoba

Questions related to Green Technology, Manitoba Hydro, community energy projects, and more.

Sustainable Community-Led Development

While we assume that many of the priorities in all the party platforms will affect or include community-based organizations, they are not specifically referred to as far as we can see. 

Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, & Access

For information related to party’s commitments on the five priority disability issues from the Disability Matters Vote campaign, click here.

Many other priorities in the party platforms relate to inclusion or diversity, but aren’t specifically connected to CCEDNet Manitoba’s set of resolutions. We suggest reading through the platforms with a lens toward Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, & Access.

Links to Party Platforms:

Quoted text above and more information is available from Manitoba’s political party platforms, found here:

Progressive Conservative Party of Manitoba

    New Democratic Party of Manitoba

    Manitoba Liberal Party

    Green Party of Manitoba

    Other Policy Backgrounders:

    Make Poverty History Manitoba’s backgrounder on the six policy priority areas are here.

    Check out these one-pager Voting Guide and Information Sheets, produced by the Social Planning Council of Winnipeg here.

    Read this important backgrounder on issues facing newcomers & refugees, produced by MANSO (Manitoba Association of Newcomer-Serving Organizations). This backgrounder highlights key facts, issues, and questions for candidates and is intended to support facts-based dialogue on these issues.

    Election Information – How to Vote

    Election day is September 10, 2019

    Advance Voting is: Thursday, August 29 to Thursday, September 5. More info about times & locations here.

    Register to vote and more information at Elections Manitoba.

    Use CBC Manitoba’s Election Voters’ Guide for all you need to know before you vote.

    Public Policy Road Map for Manitoba’s Sustainable & Inclusive Social, Economic, and Environmental Future

    Unveiling the Public Policy Road Map for Manitoba’s Social, Economic, and Environmental Future

    We are proud and excited to unveil the Canadian CED Network Manitoba’s newly revitalized Public Policy Road Map. Over the past two years, members have shared that our movement requires an organized articulation of our collective vision for Manitoba’s future. 

    These are the priorities of our Network – reimagined as a Public Policy Road Map for Manitoba’s Social, Economic, and Environmental Future. While just in time for Tuesday’s provincial election, this Road Map will guide our advocacy, organizing, and collective voice every day of the year, no matter the results on Tuesday night. 

    Read the Road Map here!

    It is our collective belief that if Manitoba follows this Road Map rooted in a Community Economic Development vision, our social, economic, and environmental future will be stronger and our communities will be more inclusive, democratic, and sustainable. 

    When taken all together, the recommendations proposed in this document, while not exhaustive, represent solutions to some of Manitoba’s most challenging, interconnected issues.

    As members know, our public policy mandate is the result of a democratic decision-making process. Every year, members work together to create a pragmatic, wide-ranging and solutions-focused set of public policy resolutions. This is the result.

    When you go to vote on Tuesday, consider this Road Map when you make your decision. Ask your candidates when they knock on your door if they’ll support a Community Economic Development vision for Manitoba’s future. Copies of this Road Map will be sent to every elected MLA after the election.

    In the coming days, we’ll be posting a party platform analysis, up against our revamped Public Policy Road Map. 

    Our Collective Vision is: Sustainable and inclusive communities directing their own social, economic and environmental futures.

    Together, we’re focused on:

    • Ending Poverty
    • Local & Fair Economies
    • Tackling Climate Change
    • Sustainable Community-Led Development
    • Inclusion, Diversity, Equity & Access
    • Democracy & Directing our Own Future

    Find out more information about our Public Policy Road Map.

    Election Events

    Previous Events: 

    Hunger and Poverty Provincial Forum – Tuesday, August 20th – part of Make Poverty History Manitoba’s kNOw Poverty campaign

    UpForDebateMB (Gender Equality and Women’s Rights) – Wednesday, August 21 

    Disabilities Matters Leaders Debate – Tuesday, August 27 – part of the Disability Matters Vote campaign

    Time to Talk about Public Health Care: Leader’s Debate – Thursday, August 29 – part of Manitoba Health Coalition’s campaign

    Forum For Our Future: Manitoba Leaders Debate on the Environment – Thursday, September 5

    More to add? Another important campaign to mention? Contact Michael Barkman, CCEDNet Manitoba Public Policy Coordinator at: m.barkman at

    newsletter sign up


    CBNAfter three long years, the City of Toronto has adopted a new landmark Community Benefits Framework which will create more opportunities for training and well paying careers in the trades through Apprenticeships with hard targets for hiring Toronto residents from historically disadvantaged communities and equity seeking groups. In addition, the framework will create more opportunities for local, diverse owned businesses and social enterprises to access City contracts through social procurement.

    The community benefits framework will apply to:

    • City Led Projects – Construction projects of the City and its Divisions, Agencies, and Corporations 
    • City Owned Land – As requirements within leases on City-owned land (e.g. Real Estate Services, CreateTO, Housing Now Affordable Housing Initiatives)
    • Financial Incentive – Where the City is providing a financial incentive for a new private development project 
    • Voluntary – Where community groups and developers are both willing to enter into discussions about community benefits on private developments on privately-owned land

    Details: Community Benefits Framework 

    The adopted Community Benefits Framework will include:

    • Hard targets for workforce development on projects that fall under this Framework. Hard targets will vary between 5-10% depending on project
    • A commitment to hire a new Community Benefits Coordinator to support tracking, reporting and implementation at the City 
    • The establishment and convening of a multi-stakeholder Community Benefits Advisory Group(including representation from equity seeking groups) to provide expertise, address real-time community benefits implementation challenges and solutions, and promote transparency and accountability in the City’s community benefits activities
    • The Community Benefits Coordinator will work with a Data Analyst to develop and implement a City-wide community benefits data system to monitor, track and report on City of Toronto community benefits targets and/or achievements on a project by project basis, to be published on a City webpage
    • Scarborough Training Centre: Utilize the Sir Robert L. Borden property located at 200 Poplar Road as a job skills training centre to assist job candidates from equity seeking groups, including Indigenous peoples, by providing pre-employment training and employment supports prior to and during employment, to maximize employment retention in eastern Scarborough

    Report Back: The City will also be reporting back on a few items that will help the City to understand best practices and bring forward additional recommendations for City Council to make an informed decision. This includes: 

    2020 report back: A) Recommendations to advance the City of Toronto’s community benefit initiatives, including additional and/or higher minimum hard targets; B) a jurisdictional scan of best practices related to hard targets on community benefits, including community engagement, criteria and actual hard targets; and C) an indication of the required resources to move the Community Benefits Framework forward.

    2022 report back: Status update on the Community Benefits Framework Implementation Plan, and recommendations for Community Benefits Framework future direction.



    The OECD Local Development Forum, which will take place from 10-11 December 2019 in Antwerp, Belgium, is looking for promising international practices, including examples of employment, skills, social innovation, culture/creative industries and entrepreneurship programmes.

    survey iconGuidelines for submission

    For the purpose of this call please submit information pertaining to one programme. Programmes submitted for consideration must adhere to the following minimum criteria:

    • Have achieved measurable impacts in terms of jobs created, employment and inclusion;
    • Have existed for at least one year;
    • Be results-oriented and highlight the potential for replicability in other communities.

    Possible thematic areas

    • This call seeks to gather examples of innovative programmes on “what works” that could inspire on the following topics:
    • Employment and skills development programmes that link people to jobs or improve the skills of those already working who might be at-risk of job loss;
    • Programmes that actively engage firms (especially SMEs) in the design and delivery of training;
    • Social innovation programmes and strategies that provide education, employment and entrepreneurship opportunities;
    • Entrepreneurship initiatives, which are providing start-up and business development support services to new businesses; 
    • Initiatives to support cultural and creative industries and/or culture/heritage-led urban/rural regeneration programmes; and
    • Programmes that are either directly managed or implemented in regions or cities;

    Selection of programmes

    Complete this form by 30 September 2019. The organisers will acknowledge receipt and notify the applicants of its decision by 31 October 2019. Selected programmes will be highlighted through a dedicated stand and/or presentation at the OECD Local Development Forum to be held in Antwerp, Belgium, from 10-11 December 2019. Selected programmes will also be featured in OECD work on good practice programme examples

    Complete the survey here 

    Find out more about the OECD Local Development Forum here 
