Honourable Heather Klimchuk, Alberta
Honourable Ida Chong, British Columbia
Honourable Ron Lemieux, Manitoba
Honourable Bruce Fitch, New Brunswick
Honourable Kevin O’Brien, Newfoundland and Labrador
Honourable Robert McLeod, Northwest Territories
Honourable Percy Paris, Nova Scotia
Honourable Peter Taptuna, Nunavut
Honourable Kathleen Wynne, Ontario
Honourable Wesley Sheridan, Prince Edward Island
Honourable Darryl Hickie, Saskatchewan
Honourable Currie Dixon, Yukon Territory
The 2012 Alternative Federal Budget (AFB): A Budget for the Rest of Us, was launched today by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives.
What makes the AFB different? It recognizes and proposes preliminary solutions to climate change and rampant inequality. The AFB addresses the underlying structural weaknesses in our economy and recommends building blocks that will repair and ensure the long-term prosperity of our economy. Lastly, the AFB proposes innovative public investment initiatives that will help us avoid “a lost decade of high unemployment, depressed incomes, and chronic insecurity. Many of these proposals include CED principles, and CCEDNet is a proud contributor to the AFB report.
This document demonstrates how sound fiscal and policy choices can create jobs, reduce poverty, turn Canada into an environmental leader and strengthen Canadian communities.
[Download the AFB]
More information:
Visit www.policyalternatives.ca/afb2012
For pdf copies of each chapter, contact Kirsten Bernas at
The Spark service of the Canadian CED Network presents Spring 2012 Strengthening Non-Profits Workshops:
Click for descriptions and facilitator bios
1. Cultivating a Healthy Work/Life Balance
2. Planning for Financial Sustainability
3. Fun Ways of Gathering Community Feedback
4. H.R. Basics: You got funding to hire someone – Now what?
5. Connecting with Social Media
Cost per workshop:
CCEDNet members: half-day $25
Non-Members: half-day $75 | Join CCEDNet
Questions? Please contact Sarah Leeson-Klym at 943-0547,
[ Register for Workshops ]
Workshop Descriptions
Cultivating a Healthy Work/Life Balance
March 14 | 1 – 4pm | United Way Learning Centre, 580 Main St
Working towards sustainable and just communities takes an incredible commitment and also often major challenges like funding shortages, large workloads and a practice that involves people who are facing the effects of poverty and social exclusion. Avoiding ‘burn-out’ and sustaining a healthy work-life balance is essential and takes both a balanced approach to practice and some helpful tools. This session will explore ‘ways of being and doing’ that infuse practice with life, making it not only sustainable for the practitioner, but a source of joy, and on-going learning. Then we’ll discuss the nuts and bolts of making the most of your time by getting a grip on your workspace and organizing your workflow.
Co-facilitator: Jan DeFehr, PhD
Jan’s clinical social work practice spans twenty years and takes place within a diversity of community contexts, including youth corrections, hospital, and community health counselling programs. Jan’s doctoral scholarship – undertaken together with 13 Collaborative practitioners from six different countries – focuses on the theme of ‘reciprocity and mutual influence’ in everyday collaborative practice. Currently employed as a counsellor at the University of Winnipeg, Jan writes for publication, promotes and practices indigenous social inquiry, and facilitates learning forums locally and internationally.
Co-facilitator: Lisa Lewis
As the owner of Beyond Excellence, Lisa has put her extensive business and management experience to work for her clients for more than fourteen years. Lisa helps her clients achieve their goals by implementing proven technologies and solid management programs. With these skills and her outstanding abilities as a presenter she has motivated and delivered value to small, medium and large businesses and is in demand as a consultant on a variety of projects.
[ Register ]
Planning for Financial Sustainability
March 28 | 1 – 4pm | United Way Learning Centre, 580 Main St
Achieving your mission in the community depends on your ability to find the resources to carry out the activities that meet your goals over the long term, and yet securing the needed resources can be a great challenge. This workshop will provide practical tools that can help non-profits create long term sustainability plans, as well as develop strategies to get the required resources.
Facilitator: Brendan Reimer
Brendan Reimer is the Regional Coordinator for the Canadian CED Network, a member of the Social Enterprise Council of Canada, and is on the Board of Directors for the Assiniboine Credit Union. Brendan has previously presented this course as a 4-part series as well as in the the Faculty of Business and Administration at the University of Winnipeg.
[ Register ]
Fun Ways of Gathering Community Feedback
April 12 | 1 – 4pm | United Way Learning Centre, 580 Main St
Engaging people for their perspectives helps enrich work towards inclusive, sustainable and equitable communities. The question is how to make this process fun and meaningful. Whether you’re looking for feedback for planning, evaluation or community engagement, bring your real-life examples, and learn about different approaches for getting the feedback you need.
Becky Raddatz: City of Winnipeg
Justin Lee: City of Winnipeg
Justin Lee is an urban planner who currently works for the City of Winnipeg’s Water and Waste Department. While at the City, he has worked on policy and public participation for the Garbage and Recycling Master Plan, the OurWinnipeg Initiative, and SpeakUpWinnipeg. Born in Winnipeg, Justin has a Master of City Planning from the University of Manitoba and a Bachelor of Fine Arts Honours from Queen’s University. He is a classically trained printmaker, an avid Lindy Hopper, a cyclist and a bread baker.
Judith Harris PhD: professor at the University of Winnipeg
Judith Harris is an Associate Professor in Urban and Inner City Studies at the University of Winnipeg, located on Selkirk Avenue. Judith has a PhD in Planning from the University of Waterloo and an MSc in Resource Economics from the University of Guelph. Her teaching focuses on community development, neighbourhood planning and research methods. Her work at the local level includes Community-University collaborations that have lead to the establishment of the Spence Neighbourhood Skills Bank and FrontStep Research Workers’ Co-op (Winnipeg’s first Multi-Stakeholder Co-operative) as well as on-going research on the experience of immigrant professionals, community gardening, barriers to post-secondary education for Aboriginal adults, and the economic anthropology of the inner city.
[ Register ]
H.R. Basics: You got funding to hire someone – now what?
April 24 | 1 – 4pm | United Way Learning Centre, 580 Main St
In all organizations it is important to attract, retain and develop your workforce. In this interactive workshop participants will explore some basic human resource systems such as creating a job description, identifying skills and competencies of the new position, advertising techniques as well as the hiring process including screening resumes, designing interview questions, conducting the interview, evaluation of candidate and making the offer of employment.
Facilitator: Tanya Cole, CHRP
Tanya is an experienced human resource executive with specialized knowledge in labour relations, collective bargaining, strategic human resource planning, and compensation and benefits. Currently she is the Assistant Director, Labour Relations Division, Treasury Board Secretariat for the Province of Manitoba. She has also been an instructor for the University of Winnipeg, the Human Resource Management Association of Manitoba, Red River College, the Government of Manitoba and private industry for several years.
[ Register ]
Connecting with Social Media
May 10 | 1 – 4pm | United Way Learning Centre, 580 Main St
Social media can be a great marketing and information tool, but it isn’t as simple as keeping a Facebook profile. While it’s often used in the business world, is it as effective for non-profits and social enterprise? Learn how and when to use social media for your organization, and explore whether the new media world is right for your work.
Facilitator: David Pensato
Specializing in “interactive brand and strategy,” David develops innovative approaches for integrating online with offline marketing. His involvement with a broad range of projects in recent years has included the City of Winnipeg’s ground-breaking initiative SpeakUpWinnipeg and the OurWinnipeg Plan, the rebranding of Resource Conservation Manitoba as Green Action Centre, branding and marketing/communications strategy for Peg City Car Co-op and also serving as a member of the steering committee for TEDxManitoba 2012.
[ Register ]
The Spring 2012 Strengthening Non-Profits Workshops are hosted by the Spark service of the Canadian CED Network with support from the United Way of Winnipeg
On February 27, CCEDNet sent the following letter to Federal Finance Minister Jim Flaherty calling for the federal government to renew the co-operative development initiative (CDI) in 2012, the international year of co-operatives.
By facilitating the start-up and expansion of new co-operatives through project funding and advisory services, the CDI program makes an important contribution to Canada’s economic growth. Funding for this program amounts to approximately $4 million per year, a relatively small expenditure given the impact it has had on co-operative development.
The federal government can help create jobs, set up new locally-owned businesses, and revitalize our economy by announcing the renewal of the CDI as a legacy of the International Year of Co-operatives. While viewing this as a priority, the Canadian Community Economic Development Network also supports implementation of the Canadian Co-operative Association’s proposed Co-operative Investment Plan and co- operative development loan fund.
L’assemblée générale annuelle (A.G.A.) du Réseau canadien de DÉC aura lieu le 6 juin, 2012 en lien avec la conférence de DÉC de l’Ontario au Learning Enrichment Foundation à Toronto.
Les mises en nomination sont ouvertes pour trois postes au Conseil d’administration du RCDÉC. Toute membre du RCDÉC désirant investir ses énergies et visions dans le mouvement de DÉC du Canada est vivement encouragée à soumettre une candidature. Les mises en nomination doivent être soumises au plus tard le 6 avril 2012.
Cette année, nous acceptons donc les nominations pour trois postes d’administratrices et administrateurs, qui seront élus par l’ensemble des membres pour un mandat de trois ans.
Pour plus d’informations : Mises en nomination 2012
Toutes les résolutions doivent être transmises à Stéphanie Cloutier par courriel au plus tard le 6 avril à 17 h (heure de l’Est). Les résolutions tardives seront conservées pour l’A.G.A. de l’année suivante.
Toutes les personnes ayant parrainé des résolutions seront contactées au plus tard le 27 avril. Ces personnes seront alors avisées que leur résolution sera présentée au cours de l’A.G.A., ou que leur résolution a été rejetée, car elle ne respectait pas les exigences requises.
Pour plus d’informations : Appel de résolutions 2012
The Canadian CED Network’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) is being held on June 6th, 2012 in conjunction with the Ontario regional CED conference at the Learning Enrichment Foundation in Toronto.
Nominations are currently being sought for three positions on CCEDNet’s Board of Directors. CCEDNet members with energy and a vision for the CED movement in Canada are encouraged to submit their candidacy. The deadline to receive nominations is April 6, 2012.
This year we are seeking nominations for three at-large directors who will be elected to a three-year term by the members.
For more information: 2012 Call for Nominations
All resolutions must be submitted to Stéphanie Cloutier at no later than April 6, at 5:00 p.m. (EST). Late resolutions will be held over to the AGM in the following year.
All sponsors of resolutions will be contacted no later than April 27. At that time, sponsors will be notified that their resolution will be presented at the AGM or that the resolution has been rejected because it does not fulfill the requirements.
For more information: 2012 Call for Resolutions
Click here to download the full report
In the summer of 2011, 118 social enterprises across Manitoba were surveyed in an effort to develop clear indicators of the sector’s size, market activities, and socio-economic impacts. Although the results are prelimary, this report builds a strong case for all stakeholders to value the distinct contributions of social enterprises and to work together in creating a supportive environment in which the sector can grow.
This report builds on research that was conducted on the social enterprise sectors in British Columbia and Alberta. Similar projects are also underway in Ontario and Eastern Canada in an effort to measure and quanitfy the impacts of social enterprises across Canada.
Key findings that are presented in this report include:
- The missions or mandates that responding social enterprises in Manitoba pursue
- Market activites that these social enterprises are involved in to achieve their goals
- The geographic location, organizational structure, and age of social enterprises
- The number of Manitobans trained and/or employed by social enterprises and their average earnings
- Number of people in Manitoba who benefit from the services of responding social enterprises
- Financial indicators such as sources of revenue, expenses, and overall profitability
Click here to download a summary of key findings
If you would like to learn more about this research or the social enterprise sector in Manitoba, contact Brendan Reimer at or at 927-3203.
This project is a collaboration between the Canadian CED Network, Mount Royal University Simon Fraser University
This project was made possible by the support of…
With special thanks to all of the people who volunteered their time to complete our survey
In this issue:
CCEDNet News
- Holiday Wishes
- Strategic Planning – Your Input is Important!
- It’s Membership Renewal Time
- Share the New Policy Priorities for CED in Canada
- Award Winning Members
- Beyond Communications
- Final CSEHub Webinars and E-books
- Fair Trade and CED: What’s the Link?
- Read for a Change of Scenery?
- Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube
CED News and Events
- The International Forum on the Social and Solidarity Economy
- Fourth Canadian Conference on Social Enterprise
- 2011 Manitoba CD/CED Gathering Another Success
- Awards for Youth Homelessness and Financial Literacy Efforts
- Become a Member
CCEDNet News
1. Holiday Wishes
The Board and staff of the Canadian CED Network extend our best wishes to you, your family and colleagues throughout the holiday season. We look forward to continuing to work together for sustainable and inclusive communities in 2012.
2. Strategic Planning – Your Input is Important!
With our current strategic plan coming to a close, CCEDNet’s Board has undertaken a new strategic planning process for 2012-2014. Over the coming months, we will be asking for members’ feedback on key issues with short on-line surveys. We promise to make these surveys quick and easy. Your input is vital to guiding CCEDNet’s future. Watch your email in-box for more information!
3. It’s Membership Renewal Time
Year end is also time for CCEDNet membership renewal. Current members will receive their renewal notices in the mail in the coming weeks. A strong and diverse membership is CCEDNet’s greatest strength, so please take a moment to renew your membership when you receive your notice.
If you are not a member and would like to join, contact us at
4. Share the New Policy Priorities for CED in Canada
Last month, CCEDNet members received a copy of new policy priorities, which were also mailed to all 308 MPs. CCEDNet’s Policy Council is encouraging members to share this document within their own organization, and to use it in communications with officials at all three levels of government. Let us know what you think of this new presentation, and who you share it with by emailing Kirsten at
5. Award Winning Members!
Anyone familiar with CCEDNet knows how innovative and dynamic our members are. A number of members have recently won awards for their fine work.
BUILD in Winnipeg won the $50,000 Scotiabank EcoLiving 2011 Business Leadership Award for a business providing eco-friendly products or services to the residential sector.
Nancy Hartling, from Support to Single Parents in Moncton, NB won the Governor General’s Persons Award for her outstanding contributions to advance equality for women in Canada.
Caroline Arcand of Groupe Convex in Eastern Ontario won one of the Trico Charitable Foundation’s 2011 Social Enterprize Awards. Potluck Café and Mission Possible from Vancouver were also winners. You can see a video of all the Social Enterprize winners on our YouTube Channel
Do you have an award or honour to celebrate? Let us know!
6. Beyond Communications
“Overcoming poverty is not a task of charity, it is an act of justice.” – Nelson Mandela
Filled with meaningful art and quotes from Martin Luther King Jr., Mahatma Ghandi and the Dalai Lama, Calgary CCEDNet member Momentum’s latest annual report ‘Beyond’ is a powerful example of how we can effectively communicate the impacts and value of a CED approach in communities. Have a look.
We love learning about what you do! Please send us copies of your annual reports and other communications materials via snail mail or email.
7. Final CSEHub Webinars and E-books
The final webinar sessions were held by the Canadian Social Economy Hub at the end of November. The sessions on Community-University Partnerships, Public Policy, and a Thematic Analysis of social economy research can be viewed on the website of the Canadian Social Economy Hub. Three e-books on these topics will be published in the coming weeks – watch for more information on the website and in future newsletters.
8. Fair Trade and CED: What’s the Link?
CCEDNet’s International Committee is offering a series of webinars on themes that connect CED initiatives in Southern countries with Canada. Resources and recordings of past sessions on Fair Trade and CED, community forestry, microcredit, the co-construction of public policy and FIESS 2011, and food security and sovereignty are available on the International Committee pages of our website.
The next session will be on women’s economic empowerment on January 24, 2012, with subsequent sessions on cooperative development and sustainable tourism. Watch future bulletins for more information.
9. Dreaming of More Sun?
CCEDNet’s International webinars are supported by Uniterra, one of Canada’s largest volunteer placement programs. With placements from two weeks to two years, there are always opportunities to explore new cultures, share your expertise and support local organizations that are working actively to improve living conditions around the world. Current postings include a project co-ordinator for Mali’s Social Economy Network and a semi-industrial production Advisor in Burkina Faso.
Review the latest available positions.
10. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube
Have a video you want to share? We post and ‘favourite’ videos on our YouTube Channel, such as this one presenting the work of CCEDNet member Groupe Convex, winner of the Trico Charitable Foundation’s 2011 Social Enterprize Awards. Click here to view it.
We also post frequent news updates and announcements to our Facebook fan page and on Twitter. Check us out!
CED News and Events
11. The International Forum on the Social and Solidarity Economy
More than 1,600 participants from 62 countries took part in the International Forum on the Social and Solidarity Economy in Montréal last October.
The Forum produced a wealth of documents, presentations, videos and photos that are available on the website.
12. Fourth Canadian Conference on Social Enterprise
Congratulations to the Social Enterprise Council of Canada and the Atlantic Council for Community and Social Enterprise for the successful fourth Canadian Conference on Social Enterprise that was held in Halifax, November 20-22. The program included a wonderful keynote from Rankin MacSween, a strong endorsement for social enterprises from the Premier of Nova Scotia, a Social Enterprise Angels competition and intensive day-long and half-day training and policy sessions.
To see the full program and for more information, click here.
13. 2011 Manitoba CD/CED Gathering Another Success
More than 500 participants attended the 9th annual Manitoba CD/CED Gathering on October 21 in Winnipeg. This year, in addition to the wide range of workshops, helpful hints for building capacity and engaging your community, networking and connecting with people from a variety of sectors, participants enjoyed the Manitoba premier of the Economics of Happiness and a keynote address by Silver Donald Cameron.
Thanks to everyone who contributed and participated!
14. Awards for Youth Homelessness and Financial Literacy Efforts
Eva’s Initiatives is offering four awards of $25,000 to organizations that are integrating supports to prevent and break the cycle of youth homelessness. The deadline for applications is January 20.
SEDI’s TD Financial Literacy Grant Fund recently announced the winners of its third round of funding for financial literacy projects. It is now accepting applications for its fourth round of grants — the deadline is February 2, 2012
15. Become a Member
Thank you to our members, funders, and sustaining members such as Patricia Boyle, Sharon Taylor and Coast Capital Savings Credit Union who make our work possible.
Thousands of co-op and credit union members across Canada will be holding events on Thursday, January 12 to officially launch the United Nations International Year of Co-operatives. A national launch event will take place at Ottawa’s National Arts Centre from 11:30 to 1:30 EST, together with 13 regional launch events. The Ottawa event will feature a live webcast starting at 12:30 EST. The webcast can be viewed here.
Participants across the country are also being encouraged to report on their events on Twitter using the hashtag #coop12jan.
The launch events will take place in the following locations (the listed start times are the local times in each region):
- Ottawa (national launch): 11:30 a.m., Fountain Room, National Arts Centre, 53 Elgin Street
- Yellowknife, NT: 9:30 a.m., Northern Images Gallery, 4801 Franklin Avenue
- Iqaluit, NU: 11:30 a.m., Baffin Room, Frobisher Inn, Astro Hill Complex
- Vancouver, BC: 8 a.m., Visitor Centre, Van Dusen Botanical Gardens, 5251 Oak Street
- Calgary, AB: 10:15 a.m., Calgary Farmers Market, 510 77th Avenue SE
- Regina, SK: 11 a.m., The Bistro/Gard’Amis, 3850 Hillsdale Street
- Winnipeg, MB: 11 a.m., Manitoba Legislative Assembly, 450 Broadway
- Guelph, ON: 11:30 a.m., flag-raising ceremony at Guelph City Hall, 1 Carden Street; 12:30 p.m., reception at The Co-operators, 130 MacDonnell Street
- Lévis, QC: 11:30 a.m., Lévis City Hall, 2175 chemin du Fleuve Fredericton, NB: 12 noon, Crowne Plaza Lord Beaverbrook Hotel, 659 Queen Street
- Halifax, NS: 12:30 p.m., The Halifax Club, 1682 Hollis Street
- Cheticamp, NS: 1 p.m., La Coopérative Artisanale, 15067 Cabot Trail
- Charlottetown, PE: 4 p.m., Rodd Charlottetown Hotel, 75 Kent Street
- St. John’s, NL: 5 p.m., Newfoundland Independent Filmmakers Co-operative, 40 Kings Road
Click here to read the full press release
Visit canada2012.coop for more information
CCEDNet Manitoba hosted its annual Policy Summit in November to determine our policy directions and priorities for the coming year. Over 40 CCEDNet Manitoba members attended the Summit to discuss, debate and vote on our collective policy agenda for 2012. CCEDNet members approved ten Policy Resolutions on areas including co-operative housing, support for social enterprise and reducing utility bills for low income Manitobans.
CCEDNet will partner with its members in the coming year to advance the Resolutions that were identified through the Summit process. CCEDNet also remains committed to working towards achieving our 2011 Policy Resolutions that are at varying stages of progress.
Click here to view CCEDNet’s 2012 Policy Resolutions
At the conclusion of the International Forum on the Social and Solidarity Economy, Québec’s Minister of Municipal Affairs, Regions and Land Occupancy suggested that an interprovincial meeting on the social economy be held to continue to advance and support work that provinces are doing across Canada.
In support of that suggestion, the coalition of groups that organized the National Summit on a People-Centred Economy sent a letter to Minister Lessard encouraging him to move forward on that idea, and offering our support.
Read the letter (in French only).
Spark, a service of CCEDNet, was recently profiled in two widely-circulated news sources in Winnipeg.
On Manitoba, the alumni magazine of the University of Manitoba, and the Winnipeg Free Press both featured articles on Spark’s work in connecting non-profit organizations in Winnipeg with volunteers who have specialized skills.
The On Manitoba article includes a profile on Spark’s program coordinator Geoff Ripat, who is a graduate of the U of M. In the Winnipeg Free Press, Matt Prepost highlights a match that Spark made between a new social enterprise cafe and an interior designer.
Follow the links below to read these great profiles:
Sometimes a bright idea needs a Spark – Winnipeg Free Press (download as a pdf here)
Sparking Opportunities – On Manitoba