Note: this piece originally appeared on the Ontario Nonprofit Network’s website. You can read the original piece here.

Community wealth building (CWB) means doing local economic development in a way that keeps resources local and distributes those resources equitably.

Myth #1: The first legal duty of the board is to minimize risk and community wealth building is too risky.

We all know it’s impossible to eliminate risk completely, but that doesn’t stop many boards from trying! While boards are required to be prudent and avoid unnecessary risk, it is important to recognize that the overriding duty of directors is to do what is necessary (including taking some risks) to pursue the nonprofit’s mission effectively. Once a board has determined an activity is necessary to furthering its mission, the question then becomes how to do it in a prudent way, not whether to do it.

Like any economic activity, CWB can come with a number of reasonable, unavoidable risks. From borrowing money, to purchasing from or investing in new partners, risks are a healthy part of nonprofits engaging in revenue generating activities and building community wealth. So when the board is faced with an opportunity to engage in CWB, it’s actually almost impossible to ask the question in the abstract “is this proposal too risky?” Strictly speaking, from a legal perspective, it makes more sense to first ask “Does this proposal advance our mission?” and only then ask, “if so, are the risks involved reasonable relative to the potential impact of this proposal?”  

If part of our sector’s mission is to challenge systemic racism, colonialism, and other centuries old roots of contemporary problems, we need to be more open about what level of risk is reasonable in the pursuit of equity.

Myth #2: Our legal purposes don’t include community wealth building so we can’t do it. 

A board member could be forgiven for thinking “we’re a food bank not an economic development agency, this is simply not in our scope.” But as we’ve heard time and time again, the issues of food insecurity, economic disenfranchisement, gender-based violence, and other crises are intertwined. As articulated by Feed Ontario, the goal isn’t to operate a food bank but to end hunger. 

This may come as a surprise but corporate and charity law actually have tools to help address the holistic and complex nature of our missions as nonprofits. Modern corporate and charitable purposes (also known as “objects”) are usually drafted in a broad way to allow for the widest flexibility to further the overriding mission of the organization. In fact, when it comes to charities, there is a centuries-old rule that requires courts to read purposes broadly to allow the underlying charitable intent to succeed. 

There are many other examples of how modern nonprofit and charity law have developed to give boards wide legal power to do what is necessary to pursue their overriding mission. For example, previously, nonprofit corporations only had the legal powers given to them specifically in statute or their governing documents (showing a narrow conception of what was needed to pursue the nonprofit’s mission). Ontario’s Not-for-Profit Corporations Act gives Ontario nonprofits all the powers of a natural person, like you or me. This is a clear signal that modern nonprofits should be able to do whatever in the board’s judgment is best in the pursuit of the overriding mission (as long as it’s legal!).

In charity law, a doctrine has developed called the doctrine of “ancillary and incidental”, which allows charities to engage in activities, such as advocacy activities and business activities, as long as they support the overriding charitable mission.

And whether you are a poverty relief organization, an arts or culture collective, a settlement agency, or many other kinds of nonprofits, community wealth building is absolutely relevant to furthering your purpose.

Myth #3: Nonprofits are legally prohibited from earning a surplus so they can’t do community wealth building.

This myth is false for two reasons. Firstly, there are many ways to support community wealth building without needing to earn a surplus (e.g. purchasing your catering or office supplies from a local social enterprise). Secondly, nonprofits are allowed to earn a surplus in a variety of ways.

Nonprofits are not allowed to earn a surplus and then distribute that surplus to directors or members as if they were shareholders. However, nonprofits can earn a surplus if it is calculated to go into a reasonable reserve, and charities can earn a surplus if the surplus results from: 

  • charging for charitable activities, such as tickets to see a performance or tuition for a school
  • allowable investments, such as stocks, bonds, or mutual funds 
  • related businesses, such as a hospital parking lot or a workshop at a youth shelter. 

When I say “reasonable reserve” you may think “3-6 months operating expenses.” But actually, a reasonable reserve can be quite a bit higher as it can include a capital reserve, operating expenses, and liabilities (e.g. changes to law or litigation). As long as you have a policy to clearly document the rationale for the amount of your reserve and your reasons are sound, you are, generally speaking, on solid footing. Once you have this reserve in place, nonprofits are entitled to make reasonable investment decisions which can be made in a way that supports community wealth. 

Charities have a whole host of options and flexibility when it comes to revenue earning, as well as how they purchase and invest.

Nonprofits can work against the continued extraction of wealth from Indigenous, racialized, and other economically disenfranchised communities. Whether it’s a clinic choosing to buy or hire locally, a housing supplier procuring from co-ops, or a foundation seeding the funding for a community investment organization, there is no end to the way nonprofits can build wealth in a widely-held and democratic way. 

Nonprofits and charities are allowed to engage in CWB even if it means earning a surplus or taking on reasonable risks, as long as it is in the service of their overarching purpose. They just need to question some widely held assumptions.

Disclaimer: The above is intended as general legal information not legal advice specific to your situation. What the law is in any given situation will vary but we hope we have shifted your question from a “yes/no” to a “how”.


Benjamin Miller

Benjamin (he/him) is a Policy Advisor/Lawyer at the Ontario Nonprofit Network (ONN). He comes to ONN from the Government of Canada and Community Legal Education Ontario (CLEO) where he focused on nonprofit and charity law and policy. Over the past 4 years at CLEO, Benjamin has answered hundreds of nonprofit law questions and developed an online interactive bylaw builder for the ONCA. In 2018, Benjamin served as a Summer Research Fellow at ONN researching the topic of transfer payment agreement modernization. His first book on long-term strategic communications “The 100-Year PR Plan: A Guide for advocates” was published in January 2021 by Civil Sector Press. His other writings on topics ranging from dark money to campus clubs have appeared in publications such as The Philanthropist, Policy Options, University Affairs, Canadian Lawyer, Slaw, and the Globe & Mail. Benjamin holds a JD and MPP from the University of Toronto and an MA in political theory from the University of Ottawa.

Photo of Benjamin Miller

For the Canadian CED Network, 2022 was a year to build power and momentum.

We worked with all levels of government to unlock vital resources for CED approaches to thrive. We helped CCEDNet members develop the knowledge and capacity needed to effectively pursue their missions. And we empowered the CED sector to engage communities across Canada in becoming more sustainable, equitable, and inclusive directors of their own futures.

Internally, we adopted a new organizational structure based upon our Theory of Change, and hired nine new team members to help execute our vision (including CCEDNet’s first-ever Director of Human Resources). Staff and board members gathered together for our first in-person retreat since before the Covid-19 pandemic began. And we continued on our internal learning journey around the principles of anti-oppression and collective liberation.


CCEDNet’s Policy Council updated our Policy Priorities to focus on the full implementation of the federal Social Innovation and Social Finance (SI/SF) Strategy, which can provide pathways to well-being for all.

We recruited four new members to renew the Policy Council, which gets its policy agenda and mandate from CCEDNet’s membership, representing thousands of community initiatives working with tens of thousands of community members in every part of the country.

The People-Centred Economy Group (which CCEDNet convenes monthly) organized a meeting with the federal Regional Development Agencies (Atlantic, Quebec, Prairies, BC, the North), and Employment and Social Development Canada on the SI/SF Strategy and the Investment Readiness Program (IRP).

We mobilized members and partners to advocate for $330M over five years in the 2023 Federal Budget to fully implement the SI/SF Strategy (12 Inclusive Innovation recommendations), which can bring together individual
Canadians, social purpose organizations, businesses, and governments to merge profit and purpose and address persistent social, economic, and environmental challenges.

CCEDNet continued to advocate for the launch of the Social Innovation Advisory Council (which was announced in February 2023 with CCEDNet Executive Director Mike Toye being named Chair).

We supported the engagement of members and partners as speakers at MP Ryan Turnbull’s Sustainable Finance Forum, held on Parliament Hill on November 2 & 3, 2022, which included eight events, over 60 speakers, and over 200 participants including parliamentarians from across the political spectrum. The Sustainable Finance Forum Report, which summarizes sessions and outlines key recommendations for consideration by parliamentarians, also illustrates well the number of CCEDNet members and SI/SF partners who participated, and the strong political support for this agenda.



CreateAction hosted two cohorts of youth work experience placements with 51 youths (82%) successfully completing their placements.

Throughout the 2022 cohorts, CreateAction hosted 23 peer learning sessions that not only facilitated learning for and between youth participants, but also fostered a sense of unity, belonging, and community for all youth participants. The learning sessions included topics such as: knowing your rights as an employee, maintaining trauma-Informed boundaries at work, youth leadership, financial literacy, career planning, and Indigenous CED.

Overall, our employers noted a positive experience with CreateAction. Here’s an excerpt from one of the employers, “I took a wild chance on [youth], and I am not regretting it now. Glad I did! She has evolved very quickly over just a few months. I’m so amazed at the power of mentoring. Every youth deserves a chance. Glad we’ve had the opportunity to serve alongside CreateAction!”

Synergia Transition and Resilience Climate Action Program (STARCAP)

CCEDNet launched the STARCAP program in partnership with Synergia Co-operative Institute and Athabasca University. The three-year program supports Canadian organizations in undertaking or strengthening long-term climate action in their communities in ways that advance community resilience and climate justice.

CCEDNet worked with three organizations from across Canada. The first cohort, known as our Community Partners, was SETSI (Ontario), BC Co-op Association (British Columbia) and New Dawn Enterprises (Nova Scotia), who participated in the program from Feb-Dec 2022.

SETSI reported that through its participation in the program: “Our community engagement work, activities and impact through the STARCAP project has raised awareness, established solidarity and positioned us well to advance climate action and justice work in Canada. We have collectively built community capacity, resilience and allyship amongst mainstream organizations, groups on the margins, and nascent initiatives across Canada.”

New Dawn Enterprises reported that STARCAP: “Strengthened our understanding of the climate change issue and its relationship to our evolving work in community economic development and enabled us to build stronger relationships with other local players seeking to address climate change in our community.”

STARCAP is designed as an iterative program with the experience of each cohort informing the design of the program for the next cohort. The feedback we received from the first cohort revealed both the strengths and weaknesses of the program, which led to an internal reflective process from the STARCAP team and set the stage for a stronger offering for the 2023 delivery.

The result of this process was a successful recruitment in Fall 2022 that led to the selection of seven Community Partners from across Canada, representing diverse geographies and identities, including BIPOC, Francophone, youth and diverse disability communities.

Work Integration Social Enterprise Research

In partnership with the Social Research and Demonstration Corporation, the Toronto Enterprise Fund and five Toronto based social enterprises, CCEDNet completed a five-year longitudinal study on the impacts of work integration social enterprises on people experiencing or at risk of homelessness. The results are a testament to the powerful role work integration social enterprises can play in transforming lives.

Community Data Program

CCEDNet’s Community Data Program continues to expand the library of infographics and dashboards provided to members, including updates to the Community Recovery Dashboard, a new Housing Solutions Lab dashboard and a range of supports for the analysis, visualization and use of community data.

Adopting Common Measures Community of Practice

CCEDNet launched the Adopting Common Measures Community of Practice (CoP) as part of the Adopting Common Measures Project delivered in collaboration with Social Innovation Canada. The CoP hosted two cohorts in 2022. Cumulatively, the CoP team facilitated 10 information sessions and 17 learning sessions on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the five essential practices that constitute the Common Foundations for effective impact measurement.

A total of 84% of the participants felt confident to apply their learning to their work as a result of their participation in the CoP, and 72.2% have stated applying their learning to their work before the end of their respective cohort.

Community Leadership Program

The Community Leadership Program entered its second year of online programming, hosting 5 Leading Through Change Sessions which engaged 90 participants to examine the qualities of an effective change leader and concrete paths towards organizational resiliency. CCEDNet also hosted three cohorts for the 6-day Leadership Intensive Program that supported 52 participants through 3 modules dedicated to leading and understanding oneself, leading and understanding others and leading an organization. Nearly half of the participants continued onwards attaining the International ILM accreditation “Award In Leadership”.

The Program has received a 98% recommendation rate to date. It has welcomed many regional, mid and top management leaders across the country from a wide range of social impact organizations, and it has ignited supportive and lasting peer-to-peer relationships.


We launched a completely overhauled version of the CCEDNet website in September. The new site is beautifully designed, easy to navigate, and thematically structured around the Theory of Change.

Over the course of the year, we sent out three bilingual communiqués to our members. These mailers continue to be some of our most popular communications materials – for example, the October communiqué had an open rate of 58.7% and an average click rate of 22.2%, compared to an industry average of 42.6% and 4.8%, respectively.

We continued to sharpen our practice of storytelling toward collective liberation, sending out bi-monthly national newsletters to nearly 4,000 subscribers, applying a CED lens to themes such as Black histories, local enterprise development, climate joy, economic reconciliation, and the biodiversity crisis.

National Membership Engagement

CCEDNet launched its first annual national member survey. This data informed important indicators for CCEDNet’s Theory of Change strategies and allowed us to create baselines for annual tracking. We gathered valuable data on member engagement as well as climate action and community integration within member work. The survey also provided us with deep insights into the efforts, goals, and needs of our membership. The survey data is invaluable for helping us amplify member impact and advance our Theory of Change.

At the 2022 Annual General Meeting, we were thrilled to celebrate the vital work of our fourth annual Stronger Together Award winners: Momentum, Spence Neighbourhood Association and Ryan O’Neil Knight.


CCEDNet Manitoba

The number of CCEDNet MB members dropped during the first years of the pandemic. However, in 2022, CCEDNet MB restored the size of its network to 90 members.

Network Weaving

  • Throughout the year, the CCEDNet MB team conducted 157 meetings with members or close stakeholders. We also hosted three member meetings, including the annual Manitoba member meeting to set strategy for 2023, and discussed the Network’s plan for the provincial election.
  • CCEDNet MB sent out 24 newsletters and 18 members only communications, handled 124 information brokering requests, conducted 22 external presentations and lectures, and contributed to 3 podcasts about CED. The team also contributed research to the CCPA’s Alternative Municipal Budget on CED, Social Procurement, and Employment/Training.
  • CCEDNet MB hosted the 2022 Policy Summit for members. There are now 33 current policy resolutions with calls for regional and local governments to support CED policy, projects, and support actions that contribute toward CCEDNet’s vision.
  • The CCEDNet MB team held 44 meetings with government (provincial & municipal) officials, and made 29 submissions (2 federal, 19 provincial, 8 municipal). The team also contributed to the development of a new provincial fund (Journey to Independence Fund) that seeks to support CED interventions to support long-term meaningful employment for people facing multiple barriers to employment.
  • CCEDNet MB convened five community advocacy coalitions, hosting 73 coalition meetings.
    • The We Want to Work coalition, made up of members and supported by the Network, had a policy victory with the adoption of a Sustainable Procurement Action Plan by the City of Winnipeg, and subsequent work on its implementation.
    • CCEDNet MB led advocacy for supporting Manitoba’s community non-profits through a group of other networks/associations, including numerous lobbying activities to the provincial government.
    • As a result of member policy direction, both the Make Poverty History Manitoba and Right to Housing coalitions led successful municipal election campaigns for more rent-geared-to-income housing, a homelessness strategy, and more.

Manitoba Learns

  • Through the Manitoba Inclusive Economies Learning Series, CCEDNet MB hosted workshops such as Social Enterprise for Non-Profits, The Economics to Know for CED Success and Indigenous Economies & CED. We also supported leadership development through a group of capacity builders through Executive Director Breakfasts.
  • CCEDNet MB hosted the 2022 Gathering of Community Builders in October 2022, welcoming almost 300 people back to St John’s High School for one of Canada’s largest CED events. The theme was Cultivating Joy and speakers spoke to how to ensure joy is at the centre of our work building stronger, healthier, and more inclusive communities.


  • The Spark team handled 171 Requests for Spark assistance, which resulted in 20 providers giving pro bono assistance to groups and organizations through Spark matches. These matches included fundraising support, social enterprise marketing, HR related help, social media strategy, Executive Director mentorships, landscape design, and more.
  • The matches leveraged a total of $59,185 worth of support (calculated as professional volunteer hours at $190/hr). 85% of the organizations that were matched felt very satisfied with the experience, with 15% reporting they were satisfied. Nobody reported feeling unsatisfied.

AB Seed

CCEDNet became the Administrative Partner for AB Seed, a collaborative of social enterprise and social finance leaders in Alberta. AB Seed hosted a Re-Convene event, bringing members of the local ecosystem together to hear from Diane Roussin and consider what is needed in Alberta.

AB Seed launched Namada, an online directory of resources for Albertan social enterprises which now has over 100 resources listed.

AB Seed was a community hub for the Social Enterprise World Forum, bringing local actors together to take in the international content and ground it with conversations about the field in Alberta.

Investment Readiness Program

We took on the role of partnership convener for the federal Investment Readiness Program, aiming to support the 27 program partners as a network of expertise grounded in inclusion, equity, and access.

  • We began hosting to raise awareness and document the IRP.
  • We brought IRP partners together in a 3 day convening with plans to do at least two more. This leverages the program’s core objectives of supporting social purpose organizations as they become investment ready to also build a stronger ecosystem of support for social innovation and social finance.


CCEDNet sits on the Steering Committee of the Ontario Social Economy Roundtable.

Sarah Leeson-Klym delivered a presentation as part of a panel session during ONN’s Nonprofit Driven “Social financing 101: Learning the language and seizing the opportunity”.

We began development of a new way to connect at the regional level, with a plan to open a call for Regional Initiatives in early 2023.


Check out the Manitoba region newsletter for May here.

Get the newsletter in your inbox! Subscribe and click Manitoba CED Bulletins

Note to the reader: This text was originally delivered as part of an opening plenary alongside speakers Elder Mae Louise Campbell, Michael Redhead Champagne and Karen Sharma at CCEDNet Manitoba’s 2022 annual Gathering on the theme Cultivating Joy.
Cultivating Joy
The logo of CCEDNet MB’s 2022 Gathering. Colourful text says “cultivating joy,” with the letters of the word “joy” depicted as being part of a root system, from which a plant is sprouting above the ground.

Hi, everyone. Thank you to Elder Mae Louise, Michael and Karen for taking the time to share with us about their relationship to and experiences of joy. It is a real honour to be speaking alongside them today.

I’d like to note before I dig into this topic much further that my reflections and the way I communicate my own experiences are ever-changing. As I practice openness to learning, listening and adaptivity, I look forward to seeing how this topic continues to shift for me a month from now, a year from now, and hopefully beyond.

A large challenge I see us facing in the non-profit sector (which I include most community economic development work in) is a disconnect in the work we do to improve our communities and the way we do our work. This sector is made up of many changemakers who are experiencing burnout , apathy or are even furthering harm. This has led to what feels like a growing reputation of toxicity in non-profit working environments. People advocating for disability justice talk about how non-profit and community-building work often demands more energy from them than is possible or reasonable to give. Others talk about the problems around the glorification of work in the non-profit sector, and its similarity to the mainstream systems we’re critical of.

People in our sector are often moving from one organization to the next; staff retention is a challenge for many of us; and my experience tells me that this is not based on salaries and wages alone.

I have also seen many people and organizations that are working to shift and transform these problems, using work from activists such as Audre Lorde (The Master’s Tools will Never Dismantle the Master’s House) to ask the question: Are we actually replicating or upholding the same traits and characteristics of settler colonialism and racial capitalism that we’re trying to dismantle?

A colourful quilt made during the Manitoba Gathering 2022. On paper squares, attendees wrote or drew answers to the question “what brings you joy?” ArtsJunktion then turned these squares into a quilt.

However, despite our challenges, we are still here. What keeps us here? This is a question I’ve spent the last number of years investigating for myself. The reason I keep asking this question is because I have been tempted to leave community work many times, and I so deeply believe in the potential of this sector to make the necessary change and movement our communities need to survive and thrive. Every time I wanted to leave, this question [what keeps us here] would come up. While the answer has shifted many times, something has always kept me here.

At first, it was a sense of duty to do this work. It’s my duty, I thought, as a community member, to use my skills, privilege, and experiences to make change and do better. And while I value the responsibility I feel to my community, how I internalized this “duty” no longer seems to serve my relationships or desire to build community.

With the slow exit of duty, this question came up again. Responsibility to my community on its own was becoming insufficient to convince me to stay in volunteer or underpaid positions. Especially as my capacity for meaningful contributions was being increasingly limited by burnout, confusion, health issues, and mental illness.

In addition to being supported by my therapist, who is still incredibly important in my life, I began searching for others who were asking this question [what keeps us here]. And this is when I encountered conversations and models of joy, suffering, and care that really resonated with me. Along with many others, I was captivated by the writing of adrienne maree brown, who was holding the complexities of joy and suffering in ways that were new for me. I also want to credit the work of angel Kyodo Williams, an activist, writer and ordained Zen priest whose online meditation group I participated in modelled a similar vision of joy and suffering. In one interview angel Kyodo Williams quotes: “you can find joy in the midst of suffering. In fact, that’s exactly where joy lives.”

The idea that it was the joy and care in my community relationships that kept me in this work resonated deeply. But access to joy still felt elusive. I was worried that too much joy would slip quickly into toxic positivity. I was worried that if I started experiencing more joy, I was somehow erasing all of my pain and the pain of those around me. Another part of me felt like it was too vulnerable, and of course, just telling myself to “experience more joy” was not working.

This is around the time I came across a zine called “Characteristics of White Supremacy Culture” written by Tema Okun. Although I was already familiar with many of these ideas, there was either something about the way in which this information was compiled or maybe the time in which I read it, that offered me a new vision or model for my relationship to joy, work and community economic development.

For me, reading this zine gave me incredible compassion for my own social conditioning and an awareness of how it was affecting the way I worked while also giving me a new framework to begin de-conditioning it. Not only did it help me see where I might be causing harm to the people and organizations I was working with, it also helped me see where I was harming myself and subconsciously keeping myself from the joys of slowing down, resting, playfulness, collaborating, and upholding relationships, both and in my personal life and work.

Of the twelve characteristics in this zine, I’m going to go through five of them that felt most like they pushed against my ability to experience joy at the time. As I’ve focused on working through these characteristics and introduced practices for developing new ways of working and relating to others (outside of the characteristics of white supremacy culture), I have seen major shifts in the ease at which joy comes and goes. While these practices don’t take away my (sometimes overwhelming) feelings of grief, anger, and despair, increasing my capacity for joy has also increased my capacity to sit with my grief, anger and despair. Both alone, and in community.

While I go through the naming of some of these characteristics, I would encourage you to think about how your conditioning of these cultural traits has affected your relationship to joy, in work and in life.

Before I begin—I also want to note that this zine has since been updated, and the information is available as an article which I’ll give you a reference to at the end.

The first characteristic of white supremacy culture that was and still is significant for me at times, is perfectionism. The way perfectionism prevents joy for me is that it prioritizes my desired outcome of a situation over my own well-being, the well-being of others, and my relationship to the people I’m collaborating with. And sometimes, this even happens without me being conscious of what my desired outcome is.

When the well-being of myself, others and my relationships are put to the side in favour of perfectionism, conscious or subconscious, joy becomes very difficult for me to cultivate because instead, I’m hyper-fixated on a very particular outcome or feeling I want to achieve.

And again, I’ll note that sometimes this desired outcome for me wasn’t even well defined. Using the South Osborne Farmers’ Market, for example, my desired outcome may have been that I want all the vendors, patrons, volunteers and staff to have the very best experience at our market. But practically, I hadn’t talked to anyone about what that looked like or how we could collaborate to make that happen, meaning that my desire for perfectionism was all based on my own internal ideas and feelings. To let the attachment to my desired outcome go, I had to:

  • Acknowledge it
  • Share it with my team, collaborate and define our shared expectations and priorities
  • Remind myself that there were parts of my outcome that were outside of my control

In doing so, I found there was so much more space for joy to exist in both the small and the big moments as we worked together to uphold our priorities. It was in the working together, building our trust and relationships, and the shared experiences of problem-solving and accomplishing our shared goals that were the most joyful aspects of the work for me.

Some additional ways I’ve experienced perfectionism hijacking my joy include:

  • When it becomes more important to point out how someone’s work could be better than to show appreciation for the work they have done.
  • When I see mistakes as personalized errors, as opposed to just being… mistakes that everyone makes sometimes because we’re human.
  • And, at an internalized level, perfectionism results in me always focusing on what could have been done better or what I should have done instead. This takes a lot of mental and physical energy, which takes energy away from the things I would prefer to prioritize.

The second robber of joy, or characteristic of white supremacy culture, that I have experienced very intensely is a sense of urgency. This sense of urgency is also incredibly activating for my nervous system, which I learned about from Resmaa Menakem in My Grandmother’s Hands. For many years I was in a constant sense of urgency, which had me convinced that resources and time were always and forever (!!) scarce when that wasn’t always true. When I am in an urgent state, my relationships become less caring and more transactional or extractive, which compromises my values and the way I feel about myself. Over time, I have found it incredibly valuable to try and identify what this state of urgency looks or feels like for me so that I am not operating from it subconsciously or for too long. I am never at my best when I am feeling a prolonged sense of urgency. Though, of course, there are times when acting with urgency becomes necessary.

Ironically, a way that this sense of urgency shows up for me, is in my desire to “fix” my sense of urgency. When I first read this zine, I felt an immediately urgent need to fix this characteristic that needed attending to… but um, that did not work. Rather, I have been focused on responding to my tendency towards a sense of urgency by very intentionally practicing pausing and slowing down whenever makes sense and is possible. And sometimes, even when it does not feel possible. I try to ask for more time than I think I’ll need on a project when I can. I support others’ requests for slowing down and extra time. I try to prioritize so I know what is actually time-sensitive versus what simply feels time-sensitive. This also leaves more energy for important things, such as unexpected crises.

The article I’m drawing on to talk about these characteristics of white supremacy culture also identifies helpful antidotes. For this characteristic, one of the antidotes that is likely relevant to many of us here includes writing realistic funding proposals with realistic timeframes–which I know is very tempting not to do when we’re trying to get required funding to retain staff and programming and/or impress our funders. But in my experience, getting more funding that only increases organizational stress and urgency is rarely worthwhile.

The next characteristic of white supremacy culture, which I’m sure many of you are familiar with and gets talked about quite often, is defensiveness.

The zine notes that with this characteristic, more time and energy is spent trying to prevent abuse than facilitating the best out of each person. A lot of energy in the organization is also spent trying to ensure people’s feelings aren’t getting hurt.

While I was re-reading this, it struck me that the sibling to defensiveness, which I have often seen in myself, might be people pleasing or the desire to “manage other peoples’ emotions”. When I’m people pleasing, again, often subconsciously, it’s to prevent having to deal with other peoples’ defensiveness.

My internal conditioning wants me to believe that having a differing opinion from someone is disruptive. It’s not necessarily wrong or bad, but keeping my opinion to myself would have been better. And, if I do have a different opinion than someone, it feels like my responsibility to make sure my disagreement or critique doesn’t hurt their feelings. In some ways, disagreeing can feel like invalidating someone else’s opinion or belief.

The other day I was talking to a friend about this, who has a different cultural experience and social conditioning than me. She observed how much energy it takes, and how much harder it is to get things done when you’re always concerned with how other people are going to react – will they be offended or defensive if you ask a question or disagree with them? My fear of someone’s reaction, putting a lot of energy into anticipating and managing their emotions or reaction, and struggling to connect with them as a result, has definitely been an unwelcome killjoy for me.

Overtime I’ve found my antidote for this has been slowing down to create trusting relationships that can hold mutual honesty, even when it feels hard and deeply uncomfortable. This includes building my own internal emotional capacity to not get offended or insecure if someone disagrees with me. Working to trust myself also gives me more capacity to trust others, and hear what they have to say in a non-defensive way.

Number 4 is Either/or thinking, which was also a big hurdle for me to experiencing joy. This type of thinking for me sought comfort and safety in things being good or bad; right or wrong; and created binaries between experiences such as joy or suffering; rest or rigour.

Of course, I was using narrow categories of how I defined good or bad; right or wrong; and if people didn’t immediately fit into these categories I had defined, I would see them as a threat. Once they “proved” they were in the acceptable category or binary, they were no longer a threat to me. In addition to this being incredibly judgemental and subjective, another way that this kept me from joy, was that I always needed to be hypervigilant of who was a threat or not and to be ready to respond if that threat was initiated. I understand that safety is very important, but for me, this habit was not conducive to community and movement building. I am currently working to find alternatives that respect my need for safety, trust and boundaries, without the judgement or categories.

I believe this is also a characteristic that can lead very quickly to burnout. It’s been hard for me to try and move between rest and rigour, for example, with ease. Allowing for both to exist multiple times throughout a day, or to learn what it means to have a few days more focused on rest, followed by a period of time that’s more focused on rigour. I also know that racial capitalism, the way we’re expected to work, parent, survive, etc. and all our other oppressive systems at play can make the intentionality and ease of these practices particularly challenging. However, back to not falling into the trap of either/or thinking, I also know it is not impossible and would still encourage practice and efforts in this area, where and when we can. My favourite phrase to counteract either/or thinking is now seeing most things as both/and. For example, moving between rest and rigour at the best pace for my body is not possible under racial capitalism, and I can still uphold my ideals for rest and rigour in the best ways I know how given my current circumstances and capacity.

Additionally, I want to say that just because I am speaking to this, does not mean I have this “figured out.” To be repetitive, it’s both/and, not either/or. I’m working on it, and struggle with these things, and may always struggle with these things, and will keep practicing these things, and etc. What’s your both/and?

The last characteristic I’m going to talk about today is individualism, or one I also like to call martyrdom. I see it all the time in non-profit culture, and I have seen it in myself many times. This is the trait that glorifies overworking, praises people for over delivering and, in my experience, is another huge contributor to burnout. There is nothing that causes stress for me, like feeling I’m the only one who can do something… which, I have realized over time, is usually not true, and I do have more control over these feelings than I often want to admit. This not only makes joy challenging because of the stress it causes but also leads to isolation. Some of the antidotes noted in the zine that have worked for me but are still (obviously!) in progress include:

  • Devoting significant time and resources to developing cooperation, communication, and conflict skills
  • Sharing in the recognition and credit for projects – rotating the spokesperson or face of a project or organization, when possible
  • Knowing that even if I’m responsible for something, I’m always accountable to others, and there are always others to consult with
  • Delegating or sharing tasks as a practice to remind myself that I’m not the only one responsible for completing something or solving the problems

Outside of these characteristics, there’s one final factor connected to joy that I want to mention, which is surrounding the role of trauma. Living with trauma, which many of us do, can make joy, safety, and love feel unsafe at times. If this is the case for you, I would recommend finding additional support(s) for this work, whether that is through therapy, ceremony, somatics, or other means that you feel are accessible and meaningful in your own life. For myself, I have also found the book “My Grandmother’s Hands: Racialized Trauma and the Pathway to Mending our Hearts and Bodies” by Resmaa Menakem, a supportive piece of work on this topic.

The updated version of the article on white supremacy culture also includes an entire section on fear, touching on topics of both safety and belonging, which I found very resonant and helpful.

If you want to read more and reflect on the ways these twelve characteristics show up for you, you can visit or

Attendees of the Manitoba Gathering 2022 sit at tables within the auditorium where the event was held.

As I’ve been working through de-conditioning these traits of white supremacy culture, and practicing antidotes, I am very pleased to report that my joy and playfulness have been returning. Relationships are a priority for me again, or perhaps, more intentionally than they ever have been. I spend more time cooking and eating delicious food with others, dancing in between meetings, staring in wonder at the moon or resting under the sun, and playing hide and seek with my niblings. I usually pause or rest when I really need to. My community-building work is mostly lifegiving, even when it is challenging. And I have more energy to participate in my community with skillfulness, mindfulness, and intentionality.

I am imagining my work to undo the automatic nature of these traits will be a lifelong process of practice, as they are not only conditioned into me but also into the fabric of our society. The antidotes noted in the article have been instrumental in supporting me in this process.

As an example of how this all shows up for me, I want to fast forward to this year’s Harvest Moon Festival, where a friend asked me: “Do you ever have to give yourself permission to have fun?” And my immediate answer was yes. This work is not easy, it is not quick. I still have to ask myself often:

  • “what makes me feel alive?”
  • “what keeps me from feeling alive?”
  • “what changes do I need to make to create more joy in the world—for myself, and the people around me?”

In an article adrienne maree brown wrote online titled, “additional recommendations for us right now from a future”, she says:
“Feel pleasure every day. Don’t let your body, your heart, forget why we fight—to feel aliveness and togetherness. We will grow.”
angel Kyoto Williams, in an interview with Sounds True, tells us: “we find our joy because we’re released of a sense of fear and ignorance that is what keeps us from being able to directly experience the joy that is actually always there and always available to us in life.”

So, I invite you to practice antidotes to the characteristics of white supremacy culture that cause distress and prevent joy in your relationships, your life, and your work. And in doing so, let’s pursue joy together. For our communities, our organizations, our relationships and ourselves.

Gratitudes: In addition to those noted throughout my reflections, Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha writes extensively about disability and healing justice in this essay in a way that I have really appreciated. This article by Heather Laine Talley speaks further to the culture of white women working in nonprofits. I’m also so grateful to the many day-to-day teachers and mentors who have shaped my learning. Friends, family, community workers and advocates, co-conspirators, authors, podcasters, and more. See revolutions are made up of ordinary people like you and me, where Ayesha Khan talks about the question “who are your greatest inspirations?” I am also grateful for Bethany Daman, Asha Nelson, Meghan Mast and Peter Dueck who supported editing these reflections so they could be shared with others.

Feedback? You can email me at


Katie Daman

My name is Katie Daman (they/she). I’m a white, queer settler from rural Manitoba now living on Treaty 1 territory, in Winnipeg. Over the last 10 years, I’ve worked in the community economic development sector with the WestEnd Commons, Pollock’s Hardware Co-op as their Treasurer, am a co-founder and co-chair (past chair since this was written) of the South Osborne Farmers’ Market and Fireweed Food Co-op, and currently also sit on the board of CCEDNet. I look to organizations like Dehydration Nations, Bar None, and Winnipeg Police Cause Harm for inspiration on decentralized organizing and community building. In my work, I was previously a grant fund coordinator for community economic development initiatives in northern Manitoba and am now the Project Manager of a project called the Food Ecosystems Project, which is a partnership between Community Futures Manitoba and Food and Beverage Manitoba. These are some of the experiences I’ve drawn on that have shaped my relationship to the topic of joy and community economic development.

Katie Daman headshot

Update (May 5, 2023): The next Community Leadership Program’s 2-day leadership training will now take place on May 30 and June 9, 2023. Spots are still available, so register today!

**We have a special offer. When you register 2 employees from your organization for this training, we’ll waive the program fee for a third employee! Email to take advantage of this special offer. Don’t delay, because registration ends on May 24th!**

All programs are designed to help non-profit, community-based, and social purpose leaders, managers and organizations navigate challenge, change and opportunity successfully. This unique learning environment is intentionally designed to respond to your experience. You can expect to refine and build your leadership skills and apply what you’ve learned in new, meaningful and purposeful ways. You’ll gain tools to help strengthen your teams and encourage problem solving and creativity, so that you can collectively navigate and effectively respond to change, innovation and the current priorities of your work environment.

Find more information about each program, including registration links, below:

Navigating Change for Leaders Training: 2-day | Zoom event

If you are leading any change elements in your organization, and need to implement major changes – this is the course for you.  Organizational change is not easy.  Oftentimes it has challenges and is incumbent on strategic, thoughtful leadership. How you navigate change and support others to move through it is critical.  Arrive with a change issue in hand, apply leading change management principles, approaches and frameworks and leave with an action plan that will energize and best support your teams and stakeholders so together your vision for change can be achieved.  

Learning Objectives:

Module 1 (7 hours):

Understand organizational change through the change curve and Bridges Transition Model; analyze the change in more detail to better inform your problem solving and response(s), develop the script and skills to participate in a change conversation based on principles of effective communication; explore the essential skills of a change leader, assess your own strengths and weaknesses and commit to an action(s) or strategy/ies to improve your capacity to lead through change.

Module 2 (7 hours):

Examine how to most effectively navigate uncertainty and ambivalence; embed resilience within your team(s) and your own leadership style; explore the context of the change to leverage strengths and opportunities and mitigate limitations, and threats; begin to map out an action plan that helps you and your stakeholders to intentionally and strategically navigate change; reflect on the posture you want to embody as a change leader

For whom: For those supporting employees through change or overseeing organizational change and looking to build a proactive response and plan through the transition.  

Prerequisite: Due to the applied nature of this course you will be required to commit to approximately 1 hour of self reflection in advance of the first module and approximately 2 hours of self-reflection in advance of the second module.


  • 9am – 4pm ET on May 30 and June 9

Course fee: 

  • $539 for CCEDNet members 
  • $679 for Non-members

Limited Capacity: Please note that the course will be capped at 20 learners to ensure each participant has a high quality, engaging and impactful experience.

Register for 2-day Navigating Change for Leaders Training Cohort 2

**We’ve got a special offer. When you register 2 employees from your organization for this training, we’ll waive the program fee for a third employee! Email to take advantage of this special offer. Don’t delay, because registration ends on May 24th!

Important Note on Program Accessibility

Increasing ease of access for people of every identity and ability is our priority. Closed captioning will be available. But, if there is a barrier preventing you from fully joining us for these sessions, we want to help! Additional accessibility accommodations may be made available by contacting Adriana Zylinski.

Your Facilitator: Suzanne Gibson

Suzanne Gibson

Our Leadership programs, facilitated by Suzanne Gibson, will offer anyone who leads a team the chance to take a well-supported deep dive into leadership practices, skills, and tools.

Suzanne Gibson “awakens the potential” of your organization to achieve its mandate and vision. Over the past 25 years, Suzanne has:

  • inspired new and established organizations to “dream big,” unite around an idea and turn those dreams into reality
  • uncovered creative solutions to complex social and organization problems
  • mobilized diverse groups into strong teams
  • facilitated and supported leaders, staff and volunteers to achieve their personal and collective potential
  • applied her entrepreneurial flair to start up innovative new ventures
  • equipped organizations to secure much-needed knowledge, skills and resources.

Suzanne will help you draw out the very best from your staff and stakeholders as you help create a better world.

Not a CCEDNet member? Join CCEDNet or contact Adriana at .


Every year, CCEDNet members are invited to submit nominations for CCEDNet’s Board of Directors. This year, there were four vacancies to be filled.

Four eligible nominations were received by the deadline, leading our Elections Officer to declare the following candidates elected by acclamation:

  • Victor Beausoleil
  • Michelle Colussi
  • Gail Henderson
  • Ryan Watmough

The results will be ratified at CCEDNet’s Annual General Meeting of the members on June 8.

Congratulations to these amazing CED leaders from across Canada, who will be part of CCEDNet’s dedicated Board of Directors.

Victor Beausoleil

Victor Beausoleil

At the age of 25 Victor Beausoleil Co-Founded Redemption Reintegration Services one of the largest youth-led, youth justice agencies in Canada. As the founding Executive Director, Victor managed a $3.5 million dollar budget and
through research and advocacy built RRS into a leader in youth justice.

In 2013 Victor Beausoleil received his first public service appointment by the Premiere of Ontario Kathleen Wynne as a member of the PCYO (Premiere’s Council on Youth Opportunities). Victor has worked diligently in the broader equity seeking communities across Canada for the past fifteen years. As a lecturer Victor Beausoleil has travelled extensively throughout Canada, the United States and Africa for speaking engagements for community organizations, institutions and philanthropic foundations.

Victor Beausoleil has been a board member of the Atkinson Charitable Foundation, The Harriet Tubman Community Organization, as well as a member of the grant review committees of the Laidlaw Foundation, the Toronto Community Housing Social Investment Fund and Victor is currently on the board of the Toronto Community Benefits Network. The Toronto Star, Toronto Sun, National Post, Share Newspaper and The Caribbean Camera, have all highlighted Victor Beausoleil’s work in communities across Canada.

Victor Beausoleil is currently the President + CEO of Intuit Consulting and the founder of SETSI – The Social Economy Through Social Inclusion Coalition. Victor has written eleven books and currently resides in Toronto with his wife and four children.

Michelle Colussi

Michelle Colussi

Michelle has over 30 years of experience working with local and First Nation governments and NGO’s in Canada to strengthen their strategic impact and capacity, working for many years with the Canadian Centre for Community Renewal.

Her experience across all roles in community work givers her a solid understanding of the diversity of perspectives and resources communities need to get stuff done. Michelle was the community research lead in the design of the Community Resilience Manual and worked with the Government of Botswana to train facilitators there. She facilitated a diverse multi-sector Advisory group for Western Forest Products resulting in successful forest certification, was Canada’s first Transition Town Trainer and is co-founder of Building Resilient Neighbourhoods.

Currently Michelle works with SHIFT Collaborative to strengthen systems change practice and adaptive learning in action with a focus on multi-stakeholder initiatives and regional food systems. Her current work includes coaching three Collective Impact initiatives, supporting deepening inclusive practices within IPCC Working Group I, coaching NGOs to strengthen financial acumen through Thriving Non-Profits and delivery of CMHC Housing Solutions Labs.

Gail Henderson

Gail Henderson

Dr Gail Henderson is an assistant professor with Queen’s University Faculty of Law. Her research interests include corporate law, corporate governance, corporate social responsibility, securities regulation and the regulation of financial institutions.

Professor Henderson graduated from Osgoode Hall Law School as Gold Medalist in 2005, and served as law clerk to The Honourable Louise Charron of the Supreme Court of Canada. Prior to pursuing graduate studies at the University of Toronto, she practiced commercial litigation and environmental and municipal law at Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP in Toronto. Her doctoral research focused on the role of corporate governance in encouraging greater corporate environmental responsibility.

Professor Henderson has received funding for her research from the Ireland Canada University Foundation, the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, the Canadian Foundation for Governance Research and the Canadian Centre for Ethics & Corporate Policy.

Ryan Watmough

Ryan Watmough

Born and raised in rural Ontario and currently living and working in rural BC, Ryan has been working as a consultant in and around CED – and most recently leading the next iteration of the SFU CED Certificate Program. In the last year, he’s worked at SFU to provide better professional development opportunities by gaining accreditation through EDAC, CCUA and Cando (TAED and PAED). Canada needs more community economic development practitioners, and Ryan is dedicated to forming connections and collaborations that will “build local economies that strengthen communities and benefit everyone.”

Ryan is a strategic, creative, systematic and analytical leader with significant experience and a proven track record of project and program success related to rural and remote community development. He has been recognized for his work, receiving the “2020 – 2021 BCEDA Economic Development Marketing Innovation Award (Less than 20,000 Population)” and the 2020 BC Farmers Market Champion Award.


For CCEDNet’s spring 2023 member communique, our communications coordinator, Anita Lambton, interviewed Derek Bassey. Derek is finance coordinator at Fireweed Food Co-op in Winnipeg Treaty 1 territory, and is also a new CCEDNet board member.

It was inspirational to learn more about how Fireweed Food co-op connects their day-to-day practices with their CED mindset. Read the full interview below.

Anita Lambton: To begin, what does community economic development mean to you and to Fireweed Food Co-op?

Derek Bassey: Community economic development to me and Fireweed means the generation and redistribution of resources within one’s identified community. While community economic development can manifest itself in different ways, it encompasses the establishment of sustaining communities and societies that have a reduced dependence on external and unrelated influences that don’t further the growth and health of the community.

AL: There are four dimensions that are foundational to Fireweed food co-op’s work: thriving community, local economy, ecological sustainability and food access for all. Can you tell us more about those and how the co-op embodies them?

DB: Through my work I try to uphold the four dimensions. I like to think I uphold the dimension of thriving community through engagement and encouragement.

At the heart of a community is people’s spirits, and they thrive best when they feel they are safe and encouraged to be themselves. Local economy comes into play when you look at the logistical day-to-day transactions of both business and households. By working in financial management, my work facilitates the local economy by providing support to these transactions. Ecological sustainability and food access for all is embodied in the long-term goals of my work through Fireweed. For example, one of Fireweed’s treasured projects is the Veggie Van initiative that sets out to distribute food to disenfranchised communities that experience food insecurity.

The four dimensions at the heart of Fireweed’s work: thriving community, just local economy, ecological sustainability, food access for all.

AL: You recently joined the board at CCEDNet. What motivated you to do this and what are you hoping to contribute to or achieve?

DB: As an immigrant, I have been eager to find more ways to give back to the community that welcomed and supported me. CCEDNet had been on my radar ever since I joined the team at Fireweed and when I heard about the opportunity to join the board, I naturally jumped at it.

AL: How can CCEDNet members support the work Fireweed Food Co-op is doing?

DB: There are a number of ways CCEDNet members can support Fireweed, be it directly or indirectly.

For example, CCEDNet members can join the Fireweed network as a supporter co-op member and purchase local food at the South Osborne Farmers market or from the Fireweed buying club. Members can also offer support through being local food advocates and purchase from restaurants who buy from Fireweed, and recommend local food purchases in your workplace if applicable. Lastly, CCEDNet members can even go as far as advocating and lobbying for policies that align with Fireweed’s mission; for example, lobbying and advocating for local procurement policies or social procurement.

Thanks Derek, Fireweed Food Co-op, and everyone out there advocating for better food systems!

Congratulations to Yvon Poirier, CCEDNet Board member and longtime CED activist, who has been instrumental in supporting this work at the UN, including most recently last December. Yvon’s work led to Canada being one of the states sponsoring the resolution at the UN.

Note: Authored by Yvon Poirier, this post originally appeared on the RIPESS website. For more information, read the announcement made by the United Nations Inter-Agency Task Force on Social and Solidarity Economy.

The adoption on April 18 by the United Nations General Assembly of resolution A/77/L.60 is a very significant achievement for our movement that has promoted the Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) as an important paradigm change to help humanity move towards genuinely sustainable development that leaves no one behind, the rallying cry of Agenda 2030 

We would like to express our heartfelt thanks and commend Argentina, Armenia, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Czechia, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Equatorial Guinea, Finland, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, Mongolia, Morocco, Portugal, Romania, Senegal, Slovenia, and Spain for co-sponsoring this resolution. We are particularly grateful to Chili, Senegal, and Spain, supported by France, for establishing a zero draft of the resolution and organising the necessary negotiations that resulted in a final draft on which consensus was reached on March 23rd.

RIPESS has promoted the inclusion of SSE in sustainable development since the RIO+20 global summit of June 2012. We already at that date presented specific proposals for the inclusion of SSE in the future 2015-2030 SDG’s. We were aware that the 2000-2015 Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) were not reducing poverty significantly, and that many of the Goals would not be achieved.

This is why we actively participated in all arenas where it was possible to promote SSE in the 2012-2014 period, as we knew that the 2015-2030 SDGs would not be achieved through the business-as-usual approach. We participated in civil society consultations that recommended the recognition of SSE. We participated in the 2013 and 2014 HLPF events in New York. During the 2014 HLPF, our then-Executive Secretary, Daniel Tygel, was the official spokesperson for civil society, taking the floor in front of 130 country delegations. We also published a series of recommendations at this time; they had been endorsed by 500 organisations from all around the world.

Even if we failed to get SSE included in Agenda 2030, we relentlessly pursued the path of international recognition for SSE. Our colleague from Mali in Africa, Madani Coumaré was chosen as a civil society speaker at the occasion of one of the interactive dialogues during the UN Summit that adopted Agenda 2030 in September 2015. 

Our members continued to work in their respective countries and continents. At the global level, we continued by firmly committing to the United Nations Inter-Agency Task Force on SSE (UNTFSSE) that was established in 2013. We continued to participate in the ILO SSE yearly SSE Academies. We organised (generally co-organised) workshops in many official gatherings such as UNCTAD 14 in Nairobi in 2016, and UN Habitat III held in Mexico and the adoption of the New Urban Agenda in Quito in 2016. The UN Habitat III consultations was the occasion to co-organise workshops during the preparatory consultations in Montreal, Monterrey, and Barcelona, jointly with other SSE organisations. SSE was included in the reports of the three meetings. We also co-signed with other SSE organizations: SSE IF, INAISE, GSEF, FMDV and Habitat International Coalition proposing the inclusion of SSE in the New Urban Agenda (NUA). The months of effort were a success and SSE was included. Since then, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution in December 2016 endorsing the NUA. This was the first UN Resolution to mention SSE. 

September 7th, 2016 was the moment when the process towards a UN resolution truly began. Even if it was in the back of our minds, a message was forwarded to us by a UN Civil servant on that day that suggested that the moment would be ripe for proposing a resolution on SSE. Realising that we had made considerable progress in terms of international recognition for SSE, the idea was shared with the UNTFSSE in the following weeks and months. The idea was carried forward in a couple of meetings in 2017, and finally, on February 24th 2018, the UNTFSSE adopted a first concept note and endorsed the proposal to move in that direction. It had now become an official endeavour. The authors of the first concept note, Chantal Line Carpentier and Fulvia Farinelli from UNCTAD (a member of the UNTFSSE) accompanied by the author of this article, were asked to continue the work and prepare a first draft of the future resolution. In early January 2019, based on content provided by this author, Raymond Landveld shaped the draft so it read in a more typical UN Resolution format. That first draft was shared and adopted in the February 26th 2019 Task Force meeting. A second draft, with a few amendments was adopted in May, following suggestions by members and observers.

At that point in time, no country was prepared to sponsor/propose such a resolution. A decision was made to put any future work on improving the draft resolution on hold, with the logic that at a future date, when countries agreed to sponsor the resolution, the work on the draft would then be taken up again.

From May 2019 to April 2022, the focus was on identifying a country group of countries prepared to sponsor the resolution. To this end, a rationale was produced in different languages. Members and observers of the UNTFSSE, including RIPESS, promoted the importance of a resolution in many international events such as Pact for Impact in July 2019 in Paris, the virtual HLPF events, GSEF 2021 in Mexico, and many more. The COVID-19 pandemic considerably slowed the process.

The breakthrough came in early 2022, when France and Spain held a meeting in Paris on April 20th – 21st, to discuss the concrete proposal of a resolution. The UNTFSSE was then asked to prepare an updated version of the draft, as three years had elapsed since the version of May 2019. The then-Chair, Vic van Vuuren, the team that had worked on this in the past, Raymond Landveld, Yvon Poirier (author of this article) and Valentina Verze from the ILO, collectively worked to support of the UNTFSSE and updated the document. This was achieved by some days of very intensive work, and the new version was submitted to a special meeting of the UNTFSSE held on April 8th.

The above-mentioned meeting hosted by France was successful, and the participants decided to propose the resolution for the upcoming 77th session of the United Nations General Assembly (September 2022 to September 2023). At the occasion of the 2022 HLPF, a successful webinar was organised by RIPESS and the UNTFSSE to promote SSE, including the upcoming resolution, on July 5th.

Two side events were held in 2022 to promote the effort within all permanent missions at the UN; the first was organized by Spain on July 22nd, and a second by France on December 13th.  As a RIPESS representative, I was requested to act as moderator for the July 22 event, and as spokesperson for RIPESS in December. This process led to the formal engagement of 15-16 member countries. They jointly designated a core team to lead the process. Chili, Spain, and Senegal organised exchanges with the group of countries, and circulated with a zero draft on March 1st. Following this, the group of 3 co-facilitators organised rounds of consultations on the draft. After 3 weeks of negotiations, and with various changes to the draft, the proposed resolution went through a process called the “silence procedure”. Once this procedure was launched, Member States had 48 hours to break the silence (signal any disagreement). Since the silence procedure was not broken by the deadline of March 23rd, 5 PM, New York time, the resolution was considered validated for adoption by consensus at the UN General Assembly. This is the normal UN process. Once a resolution has been agreed, the next steps are translation in different UN languages, and setting a date for the adoption procedure. The resolution was adopted on April 18, 2023 (video).  

The adoption of the resolution is a very important step for SSE and SSE actors, but we must stay modest.

The challenges to fully include SSE in all aspects of development aimed at achieving the SDGs are enormous. We will need to deploy the SSE approach where it is still weak, or even unknown, and strengthen its capacity where it already exists. We will need to strengthen organisations and networks. The financial challenge will be huge, since the global financial system in which we are living does everything it can to limit funding to the corporate sector.

Raising hundreds of millions of people out of abject poverty can only be achieved by SSE. Governments need to adopt progressive taxation in “wealthy and developed” countries. And even in these countries, extreme poverty is fast increasing due to the current multiple crises. Tax havens need to be abolished. All countries need to adopt full social protection measures. SSE needs to be part of the effort to move away from the carbon economy. Local economies need to be strengthened. Abolishing poverty is not possible in a world where 1% of the population capture an estimated 63% of the wealth produced in 2021 and 2022. We must view SSE as a holistic approach that encompasses all sectors of economic life, as is the case for the SDGs. Everything is interconnected.

There is room for hope and optimism.

The adoption of the Resolution is the result of the SSE ecosystem we have collectively built over several decades. This ecosystem, composed of UN Agencies, the work on this subject by the OECD and UNCTAD, the UNTFSSE, SSE organisations (RIPESS, GSEF and others), States, research organisations such as CIRIEC and EMES, has gradually developed. Without this work, a UN SSE Resolution would simply NOT HAVE BEEN POSSIBLE!

We strongly suggest that the only way to overcome the enormous challenges we will continue to face, is to strengthen the cohesion and the ecosystemic approach of these last decades. Those who travel alone will not go far, but together we can achieve great advances in leaving no one behind.

RIPESS Intercontinental and its continental members are firmly committed to this approach. It has been part of our core mission since the beginning.

Solidarity is the key.


Yvon Poirier

Yvon has a long history of involvement in the labour and social movements in Québec and Canada. He was founding President of the Corporation de développement économique communautaire de Québec in 1994, and member of the organizing committee of the Global Meetings on Community Economic Development in Sherbrooke, Québec in 1998.

From November 2003 to July 2013, he co-edited a monthly international e-newsletter on sustainable local development published in four languages. He has been a CCEDNet member since 2003 at first as an individual and since 2012 he represents the CDÉC de Québec.

He has been involved in international representation for CCEDNet since 2004. His most significant international involvement has been in the  Intercontinental Network for the Promotion of the Social Solidarity Economy (RIPESS). He has participated in many RIPESS conferences in different continents and since October 2013 is a member of the RIPESS Board of directors. He has also participated in different World Social Forums and he represents RIPESS in the UN Inter-Agency Taskforce on SSE.

Yvon Poirier

Update (April 12, 2023): The Community Leadership Program’s 2-day leadership training starts on April 19, and we’ve got a special offer. When you register 2 employees from your organization for this training, we’ll waive the program fee for a third employee!

Email to take advantage of this special offer. Don’t delay, because registration ends on April 16!

Sign up today for Community Leadership Program’s 2-day leadership training!

All programs are designed to help non-profit, community-based, and social purpose leaders, managers and organizations navigate challenge, change and opportunity successfully. This unique learning environment is intentionally designed to respond to your experience. You can expect to refine and build your leadership skills and apply what you’ve learned in new, meaningful and purposeful ways. You’ll gain tools to help strengthen your teams and encourage problem solving and creativity, so that you can collectively navigate and effectively respond to change, innovation and the current priorities of your work environment.

Find more information about each program, including registration links, below:

Navigating Change for Leaders Training: 2-day | Zoom event

If you are leading any change elements in your organization, and need to implement major changes – this is the course for you.  Organizational change is not easy.  Oftentimes it has challenges and is incumbent on strategic, thoughtful leadership. How you navigate change and support others to move through it is critical.  Arrive with a change issue in hand, apply leading change management principles, approaches and frameworks and leave with an action plan that will energize and best support your teams and stakeholders so together your vision for change can be achieved.  

Learning Objectives:

Module 1 (7 hours):

Understand organizational change through the change curve and Bridges Transition Model; analyze the change in more detail to better inform your problem solving and response(s), develop the script and skills to participate in a change conversation based on principles of effective communication; explore the essential skills of a change leader, assess your own strengths and weaknesses and commit to an action(s) or strategy/ies to improve your capacity to lead through change.

Module 2 (7 hours):

Examine how to most effectively navigate uncertainty and ambivalence; embed resilience within your team(s) and your own leadership style; explore the context of the change to leverage strengths and opportunities and mitigate limitations, and threats; begin to map out an action plan that helps you and your stakeholders to intentionally and strategically navigate change; reflect on the posture you want to embody as a change leader

For whom: For those supporting employees through change or overseeing organizational change and looking to build a proactive response and plan through the transition.  

Prerequisite: Due to the applied nature of this course you will be required to commit to approximately 1 hour of self reflection in advance of the first module and approximately 2 hours of self-reflection in advance of the second module.


  • 9am – 4pm ET on May 30 and June 9

Course fee: 

  • $539 for CCEDNet members 
  • $679 for Non-members

Limited Capacity: Please note that the course will be capped at 20 learners to ensure each participant has a high quality, engaging and impactful experience.

Register for 2-day Navigating Change for Leaders Training Cohort 2

Important Note on Program Accessibility

Increasing ease of access for people of every identity and ability is our priority. Closed captioning will be available. But, if there is a barrier preventing you from fully joining us for these sessions, we want to help! Additional accessibility accommodations may be made available by contacting Adriana Zylinski.

Your Facilitator: Suzanne Gibson

Suzanne Gibson

Our Leadership programs, facilitated by Suzanne Gibson, will offer anyone who leads a team the chance to take a well-supported deep dive into leadership practices, skills, and tools.

Suzanne Gibson “awakens the potential” of your organization to achieve its mandate and vision. Over the past 25 years, Suzanne has:

  • inspired new and established organizations to “dream big,” unite around an idea and turn those dreams into reality
  • uncovered creative solutions to complex social and organization problems
  • mobilized diverse groups into strong teams
  • facilitated and supported leaders, staff and volunteers to achieve their personal and collective potential
  • applied her entrepreneurial flair to start up innovative new ventures
  • equipped organizations to secure much-needed knowledge, skills and resources.

Suzanne will help you draw out the very best from your staff and stakeholders as you help create a better world.

Not a CCEDNet member? Join CCEDNet or contact Adriana at .


The Stronger Together Award celebrates individual and organizational members who have made exceptional contributions to Community Economic Development and/or who have provided outstanding leadership to CCEDNet in achieving our vision of sustainable, equitable and inclusive communities directing their own futures.

It is our honour to highlight the resilience, impact, and achievements made by our member network. We warmly invite CCEDNet members to nominate their peers.  The deadline to submit nominations is May 7, 2023 by 11:59 pm PST. 

The 2023 Stronger Together Award recipients will be celebrated at the 24th Annual General Meeting on June 8, 2023. 

Next Steps:

  1. Please read the following criteria, nomination process and selection process information on this page before submitting your nomination.
  2. Please complete the Nomination Form in its entirety and submit
  3. Please submit a signed copy of the Nominee Consent Form to Adriana Zylinski at  under the subject heading [Stronger Together Awards – “Name of Nominee”] and indicate that you have also submitted the nomination form.


The nominees must be CCEDNet members in good standing for at least 1 year and demonstrate leadership in advancing Community Economic Development.  The Stronger Together Awards Selection Committee will be interested in how the nominee’s achievements have impacted the field of Community Economic Development, inspired further action, and/or benefited communities served.  Achievements, peer collaborations, outcomes, or innovations that demonstrate nominee leadership or commitment will be considered.

Nomination Process

Nominations can be made by any individual or organizational member in good standing that is not on the Stronger Together Award Selection Committee.  Former award recipients may not be nominated again; however, previous nominees may be.

Selection Process

The Stronger Together Award Selection Committee, composed of Board members, and CCEDNet staff, will review the nomination forms and select the award recipient(s). 

The committee will evaluate and score the nominees based on the completed written content of the nomination form and an assessment of merit.  


If you have any questions or need support in sending your nomination, please contact Adriana Zylinski at .


Update (April 4, 2023): The deadline to register for the 6-day Leadership Intensive is coming up! There are still a few spots remaining – sign up by this Friday, April 7.

Sign up today for the CLP 6-day intensive or 2-day leadership training!

All programs are designed to help non-profit, community-based, and social purpose leaders, managers and organizations navigate challenge, change and opportunity successfully. This unique learning environment is intentionally designed to respond to your experience. You can expect to refine and build your leadership skills and apply what you’ve learned in new, meaningful and purposeful ways. You’ll gain tools to help strengthen your teams and encourage problem solving and creativity, so that you can collectively navigate and effectively respond to change, innovation and the current priorities of your work environment.

Find more information about each program, including registration links, below:

Spring Leadership Intensive: 6-day | Zoom event

Experience this highly recommended Leadership Intensive! Join a community of brave, innovative and determined leaders from across Canada to examine self-leadership, leading and understanding others, and leading within an organization through 6 sessions of supported and embodied learning.

Learning Objectives:

Module 1 (14 hours): Leading and Understanding Myself

Becoming a more self-aware and confident leader, build on current skills and experience to gain greater clarity and insight into your leadership style and strengths so you can serve yourself, others and your organizations even better.

Module 2 (14 hours): Leading and Understanding Others

Enhance and build key senior leadership skills to engage and lead people so you can all contribute and thrive professionally, meet the challenge of navigating an organization and increase your impact.

Module 3 (14 hours): Leading within my Organization

Be more prepared for the opportunities and challenges that being a leader presents, build essential skills of a change leader, learn to develop teams and build team resilience, learn to lead through change and expertly communicate through courageous conversations.

For whom: The course is carefully designed to be impactful for leaders at all stages, 

When: 9am – 4pm ET on Tuesdays (biweekly) from April 11 – June 20 2023 (6 days)

Limited Capacity: Please note that the course will be capped at 20 learners to ensure each participant has a high quality, engaging and impactful experience.

Accreditation: This program offers the opportunity to achieve an internationally recognized accreditation, a 10 credit SCQF Level 9 qualification in Leadership, accredited by Glasgow Caledonian University. A certificate will be awarded upon completion of the program.

Course Fee:

  • $1250 for CCEDNet members ($250 savings)
  • $1500 for Non-members

Register for 6-day Spring Leadership Intensive

Navigating Change for Leaders Training: 2-day | Zoom event

If you are leading any change elements in your organization, and need to implement major changes – this is the course for you.  Organizational change is not easy.  Oftentimes it has challenges and is incumbent on strategic, thoughtful leadership. How you navigate change and support others to move through it is critical.  Arrive with a change issue in hand, apply leading change management principles, approaches and frameworks and leave with an action plan that will energize and best support your teams and stakeholders so together your vision for change can be achieved.  

Learning Objectives:

Module 1 (7 hours):

Understand organizational change through the change curve and Bridges Transition Model; analyze the change in more detail to better inform your problem solving and response(s), develop the script and skills to participate in a change conversation based on principles of effective communication; explore the essential skills of a change leader, assess your own strengths and weaknesses and commit to an action(s) or strategy/ies to improve your capacity to lead through change.

Module 2 (7 hours):

Examine how to most effectively navigate uncertainty and ambivalence; embed resilience within your team(s) and your own leadership style; explore the context of the change to leverage strengths and opportunities and mitigate limitations, and threats; begin to map out an action plan that helps you and your stakeholders to intentionally and strategically navigate change; reflect on the posture you want to embody as a change leader

For whom: For those supporting employees through change or overseeing organizational change and looking to build a proactive response and plan through the transition.  

Prerequisite: Due to the applied nature of this course you will be required to commit to approximately 1 hour of self reflection in advance of the first module and approximately 2 hours of self-reflection in advance of the second module.


  • 9am – 4pm ET on May 30 and June 9, 2023 (2 days)

Course fee: 

  • $539 for CCEDNet members 
  • $679 for Non-members

Limited Capacity: Please note that the course will be capped at 20 learners to ensure each participant has a high quality, engaging and impactful experience.

Register for 2-day Navigating Change for Leaders Training

Important Note on Program Accessibility

Increasing ease of access for people of every identity and ability is our priority. Closed captioning will be available. But, if there is a barrier preventing you from fully joining us for these sessions, we want to help! Additional accessibility accommodations may be made available by contacting Adriana Zylinski.

Your Facilitator: Suzanne Gibson

Suzanne Gibson

Our Leadership programs, facilitated by Suzanne Gibson, will offer anyone who leads a team the chance to take a well-supported deep dive into leadership practices, skills, and tools.

Suzanne Gibson “awakens the potential” of your organization to achieve its mandate and vision. Over the past 25 years, Suzanne has:

  • inspired new and established organizations to “dream big,” unite around an idea and turn those dreams into reality
  • uncovered creative solutions to complex social and organization problems
  • mobilized diverse groups into strong teams
  • facilitated and supported leaders, staff and volunteers to achieve their personal and collective potential
  • applied her entrepreneurial flair to start up innovative new ventures
  • equipped organizations to secure much-needed knowledge, skills and resources.

Suzanne will help you draw out the very best from your staff and stakeholders as you help create a better world.

Not a CCEDNet member? Join CCEDNet or contact Adriana at .


On March 22, Winnipeg City Council approved its 2023 budget update. The budget had some important investments, with a few amendments included at the last minute, to support inclusive, sustainable, and equitable communities in Winnipeg.

From the Winnipeg Free Press – amendments to the 2023 Winnipeg Budget

The We Want to Work coalition was successful in its advocacy to see important resources for the Sustainable Procurement Action Plan included in Budget 2023. This is great news that should be celebrated! Read more below.

However, the City budget continues to largely prioritize policing and pavement. Many CCEDNet members and communities were calling instead for greater investments into the root causes of poverty such as lack of affordable and safe housing, community services like libraries, transit, and recreation, investments that build up our climate resilience such as transit and active transportation, and community-led safety alternatives such as the Community Safety Host program at Millennium Library, more 24-Hour Safe Spaces, and harm reduction initiatives. 

While the City has a number of important strategies and policies that have been developed in response to and alongside community calls, such as OurWinnipeg 2045, the Winnipeg Indigenous Accord, Poverty Reduction Strategy, Climate Action Plan, Newcomer Welcome & Inclusion Policy, and others, the budget did not adequately invest the dollars needs to resource and implement all of the important municipal measures in these strategies. 

Thanks in part to the advocacy of anti-poverty, community, and climate activists, the budget maintained an investment in three staff dedicated to housing, introduced a senior planner and green building specialist to advance the Winnipeg Climate Action Plan, and provided increased dollars for Amoowigamig (public washroom run by Ma Mawi Wi Chi Itata Centre), but more is needed.

Many CCEDNet Manitoba member organizations and coalitions supported by members have been organizing towards a vision of a City budget that prioritizes sustainable, equitable, and inclusive communities directing their own future, and this budget could have done much, much more to get closer to this vision.

In Fall 2023, Winnipeg will be debating a new, four-year budget for 2024-2028. This will be an important moment to continue community advocacy for this collective vision. If you are not already, get involved in Winnipeg advocacy coalitions and groups focused on these issues.

Contact to learn more and get involved in community coalitions.

Sustainable Procurement Action Plan – celebrating a community win!

The We Want to Work coalition, including CCEDNet member social enterprises and community organizations in Winnipeg, are celebrating (and breathing a sigh of relief) as resources for the Sustainable Procurement Action Plan were included in this budget. 

Months after the We Want to Work coalition celebrated the approval of the Sustainable Procurement Action Plan (SPAP) in July 2022, the City of Winnipeg has included two crucial items in its latest budget. These are a Sustainable Procurement Liaison as a permanent position within the City of Winnipeg, and resources for external expertise and roundtable support for Buy Social Canada to continue facilitation and development in phase 2 of the SPAP.

The inclusion of a Sustainable Procurement Liaison as a permanent position is a significant step towards integrating social, economic, and environmental value into the city’s purchasing needs. The liaison will serve as a dedicated staff person to support the SPAP and ensure its successful implementation.

In addition, the funding to engage Buy Social Canada for phase 2 will enable them to continue providing expert advice and examples from other jurisdictions to strengthen the plan; while gaining insights and support from a local roundtable. This support is essential to the success of the SPAP and will help to refine policy over the next few years.

The We Want to Work coalition of social enterprises, with backbone support from CCEDNet-Manitoba, has worked tirelessly for nearly 10 years to advocate for the SPAP. 

With the inclusion of these important items in the budget, the City of Winnipeg is investing in the type of policies, strategies, and initiatives that get closer to a vision of sustainable and inclusive communities directing their own futures.

This is significant city policy that has the potential to create positive impacts for the community, the economy, and the environment.

This amendment would not have been included without important collaboration between community members and the City of Winnipeg. 

We appreciate the members of City Council and the Mayor who supported this, as well as members of the Public Service, for their ongoing support as we work together to build more equitable and sustainable communities.

Further, community organizations, industry associations, and labour organizations all collaborated together to advocate for the inclusion of these resources, and many delegates spoke to the City Council about how critical it was to include them. This important contribution to the future of our city should be acknowledged – thank you!

Delegates to City Council meetings discuss the Sustainable Procurement Action Plan, the need to resource it, and need for other key community investments in Budget 2023. Thanks to all delegates, including many others not pictured from CCEDNet member organizations and community activists!
Top left: Daniel Waycik (PCS) alongside PCS staff and Community Safety Hosts; Bottom left: Lisa Forbes (SEED Winnipeg); Right: Charles Enns (Siloam Mission), Amanda Wolfe (Compost Winnipeg), and Michael Barkman (CCEDNet Manitoba)