Tuesday, December 13, 2011, 12:00pm Eastern, 9:00am Pacific

Register TODAY and join us to learn about how fair trade is strengthening communities in Canada and around the world.

Over the last 15 years, the fair trade market has grown exponentially. But in the context of continued globalization, is it actually changing economic systems and building sustainable livelihoods? Through an evaluation of fair trade for rural women knitters in Bolivia to the promotion of Fair Trade in Manitoba, and a new initiative to create a Canadian Fair Trade coalition, this webinar will assess the impacts of fair trade and its contribution to economic empowerment.

• Jean-Frédéric Lemay, JFL Consultants
• Tamara Stenn, Keene State College, New Hampshire
• Zach Gross, Manitoba Council for International Cooperation
A question and answer period will follow.

• Date: Tuesday December 13, 2011
• Webinar begins at 12:00 noon Eastern time, 9:00 am Pacific time
• Participation is free of charge
• Register by December 11th to obtain connection information and additional resources.
This session will be in English.

Please share this invitation to interested members or contacts.

Click on “Register TODAY” above to register now!

For more information about the International Committee of the Canadian CED Network,
please visit: www.ccednet-rcdec.ca/en/our_work/international

The Canadian CED Network’s International Committee webinar series is made possible in partnership with Uniterra http://www.uniterra.ca


To wind up five years of research on the social economy in Canada, the Canadian Social Economy Hub is pleased to announce a final series of three telelearning sessions scheduled for the end of November. The three unique but interrelated sessions present the depth of research produced by the regional and national nodes, drawing on three ebooks that are soon to be published on the following subjects:

  1. Community-University Partnerships
    November 25, 2011 at 12pm Eastern Time (9am Pacific Time)
    How are communities and universities partnering together to advance the social economy? What models exist for these kinds of partnerships? This session will present lessons from the six years of the Canadian Social Economy Research Partnerships by the co-editors of the new book, Community-University Research Partnerships: Reflections on the Canadian Social Economy Experience

    Peter Hall, Associate Professor in the Urban Studies Program at Simon Fraser University, and Chair, CCEDNet Research Advisory Committee
    Ian MacPherson, Principal Investigator and Co-Director of the Canadian Social Economy Hub.
    Moderator: Michael Toye, Executive Director of the Canadian CED Network

  2. A Thematic Analysis of the Canadian Social Economy Research Partnerships
    November 29, 2011 at 12pm Eastern Time (9am Pacific Time)

    Close to 400 products were generated through the various research projects coming out of the Canadian Social Economy Research Partnerships (CSERP). In this session, the co-authors of a new book analysing the major research themes present key findings from the most prominent research topics.

    Joy Emmanuel, co-op developer, researcher, and CED practitioner living at OUR Ecovillage on Vancouver Island in British Columbia,
    Matthew Thompson, knowledge mobilization specialist with the Canadian CED Network.
    Moderator: Ian MacPherson, Principal Investigator and Co-Director of the Canadian Social Economy Hub.

  3. Public Policy and the Social Economy
    December 1, 2011 at 12pm Eastern Time (9am Pacific Time)

    Over the five years of the Canadian Social Economy Research Partnerships, public policy emerged as a significant theme. Drawing upon the findings of Canadian Social Economy Research Partnerships (CSERP) reports, this session will review the key public policy issues for the development of the social economy and look ahead to the policy recommendations that could further stimulate the growth of the sector.

    Rupert Downing, Executive Director of the Community Social Planning Council of Greater Victoria and Co-Director of the Canadian Social Economy Research Hub
    Moderator: Jorge Sousa, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Education, University of Alberta, and Co-Chair, CSEHub Public Policy Committee

All calls will last 1 hour with opportunities for questions and discussion. Connection information will only be provided to those who register. To ensure you receive this information make sure to register at least 2 days in advance of the telelearning session.

These sessions will be in English.

Register online (make sure to select only those sessions you wish to attend)
For questions about registration please contact Matthew Thompson by phoning 1-416-760-2578 or e-mailing .

Limited number of spaces available – Register soon!


This spring, CCEDNet’s Policy Council updated our Policy Priorities to build on the momentum of last year’s National Summit on a People-Centred Economy. A summary version has been sent to every MP’s Ottawa office, and we encourage you to send it to your constituency offices when promoting your work with federal partners.

Also, why not share a copy with your Board and staff members, to highlight CCEDNet’s role as a voice for CED in Canada?

[ Download CCEDNet’s Policy Priorities for CED in Canada (pdf) ]


CCEDNet News

CED News and Upcoming Events

CCEDNet News

1. Policy Priorities for CED in Canada

This spring, CCEDNet’s Policy Council updated our Policy Priorities to build on the momentum of last year’s National Summit on a People-Centred Economy. A summary version will being sent to every MP’s Ottawa office in the coming days, and we encourage you to send it to your constituency offices when promoting your work with federal partners.

2. Do You Know Your Return on Investment?

Have you done a return on investment (ROI) or social return on investment (SROI) calculation for your programs and services? Our updated Policy Priorities present some of the ROI and SROI calculations that members have shared. Demonstrating the value of our activities and approaches is a valuable strategy for promoting members’ work. If you have an ROI or SROI calculation f or your organization or program, please send it to Kirsten Bernas at to help build the case!

3. Federal Pre-Budget Brief

This summer, CCEDNet submitted our Brief to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance as part of their consultations in preparation for the 2012 federal budget. Our three recommendations for a sustained economic recovery encourage the federal government to build capacity in community enterprises, enhance procurement practices, and improve access to finance.

4. New Publication: Building a Federal Policy Framework and Program in Support of CED

CCEDNet’s latest report addresses the ongoing challenge for CED organizations in Canada to maximize their long-term community benefit when multi-year funding for core organizational costs remains out of reach. To remedy this problem, the report recommends the development and implementation of a federal CED Policy Framework and Neighbourhood Revitalization Program (NRP) modelled after the Government of Manitoba’s CED Policy Framework and Neighbourhoods Alive! program.

Read the full report

5. Spark: Capacity Building in Winnipeg

Spark is the Canadian CED Network’s capacity building service for non-profits in Winnipeg engaged in community renewal, poverty alleviation and social change using a community development or CED approach. Spark staff work with organizations to define their skill and capacity gaps, and then connect them to relevant resources. The centrepiece of the service is arranging matches between organizations and volunteers with specialized skills (from a wide variety of professions) to provide time-limited but crucial technical assistance.

For more info see www.sparkwpg.ca or check out some of the recent matches made on our Facebook page

6. CCEDNet Helps Skyworks Charitable Foundation Promote Documentaries on Homelessness

CCEDNet has partnered with Skyworks Charitable Foundation in helping to promote the Home Safe documentary series, which examines the impact of homelessness on Canadian families. The three-part series examines the systemic roots of homelessness in Toronto, Calgary, and Hamilton as a consequence of economic restructuring, discrimination and displacement. More importantly, these documentaries give a voice to the families who are struggling with homelessness and presents an opportunity to hear firsthand the complex challenges of poverty.

Click here to learn more about Home Safe and view film clips.

7. New On-line Resources on International Co-operation

CCEDNet’s International Committee is offering a series of webinars on themes that connect CED initiatives in Southern countries with Canada. Resources and recordings of past sessions on community forestry, microcredit, the co-construction of public policy and FIESS 2011, and food security and sovereignty are available on our website.

Upcoming topics will likely include women’s economic empowerment, fair trade and CED, cooperative development and sustainable tourism. Watch future bulletins for more information.

8. Ready for a Change of Scenery?

CCEDNet’s International webinars are supported by Uniterra, one of Canada’s largest volunteer placement programs. With placements from two weeks to two years, there are always opportunities to explore new cultures, share your expertise and support local organizations that are working actively to improve living conditions around the world. Current postings include an Organizational Capacity Development Advisor in Botswana and a Marketing Advisor in Nepal.

For the latest available positions, click here

9. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube

Have a video you want to share? We post and ‘favourite’ videos on our YouTube Channel, such as this one with the very eloquent (and CCEDNet founding member) Rankin MacSween explaining the wisdom and potential impacts of investing locally. 

We also post frequent news updates and announcements to our Facebook fan page and Twitter stream, and have many more videos available on our YouTube channel.

CED News and Upcoming Events

10. The International Forum on the Social and Solidarity Economy

More than 1,300 participants from over 70 countries have registered for the International Forum on the Social and Solidarity Economy that will take place in Montréal, October 17-20.

An impressive line-up of Canadian and international speakers, workshops, site visits and complementary activities will provide a unique opportunity to connect with peers from the non-profit, co-operative and social enterprise sectors.

Canadians attending are invited to a teleconference meeting on October 13 at 12pm to meet each other, compare learning objectives, and provide information on blogging, tweeting and sharing learnings with each other and with others across the country. To join the discussion, click here.

FIESS Registration closes October 11. Click here for more information and to register.

11. Two International Worker Co-op Conferences in Beautiful Québec City

Business Succession and Employee Ownership Oct 11-13, 2011: experts share their experiences with co-operatives as a solution to the growing challenge of business succession. World renowned presenters include Félice Scalvini, Vice-President, International Co-operative Alliance

North American Worker Co-op Conference Oct 13-15, 2011: an historic occasion to discuss best practices with worker co-operators from Canada, the U.S., Spain, France, Italy, and Argentina and hear many speakers, including Amy Goodman from Democracy Now!

12. 2011 Manitoba CD/CED Gathering: October 21st

Registration is now open for the 9th annual Manitoba CD/CED Gathering: Enough, For All, Forever. Last year, over 600 participants enjoyed the wide range of workshops, helpful hints for building capacity and engaging your community, networking and connecting with people from a variety of sectors, and celebrating the success of CED initiatives across the province.

This year, the Gathering is pleased to have a keynote address from renowned author and member of the Atlantic Speaker’s Bureau, Silver Donald Cameron, and the Manitoba premier of the Economics of Happiness.

Click here for more information and to register.

13. Canadian Conference on Social Enterprise

Registration is now open for the fourth Canadian Conference on Social Enterprise which will be held in Halifax, November 20-22. The program includes intensive day-long and half-day training sessions on topics such as introduction to social enterprise, demonstrating value, governance for social enterprise, business planning skills, marketing, financial analysis, social enterprise franchising, supporting and building social enterprise in Canada.

Click here for more information and to register.

14. Northern Summit on the Social Economy

As the Social Economy Research Network of Northern Canada completes its activities, it is convening a final Northern Summit on the Social Economy, Nov 22-23 in Yellowknife.

Read the full post

15. Tamarack Evaluating Community Impact Workshop

The Evaluating Community Impact: Capturing and Making Sense of Community Outcomes workshop is a three-day, interactive learning event designed to increase the capacity of leaders involved in community change efforts to better understand and evaluate the outcomes of these efforts.

This workshop is geared towards people involved in community change initiatives with an interest and some basic experience with evaluation. It will be held Nov 29 – Dec 1 in Kitchener, Ontario.

Read more

16. Become a Member

Thank you to our members, funders, and sustaining members such as Ryan Gibson and the Canadian Centre for Community Renewal who make our work possible.


 The Social Enterprise Council of Canada and the Atlantic Council for Community and Social Enterprise invite you to attend…

The Fourth Canadian Conference on Social Enterprise

November 20-22, 2011
Halifax, Nova Scotia


Join hundreds of experienced and prospective social enterprise practitioners from across Canada to:

  • Learn about the difference that social enterprise makes for communities and how to do it;
  • Share your experience and ideas with other social enterprisers and supporters;
  • Network with social enterprise practitioners, supporters, funders, and government officials;
  • Act on your questions, ideas or new knowledge – and make a difference in a community you care about

The Conference is made up of intensive day-long and half-day training sessions. These training sessions will cover the following themes: introduction to social enterprise, demonstrating value, governance for social enterprise, business planning skills, marketing, financial analysis, social enterprise franchising, supporting and building social enterprise in Canada.

The Social Enterprise Angels Competition will also be hosted at the Conference. If you have a social enterprise or are planning one in Atlantic Canada, apply and compete for a chance to win a cash prize to be used toward the start-up, growth or strengthening of your enterprise.




Help make CED a priority this provincial election with CCEDNet Manitoba’s Election Guide

Visit our complete election guide here with…

  • CED questions for you to ask candidates
  • Letters to and responses from party leaders
  • Links to other election campaigns on food and poverty

Be sure to attend these election forums and make your voice heard

Election Forum on Food

Election forum on Disability Issues

Election Forum on Housing

“So You Think You Can House”

Election Forum on Safety, Justice, and Youth

Election Forum on Hunger and Poverty

Election Forum on Immigration and New Canadians

Know of other election actions, activities, and resources? Send them to


Governments are looking for ways to support families and children, to reinforce learning and innovation, and to encourage community involvement in an era of fiscal restraint. With population aging increasing pressures on the labour market, growing health care costs straining budgets and initiatives to reduce carbon emissions prompting economic shifts, the need for cost effective delivery of essential goods and services to Canadians is reinforced.

Local communities are best placed to overcome their unique challenges, but government can help create the conditions for these communities – and the economies that sustain them – to succeed.

Community enterprises that take an asset-based development approach, supporting self-reliance and building individual and community resilience offer cost effective alternatives that can contribute to a sustained economic recovery in Canada, creating sustainable jobs and meeting today’s public policy challenges.

The federal government should support the development of community enterprises with a national youth work experience program, changes to procurement practices, and the creation of the Canada Impact Investment Fund.

Download the full Pre-Budget Submission to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance. 



CCEDNet has just released its newest publication, Building a Federal Policy Framework and Program in Support of Community Economic Development. The report was written by Kirsten Bernas and Brendan Reimer of the CCEDNet-Manitoba office as part of the Linking, Learning, Leveraging paper series.

The report addresses the ongoing challenge for CED organizations in Canada to maximize their long-term community benefit when multi-year funding for core organizational costs remains out of reach. To remedy this problem, the report reccomends that the Canadian government develop and implement a federal CED Policy Framework and Neighbourhood Revitalization Program (NRP) modelled after the Government of Manitoba’s CED Policy Framework and Neighbourhoods Alive! program.

  • A CED Policy Framework would equip government officials with a policy tool to ensure more effective responses to the complex economic, social, and environmental needs of local communities, particularly those that are vulnerable.
  • A federal NRP would commit multi-year core and project-based funding to organizations that employ the CED model in designated urban communities across Canada.

The report provides an overview and analysis of the Province of Manitoba’s CED Policy Framework and Neighbourhoods Alive! program. The report concludes by recommending, based on the Manitoba experience, how a CED Policy Framework and accompanying Neighbourhood Revitalization Program might be developed and implemented at the federal government level.

[ Download the full report (pdf) ]



Dear CCEDNet Members and Contacts,

Already close to 900 people are registered for what will likely be the largest event on community-based approaches to social and economic development ever held in Canada.

The International Forum on the Social and Solidarity Economy (FIESS) is coming to Montréal on October 17-20, 2011.

CCEDNet is a partner with the Chantier de l’économie sociale in the preparation of the Forum, which presents innovative practices from around the world in five themes:

– Local Development
Finance and Market Access
Innovation and Community Entrepreneurship
Food Security and Sovereignty

This is a unique opportunity to have such a diverse program of international best practices in Canada. Simultaneous translation in three languages (French, English, and Spanish) will facilitate direct learning between speakers and participants from 50 countries. Leading presenters from Europe, Australia and the U.S. will compare successes and challenges with Latin American, African and Asian colleagues. Yvon Poirier, Chair of CCEDNet’s International Committee, has prepared this brief introduction to three outstanding Asian examples that will be on the FIESS program.

In addition, pre-Forum sessions on Indigenous experiences, feminist perspectives, the latest research, a youth and cultural evening and 30 site visits will provide opportunities for participants to extend networking and learning.

In particular, CCEDNet members and staff will be involved in the local development theme, research sessions, and youth event.  

The deadline for early-bird registration rates has been extended to July 22. To reduce costs, solidarity accommodation (billeting with Montréal residents) can be requested when you register. 

I urge you to consider joining me at this important event and I would appreciate it if you could share this message with anyone you think would be interested.  

For more information, and to register, go to:



Michael Toye
Executive Director


Read 50 inspiring stories about CED in action across Manitoba

Our Manitoba office has launched its Profiles of CED in Manitoba project. So far we’ve completed 40 (of 50) stories of communities working to build fairer and stronger local economies, reduce poverty, and revitalize neighbourhoods. Not all of the initiatives use a fully comprehensive CED approach, but each represents an important component of a CED solution.

The project includes stories on a wide range of organizations and businesses; everything from hardware stores to daycares, energy co-ops to local training centres. Learn how they started, the challenges they faced, the positive changes they are making in their communities.

Some of the stories featured:

  • Mountain Equipment Co-op
  • Neechi Foods
  • Assiniboine Credit Union
  • Tall Grass Prairie Bakery
  • Urban Circle Training Centre
  • Festival du Voyageur
  • …And many more


Read all our profiles of CED at


The Canadian CED Network’s International Committee is recruiting new members. 

The International Committee is a permanent committee that focuses on international networking, knowledge sharing, raising awareness among CCEDNet’s membership and the Canadian public on development issues, and making recommendations to CCEDNet’s Board on these topics.

The Committee meets by teleconference every two months, and organizes public webinars on development issues in the alternating months.

You can find the Committee’s past activities, reports, terms of reference, and the list of members in the International section of CCEDNet’s website.

Membership is open to all CCEDNet members and member associates. If you are not currently a member, joining CCEDNet is quick and easy.

If you are interested, send a short email, in English or French, describing your interest and/or relevant experience to Matthew Thompson () by July 11, 2011. All are welcome.

For any questions, contact International Committee Chair, Yvon Poirier at

Please join our efforts to build a global movement knowing “Another world is possible!”

International Committee Coordination Group
Art Lew, CCEDNet Board
Yvon Poirier, IC Chair
Ethel Côté


CCEDNet is an active member in the Intercontinental Network for the Promotion of the Social and Solidarity Economy (RIPESS). 

RIPESS is an intercontinental network that connects social and solidarity economy networks  throughout the world.  As a network of networks, it brings together continental networks, that in turn bring together national and sectoral networks.  RIPESS believes in the importance of global solidarity in order to build and strengthen an economy that puts people and planet front and center. From Lima to Quebec, from Dakar to Luxembourg, RIPESS organizes global forums every four years and is a nexus for learning, information sharing and collaboration.

RIPESS’ May 2011 newsletter was produced by CCEDNet members Ethel Côté and Yvon Poirier, along with the Chantier de l’économie sociale in Québec. 
